593 resultados para Stereotypes.
Estudo dos estereótipos que a revista regional Beach&Co fez do caiçara - povo nativo que mantém uma cultura relacionada ao mar e a mata nas cidades de Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião, Ubatuba e Ilhabela, no Litoral Norte Paulista. Aplicou-se uma metodologia de caráter híbrido que mesclou os Estudos Culturais com base nas obras de Douglas Kellner, Stuart Hall e Raymond Williams com a Análise de Discurso nas obras de Dominique Maingueneau, Eni Orlandi, Patrick Charaudeau e Audre Alberguine. Também foram resgatados os estudos da Cultura Caiçara feitos por Carlos Diegues, Gioconda Mussolini, Emilio Willems, e por fim redefiniu-se o gênero jornalístico Reportagem e contextualizou-se o Jornalismo Regional de Revista. Posteriormente, analisou-se a primeira década da revista Beach&Co, totalizando 120 edições publicadas de janeiro de 2002 a junho de 2012, no qual foram mostradas as diversas abordagens que a publicação fez do caiçara, bem como a evolução da própria revista nos aspectos editoriais, comercial e de design gráfico. Em seguida, selecionou-se 23 reportagens nas editorias de turismo, gastronomia, esportes e outras relacionadas à Cultura Caiçara, que tiveram seus discursos semânticos e os elementos valorativos de linguagens analisados. Nas conclusões, constatou-se que a cobertura jornalística da Beach&Co privilegia as áreas do turismo e do desenvolvimento do Litoral Norte e Baixada Santista; que a revista passou por readaptações e esquematismos dominantes na produção jornalística e encontrou mercado nas especificidades do Litoral Paulista; a Beach&Co se consolidou como uma revista regional profissional, de qualidade e criativa, distante do amadorismo, do bairrismo e da mimetização simplista; apesar de muitas vezes ter usado o caiçara para adjetivar os aspectos turísticos e gastronômicos do Litoral Norte, a revista trabalhou a produção simbólica do caiçara de forma ampla e retratou vários aspectos da Cultura Caiçara, reforçando o poder desta revista regional, como retroalimentando os sotaques do Litoral Paulista nas demais regiões do país onde a publicação também é lida.
No contexto da comunicação midiática e suas mediações socioculturais, a tese traz como proposta central uma análise das representações do jornalista no cinema e das apropriações dessas narrativas por aqueles que desejam seguir a profissão no futuro. Buscou-se mostrar que o cinema contribui no imaginário sobre a profissão, trazendo estereótipos sobre o fazer jornalístico. Além disso, ele influencia muitos a seguirem a carreira, também colaborando na forma como os estudantes acreditam que será sua profissão no futuro. O corpus da pesquisa é constituído por 50 filmes que apresentam jornalistas, sendo que três foram analisados em profundidade, por trazerem temas recorrentes e criarem traços de mitologia sobre a profissão: A montanha dos sete abutres, Todos os homens do presidente e Intrigas de Estado. Os parâmetros metodológicos incluem: o levantamento bibliográfico, a análise em profundidade, a exibição de obras, a realização de debates livres e a aplicação de questionários estruturados. A fundamentação teórica inclui autores como Edgar Morin, Stella Senra, Brian McNair, Roland Barthes, Cornelius Castoriadis, Raymond Williams e Jesús Martín-Barbero.Como objetivos específicos, buscou-se: 1) realizar um panorama dos Journalism movies e sua evolução, determinando tipos e temas recorrentes; 2) identificar a criação de possíveis mitologias sobre o Jornalismo por meio do cinema; 3) identificar sintonias e dissonâncias na forma como as imagens são apropriadas por estudantes de Jornalismo, contribuindo na criação de um imaginário próprio sobre a profissão.
O projeto propõe estabelecer um suporte teórico e metodológico para a utilização das HQs no ensino da História pelos professores de História que trabalham no ciclo 2 do ensino fundamental e no ensino médio. Através da análise do conteúdo das HQs, esta pesquisa fornecerá sugestões práticas de como as HQs tanto podem ser usadas como fonte documental para o estudo de determinada época quanto podem ser material de apoio para promover em sala de aula reflexões sobre a gênese dos anacronismos encontrados nas representações de culturas do passado. Pretende identificar avanços e também as principais dificuldades, obstáculos ou mesmo limites que ainda impedem um uso mais freqüente ou proveitoso desse recurso no ensino de História.
Esta pesquisa fundamenta-se em uma perspectiva psicossocial da Teoria das Representações Sociais, sistematizada por Serge Moscovici, Denise Jodelet e demais colaboradores, com o objetivo de analisar como revistas informativas semanais (Veja e CartaCapital) representam questões relacionadas ao professor. A temática, do ponto de vista teórico, justifica-se em face do papel fundamental da mídia na sociedade contemporânea como difusora e produtora de informações. Foram levantados produtos jornalísticos publicados, durante um ano, na maior e mais importante revista semanal de informação do País (Veja) e em CartaCapital sobre a temática professor e suas variantes. O único critério para seleção dos textos foi que versassem sobre o professor brasileiro, independentemente do grau de ensino, sendo incluídas reportagens, entrevistas e/ou artigos opinativos. Esta investigação abarca ainda como recurso teórico-metodológico, o conceito de representações midiáticas conforme elaborado por Sary Calonge. Foram analisados 79 produtos jornalísticos entre janeiro de 2012 e janeiro de 2013 que indicaram que o professor é praticamente um ser invisível nas pautas de reportagens e artigos desses veículos de comunicação. Professor para falar sobre educação, só se for da área econômica. Nas poucas vezes em que é mencionado ou até aparece com algum destaque, percebe-se o uso de estereótipos e clichês, o que aponta a existência de um discurso naturalizado na mídia que ora o aponta como vilão, ora o trata como vítima das circunstâncias que permeiam a situação atual da Educação no Brasil.
Around 2005, the Swedish History Museum (SHM) in Stockholm reworked their Vikings exhibition, aiming to question simplistic and erroneous understandings of past group identities. In the process, all references to the Sámi were removed from the exhibition texts. This decision has been criticised by experts on Sámi pasts. In this article, it is argued that we can talk about a Sámi ethnic identity from the Early Iron Age onwards. The removal of references to the Sámi in the exhibition texts is discussed accordingly, as well as the implicit misrepresentations, stereotypes and majority attitudes that are conveyed through spatial distribution, choice of illustrations, lighting, colour schemes and the exhibition texts. Finally, some socio-political reasons for the avoidance of Sámi issues in Sweden are suggested, including an enduring colonialist relation to this minority.
East Germans have long been criticised for harbouring a feeling of Ostalgie, a nostalgia for their old, Socialist state, but only recently has it become apparent that many west Germans obviously experience a similar sense of loss and longing for a seemingly simpler time before reunification. The texts that express these feelings tend to focus on the fall of the Wall as the pivotal point of change in German post-war history. Typically the characters in these books deny the significance and impact of this major political event and strive to reduce its importance, at best to a minor television moment. This attitude can be observed in the novels liegen lernen and Herr Lehmann and in their film adaptations. Despite having been accused of indulging a feeling of Westalgie, a closer analysis reveals that they are in fact deliberately provocative and challenge eastern and western stereotypes. In addition the films find ways to transport the books’ ironic narrative to the screen, and they also reinforce the authors’ implicitly critical attitude towards their characters’ political apathy by portraying the fall of the Wall in ways different to the books. The films react to the provocation voiced in the novels and function like an intertextual commentary as they integrate the opening of the border into a meaningful context for the protagonists and restore it to its historic importance.
Liberalization of the Indian economy has created considerable employment opportunities for those, including women, who possess marketable skills and talent. Historically, women in India have not enjoyed a good status in workplace settings whether in managerial or operative roles. This traditional positioning of women has restricted the intensity of their efforts towards realizing the benefits of the globalisation process. An attempt has been made in this contribution to highlight the important issues relating to women in management in the Indian context. The messages from a review of the literature are analysed. Research evidence from various sources is presented to highlight the dynamics of developments in the status of Indian women managers. The contribution discusses the main aspects of the historical, socio-cultural and economic factors influencing women managers: issues concerning gender-based stereotypes; the main barriers to women's movement to top managerial positions; the impact of developments in information technology (IT) on women managers; and the way forward. Results from two research projects are also presented. The analysis has important messages for practitioners and contributes to women's studies and management in the Indian context. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
The paper considers gender identities in higher education. It examines how people involved in university life engage in (re)creating gender identities and in (re)producing gender-related expectations (and stereotypes) of managerial behaviour. The process of construction of feminine identities is explored through the discourses of academics from a UK university (mainly women who hold managerial positions). The paper reports findings from a series of in-depth interviews with women managers (dean, associate deans and heads of departments) and with university academics (men and women) from a Business School, part of a large British new university. The school was of special interest because women held the majority of senior managerial posts. It appears that the process of construction of femininities is mainly developed around four (stereo-)typical aspects generally associated with feminine management practices (multi-tasking, supporting and nurturing, people and communication skills, and team-work).
This thesis is organised into four parts. In Part 1 relevant literature is reviewed and presented in three chapters. Chapter 1 examines legal and cultural factors in identifying the. boundaries of rape. Chapter 2 discusses idiographic features· and causal characteristics of rape suspects and victims. Chapter 3 reviews the evidence relating to attitudes toward rape,. attribution of responsibility to victims and the routine management of rape cases by the police. Part II comprises an experimental investigation of observer perception of the victims of violent crime. The experiment, examined the processes by which impressions were attributed to victims of personal crime. The results suggested that discrepancies from observers' stereotypes were an important factor in their polarisation of victim ratings. The relevance of. examining . both the structure and process of' impression, formation was highlighted. Part III describes an extensive field study in which the West. Midlands police files on rape for an eight year period (1071-1978) were analysed. The study revealed a large number of interesting findings related to a wide range of relevant features of the crime. Further, the impact .of common misconceptions and "myths" of rape were investigated across the legal and judicial processing of rape cases. The evidence suggests that these "myths" lead·to differential biasing effects at different stages in the process. In the final part of this thesis,. salient issues raised by the experiment and field study .are discussed·within the framework outlined in Part 1. Potential implications for future developments and research: are presented.
This study explores the fascination which English culture represented in turn-of-the-century Vienna. The writers that are going to be discussed are the renowned Anglophile Hugo von Hofmannsthal, the more ambivalent Hermann Bahr and the idealizing, but Janus-faced Peter Altenberg. With the more widely known poet, prose writer and playwright, Hofmannsthal, individual aspects of his engagement with English culture have already been well researched; the same, however, cannot be said in the case of Hermann Bahr, whose extensive literary oeuvre has now largely been forgotten, and who has, instead, come to be valued as a prominent figure in the culture life of modernist Vienna, and Peter Altenberg, whose literary fame rests mainly on his prose poems and who, a legend in his life-time, has in recent years also increasingly attracted research interest as a phenomenon and ‘embodiment’ of the culture of his time: while their engagement with French literature, for example, has long received its due share of attention, their debt to English culture has, until now, been neglected. This thesis, therefore, sets out to explore Hofmannsthal’s, Bahr’s and Altenberg’s perception and portrayal of English civilization – ranging from English character and stereotypes, to what they saw as the principles of British society; it goes on to investigate the impulses they derive from Pre-Raphaelite art (Rossetti, Burne-Jones, Whistler) and the art and crafts-movement centred around William Morris, as well as their inspiration by the art criticism of John Ruskin and Walter Horatio Pater. In English literature one of the focal points will be their reading and evaluation of aestheticism as it was reflected in the life and writings of the Dubliner Oscar Wilde, who was perceived, by these Austrian authors, as a predominant figure of London’s cultural life. Similarly, they regarded his compatriot George Bernard Shaw as a key player in turn-of-the-century English (and European) culture. Hermann Bhar largely identified with him. Hofmannsthal, on the other hand, while having some reservations, acknowledged his importance and achievements, whereas Peter Altenberg saw in Shaw a model to reassure him, as his writings were becoming more openly didactic and even more miniaturistic than they had already been. He turned to Shaw, too, to explain and justify his new goal of making his texts more intelligent to a wider circle of readers.
This study examines stereotypes of salespeople and their impact on consumer emotional responses and information processing in the UK. After a brief theoretical review, the authors present an experiments research design utilizing empirically-developed salesperson profiles in three scenarios. The results indicate that, while stereotype activation appears to result in significantly difference motional profiles in consumers than non-stereotypical encounters, this appears to have little impact on consumer cognition in the UK environment. Some possible reasons for these results are advanced. Finally, managerial and theoretical implications are discussed, and directions for future research proffered.
This article describes the process through which the subjectivity of the illegal immigrant is deconstructed and later reconstructed, as revealed by the Moroccan journalist and intellectual Rachid Nini in his book Diario de un ilegal/Diary of an Illegal Immigrant (2002), an account of the author's perils as an illegal immigrant in Spain. The analysis focuses firstly on the narrative form that Nini employs to give an account of his story, and secondly on the spatial displacement to which the subject and his subjectivity are exposed, which leads to the obliteration of his identity. The abrupt changes that the subject faces in a new location are paramount and impel him to a constant quest for self-definition and of negotiation with the new Other. Thus, the privileges that Nini enjoyed while in Morocco, those of a male journalist, poet, translator and intellectual with a university degree, disappear altogether once his plane has landed on the Canary Islands. In this new location, the place of origin and/or race are now what define his identity; he is now simply a moro - a Moor - he is not considered as an individual but, as will be shown, as a member of a homogenizing category which resists definition. The article finishes by addressing how Nini, in his quest to destroy homogenizing stereotypes, employs other stereotypes as though this were the only escape from the schizophrenic state the illegal immigrant identity had been forced into.
Much has been written about the marketing aspects of promotional material in general, and several scholars (particularly in linguistics) have addressed questions relating to the structure and function of advertisements, focusing on images, rhetorical structure, semiotic functions, discourse features and audio-visual media, amongst other aspects of the genre. Not much, on the other hand, has been written within translation studies about the complexities involved in the transfer of an advertising message. Contributors to this volume explore various interdependent aspects of the interlingual and intercultural transfer of an advertising message. They emphasize features of culture specificity, of multi-medial semiotic interaction, of values and stereotypes, and most importantly, they recommend strategies and approaches to assist translators. Topics covered include a critique of the Western-based approach to advertising in the context of the Far East; different perceptions of the concept of cleanliness in advertising texts in Italy, Russia and the UK; the Walls Cornetto strategy of internationalization of product appeal, followed by localization; the role of the translator in recreating appeal in different lingua-cultural contexts; what constitutes 'Italianness' in advertisements for British consumers; and strategies for repackaging France as a tourist destination.
Background. Schizophrenia affects up to 1% of the population in the UK. People with schizophrenia use the National Health Service frequently and over a long period of time. However, their views on satisfaction with primary care are rarely sought. Objectives. This study aimed to explore the elements of satisfaction with primary care for people with schizophrenia. Method. A primary care-based study was carried out using semi-structured interviews with 45 patients with schizophrenia receiving shared care with the Northern Birmingham Mental Health Trust between 1999 and 2000. Results. Five major themes that affect satisfaction emerged from the data: the exceptional potential of the consultation itself; the importance of aspects of the organization of primary care; the construction of the user in the doctor-patient relationship; the influence of stereotypes on GP behaviour; and the importance of hope for recovery. Conclusion. Satisfaction with primary care is multiply mediated. It is also rarely expected or achieved by this group of patients. There is a significant gap between the rhetoric and the reality of user involvement in primary care consultations. Acknowledging the tensions between societal and GP views of schizophrenia as an incurable life sentence and the importance to patients of hope for recovery is likely to lead to greater satisfaction with primary health care for people with schizophrenia.
Imagining oneself in a stereotyped role may not only increase women's endorsement of stereotypes about women and science, but also stifle broader concerns about social change. In the experiment, 81 women imagined themselves on a stereotypical or a counter-stereotypical career path (vs. a control condition). Participants in the stereotypical imagery condition endorsed to a higher extent the stereotypes about women and science, and crucially, were more resistant to social change in general. Stereotype endorsement mediated the relationship between exposure to stereotypes and resistance to social change. Results imply that tackling occupational gender stereotypes is crucial not only because they exclude women from male-dominated careers, but also because of a potentially pervasive negative impact on broader egalitarian concerns.