889 resultados para Space-time intervention


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An inverse methodology for the design of biologically loaded radio-frequency (RF) coils for magnetic resonance imaging applications is described. Free space time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions and de-emphasized B-1 target fields are used to calculate the current density on the coil cylinder. In theory, with the B-1 field de-emphasized in the middle of the RF transverse plane, the calculated current distribution can generate an internal magnetic field that can reduce the central overemphasis effect caused by field/tissue interactions at high frequencies. The current distribution of a head coil operating at 4 T (170 MHz) is calculated using an inverse methodology with de-emphasized B-1. target fields. An in-house finite-difference time-domain routine is employed to evaluate B-1 field and signal intensity inside a homogenous cylindrical phantom and then a complete human head model. A comparison with a conventional RF birdcage coil is carried out and demonstrates that this method can help in decreasing the normal bright region caused by field/tissue interactions in head images at 170 MHz and higher field strengths.


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An inverse methodology to assist in the design of radio-frequency (RF) head coils for high field MRI application is described in this work. Free space time-harmonic electromagnetic Green's functions and preemphasized B1 field are used to calculate the current density on the coil cylinder. With B1 field preemphasized and lowered in the middle of the RF transverse plane, the calculated current distribution can generate an internal magnetic field that can reduce the EM field/tissue interactions at high frequencies. The current distribution of a head coil operating at 4 T is calculated using inverse methodology with preemphasized B1 fields. FDTD is employed to calculate B1 field and signal intensity inside a homogenous cylindrical phantom and human head. A comparison with conventional RF birdcage coil is reported here and demonstrated that inverse-method designed coil with preemphasized B1 field can help in decreasing the notorious bright region caused by EM field/tissue interactions in the human head images at 4 T.


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The paper presents investigations into multiple input multiple output wireless communication systems, which are carried out from an electromagnetic perspective. The first part of the paper focuses on signal propagation models, which can be used for determining the MIMO system capacity or its performance when various space-time coding schemes are applied. Two types of models are considered. In the first model, array antennas are treated in an exact electromagnetic manner but interactions with scattering objects are incorporated using an approximate single bounce scattering approach. The other model is a simple but exact electromagnetic (EM) model, which takes into account EM interactions between antennas and scatterers. In this model, parallel wire dipoles represent antennas as well as scatterers. The second part of the paper reports on investigations into two types of MIMO testbeds. The first one is a simple transmit/receive diversity tested while the other one is a full MIMO testbed. The paper briefly describes the results obtained during the undertaken investigations


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In this paper, a channel emulator for assessing the performance of MIMO testbed implemented in a field programmable gate array technology is described. The FPGA based MIMO system includes a signal generator, modulation/demodulation and space time coding/decoding modules. The emulator uses information about a wireless channel from computer simulations or actual measurements. In simulations, a single bounce scattering model for an indoor environment is applied. The generated data is stored in the FPGA board. The tests are performed for a 2times2 MIMO system that uses Alamouti scheme for space coding/decoding. The performed tests show proper operation of the FPGA implemented MIMO testbed. Good agreement between the results using measured and simulated channel data is obtained.


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This paper describes the design of a Multiple Input Multiple Output testbed for assessing various MIMO transmission schemes in rich scattering indoor environments. In the undertaken design, a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) board is used for fast processing of Intermediate Frequency signals. At the present stage, the testbed performance is assessed when the channel emulator between transmitter and receiver modules is introduced. Here, the results are presented for the case when a 2x2 Alamouti scheme for space time coding/decoding at transmitter and receiver is used. Various programming details of the FPGA board along with the obtained simulation results are reported


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In this thesis, we consider four different scenarios of interest in modern satellite communications. For each scenario, we will propose the use of advanced solutions aimed at increasing the spectral efficiency of the communication links. First, we will investigate the optimization of the current standard for digital video broadcasting. We will increase the symbol rate of the signal and determine the optimal signal bandwidth. We will apply the time packing technique and propose a specifically design constellation. We will then compare some receiver architectures with different performance and complexity. The second scenario still addresses broadcast transmissions, but in a network composed of two satellites. We will compare three alternative transceiver strategies, namely, signals completely overlapped in frequency, frequency division multiplexing, and the Alamouti space-time block code, and, for each technique, we will derive theoretical results on the achievable rates. We will also evaluate the performance of said techniques in three different channel models. The third scenario deals with the application of multiuser detection in multibeam satellite systems. We will analyze a case in which the users are near the edge of the coverage area and, hence, they experience a high level of interference from adjacent cells. Also in this case, three different approaches will be compared. A classical approach in which each beam carries information for a user, a cooperative solution based on time division multiplexing, and the Alamouti scheme. The information theoretical analysis will be followed by the study of practical coded schemes. We will show that the theoretical bounds can be approached by a properly designed code or bit mapping. Finally, we will consider an Earth observation scenario, in which data is generated on the satellite and then transmitted to the ground. We will study two channel models, taking into account one or two transmit antennas, and apply techniques such as time and frequency packing, signal predistortion, multiuser detection and the Alamouti scheme.


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A tese Comunicação & Astronomia, uma união virtual aborda o universo da comunicação virtual, das organizações virtuais, da ciência virtual. Um universo novo e emocionante onde a relação assíncrona espaço-temporal é o fator comum a todos os atores sociais envolvidos. O universo do virtual, das ferramentas de comunicação relacionadas às novas tecnologias, do ciberespaço, da existência concreta de uma organização imaterial. Estes elementos abrem novos horizontes para o conhecimento e compreensão dos processos de comunicação humana e organizacional na era da revolução informacional, proporcionando a oportunidade de estabelecer uma teoria de comunicação organizacional on line. A pesquisa bibliográfica apoiou-se em três bases teóricas de referência: a comunicação mediada por computador, comunicação virtual e comunicação organizacional, estas bases tiveram ainda o suporte de um estudo de caso que constituiu o corpus da pesquisa. Pudemos então compreender como ocorre a comunicação em uma organização virtual, seus processos, ferramentas e pontos cruciais que podem ser resumidos no fator motivacional necessário ao estímulo à interação virtual cooperativa, necessidade de construção e manutenção de imagem institucional forte que delimite a organização no ciberespaço e definição clara dos códigos de conduta da organização virtual.(AU)


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Recently, within the VISDEM project (EPSRC funded EP/C005848/1), a novel variational approximation framework has been developed for inference in partially observed, continuous space-time, diffusion processes. In this technical report all the derivations of the variational framework, from the initial work, are provided in detail to help the reader better understand the framework and its assumptions.


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Ecological approaches to perception have demonstrated that information encoding by the visual system is informed by the natural environment, both in terms of simple image attributes like luminance and contrast, and more complex relationships corresponding to Gestalt principles of perceptual organization. Here, we ask if this optimization biases perception of visual inputs that are perceptually bistable. Using the binocular rivalry paradigm, we designed stimuli that varied in either their spatiotemporal amplitude spectra or their phase spectra. We found that noise stimuli with “natural” amplitude spectra (i.e., amplitude content proportional to 1/f, where f is spatial or temporal frequency) dominate over those with any other systematic spectral slope, along both spatial and temporal dimensions. This could not be explained by perceived contrast measurements, and occurred even though all stimuli had equal energy. Calculating the effective contrast following attenuation by a model contrast sensitivity function suggested that the strong contrast dependency of rivalry provides the mechanism by which binocular vision is optimized for viewing natural images. We also compared rivalry between natural and phase-scrambled images and found a strong preference for natural phase spectra that could not be accounted for by observer biases in a control task. We propose that this phase specificity relates to contour information, and arises either from the activity of V1 complex cells, or from later visual areas, consistent with recent neuroimaging and single-cell work. Our findings demonstrate that human vision integrates information across space, time, and phase to select the input most likely to hold behavioral relevance.


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This paper evaluates the extent of inter-industry and inter-regional wage spillovers across the UK. An extensive body of literature exists suggesting that wages elsewhere affect wage determination and levels of satisfaction, but this paper extends the analysis of wage determination to examine the effects of inward investment in the process. Thus far the specific effect of foreign wages on domestic wage determination has not been evaluated. We employ industry- and regional-level panel data for the UK, and contrast results from alternative approaches to space-time modelling. Each supports the notion that such wage spillovers do occur, though assumptions made concerning the modelling of spatial interaction are important. Further, such wage spillovers are more widespread for skilled than for unskilled workers and also lower in areas of high unemployment. © 2006 Regional Studies Association.


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The identification of disease clusters in space or space-time is of vital importance for public health policy and action. In the case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it is particularly important to distinguish between community and health care-associated infections, and to identify reservoirs of infection. 832 cases of MRSA in the West Midlands (UK) were tested for clustering and evidence of community transmission, after being geo-located to the centroids of UK unit postcodes (postal areas roughly equivalent to Zip+4 zip code areas). An age-stratified analysis was also carried out at the coarser spatial resolution of UK Census Output Areas. Stochastic simulation and kernel density estimation were combined to identify significant local clusters of MRSA (p<0.025), which were supported by SaTScan spatial and spatio-temporal scan. In order to investigate local sampling effort, a spatial 'random labelling' approach was used, with MRSA as cases and MSSA (methicillin-sensitive S. aureus) as controls. Heavy sampling in general was a response to MRSA outbreaks, which in turn appeared to be associated with medical care environments. The significance of clusters identified by kernel estimation was independently supported by information on the locations and client groups of nursing homes, and by preliminary molecular typing of isolates. In the absence of occupational/ lifestyle data on patients, the assumption was made that an individual's location and consequent risk is adequately represented by their residential postcode. The problems of this assumption are discussed, with recommendations for future data collection.


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The objective of this research is to design and build a groupware system which will allow members of a distributed group more flexibility in performing software inspection. Software inspection, which is part of non-execution based testing in software development, is a group activity. The groupware system aims to provide a system that will improve acceptability of groupware and improve software quality by providing a software inspection tool that is flexible and adaptable. The groupware system provide a flexible structure for software inspection meetings. The groupware system will extend the structure of the software inspection meeting itself, allowing software inspection meetings to use all four quadrant of the space-time matrix: face-to-face, distributed synchronous, distributed asynchronous, and same place-different time. This will open up new working possibilities. The flexibility and adaptability of the system allows work to switch rapidly between synchronous and asynchronous interaction. A model for a flexible groupware system was developed. The model was developed based on review of the literature and questionnaires. A prototype based on the model was built using java and WWW technology. To test the effectiveness of the system, an evaluation was conducted. Questionnaires was used to gather response from the users. The evaluations ascertained that the model developed is flexible and adaptable to the different working modes, and the system is capable of supporting several different models of the software inspection process.


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The recognition of faces and of facial expressions in an important evolutionary skill, and an integral part of social communication. It has been argued that the processing of faces is distinct from the processing of non-face stimuli and functional neuroimaging investigations have even found evidence of a distinction between the perception of faces and of emotional expressions. Structural and temporal correlates of face perception and facial affect have only been separately identified. Investigation neural dynamics of face perception per se as well as facial affect would allow the mapping of these in space, time and frequency specific domains. Participants were asked to perform face categorisation and emotional discrimination tasks and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was used to measure the neurophysiology of face and facial emotion processing. SAM analysis techniques enable the investigation of spectral changes within specific time-windows and frequency bands, thus allowing the identification of stimulus specific regions of cortical power changes. Furthermore, MEG’s excellent temporal resolution allows for the detection of subtle changes associated with the processing of face and non-face stimuli and different emotional expressions. The data presented reveal that face perception is associated with spectral power changes within a distributed cortical network comprising occipito-temporal as well as parietal and frontal areas. For the perception of facial affect, spectral power changes were also observed within frontal and limbic areas including the parahippocampal gyrus and the amygdala. Analyses of temporal correlates also reveal a distinction between the processing of faces and facial affect. Face perception per se occurred at earlier latencies whereas the discrimination of facial expression occurred within a longer time-window. In addition, the processing of faces and facial affect was differentially associated with changes in cortical oscillatory power for alpha, beta and gamma frequencies. The perception of faces and facial affect is associated with distinct changes in cortical oscillatory activity that can be mapped to specific neural structures, specific time-windows and latencies as well as specific frequency bands. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis provides further insight into the sequential processing of faces and facial affect.


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This thesis demonstrates that the use of finite elements need not be confined to space alone, but that they may also be used in the time domain, It is shown that finite element methods may be used successfully to obtain the response of systems to applied forces, including, for example, the accelerations in a tall structure subjected to an earthquake shock. It is further demonstrated that at least one of these methods may be considered to be a practical alternative to more usual methods of solution. A detailed investigation of the accuracy and stability of finite element solutions is included, and methods of applications to both single- and multi-degree of freedom systems are described. Solutions using two different temporal finite elements are compared with those obtained by conventional methods, and a comparison of computation times for the different methods is given. The application of finite element methods to distributed systems is described, using both separate discretizations in space and time, and a combined space-time discretization. The inclusion of both viscous and hysteretic damping is shown to add little to the difficulty of the solution. Temporal finite elements are also seen to be of considerable interest when applied to non-linear systems, both when the system parameters are time-dependent and also when they are functions of displacement. Solutions are given for many different examples, and the computer programs used for the finite element methods are included in an Appendix.