759 resultados para Spinoza, Benedictus$cde
Our study considers the natural resources of the Miombo forests in Cabo Delgado from a broad ecosystems perspective. Thus, our view goes beyond the disciplinary approaches of forestry, agronomy, biology or zoology, and also of the social sciences, namely anthropology, history, sociology, political science or economics. The present study aims to establish a dialogue and create synergies between Miti Ltd. – the logging company and owner of the forest concessions – as well as government and state structures at the various levels and the communities – through the Committees on Natural Resources – in order to promote the sustainable use of resources and ecosystems. The research methodology we used can broadly be described as moderated transdisciplinary interaction for action-research based on the approach known as Learning for Sustainability (LforS, http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Pages/Project/2/14/Learning-for-Sustainability-Extension-Approach.aspx). The research methods used include: LforS seminars; field work; forests observations focusing, among others, on ecosystems, trees, wildlife, and burned areas; visits to farms; and interviews. We conducted both collective interviews and individual interviews, including with key informants. The main results indicate that members of the Committee on Natural Resources have a dual attitude: their statements defend the paradigm of sustainable use of natural resources as well as their own immediate monetary gain. They are willing to apply the values, concepts and theories of sustainable development that underpin the establishment of Committees on Natural Resources if they are paid for their work or if they can derive direct benefits from it, i.e. if they can earn a salary or allowance. If this does not happen, however, they are willing to allow actors to engage in illegal hunting or logging activities. This dual attitude also exists in relation to forestry operators. If the concession workers pay the committee members in cash or provide goods, they can run their business even if they violate the law. Natural forest regeneration in Nkonga and Namiune already shows the impact of such use. Although there are many saplings that could basically ensure continuous regeneration under sustainable management, repeated burning is damaging the young trees, deforming them and killing a great number of them. Campaigns against uncontrolled fires are ineffective because the administrative and political authorities have a dual attitude as well and are also part of the group that uses resources to their own profit and benefit. There are institutional structures within the administration, populations, and communities to perform regulating functions, create and implement rules, punish offenders, and oversee resource use. However, they feel that since they are not paid for performing these functions, they do not have to do so. This attitude shows a lack of awareness, but also indicates a situation where everyone seeks to derive maximum benefits from existing resource use patterns. Anything goes.
Ce projet a pour objectif de (1) décrire la filière charbon dans un terroir de la commune de Soalara, (2) d’identifier les effets des activités de fabrication de charbon de bois sur la végétation des pâturages qui est un fourré épineux et (3) d’estimer la quantité maximale de charbon pouvant être produite sans causer sa dégradation irréversible. Pour ce faire, des enquêtes auprès de la population locale et des relevés écologiques ont été entrepris. La majorité des ménages enquêtés (>80% ; N=56) pratiquent la fabrication de charbon de bois. Environ 41 000 sacs de charbons ont été produits dans le terroir en 2009. L’impact socio-économique de la filière charbon est positif puisqu’elle génère des revenus importants pour ses agents (producteur, transporteur et collecteur). Par contre, l’impact écologique est plutôt négatif puisque les activités charbonnières contribuent à réduire la densité d’arbres et d’arbustes de la végétation des fourrés épineux et sa richesse spécifique même si elles n’affectent pas trop sa disponibilité fourragère. De plus, la quantité de charbon produite (environ 820 t en 2009) dépasse la productivité de la végétation, estimée à 218 t.an-1. Par conséquent, une dégradation du site de production actuel, se traduisant par la disparition des espèces charbonnières, arriverait dans 17 ans au plus tard, si le rythme de production actuel continue. Des mesures de réduction des pressions sur la végétation (professionnalisation des éleveurs, amélioration des rendements de carbonisation et réglementation et contrôle plus strict de la filière charbon) et d’augmentation de sa production et productivité (restauration) doivent être prises pour éviter cette dégradation irréversible qui à terme pourrait être dommageable à l’élevage de petits ruminants même si ce n’est pas encore le cas actuellement.
This report presents a basic analyis of the data collected on agroclimatology, erosion, and soil and water conservation at Afdeyu Station in the central highlands of Eritrea between 1984 and 2007. Datasets and graphs include rainfall, air and soil surface temperatures, soil loss, surface runoff, river discharge, and land use including cropping patterns of the measured catchment.
Eine vom Centre for Develpment and Environment (CDE) der Universität Bern gestaltete Karte der südsudanesischen Region East Equatoria hat den „New Mapmaker Award 2009“ gewonnen. Der Preis wird gemeinsam von der britischen Kartografiegesellschaft und der amerikanischen National Geographic Society vergeben. Die im Rahmen eines Capacity-Development- Programms für Geoinformationsmanagement entworfene Karte wurde vollumfänglich in ArcMap aufgebaut, ohne Einsatz von Graphiksoftware.
Modèle d'élaboration du plan d'aménagement et de gestion tenant compte des dynamiques spatio-temporelles et de la dynamique de la participation locale