933 resultados para Sphere of influence


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LocalGIS-DOS es la nueva versión oficial de LocalGIS, el Sistema de Información Territorial Software Libre para Entidades Locales que surgió a iniciativa del Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio y que está englobado dentro del Plan Avanza. La nueva versión LocalGIS-DOS, que estará disponible en marzo de 2010 coincidiendo con las IV Jornadas de SIG Libre de Girona, va a contar con nuevos módulos que dotarán a LocalGIS de importantes mejoras tecnológicas y funcionales de Gestión Municipal. LocalGIS-DOS incluye un nuevo módulo de Enrutamiento y Cálculo de rutas, tanto en el Módulo de Editor GIS como en la Guía Urbana, que permitirá calcular caminos óptimos y zonas de influencia. El nuevo módulo de Movilidad facilitará la gestión de información municipal desde dispositivos móviles, con herramientas para la edición y visualización de la misma y para su correcta replicación con la base de datos central. LocalGIS-DOS permitirá gestionar varios municipios con intereses comunes de forma simultánea, creando el concepto de Entidad Supramunicipal, pudiendo así gestionar de forma conjunta capas, estilos y usuarios. Esta nueva versión incorpora también la Variable Temporal a las capas de información, permitiendo a los usuarios seleccionar por fechas la información que desean visualizar, facilitando así la elaboración de estudios temporales georreferenciados y el versionado histórico de mapas. También incluye un nuevo Módulo de Gestión de la Ciudad, desde donde se gestionarán avisos, mantenimientos y obras ubicadas en el suelo público. Finalmente indicar que a nivel tecnológico LocalGIS-DOS contará, entre otras, con mejoras relativas al acceso a bases de datos externas, al canal cifrado de comunicación, firma digital de documentos y mejoras en la generación de informes


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This article lies within the sphere of studies initiated recently in various social sciences and which aim to introduce women's problems as an element of analysis, or in other words, the gender perspective. In the field of geography, the earliest contributions of this nature were made in English-speaking countries. It is only in the 1980s that similar contributions begin to appear in Spanish geography, albeit sporadically . In the first part of this article, an analysis is made of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities, based on a questionnaire submitted to twenty-six departments of geography. The questionnaires provide information on the age, sex and marital status of women staff, and other relevant facts. It becomes evident that women lecturers are in the minority in Spanish university Geography Departments, especially in the top posts, although the percentage compares favourably with English-speaking countries. The second part of the article consists of a study of the written contributions of women geographers through the analysis of the various geographical magazines published by geography departments and other related bodies. The author reaches the conclusion that the percentage of articles written by women geographers is even lower than the corresponding percentage of staff members. Especially noteworthy is the very limited number of articles in the fields of physical geography and geographical theory, in contrast to a certain tendency to publish studies on, for example, population or urban topics with a highly restricted territorial scope


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Two decay rates are distinguished in the discharge hydrograph of the Onyar River, using Maillet's formula. In this way, we can know which Kina of influence is made by geomorphology and rainfall distribution on fluvial processes


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La policia administrativa, una de les més clàssiques formes d'intervenció pública en l'esfera jurídica dels particulars, ha vingut caracteritzant fins a temps recents l'acció administrativa en el sector dels aliments. No obstant, les limitacions que sembla presentar aquesta forma d'intervenció davant el riscos que avui emergeixen de tal sector, i en particular de l'industria alimentària, han propiciat la construcció d´un nou i, fins a cert punt, complex sistema, caracteritzat a grans trets per la intersecció entre agents públics i privats: els sistema d´anàlisis i gestió de riscos.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar os estilos de vida de alunos de Educação Física, e relaciona-los com a perceção de competência, orientação de objetivos para a mestria, performance aproach, performance avoidance, perceção de clima motivacional para a mestria, performance aproach, performance avoidance, atitude gosto e importância face a disciplina de Educação Física. Neste sentido foi aplicado um Questionário (Papaioannou et al. 2007, versão adaptada por Martins, 2010), em quatro escolas da rede de estágio pedagógico em Educação Física de 3º ciclo e Secundário, de modo a avaliar as perceções de 199 alunos com idades compreendidas entre os 14-20 anos. Os resultados revelaram diferenças significativas entre alunos ativos e sedentários ao nível da perceção de competência (p=0,000), orientação de objetivos para a mestria (p=0,000), orientação de objetivos performance avoidance (p=0,028), perceção de clima motivacional para a mestria (p=0,010), atitude gosto pela educação física e suas matérias (p=0,001), e a atitude e importância atribuída à EF (p=0,002). A análise das correlações demonstrou a existência de relação entre o estilo de vida sedentário relativamente à perceção de competência (p=0,004), e orientação de objetivos performance avoidance esta ultima no sentido inverso (p=0,010). Em relação aos alunos ativos apenas se verificou a existência de correlação para a orientação de objetivos performance aproach (p=0,048).


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A presente investigação teve como objetivo conhecer a Síndrome de Burnout em Professores do Ensino Superior, bem como identificar qual a influência das variáveis sociodemográficas, situacionais e de interação social, como sendo determinantes do fenómeno de Burnout relativamente às suas três dimensões, no modelo proposto por Maslach. Foram preenchidos 127 questionários, distribuídos por várias faculdades a nível nacional, tendo sido utilizado para este estudo o inventário de Burnout de Maslach (Maslach Burnout Inventory - MBI). Destes 127 professores, 58 são do sexo feminino (45,7 %) e 69 do sexo masculino (54,3 %) com idade mínima de 26 e máxima de 76, cuja média se situa nos 45,5 (M= 45,54; DP= 8,708). Constatou-se que no grupo das variáveis sociodemográficas, apenas a variável “habilitações literárias”, apresenta diferenças estatisticamente significativas. No grupo das variáveis situacionais, verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis “leciona em horário diurno e/ou noturno”, “número de horas despendidas na preparação de aulas/correção de trabalhos” e na variável “têm outra atividade profissional para além da atividade docente”. Também apresenta diferenças estatisticamente significativas a variável de interação social, “horas dedicadas a atividades de lazer e convívio”.


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The present study shows the results of an international comparative research carried out in four Portuguese-speaking countries: Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Portugal. The purpose is, firstly, to find these countries cultural profile according to Hofstede/ Minkov dimensions as well as to measure the citizens` level of trust in institutions and, secondly, to analyze the relation between cultural values and level of trust. A bibliographic and theoretical review has been made on the main theoretical references about trust as far as its multiple forms and dimensions are concerned. Then, a scale of confidence in institutions has been drawn. An extensive analysis has been carried out, using qualitative and quantitative methods, including factorial analysis and simple linear regression. The results provide relevant information on what makes the four target countries very alike and on what differentiates them the most. In Portugal, a tendency towards a growing trust in institutions of public offering has been registered, whereas in the African countries, citizens tend to trust institutions of private offering more. All the institutions connected with the judicial and political sphere of society have been negatively qualified by the respondents in all countries, in a relatively similar way.


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Este ensayo plantea que la literatura latinoamericana actual abandona su propia esfera: de la ficción bien definida, de los claros requisitos de un texto para constituir «literatura», incluso de las clasificaciones en géneros. Esa esfera de «lo literario», amparada en reglas e instituciones, pierde consistencia, se limita entonces el poder y la capacidad de presión política que la literatura tuvo hasta hace pocas décadas. La actual literatura, finalizada la época de su autonomía, hablar de una vida moderna en la cual «todo lo cultural es económico» y donde «toda ficción es realidad» (y viceversa, en ambos casos). Lo cotidiano es ahora la vida, pero intervenida por las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (que le prestan rasgos de virtualidad o de irrealidad). Se plantea con ellas el desafío de intentar una lectura desde otros parámetros, en caso contrario, se puede caer en la simpleza de calificarlas como no-literatura o «literatura mala».


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Tras quince años de la “asociación estratégica UE-ALC”, los múltiples y profundos cambios en el sistema internacional han tenido gran impacto sobre estas relaciones birregionales. Por ello hay que replantear cuáles son los cambios en la percepciones mutuas de las dos regiones, y observar el nuevo contexto geopolítico, tomando nota de la pérdida de influencia de los EEUU en la región y el auge de Asia, especialmente China. La “asociación estratégica” no ha conducido ni a una convergencia de intereses ni a una reconocible compatibilidad normativa. Además, la UE ha perdido su papel de “modelo” para los procesos de integración, en una región que tiene aún más heterogeneidad por sus diferentes modelos de desarrollo. Por ello se hace necesario asumir una geometría variable para la adaptación de las relaciones birregionales a la realidad del siglo XXI.


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There is widely believed to be a link between stratospheric flow variability and stationary, persistent “blocking” weather systems, but the precise nature of this link has proved elusive. Using data from the ERA-40 Reanalysis and an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) with a well-resolved stratosphere (HadGAM), it is shown that there are in fact several different highly significant associations, with blocking in different regions being related to different patterns of stratospheric variability. This is true in both hemispheres and in both data sets. The associations in HadGAM are shown to be very similar to those in ERA-40, although the model has a tendency to underestimate both European blocking and the wave number 2 stratospheric variability to which this is related. Although the focus is on stratospheric variability in general, several of the blocking links are seen to occur in association with the major stratospheric sudden warmings. In general, the direction of influence appears to be upward, as blocking anomalies are shown to modify the planetary stationary waves, leading to an upward propagation of wave activity into the stratosphere. However, significant correlations are also apparent with the zonal mean flow in the stratosphere leading the occurrence of blocking at high latitudes. Finally, the underestimation of blocking is an enduring problem in GCMs, and an example has recently been given in which improving the resolution of the stratosphere improved the representation of blocking. Here, however, another example is given, in which increasing the stratospheric resolution unfortunately does not lead to an improvement in blocking.


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A significant part of bank lending in the UK is secured on commercial property and valuations play an important part in this process. They are an integral part of risk management within the banking sector. It is therefore important that valuations are independent and objective and are used properly to ensure that secured lending is soundly based from the perspective of both lender and borrower. The purpose of this research is to examine objectivity and transparency in the valuation process for bank lending and to identify any influences which may undermine the process. A detailed analysis of 31 valuation negligence cases has been followed by two focus groups of lenders and valuers and also questionnaire surveys of commercial lenders and valuers. Many stakeholders exist, for example lenders, borrowers and brokers, who are able to influence the process in various ways. The strongest evidence of overt influence in the process comes from the method of valuer selection with borrowers and brokers seen to be heavily involved. There is some also some evidence of influence during the draft valuation process. A significant minority of valuers feel that inappropriate pressure is applied by borrowers and brokers yet there is no apparent part of the process that leads to this. The panel system employed by lenders is found to be a significant part of the system and merits further examination. The pressure felt by valuers needs more investigation along with the question of if and how the process could dispel such feelings. This is seen as particularly important in the context of bank regulation.


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A significant part of bank lending in the UK is secured on commercial property and valuations play an important part in this process. They are an integral part of risk management within the banking sector. It is therefore important that valuations are independent and objective and are used properly to ensure that secured lending is soundly based from the perspective of both lender and borrower. The purpose of this research is to examine objectivity and transparency in the valuation process for bank lending and to identify any influences which may undermine the process. A detailed analysis of 31 valuation negligence cases has been followed by two focus groups of lenders and valuers and also questionnaire surveys of commercial lenders and valuers. Many stakeholders exist, for example lenders, borrowers and brokers, who are able to influence the process in various ways. The strongest evidence of overt influence in the process comes from the method of valuer selection with borrowers and brokers seen to be heavily involved. There is some also some evidence of influence during the draft valuation process. A significant minority of valuers feel that inappropriate pressure is applied by borrowers and brokers yet there is no apparent part of the process that leads to this. The panel system employed by lenders is found to be a significant part of the system and merits further examination. The pressure felt by valuers needs more investigation along with the question of if and how the process could dispel such feelings. This is seen as particularly important in the context of bank regulation.


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The discourse surrounding the virtual has moved away from the utopian thinking accompanying the rise of the Internet in the 1990s. The Cyber-gurus of the last decades promised a technotopia removed from materiality and the confines of the flesh and the built environment, a liberation from old institutions and power structures. But since then, the virtual has grown into a distinct yet related sphere of cultural and political production that both parallels and occasionally flows over into the old world of material objects. The strict dichotomy of matter and digital purity has been replaced more recently with a more complex model where both the world of stuff and the world of knowledge support, resist and at the same time contain each other. Online social networks amplify and extend existing ones; other cultural interfaces like youtube have not replaced the communal experience of watching moving images in a semi-public space (the cinema) or the semi-private space (the family living room). Rather the experience of viewing is very much about sharing and communicating, offering interpretations and comments. Many of the web’s strongest entities (Amazon, eBay, Gumtree etc.) sit exactly at this juncture of applying tools taken from the knowledge management industry to organize the chaos of the material world along (post-)Fordist rationality. Since the early 1990s there have been many artistic and curatorial attempts to use the Internet as a platform of producing and exhibiting art, but a lot of these were reluctant to let go of the fantasy of digital freedom. Storage Room collapses the binary opposition of real and virtual space by using online data storage as a conduit for IRL art production. The artworks here will not be available for viewing online in a 'screen' environment but only as part of a downloadable package with the intention that the exhibition could be displayed (in a physical space) by any interested party and realised as ambitiously or minimally as the downloader wishes, based on their means. The artists will therefore also supply a set of instructions for the physical installation of the work alongside the digital files. In response to this curatorial initiative, File Transfer Protocol invites seven UK based artists to produce digital art for a physical environment, addressing the intersection between the virtual and the material. The files range from sound, video, digital prints and net art, blueprints for an action to take place, something to be made, a conceptual text piece, etc. About the works and artists: Polly Fibre is the pseudonym of London-based artist Christine Ellison. Ellison creates live music using domestic devices such as sewing machines, irons and slide projectors. Her costumes and stage sets propose a physical manifestation of the virtual space that is created inside software like Photoshop. For this exhibition, Polly Fibre invites the audience to create a musical composition using a pair of amplified scissors and a turntable. http://www.pollyfibre.com John Russell, a founding member of 1990s art group Bank, is an artist, curator and writer who explores in his work the contemporary political conditions of the work of art. In his digital print, Russell collages together visual representations of abstract philosophical ideas and transforms them into a post apocalyptic landscape that is complex and banal at the same time. www.john-russell.org The work of Bristol based artist Jem Nobel opens up a dialogue between the contemporary and the legacy of 20th century conceptual art around questions of collectivism and participation, authorship and individualism. His print SPACE concretizes the representation of the most common piece of Unicode: the vacant space between words. In this way, the gap itself turns from invisible cipher to sign. www.jemnoble.com Annabel Frearson is rewriting Mary Shelley's Frankenstein using all and only the words from the original text. Frankenstein 2, or the Monster of Main Stream, is read in parts by different performers, embodying the psychotic character of the protagonist, a mongrel hybrid of used language. www.annabelfrearson.com Darren Banks uses fragments of effect laden Holywood films to create an impossible space. The fictitious parts don't add up to a convincing material reality, leaving the viewer with a failed amalgamation of simulations of sophisticated technologies. www.darrenbanks.co.uk FIELDCLUB is collaboration between artist Paul Chaney and researcher Kenna Hernly. Chaney and Hernly developed together a project that critically examines various proposals for the management of sustainable ecological systems. Their FIELDMACHINE invites the public to design an ideal agricultural field. By playing with different types of crops that are found in the south west of England, it is possible for the user, for example, to create a balanced, but protein poor, diet or to simply decide to 'get rid' of half the population. The meeting point of the Platonic field and it physical consequences, generates a geometric abstraction that investigates the relationship between modernist utopianism and contemporary actuality. www.fieldclub.co.uk Pil and Galia Kollectiv, who have also curated the exhibition are London-based artists and run the xero, kline & coma gallery. Here they present a dialogue between two computers. The conversation opens with a simple text book problem in business studies. But gradually the language, mimicking the application of game theory in the business sector, becomes more abstract. The two interlocutors become adversaries trapped forever in a competition without winners. www.kollectiv.co.uk


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Parameterization schemes for the drag due to atmospheric gravity waves are discussed and compared in the context of a simple one-dimensional model of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). A number of fundamental issues are examined in detail, with the goal of providing a better understanding of the mechanism by which gravity wave drag can produce an equatorial zonal wind oscillation. The gravity wave–driven QBOs are compared with those obtained from a parameterization of equatorial planetary waves. In all gravity wave cases, it is seen that the inclusion of vertical diffusion is crucial for the descent of the shear zones and the development of the QBO. An important difference between the schemes for the two types of waves is that in the case of equatorial planetary waves, vertical diffusion is needed only at the lowest levels, while for the gravity wave drag schemes it must be included at all levels. The question of whether there is downward propagation of influence in the simulated QBOs is addressed. In the gravity wave drag schemes, the evolution of the wind at a given level depends on the wind above, as well as on the wind below. This is in contrast to the parameterization for the equatorial planetary waves in which there is downward propagation of phase only. The stability of a zero-wind initial state is examined, and it is determined that a small perturbation to such a state will amplify with time to the extent that a zonal wind oscillation is permitted.