978 resultados para Solar storage


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O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar padrões de interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) em vinhedos de 'Moscato Giallo', com e sem cobertura plástica sobre o dossel vegetativo. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Flores da Cunha, na "Serra Gaúcha" (29°06'S, 51°20'W, 541 m), na safra de 2005/2006. Consistiu de fileiras de plantas descobertas e cobertas com filme de polietileno de baixa densidade transparente com 160µm de espessura. Foram feitas medições contínuas de RFA em diferentes alturas do dossel, nos dois sistemas. O índice de área foliar (IAF) foi determinado por método não destrutivo, tendo-se ajustado modelos relacionando IAF com graus-dia acumulados. Também foram ajustados modelos relacionando a eficiência de interceptação de RFA com IAF, nos vinhedos cobertos e descobertos. A cobertura plástica promoveu aumento de 12% na eficiência de interceptação da radiação pelo vinhedo. O vinhedo coberto apresentou menor coeficiente de extinção de RFA que em céu aberto.


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Orange fruits from two seasons, in April and August 2006 representing late 2005 and early 2006 harvests respectively were cured in hot air at 36-37(0)C to 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% weight loss before storage at 28(0)C and 86% relative humidity (RH). The fruits were observed for incidence of decay, further weight loss, juice content, firmness or softening of the peel, total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity, and colour during storage. Curing reduced the incidence of decay. All control fruits were rotten by day 21 in August harvest while 22.5% of the control was rotten by day 56 in the April harvest. Storage life was extended beyond 56 days in fruits cured with 1, 3, 5 and 7% in April harvest as there was no decay throughout, while decay incidence in August harvest was 88.9, 61.1, 22.2 and 31.3% in 1, 3, 5 and 7% respectively. Penicillium digitatum, Phytophthora sp., Alternaria citri and Collectotrichum gloeosporioides were among decay causing moulds detected. Control fruits lost more weight during storage than cured fruits did. Fruit rind hardening was more noticed in the control and those cured to 1% weight loss, especially from the April harvest. It was insignificant in other treatments in both trials. Titratable acidity, pH, juice content and TSS were not affected by the treatment. Colour change to yellow was however retarded by curing. Curing to 5% weight loss was best for decay control and quality retention.


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'Douradão' peach is a perishable product and when cold stored is subject to chilling injury. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and cold storage on quality and storage life of these peaches. Fruits were packed in polypropylene (PP) trays and placed inside low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags (30, 50, 60, 75 μm thickness) with active modified atmosphere (10 kPa CO2 + 1.5kPa O2, balance N2). The control was made with peaches held in nonwrapped PP trays. Fruits were kept at 1 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (RH) for 28 days and CO2 and O2 within packages was monitored every two days. After 14, 21 and 28 days, samples were withdrawn from MAP and kept in air at 25 ± 1 °C and 90 ± 5% RH for ripening. On the day of removal from the cold storage and after 4 days, peaches were evaluated for weight loss, decay incidence, flesh firmness, woolliness incidence, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and juice content. The results showed that MAP had influence on reducing weight loss and prevented postharvest decay. MAP of 1-2 kPa O2 and 3-6 kPa CO2 at 1 °C (from 50 and 60 μm LDPE films) were effective for keeping good quality of 'Douradão' peaches during 28 days of storage, the ripe fruits showed reduced incidence of woolliness, adequate juiciness and flesh firmness. Packages of 30 and 75 μm LDPE films were ineffective for reducing woolliness during cold storage. MAP fruits showed lower SSC and no relevant effect on TA. Control fruits did not present marketable conditions after 14 days of cold storage.


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SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s[3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the asso ciated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line.


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Nowadays, one of the most important challenges to enhance the efficiency of thin film silicon solar cells is to increase the short circuit intensity by means of optical confinement methods, such as textured back-reflector structures. In this work, two possible textured structures to be used as back reflectors for n-i-p solar cells have been optically analyzed and compared to a smooth one by using a system which is able to measure the angular distribution function (ADF) of the scattered light in a wide spectral range (350-1000 nm). The accurate analysis of the ADF data corresponding to the reflector structures and to the μc-Si:H films deposited onto them allows the optical losses due to the reflector absorption and its effectiveness in increasing light absorption in the μc-Si:H layer, mainly at long wavelengths, to be quantified.


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In this work, we have studied the texturization process of (100) c-Si wafers using a low concentration potassium hydroxide solution in order to obtain good quality textured wafers. The optimization of the etching conditions have led to random but uniform pyramidal structures with good optical properties. Then, symmetric heterojunctions were deposited by Hot-Wire CVD onto these substrates and the Quasi-Steady-State PhotoConductance technique was used to measure passivation quality. Little degradation in the effective lifetime and implicit open circuit voltage of these devices (< 20 mV) was observed in all cases. It is especially remarkable that for big uniform pyramids, the open-circuit voltage is comparable to the values obtained on flat substrates.


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Light confinement strategies in thin-film silicon solar cells play a crucial role in the performance of the devices. In this work, the possible use of Ag-coated stamped polymers as reflectors to be used in n-i-p solar cells is studied. Different random roughnesses (nanometer and micrometer size) have been transferred on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) by hot embossing. Morphological and optical analyses of masters, stamped polymers and reflectors have been carried out evidencing a positive surface transference on the polymer and the viability of a further application in solar cells.


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Realizaram-se a caracterização e a comparação da disponibilidade de radiação solar global e do fotoperíodo para o Planalto de Santa Catarina, representado por Campo Belo do Sul (latitude -28º00'00'', longitude -51º00'00'' e altitude de 950 metros), e para a região Mediterrânea do Sul da França, representada por Pech Rouge (latitude 43º08'35'', longitude 03º07'59'' altitude de 1,5 metro). Este estudo foi realizado para a fase de maturação das variedades de videira Chardonnay, Portan, Syrah, Viognier, Carignan, Grenache, Marselan, Mourvèdre e Cabernet Sauvignon. Foram também avaliadas as durações do fotoperíodo anual, do período noturno, da radiação solar global, da radiação solar e da insolação máxima no período de maturação, para ambas as localidades. As diferenças de comportamento fenológico e das posições geográficas dos dois locais promoveram diferenças quanto à disponibilidade e intensidade da radiação solar global, assim como do fotoperíodo. Apesar da uma maior transmissividade da atmosfera para Pech Rouge, o Planalto Catarinense apresentou maior disponibilidade e intensidade de radiação solar durante a fase de maturação da videira. Também, o acúmulo de horas de fotoperíodo foi superior no Planalto Catarinense do que em Pech Rouge. Estas diferenças de disponibilidade de radiação solar e fotoperíodo foram provenientes da menor duração da fase de maturação para Pech Rouge, da declinação solar em relação aos dois locais por ocasião da ocorrência desta fase e da diferença da camada atmosférica resultante da diferença de altitude.


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Tehokkaimpia keinoja vähentää rakennusten lämmitysenergian kulutusta ja lämmityksen aiheuttavia hiilidioksidi- ja happamoitavia päästöjä on tiukentaa rakentamismääräysten lämmöneristysvaatimuksia. Hyvin lämmöneristetyissä, tiiveissä ja ilmanvaihdoltaan optimoiduissa taloissa on pienet lämpöhäviöt. Näin ympäristöä kuormittava vaikutus saadaan paljon vähemmäksi kuin nykynormien mukaisissa asuinrakennuksissa. Johtumislämpöhäviö pienenee suoraan eristekerroksia paksuntamalla ja siihen on helpointa vaikuttaa. Mitä suurempiin eristepaksuuksiin mennään sen suuremmaksi tulee konvektion osuus kokonaislämpöhäviöstä. Tulevaisuudessa parempia ratkaisuja haetaan erityisesti konvektiosta ja säteilystä aiheutuvien lämpöhäviöiden pienentämiseksi. Eristeen osastointi ilmanpitävillä, vesihöyryä diffuusisesti läpäisevillä pystysuuntaisilla konvektiokatkoilla vähentää tehokkaasti paksun seinäeristeen kuljettumis-ilmavirtauksia. Katkoina käytetään erilaisia kalvoja ja rakennuspapereita, joilla on pieni emissiviteetti. Katkojen merkitys kasvaa, kun mennään uusien normien mukaisiin eristepaksuuksiin. Lämmöneriste voidaan toteuttaa myös kokoamalla ohuita kalvoja paketiksi, jotka jakavat ilmatilan ja siis eristeelle varatun paksuuden suljettuihin ilmaväleihin. Kun kalvoiksi valitaan pieniemissiviteettisiä pintoja, saadaan säteilylämmönsiirto lähes eliminoiduksi. Tällaisen ilmatilan lämmönjohtumisluku lähestyy paikallaan pysyvän ilman lämmönjohtumislukua, l = 0,025 W/Km, eli tällä rakennesysteemillä on mahdollista toteuttaa ohuempia rakenteita kuin perinteisillä eristeillä. Hygroskooppisen massan käyttö sisäilman kosteutta tasaavana rakenteena voi olla tulevaisuutta. Kehitystyö tuottaa uusia, kosteusteknisesti toimivia sovelluksia. Toisaalta palomääräykset tulevat kehitystyötä vastaan. Hygroskooppinen pintamateriaali on kevyt (pieni tiheys) ja paloteknisesti arka. Suoraa sähkölämmitystä ei voida pitää ympäristöystävällisenä. Sen jalostusketju on pitkä ja monivaiheinen. Millä peruspolttoaineella sähköä tuotetaan, vaikuttaa asiaan luonnollisestikin. Suoraa sähkölämmitystä voidaan suositella vain yksinäisen ihmisen taloudessa lämmitysmuotona taloudellisista syistä. Halvan polttoaineen säästöllä ei voida maksaa suuria laiteinvestointeja. Aurinkoenergian hyvä hyödyntäminen edellyttää hyvää säätöä, joka kytkee lämmityksen pois päältä silloin, kun aurinko lämmittää. Auringon hetkelliset säteilytehot ovat suuria verrattuna rakenteen lämpöhäviöihin ja huonetilojen lämmöntarpeeseen. Ratkaisu aurinkoenergian hetkellisyyteen ja paikallisuuteen on energian siirtäminen lämmöntarpeen mukaan rakennuksen eri osiin ja sen varastoiminen päivätasolla. Kun varastoivasta massasta ei ole suoraa yhteyttä ulos, voidaan kerääjäeristeeltä saatu lämpö käyttää häviöttömästi huonetilojen lämmittämiseen. Vaikka lämmitysenergian käytössä päästään 30 % vähennyksiin uudisrakennusten osalta, ei kokonaisenergian käyttö merkittävästi pienene, jos taloussähkön kulutus pysyy vakiona. Sama pätee myös CO2 -päästöihin. Saavutettava etu lämmitys-energian kulutuksessa voidaan hukata yhä suurenevaksi taloussähkön käytöksi, mikä olisi erityisen huono asia ympäristön kannalta.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e quantificar a partição de energia solar em cultivos de videira (Vitis vinifera L.) em São Joaquim-SC. Consideraram-se três diferentes posicionamentos dos sensores de radiação solar global: voltados para leste, oeste e no topo do dossel. Observou-se que, em plantas de videira conduzidas em espaldeira e posicionadas no sentido norte-sul, o ciclo diurno de radiação solar global apresentou características diferentes entre as faces leste e oeste do dossel, tanto em relação à disponibilidade, quanto à intensidade de radiação. Verificou-se que é em torno das 10 h que ocorre a maior disponibilidade de radiação solar na face leste (363W.m-2) e na face oeste ocorre próximo das 16 h (290W.m-2). A máxima disponibilidade de radiação solar global no topo do dossel é registrada próximo das 13 h (612W.m-2). Cerca de 30% a 40% da radiação solar global incidente está disponível nas faces leste e oeste do dossel, com valor superior para a face o leste. Na região de estudo, observou-se maior disponibilidade de radiação solar global nos meses de novembro e dezembro, período que correspondeu ao maior crescimento dos ramos da videira.


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The possible use of polyethylene naphthalate as substrate for low-temperature deposited solar cells has been studied in this paper. The transparency of this polymer makes it a candidate to be used in both substrate and superstrate configurations. ZnO:Al has been deposited at room temperature on top of PEN. The resulting structure PEN/ZnO:Al presented good optical and electrical properties. PEN has been successfully textured (nanometer and micrometer random roughness) using hot-embossing lithography. Reflector structures have been built depositing Ag and ZnO:Al on top of the stamped polymer. The deposition of these layers did not affect the final roughness of the whole. The reflector structure has been morphologically and optically analysed to verify its suitability to be used in solar cells.


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Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition has led to microcrystalline silicon solar cell efficiencies similar to those obtained with Plasma Enhanced CVD. The light-induced degradation behavior of microcrystalline silicon solar cells critically depends on the properties of their active layer. In the regime close to the transition to amorphous growth (around 60% of amorphous volume fraction), cells incorporating an intrinsic layer with slightly higher crystalline fraction and [220] preferential orientation are stable after more than 7000 h of AM1.5 light soaking. On the contrary, solar cells whose intrinsic layer has a slightly lower crystalline fraction and random or [111] preferential orientation exhibit clear light-induced degradation effects. A revision of the efficiencies of Hot-Wire deposited microcrystalline silicon solar cells is presented and the potential efficiency of this technology is also evaluated.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de proteção contra queima solar e o efeito de diferentes lâminas de irrigação na qualidade dos frutos de abacaxizeiro 'Pérola'. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental, no município de Janaúba-MG. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi o gotejamento e a quantidade de lâmina de irrigação aplicada foi calculada com base na evaporação do Tanque Classe-A (ECA). A proteção dos frutos contra queima solar foi realizada após o fechamento das últimas flores. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, segundo o esquema de parcelas subdivididas 5 x 5, tendo nas parcelas cinco lâminas de irrigação (30 %, 50 %, 70 %, 100 % e 150 % da ECA) e nas subparcelas 4 tipos de proteção: jornal, saco de papel marrom, TNT branco nº 40 e solução contendo cal a 10 %, além da testemunha, com quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se porcentagem de frutos com queima solar, firmeza, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), pH e relação SST/ATT da polpa. Os frutos protegidos com TNT apresentaram menor porcentagem de queima solar. A lâmina referente a 77 % da ECA, associada à proteção com TNT ou com a cal proporcionam maiores valores de SST.