586 resultados para Sphaeroma Terebrans Bate


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Azken urteotan eman diren kutsatzaile desberdinen gehiegizko isurpen edo erabilpena dela eta, lurzoruetan metal astunak metatu dira eta horrek , kate trofikoaren oinarrian dauden organismoen gainean k altea k sorrarazi d itu. Eisenia fetida zizarea espezie zent inela gisa erabili da lur entsegu ekotoxikologi koet an . Esperimentu honetan Eisenia fetida - ren jariakin zelomikoan dauden eta babes funtzioa duten zelomozitoak pH desberdinetara edo Kadmio bezalako metalera esposatzeak Neutral Red (NR) edo gorri neutro tindatzaile kationikoaren harreran eta fagoz itosi ahalmenean , eragina duen aztertu nahi izan da. Esperimentua in vitro egin zen 3R filosofia jarraituz. Alde batetik, pH desberdinen eragin ari dagokio nez gorri neutroaren harrera ( NRU ) entsegua n erantzun bimodal bat behatu zen eta beste alde bate tik, f agozitatzeko ahalmenari dagokiola zelomozitoak Eagle medioan kultibatzean ez zen aldaketa esangarria ikusi kadmioa ren, kontr olaren eta kontrol positi boaren artean. Bai ordea L - 1 5 medioarekin, non kontrol posit iboa k beste biak baino absorbantzia handiagoa erakutsi zuen. Emaitza hauek erakusten dute zelomozitoe n mintza gradualki kaltetzen doala pH neutrotik aldentzen doan heinean eta puntu batetik aurrera NRU emendatzen da zelomozito batzuen (amebozitoen) fagozitosia aktibatzen d el a ko .


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A linguagem veiculada pela mídia eletrônica, produzida por jovens em salas de bate-papo, vem causando reações adversas em vários setores da sociedade brasileira, tais como os da lingüística, filosofia, educação, psicologia, psiquiatria e do direito. Jornais e revistas, freqüentemente, divulgam a perplexidade de muitos diante dessa linguagem. Em virtude disso, abriu-se um campo fecundo de investigação científica na área de estudos da língua portuguesa. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar não só os elementos gramaticais dos enunciados/discursos concernentes ao corpus, mas, além disso, extrapolar as fronteiras da morfossintaxe, que opera no plano da descrição da frase, em direção à análise de discurso, que opera no plano da interpretação, do modo como são construídos os discursos, da materialidade discursiva e das condições de produção deste. O corpus é constituído de textos do gênero chat, produzidos por jovens, entre treze e dezesseis anos, matriculados em uma escola particular do Rio de Janeiro. Para abordar um uso conversacional da língua portuguesa no chat, do ponto vista discursivo, optou-se pelo quadro teórico de Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, com o fito de interpretar questões, tais como: formas de heterogeneidade mostrada e marcada; interdiscurso; negação do enunciador estratégico; distinção entre o sujeito cartesiano (homogêneo e transparente) e o sujeito não-cartesiano (heterogêneo e opaco); discurso direto (em que a alteridade transparece no enunciado/discurso do locutor, que dá lugar ao discurso de um outro em seu próprio discurso); e conotação autonímica. A metodologia adotada parte do campo das ciências humanas como uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo. Em suma, é possível encontrar, nesta dissertação, a reflexão diluída dos conteúdos teóricos que contemplam a Gramática da Língua Portuguesa e a Análise de Discurso


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar práticas relacionais visando à verificação de lugares que são/foram capazes de gerar e/ou garantir interações sociais a partir de narrativas mnemônicas, propondo novos enlaces. Utilizamos o método da pesquisa ação no qual a captação da informação se dá de forma coletiva, participativa e ativa. Destacamos o processo de aproximação à comunidade da Mangueira, a constituição de um mapeamento sobre os pontos de encontro entre moradores e destes com pessoas de fora do morro, e a reativação do jornal comunitário Bate Boca experiência que se efetivou através de diferentes ações colaborativas. Verificamos a relevância dos espaços de convivência para os mangueirenses: a conformação e a sedimentação de laços relacionais entre os moradores são experiência compartilhada nos lugares. Estes são a base onde às inter-relações podem se efetivar e onde são gerados os sentimentos de pertença e reconhecimento. As intervenções de urbanização, de segurança e de ordem pública alteram ou eliminam de forma drástica esses lugares e, portanto, das relações que estão ali consolidadas. Essas mudanças trouxeram à tona lembranças de outros espaços significativos que sucumbiram na comunidade


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The paper is based on the new records of two genera - Lanocira Hansen and Paranthura Bate and Westwood and species L. gardineri Stebbing and P. latipes Barnard from the rocky intertidal zone of Karachi coast. Synonymes, diagnoses and geographical distribution of the genera are given. A list of known species of the genus Lanocira is provided. Both the species are described and illustrated in detail.


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In India the chief marine timber boring organisms are 2 species of Martesia, 28 species of shipworms, 4 species and a variety of Sphaeroma and 9 species of Limnoria besides bacteria and fungi. The occurrence, abundance and activity of the various species of borers show remarkable variations and fluctuations in the different harbours of India, each harbour or area having its own dominant set of species and an assemblage of less important forms. These species have their own characteristic preferences, life history and seasons of attachment and a scheme evolved for one locality may prove ineffective for another. Through a delicate and complex ecological adjustment the borers occurring in a locality have reached an interrelationship reducing interspecific and intraspecific competition. The seasons of settlement of the dominant borers in the different harbours of India are indicated. The need for a detailed biological enquiry is stressed.


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Majority of the prawn catch of the Kerala coast comes from the inshore regions within the 10 fathom line. A bottom deposit formed of fine mud rich in humus is found to be the ideal condition for the penaeid prawns. Similarly the lobster is observed in large numbers at localised areas very near the coast in the crevices of rocks. Though it has been observed that prawns and lobsters exist in deep water as well under different conditions, our knowledge about these forms along the Indian coasts is very scanty, being restricted to the works of Spence Bate, Alcock, De Man and Ramadan. Recently, during the cruises of the University Research Vessel Conch off the Kerala Coast (1958-1963) two species of deep water prawns and one species of lobster were collected from depths 100 - 180 fathoms. Of these, Penaeopsis philippi is found in large numbers occupying an almost continuous bed extending from Anjengo to Mangalore, while P. rectacutus has a restricted appearance between Cochin and Calicut. However, some sort of year to year variation has also been observed regarding the abundance of the species at various stations. Peurulus sewelli has a more restricted distribution, the maximum number being found between Puvar and Cochin. Attempt has been made to correlate the occurrence of the species with the hydrological conditions at the bottom and the nature of the substratum. It is observed that Peurulus sewelli occupies a more or less hard bed formed of sand with shell fragments or stones and small percentage of silt, the bottom temperature at the stations varying from 11°C to l4°C. P. sewelli is a more or less permanent inhabitant of the edge of the continental shell off the Kerala Coast worthy of attention for detailed investigation with a view to explore the possibilities of commercial exploitation.


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Adults of Penaeus japonicus (Bate) and juveniles of P. canaliculatus (Olivier) were recorded for the first time from the coastal and estuarine regions of Goa respectively. Their presence in Goa waters suggests that both the species have a wide distribution along the west coast of India. The available data from the neighboring states suggest that both the species are distributed in deeper waters and are caught during or immediately after the southwest monsoon. Hence, it may be possible to tap these valuable resources from Goa waters if the fishing operation is extended to depths beyond those presently fished and fishing is carried out during the SW monsoon season.


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褐虾总科包括褐虾科和镰虾科,是重要的底栖生物类群,而且很多褐虾种为常见的经济种,其中中国北方海域最常见的为日本褐虾Crangon hakodatei Rathbun, 1902,另外黄海褐虾Crangon uritai Kim & Hayashi, 1999在黄渤海也较为常见。在东海和南海,污泥疣褐虾Pontocaris pennata (Bate, 1888)和拉氏爱琴虾Aegaeon lacazei (Gourret, 1887)在底栖生物拖网时常可采到,有很大的经济价值。我国对褐虾总科的研究很少,亟需对我国海域的褐虾进行全面的系统分类学和地理分布研究。 本论文所依据的标本主要为中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆馆藏的约1600号褐虾类标本,标本主要采自渤海、黄海、东海、南海四大海域,也有部分标本采自日本海、南极和北极等海域,并得到国外同行专家惠赠的褐虾类标本约100号,同时也检查了其它单位保藏的少量标本。 本论文主要采用传统的形态学方法进行分类学研究,共鉴定出褐虾科14属25种,其中1个新种,6个新记录种,镰虾科1属7种,其中2个新种,3个新记录种。参照历史文献与现在研究结果,中国海域的褐虾类至少有2科11属44种。 本文通过对约1700号标本的详细检查,总结了各个属和种的分类学特征和地理分布特点,对各属的分种均附有详细系统的检索表,对鉴定的32种褐虾均附有详细的背面整体图和侧面整体图以及附肢等的局部形态图,并对各种进行了中文名称的考订。 本研究是我国首次关于褐虾总科的系统分类学和动物地理学研究,研究结果将改变我国在褐虾总科研究报道方面的薄弱现状,并为此动物类群的多样性等研究提供重要的基础资料。研究结果澄清了分类学上存在争议的疑难种,发现了3个新种,报道了9个新记录种,阐明了我国褐虾总科的区系特点。


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The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in the haemocytes of shrimps Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck) and Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate) was Studied after white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection to determine its characteristics in response to virus infection. First, the NOS activity in haemocytes of shrimps was determined by the means of NBT reduction and changes in cell conformation. And the variations of NOS activity in shrimps after challenge with WSSV intramuscularly were evaluated through the analysis Of L-citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate (both as NO derivates) concentrations. The result showed that NOS activity in the haemocytes of F chinensis increased slightly from 0 to 12 h postchallenge, indicated by the variations Of L-Citrulline (from 11.15 +/- 0.10 to 12.08 +/- 0.64 mu M) and total nitrite/nitrate concentrations (from 10.45 +/- 0.65 to 12.67 +/- 0.52 mu M). Then it decreased sharply till the end of the experiment (84 h postchallenge), the concentrations Of L-Citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate at 84 It were 1.58 +/- 0.24 and 2.69 +/- 0.70 mu M, respectively. The LPS-stimulated NOS activity kept constant during the experiment. However, in M. japonicus, the NOS activity kept increasing during the first 72 It postchallenge, the concentrations Of L-Citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate increased from 7.82 +/- 0.77 at 0 h to 10.79 +/- 0.50 mu M at 72 h, and from 8.98 +/- 0.43 at 0 h to 11.20 +/- 0.37 mu M at 72 h, respectively. Then it decreased till the end of the experiment (216 h postchallenge), and the concentrations of L-Citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate at 216 h were 5.66 +/- 0.27 and 4.68 +/- 0.16 mu M, respectively. More importantly, an apparent increase of I-PS-stimulated NOS activity was observed in M japonicus at 48 h postchallenge, which was about 4 times higher than that in the control group of health shrimps. In correspondence with the difference of NOS activity between the two species of shrimps, the Cumulative mortalities of the shrimps were also different. All shrimps of F. chinensis in the mortality experiment died in 66 h, much more quickly than M. japonicus, Whose accumulative mortality reached 100% after 240 h. Data here reported let us hypothesize that NOS activity in the haemocytes of shrimps F chinensis and M. japonicus responses to WSSV infection differently, and this might be one of the reasons for the different susceptibility of F chinensis and M. japonicus to WSSV infection. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Eight species among six genera of bopyrid isopods (representing the subfamilies Pseudionmae and loninae) infesting thalassinideans from China are reported. Of these, four species are new to science: Gyge.fujianensis n. sp., Progebiophilits elongatus n. sp., Upogebione bidigitatus n. sp., and Procepon liuruiyui n. sp., infesting Upogebia major (de Haan), Nihonotrypaea japonica Ortmann, Upogebia carinicauda (Stimpson), and Austinogebia wuhsienweni (Yu). One species, lone cornuta Bate, 1864, is recorded for the first time from Chinese waters and from a new host. Pseudione longicauda Shiino, 1937, Gyge ovalis (Shiino, 1939), and Progebiophilus sinicus Markham, 1982, previously known from Hong Kong or Taiwan, are recorded for the first time from mainland China, extending their range north.