997 resultados para Sr Isotopic Ratio
Subaerially erupted tholeiites at Hole 642E were never exposed to the high-temperature seawater circulation and alteration conditions that are found at subaqueous ridges. Alteration of Site 642 rocks is therefore the product of the interaction of rocks and fluids at low temperatures. The alteration mineralogy can thus be used to provide information on the geochemical effects of low temperature circulation of seawater. Rubidium-strontium systematics of leached and unleached tholeiites and underlying, continentally-derived dacites reflect interactions with seawater in fractures and vesicular flow tops. The secondary mineral assemblage in the tholeiites consists mainly of smectite, accompanied in a few flows by the assemblage celadonite + calcite (+/- native Cu). Textural relationships suggest that smectites formed early and that celadonite + calcite, which are at least in part cogenetic, formed later than and partially at the expense of smectite. Smectite precipitation occurred under variable, but generally low, water/rock conditions. The smectites contain much lower concentrations of alkali elements than has been reported in seafloor basalts, and sequentially leached fractions of smectite contain Sr that has not achieved isotopic equilibrium. 87Sr/86Sr results of the leaching experiments suggest that Sr was mostly derived from seawater during early periods of smectite precipitation. The basalt-like 87Sr/86Sr of the most readily exchangeable fraction seems to suggest a late period of exposure to very low water /rock. Smectite formation may have primarily occurred in the interval between the nearly 58-Ma age given by the lower series dacites and the 54.5 +/- 0.2 Ma model age given by a celadonite from the top of the tholeiitic section. The 54.5 +/- 0.2 Ma Rb-Sr model age may be recording the timing of foundering of the Voring Plateau. Celadonites precipitated in flows below the top of the tholeiitic section define a Rb-Sr isochron with a slope corresponding to an age of 24.3 +/- 0.4 Ma. This isochron may be reflecting mixing effects due to long-term chemical interaction between seawater and basalts, in which case the age provides only a minimum for the timing of late alteration. Alternatively, inferrential arguments can be made that the 24.3 +/- 0.4 isochron age reflects the timing of the late Oligocene-early Miocene erosional event that affected the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Correlation of 87Sr/86Sr and 1/Sr in calcites results in a two-component mixing model for late alteration products. One end-member of the mixing trend is Eocene or younger seawater. Strontium from the nonradiogenic endmember can not, however, have been derived directly from the basalts. Rather, the data suggest that Sr in the calcites is a mixture of Sr derived from seawater and from pre-existing smectites. For Site 642, the reaction involved can be generalized as smectite + seawater ++ celadonite + calcite. The geochemical effects of this reaction include net gains of K and CO2 by the secondary mineral assemblage. The gross similarity of the reactions involved in late, low-temperature alteration at Site 642 to those observed in other sea floor basalts suggests that the transfer of K and C02 to the crust during low-temperature seawater-ocean crust interactions may be significant in calculations of global fluxes.
Voluminous, subaerial magmatism resulted in the formation of extensive seaward-dipping reflector sequences (SDRS) along the Paleogene Southeast Greenland rifted margin. Drilling during Leg 163 recovered basalts from the SDRS at 66ºN (Site 988) and 63ºN (Sites 989 and 990). The basalt from Site 988 is light rare-earth-element (REE) enriched (La(n)/Yb(n) = 3.4), with epsilon-Nd(t=60) = 5.3, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7034, and 206Pb/204Pb = 17.98. It is similar to tholeiites recovered from the Irminger Basin during Leg 49 and to light-REE-enriched tholeiites from Iceland. Drilling at Site 989, the innermost of the sites on the 63ºN transect, was proposed to extend recovery of the earliest part of the SDRS initiated during Leg 152. These basalts are, however, younger than those from Site 917 and are compositionally similar to basalts from the more seaward Sites 990 and 915. Many of the basalts from Sites 989 and 990 show evidence of contamination by continental crust (e.g., epsilon-Nd(t=60) extends down to -3.7, 206Pb/204Pb extends down to 15.1). We suggest that the contaminant is a mixture of Archean granulite and amphibolite and that the most contaminated basalts have assimilated ~5% of crust. Uncontaminated basalts are isotopically similar to basalts from Site 918, on the main body of the SDRS, and are light-REE depleted. Consistent with previous models of the development of this margin, we show that at the time of formation of the basalts from Sites 989 and 990 (1) melting was at relatively shallow levels in a fully-fledged rift zone; (2) fragments of continental crust were present in the lithosphere above the zones of melt generation; and (3) the sublithospheric mantle was dominated by a depleted Icelandic plume component.
It is demonstrated by K-Ar analyses that the age of reversely magnetized basalts, which immediately predate magnetic Anomaly 24B, is 53.5 ± 1.9 m.y. Samples from deep levels appear to be grossly contaminated by an extraneous argon component with a uniform argon-40/argon-36 ratio 440. This component is thought to have been derived from fluids circulating in the lava pile during burial. The age result corroborates the assignment previously made to Anomaly 24B by Hailwood et al. (1979) and Lowrie and Alvarez (1981). It additionally suggests that lava extrusion formed part of a much larger magmatic event, which affected wide areas of the North Atlantic margins around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and can therefore probably be considered a good estimate of the age of this boundary. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios lie in the very restricted range 0.512920 ± 19 to 0.513026 ± 24 and initial 8 7Sr/86Sr ratios from ca. 0.703 to ca. 0.705. Acid leaching reduces the latter range to 0.70264 ± 4 to 0.70384 ± 4, suggesting that the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulted from interaction with seawater. The array of data for treated samples is closely conformable on a 143Nd/144Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram with the main oceanic mantle array and with previously published fields for Atlantic Ocean basalts. No evidence for any continental crustal contamination has been found. This suggests, but does not prove, that continental crust played no part in the genesis of these rocks.
New Sr- Nd- and Pb-isotopic and trace element data are presented on basalts from the Sulu and Celebes Basins, and the submerged Cagayan Ridge Arc (Western Pacific), recently sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 124. Drilling has shown that the Sulu Basin developed about 18 Ma ago as a backarc basin, associated with the now submerged Cagayan Ridge Arc, whereas the Celebes Basin was generated about 43 Ma ago, contemporaneous with a general plate reorganisation in the Western Pacifc, subsequently developing as an open ocean receiving pelagic sediments until the middle Miocene. In both basins, a late middle Miocene collision phase and the onset of volcanic activity on adjacent arcs in the late Miocene are recorded. Covariations between 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd show that the seafoor basalts from both the Sulu and Celebes Basins are isotopically similar to depleted Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), and distinct from East Pacifc Rise MORB, defining a single negative correlation. The Cagayan Arc volcanics are different, in that they have distinctly lower epsilon-Ne(T) for a given epsilon-Sr(T), compared to Sulu and Celebes basalts. In the 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagrams, the Celebes, Sulu and Cagayan rocks all plot distinctly above the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line, with high Delta 7/4 Pb (5.3-9.3) and Delta 8/4 Pb (46.3-68.1) values. They define a single trend of radiogenic lead enrichment from Celebes through Sulu to Cagayan Ridge, within the Indian Ocean MORB data field. The data suggest that the overall chemical and isotopic features of the Sulu, Cagayan and Celebes rocks may be explained by partial melting of a depleted asthenospheric N-MORB-type ("normal") mantle source with isotopic characteristics similar to those of the Indian Ocean MORB source. This asthenospheric source was slightly heterogeneous, giving rise to the Sr-Nd isotopic differences between the Celebes and Sulu basalts, and the Cagayan Ridge volcanics. In addition, a probably slab-derived component enriched in LILE and LREE is required to generate the elemental characteristics and low Ne(T) of the Cagayan Ridge island arc tholeiitic and calcalkaline lavas, and to contribute to a small extent in the backarc basalts of the Sulu Sea. The results of this study confirm and extend the widespread Indian Ocean MORB signature in the Western Pacifc region. This signature could have been inherited by the Indian Ocean mantle itself during the rupture of Gondwanaland, when fragments of this mantle could have migrated towards the present position of the Celebes, Sulu and Cagayan sources.
We have analyzed the Nd isotopic composition of both ancient seawater and detrital material from long sequences of carbonated oozes of the South Indian Ocean which are ODP Site 756 (Ninety East Ridge (-30°S), 1518 m water depth) and ODP Site 762 (Northwest Australian margin, 1360 m water depth). The measurements indicate that the epsilon-Nd changes in Indian seawater over the last 35 Ma result from changes in the oceanic circulation, large volcanic and continental weathering Nd inputs. This highlights the diverse nature of those controls and their interconnections in a small area of the ocean. These new records combined with those previously obtained at the equatorial ODP Sites 757 and 707 in the Indian Ocean (Gourlan et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.11.054) established that the distribution of intermediate seawater epsilon-Nd was uniform over most of the Indian Ocean from 35 Ma to 10 Ma within a geographical area extending from 40°S to the equator and from -60°E to 120°E. However, the epsilon-Nd value of Indian Ocean seawater which kept an almost constant value (at about -7 to -8) from 35 to 15 Ma rose by 3 epsilon-Nd units from 15 to 10 Ma. This sharp increase has been caused by a radiogenic Nd enrichment of the water mass originating from the Pacific flowing through the Indonesian Passage. Using a two end-members model we calculated that the Nd transported to the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian Pathway was 1.7 times larger at 10 Ma than at 15 Ma. The Nd isotopic composition of ancient seawater and that of the sediment detrital component appear to be strongly correlated for some specific events. A first evidence occurs between 20 and 15 Ma with two positive spikes recorded in both epsilon-Nd signals that are clearly induced by a volcanic crisis of, most likely, the St. Paul hot-spot. A second evidence is the very large epsilon-Nd decrease recorded at ODP Sites 756 and 762 during the past 10 Ma which has never been previously observed. The synchronism between the epsilon-Nd decrease in seawater from 10 to 5 Ma and evidences of desertification in the western part of the nearly Australian continent suggests enhanced weathering inputs in this ocean from this continent as a result of climatic changes.
Isotopic ratios of Sr and Nd from lithogenic components of three isochronous core sections recovered from an east-west transect in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS) have been analyzed. The data are used for a quantitative estimate of the temporal and spatial variation of detrital flux to the EMS, assuming Saharan dust and Aegean/Nile particulate matter as dominant end members. It was established that the carbonate-free Saharan dust flux during deposition of the nonsapropel layers of marine oxygen isotope stage 5.4 (MIS 5.4) was similar to the present flux. During the deposition of sapropels S5 and S6, however, the Saharan dust input was drastically reduced and was not balanced by a change in the riverine influx at this time. Denser vegetation cover during more humid conditions may have reduced physical erosion and sediment removal in the source area. During marine oxygen isotope stage 6.2 (MIS 6.2) a pronounced increase of Saharan dust and detrital influx from the Aegean region is evident and implies more arid conditions in the southern and northern catchment areas. During this period, intersite variations are interpreted in terms of their geographic location relative to the seaways connecting the Aegean Sea and EMS. The width of the straits and hence the amount of sediment entering the eastern basins may have been affected by a low sea level that impeded interbasin sediment dispersal.
Pore water was collected from each of 10 sites during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 168 on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. These ten sites delineate a transect perpendicular to the present ridge axis and span a crustal age of 0.86-3.59 Ma. At nine of the ten sites the entire sediment section, which ranged from 41.3 to 613.8 m thick, was cored and attempts were made to recover at least one whole round of sediment per section of core for extraction of pore water. Several (2-5) whole-round sediment samples were taken from the uppermost and lowermost cores to constrain the chemical gradient near the sediment/water and sediment/basalt interfaces, respectively. Pore water was extracted from whole-round sediment core sections by squeezing only the most pristine sediment in a titanium squeezer designed by Manheim and Sayles (1974). Two additional water samples were collected in situ using the water-sampler temperature probe (WSTP; Barnes, 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.104.1988). Both of these samples were collected in the cased section of the open borehole from ODP Hole 1026B. Formation fluids were flowing up the cased hole into the overlying deep seawater (Fisher et al., 1997, doi:10.1029/97GL01286). Detailed descriptions of the sampling methods that were used to collect fluids are given by the Shipboard Scientific Party (Davis, Fisher, Firth, et al., 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.168.1997).
Stable isotopic records across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary in Maud Rise Holes 689B and 690C indicate that significant climatic changes occurred during the latest Cretaceous, beginning approximately 500 k.y. prior to the mass extinction event and the enrichment of iridium at the K/P boundary (66.4 Ma). An oxygen isotopic decrease of ~0.7 per mil - ~1.0 per mil is recorded in the Late Cretaceous planktonic and benthic foraminifers between 66.9 and 66.6 Ma. The negative isotope excursion was followed by a positive excursion of similar magnitude between 66.6 Ma (latest Cretaceous) and ~66.3 Ma (earliest Paleocene). No other isotopic excursions of this magnitude are recorded in the planktonic and benthic microfossil records 1.0 m.y prior to, and for 2.0 m.y following the mass extinction event at the K/P boundary. The magnitude and duration of these isotopic excursions were similar to those at the Paleocene/Eocene and Eocene/Oligocene boundaries. A major d13C excursion occurred 200 k.y. prior to the boundary, involving a positive shift in planktonic and benthic d13C of ~0.5 per mil - 0.75 per mil. Similar changes observed in other deep-sea sequences indicate that this reflected a global change in d13C of the oceanic total dissolved carbon (TDC) reservoir. The magnitude of this inferred carbon reservoir change and its association with high latitude surface-water temperature changes recorded in the d18O records implies that it was linked to global climate change through feedback loops in the carbon cycle. At the K/P boundary, the surface-to-deep water d13C gradient is reduced by approximately 0.6 per mil - ~0.2 per mil. However, unlike sequences elsewhere, the planktonic-benthic d13C gradient (Delta d13C) was not eliminated in the Antarctic. The surface-to-deep water gradient was re-established gradually during the 400 k.y. following the mass extinction. Full recovery of the Delta d13C occurred by ~60.0 Ma. In addition to the reduced vertical d13C gradient across the K/P boundary, there was a negative excursion in both planktonic and benthic d13C beginning approximately 100 k.y. after the boundary (66.3 Ma). This excursion resulted in benthic d13C values in the early Paleogene that were similar to those in the pre-K/P boundary intervals. This negative shift appears to reflect a change in the d13C of the oceanic TDC reservoir shift that may have resulted from reduced carbon burial and/or increased carbon flux to the oceans. Any model that attempts to explain the demise of the oceanic plankton at the end of the Cretaceous should consider the oceanic environmental changes that were occurring prior to the massive extinction event.
Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is characterised by higher temperatures and salinities than other ambient water masses. MOW spreads at water depths between 500 and 1500 m in the eastern North Atlantic and has been a source of salinity for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the North Atlantic. We used high-resolution Nd and Pb isotope records of past ambient seawater obtained from authigenic ferromanganese coatings of sediments in three gravity cores at 577, 1745 and 1974 m water depth in the Gulf of Cadiz and along the Portuguese margin complemented by a selection of surface sediments to reconstruct the extent and pathways of MOWover the past 23 000 years. The surface and downcore Nd isotope data from all water depths exhibit only a very small variability close to the present day composition of MOW but do not reflect the present day Nd isotopic stratification of the water column as determined from a nearby open ocean hydrographic station. In contrast, the Pb isotope records show significant and systematic variations, which provide evidence for a significantly different pattern of the MOW pathways between 20 000 and 12 000 years ago compared with the subsequent period of time.