543 resultados para Strychnos alkaloids


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The G protein-coupled μ-opioid receptor (μOR) mediates the physiological effects of endogenous opioid peptides as well as the structurally distinct opioid alkaloids morphine and etorphine. An intriguing feature of μOR signaling is the differential receptor trafficking and desensitization properties following activation by distinct agonists, which have been proposed as possible mechanisms related to opioid tolerance. Here we report that the ability of distinct opioid agonists to differentially regulate μOR internalization and desensitization is related to their ability to promote G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-dependent phosphorylation of the μOR. Although both etorphine and morphine effectively activate the μOR, only etorphine elicits robust μOR phosphorylation followed by plasma membrane translocation of β-arrestin and dynamin-dependent receptor internalization. In contrast, corresponding to its inability to cause μOR internalization, morphine is unable to either elicit μOR phosphorylation or stimulate β-arrestin translocation. However, upon the overexpression of GRK2, morphine gains the capacity to induce μOR phosphorylation, accompanied by the rescue of β-arrestin translocation and receptor sequestration. Moreover, overexpression of GRK2 also leads to an attenuation of morphine-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. These findings point to the existence of marked differences in the ability of different opioid agonists to promote μOR phosphorylation by GRK. These differences may provide the molecular basis underlying the different analgesic properties of opioid agonists and contribute to the distinct ability of various opioids to induce drug tolerance.


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Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are preformed plant defense compounds with sporadic phylogenetic distribution. They are thought to have evolved in response to the selective pressure of herbivory. The first pathway-specific intermediate of these alkaloids is the rare polyamine homospermidine, which is synthesized by homospermidine synthase (HSS). The HSS gene from Senecio vernalis was cloned and shown to be derived from the deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS) gene, which is highly conserved among all eukaryotes and archaebacteria. DHS catalyzes the first step in the activation of translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), which is essential for eukaryotic cell proliferation and which acts as a cofactor of the HIV-1 Rev regulatory protein. Sequence comparison provides direct evidence for the evolutionary recruitment of an essential gene of primary metabolism (DHS) for the origin of the committing step (HSS) in the biosynthesis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids.


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The Daphniphyllum alkaloids are a group of highly complex polycyclic alkaloids. Examination of the structures if several members of this family of natural products led to a hypothesis about their mode of biosynthesis (depicted in Scheme SI). Based on this hypothetical biosynthetic pathway, a laboratory synthesis was designed that incorporated as a key transformation the novel one-pot transformation of dialdehyde 24 to pentacyclic unsaturated amine 25. This process turned out to be an exceptionally efficient way to construct the pentacyclic nucleus of the Daphniphyllum alkaloids. However, a purely fortuitous discovery, resulting from accidental use of methylamine rather than ammonia, led to a great improvement in the synthesis and suggests an even more attractive possible biosynthesis.


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Multidrug resistance pumps (MDRs) protect microbial cells from both synthetic and natural antimicrobials. Amphipathic cations are preferred substrates of MDRs. Berberine alkaloids, which are cationic antimicrobials produced by a variety of plants, are readily extruded by MDRs. Several Berberis medicinal plants producing berberine were found also to synthesize an inhibitor of the NorA MDR pump of a human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. The inhibitor was identified as 5′-methoxyhydnocarpin (5′-MHC), previously reported as a minor component of chaulmoogra oil, a traditional therapy for leprosy. 5′-MHC is an amphipathic weak acid and is distinctly different from the cationic substrates of NorA. 5′-MHC had no antimicrobial activity alone but strongly potentiated the action of berberine and other NorA substrates against S. aureus. MDR-dependent efflux of ethidium bromide and berberine from S. aureus cells was completely inhibited by 5′-MHC. The level of accumulation of berberine in the cells was increased strongly in the presence of 5′-MHC, indicating that this plant compound effectively disabled the bacterial resistance mechanism against the berberine antimicrobial.


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The larva of the green lacewing (Ceraeochrysa cubana) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) is a natural predator of eggs of Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), a moth that sequesters pyrrolizidine alkaloids from its larval foodplant (Fabaceae, Crotalaria spp.). Utetheisa eggs are ordinarily endowed with the alkaloid. Alkaloid-free Utetheisa eggs, produced experimentally, are pierced by the larva with its sharp tubular jaws and sucked out. Alkaloid-laden eggs, in contrast, are rejected. When attacking an Utetheisa egg cluster (numbering on average 20 eggs), the larva subjects it to an inspection process. It prods and/or pierces a small number of eggs (on average two to three) and, if these contain alkaloid, it passes “negative judgement” on the remainder of the cluster and turns away. Such generalization on the part of the larva makes sense, because the eggs within clusters differ little in alkaloid content. There is, however, considerable between-cluster variation in egg alkaloid content, so clusters in nature can be expected to range widely in palatability. To check each cluster for acceptability must therefore be adaptive for the larva, just as it must be adaptive for Utetheisa to lay its eggs in large clusters and to apportion alkaloid evenly among eggs of a cluster.


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Cultured cells of Eschscholtzia californica (Californian poppy) respond to a yeast elicitor preparation or Penicillium cyclopium spores with the production of benzophenanthridine alkaloids, which are potent phytoalexins. Confocal pH mapping with the probe carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1-acetoxymethylester revealed characteristic shifts of the pH distribution in challenged cells: within a few minutes after elicitor contact a transient acidification of cytoplasmic and nuclear areas occurred in parallel with an increase of the vacuolar pH. The change of proton concentration in the vacuole and in the extravacuolar area showed a nearly constant relation, indicating an efflux of vacuolar protons into the cytosol. A 10-min treatment with 2 mm butyric or pivalic acid caused a transient acidification of the cytoplasm comparable to that observed after elicitor contact and also induced alkaloid biosynthesis. Experimental depletion of the vacuolar proton pool reversibly prevented both the elicitor-triggered pH shifts and the induction of alkaloid biosynthesis. pH shifts and induction of alkaloid biosynthesis showed a similar dependence on the elicitor concentration. Net efflux of K+, alkalinization of the outer medium, and browning of the cells were evoked only at higher elicitor concentrations. We suggest that transient acidification of the cytoplasm via efflux of vacuolar protons is both a necessary and sufficient step in the signal path toward biosynthesis of benzophenanthridine alkaloids in Californian poppy cells.


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Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) contains a large family of tyrosine/dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase (tydc) genes involved in the biosynthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and cell wall-bound hydroxycinnamic acid amides. Eight members from two distinct gene subfamilies have been isolated, tydc1, tydc4, tydc6, tydc8, and tydc9 in one group and tydc2, tydc3, and tydc7 in the other. The tydc8 and tydc9 genes were located 3.2 kb apart on one genomic clone, suggesting that the family is clustered. Transcripts for most tydc genes were detected only in roots. Only tydc2 and tydc7 revealed expression in both roots and shoots, and TYDC3 mRNAs were the only specific transcripts detected in seedlings. TYDC1, TYDC8, and TYDC9 mRNAs, which occurred in roots, were not detected in elicitor-treated opium poppy cultures. Expression of tydc4, which contains a premature termination codon, was not detected under any conditions. Five tydc promoters were fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in a binary vector. All constructs produced transient GUS activity in microprojectile-bombarded opium poppy and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell cultures. The organ- and tissue-specific expression pattern of tydc promoter-GUS fusions in transgenic tobacco was generally parallel to that of corresponding tydc genes in opium poppy. GUS expression was most abundant in the internal phloem of shoot organs and in the stele of roots. Select tydc promoter-GUS fusions were also wound induced in transgenic tobacco, suggesting that the basic mechanisms of developmental and inducible tydc regulation are conserved across plant species.


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We have used a transgenic cell line of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don to study the relative importance of the supply of biosynthetic precursors for the synthesis of terpenoid indole alkaloids. Line S10 carries a recombinant, constitutively overexpressed version of the endogenous strictosidine synthase (Str) gene. Various concentrations and combinations of the substrate tryptamine and of loganin, the immediate precursor of secologanin, were added to suspension cultures of S10. Our results indicate that high rates of tryptamine synthesis can take place under conditions of low tryptophan decarboxylase activity, and that high rates of strictosidine synthesis are possible in the presence of a small tryptamine pool. It appears that the utilization of tryptamine for alkaloid biosynthesis enhances metabolic flux through the indole pathway. However, a deficiency in the supply of either the iridoid or the indole precursor can limit flux through the step catalyzed by strictosidine synthase. Precursor utilization for the synthesis of strictosidine depends on the availability of the cosubstrate; the relative abundance of these precursors is a cell-line-specific trait that reflects the metabolic status of the cultures.


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Opiate alkaloids are potent analgesics that exert multiple pharmacological effects in the nervous system by activating G protein-coupled receptors. Receptor internalization upon stimulation may be important for desensitization and resensitization, which affect cellular responsiveness to ligands. Here, we investigated the agonist-induced internalization of the mu opioid receptor (MOR) in vivo by using the guinea pig ileum as a model system and immunohistochemistry with an affinity-purified antibody to the C terminus of rat MOR. Antibody specificity was confirmed by the positive staining of human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with epitope-tagged MOR cDNA, by the lack of staining of cells transfected with the delta or kappa receptor cDNA, and by the abolition of staining when the MOR antibody was preadsorbed with the MOR peptide fragment. Abundant MOR immunoreactivity (MOR-IR) was localized to the cell body, dendrites, and axonal processes of myenteric neurons. Immunostaining was primarily confined to the plasma membrane of cell bodies and processes. Within 15 min of an intraperitoneal injection of the opiate agonist etorphine, intense MOR-IR was present in vesicle-like structures, which were identified as endosomes by confocal microscopy. At 30 min, MOR-IR was throughout the cytoplasm and in perinuclear vesicles. MOR-IR was still internalized at 120 min. Agonist-induced endocytosis was completely inhibited by the opiate antagonist naloxone. Interestingly, morphine, a high-affinity MOR agonist, did not cause detectable internalization, but it partially inhibited the etorphine-induced MOR endocytosis. These results demonstrate the occurrence of agonist-selective MOR endocytosis in neurons naturally expressing this receptor in vivo and suggest the existence of different mechanisms regulating cellular responsiveness to ligands.


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A espécie endêmica G. elliptica R. E. Fries não apresentava estudos fitoquímicos e biológicos detalhados na literatura. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a composição química e as propriedades biológicas dos óleos essenciais, extratos brutos, alcaloides totais, tortas, frações das tortas, amostras isoladas dessa espécie. O material vegetal foi coletado em Paranapiacaba (Santo André, SP, Brasil). O óleo essencial extraído das folhas por destilação à vapor apresentou um rendimento de 0,2%. A análise histológica das folhas encontrou óleo em células oleíferas localizadas no parênquima esponjoso. A composição do óleo (CG-EM) indicou espatulenol e óxido de cariofileno como compostos majoritários. Os alcaloides totais foram obtidos dos extratos brutos das folhas e dos galhos e analisados por CG-EM, identificando quatro aporfinas (nornuciferina, estefarina, corituberina e asimilobina) e duas protoberberinas (discretamina e caseadina). Os alcaloides totais foram fracionados em coluna cromatográfica ou por Extração em Fase Sólida e purificados por cromatografia em camada preparativa, originando duas amostras (Amostra 9 e 10). Na Amostra 9, foram identificados dois alcaloides aporfinicos nornuciferina e asimilobina (CG-EM e RMN-1H). Na Amostra 10, foram identificados (LC-EM/EM) cinco alcaloides aporfínicos (desidronantenina, glaunidina, liriodenina, N-óxido de oliverina e telikovina) e um alcaloide protoberberínico (caseadina). Caseadina, glaunidina, N-óxido de oliverina e telikovina não foram previamente identificados em Guatteria. Os resíduos dos extratos brutos livres de alcaloides foram fracionados pelo método de partição com solventes de polaridade crescente. Os extratos brutos e as frações acetato de etila e butanólicas de folhas e galhos apresentaram flavonoides (NP-PEG). Nos ensaios biológicos, a melhor atividade antioxidante (sequestro do radical DPPH) foi encontrada para a fração clorofórmica dos galhos (EC50=24,25±1,14 µg/mL) e a torta dos galhos (EC50=26,23±4,20 µg/mL). No ensaio antimicrobiano pelo método turbidimétrico a atividade mais importante foi obtida contra Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) para os alcaloides totais dos galhos (CIM/CBM=0,12±0,01/0,26 mg/mL) e das folhas (CIM/CBM=0,21±0,01/0,28 mg/mL), e fração hexânica das folhas (CIM/CBM=0,24±0,02/>1 mg/mL). Uma alta atividade antitumoral foi observada frente a células humanas de mama (MCF-7) para Amostra 10 (IC50=2,28±0,18 µg/mL), fração de acetato de etila das folhas (IC50=4,47±0,40 µg/mL), óleo essencial (IC50=7,01±0,23 µg/mL) e os alcaloides totais das folhas (IC50=9,32±0,36 µg/mL). Para as células de próstata (PC-3), foi encontrada atividade para a Amostra 10 (IC50=1,37±0,36 µg/mL) e o óleo essencial (IC50=5,32±0,35 µg/mL). A futura aplicação dos extratos e frações de G. elliptica como um agente antitumoral parece ser segura, pois mantiveram uma viabilidade celular maior do que 90% no ensaio de citotoxicidade com culturas de fibroblasto murino (BALB/c 3T3, ATCC CCL-163) nas concentrações onde a atividade antitumoral foi promissora (<30 µg/mL) contra MCF-7 e/ou PC-3.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the alkaloid patterns of Lapiedra martinezii and their relation to biogeography and phenology focused in a phylogenetic comparison. Plants from 14 populations of L. martinezii, covering almost its entire distribution area, were subjected to morphological, ecological, and phytochemical analysis. Experiments for different alkaloid-type content are proposed as a new tool for analysis of plant distribution. Several plants were transplanted for weekly observation of their phenological changes, and alkaloids from different plant organs were extracted, listed, and compared. The alkaloid pattern of L. martinezii comprises 49 compounds of homolycorine, lycorine, tazettine, haemantamine, and narciclasine types. The populations located in the north and south margins of the distribution area displayed alkaloid patterns different from those of the central area. Changes in these patterns during their phenological cycle may be related to a better defence for plant reproduction. L. martinezii is an old relict plant, and it has maintained some of the more primitive morphological features and alkaloid profiles of the Mediterranean Amaryllidaceae. The variations in alkaloid content observed could be interpreted in a phylogenetic sense, and those found in their phenological changes, in an adaptive one.


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In an attempt to reveal the relationships between alkaloid biosynthesis and phylogeny, we investigated by GC–MS the alkaloid patterns of 22 species and 3 hybrids (from 45 locations) from seven main sections of the genus Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae). The results indicate that the first alkaloids to evolve in the genus Narcissus were of the lycorine- and homolycorine-type. The alkaloid pattern of the Nevadensis section supports its recent separation from the Pseudonarcissus section. The plants of Narcissus pallidulus (Ganymedes section) show a predominance of Sceletium-type compounds, which are quite rare in the Amaryllidaceae family. Two successful evolutionary strategies involving alkaloid biosynthesis and leading to an expansion in taxa and occupied area were determined. Firstly, a diversification of alkaloid patterns and a high alkaloid concentration in the organs of the large Narcissus species (in the Pseudonarcissus section) resulted in an improved chemical defence in diverse habitats. Secondly, both plant size and alkaloid biosynthesis were reduced (in the Bulbocodium and Apodanthi sections) relegated to dry pastures and rocky places.