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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a resposta ovariana após uso de ciclofosfamida (CFM) em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) e correlacionar os achados de tempo de doença e idade no período de utilização de CFM e dose cumulativa com alterações no ciclo menstrual e/ou evolução para insuficiência ovariana (IO). MÉTODOS: Foi um estudo transversal, retrospectivo, com 50 pacientes com diagnóstico de LES e que fizeram tratamento com CFM com seguimento clínico de, pelo menos, 1 ano. Foram incluídas pacientes com idade entre 12 e 40 anos e que apresentavam ciclos menstruais regulares prévios ao tratamento. Foram excluídas pacientes que descontinuaram o seguimento, ou este foi menor do que um ano, além daquelas que apresentaram irregularidade/ausência menstrual antes do uso do fármaco. Todas as mulheres estudadas foram submetidas à entrevista e à aplicação de questionário. Neste foram abordadas questões relevantes de padrão de ciclo menstrual antes e posterior à terapia, assim como períodos gestacionais e método contraceptivo. Foi questionado se as pacientes foram orientadas sobre os efeitos colaterais e as consequências da CFM. Para análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes t de Student, Mann-Whitney, do χ2 e o não paramétrico de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das pacientes incluídas no do estudo foi de 30,8 anos, e a média de idade no momento do uso de CFM, de 25,3 anos. Após a CFM, 24% das pacientes não menstruaram mais, 28% voltaram a ter ciclos regulares e 48% delas permaneceram com ciclos irregulares. Verificou-se que as pacientes que evoluíram com falência ovariana tinham maior tempo de doença (12,3 anos) do que aquelas que não evoluíram (8,9 anos). Treze pacientes tiveram gestação após a CFM, em todas ocorreu de forma espontânea; no entanto, 66% evoluíram com abortamento. A média de idade das pacientes que fizeram uso de CFM e evoluíram com falência ovariana foi de 28,1 anos. A amenorreia ocorreu em 50% das pacientes que tinham idade entre 31 e 40 anos, 22,2%, entre 21 e 30 anos, e 7,7%, entre 12 e 20 anos. Nosso estudo não mostrou correlação estatística entre dose cumulativa e falência ovariana, apesar de que doses cumulativas maiores que 11 g tendem a promover algum tipo de irregularidade menstrual. CONCLUSÃO: O tempo de doença do LES, a idade no momento do tratamento e as maiores doses cumulativas são importantes fatores preditores da IO pós-terapia com CFM. Gestação em pacientes lúpicas após o uso do quimioterápico tem maiores chances de evoluir com abortamento. Viu-se que pequena parte das doentes estava ciente de todas as repercussões que a droga poderia gerar. Por isso, novos estudos devem ser realizados para o conhecimento e a conscientização, por parte do meio médico, sobre a importância da anticoncepção e da preservação do tecido ovariano.
Systemic iron overload (IO) is considered a principal determinant in the clinical outcome of different forms of IO and in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). However, indirect markers for iron do not provide exact quantification of iron burden, and the evidence of iron-induced adverse effects in hematological diseases has not been established. Hepatic iron concentration (HIC) has been found to represent systemic IO, which can be quantified safely with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), based on enhanced transverse relaxation. The iron measurement methods by MRI are evolving. The aims of this study were to implement and optimise the methodology of non-invasive iron measurement with MRI to assess the degree and the role of IO in the patients. An MRI-based HIC method (M-HIC) and a transverse relaxation rate (R2*) from M-HIC images were validated. Thereafter, a transverse relaxation rate (R2) from spin-echo imaging was calibrated for IO assessment. Two analysis methods, visual grading and rSI, for a rapid IO grading from in-phase and out-of-phase images were introduced. Additionally, clinical iron indicators were evaluated. The degree of hepatic and cardiac iron in our study patients and IO as a prognostic factor in patients undergoing alloSCT were explored. In vivo and in vitro validations indicated that M-HIC and R2* are both accurate in the quantification of liver iron. R2 was a reliable method for HIC quantification and covered a wider HIC range than M-HIC and R2*. The grading of IO was able to be performed rapidly with the visual grading and rSI methods. Transfusion load was more accurate than plasma ferritin in predicting transfusional IO. In patients with hematological disorders, the prevalence of hepatic IO was frequent, opposite to cardiac IO. Patients with myelodysplastic syndrome were found to be the most susceptible to IO. Pre-transplant IO predicted severe infections during the early post-transplant period, in contrast to the reduced risk of graft-versus-host disease. Iron-induced, poor transplantation results are most likely to be mediated by severe infections.
Intraoperative parathyroid hormone (IO-PTH) measurements have been proposed to improve operative success rates in primary, secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism (PHP, SHP and THP). Thirty-one patients requiring parathyroidectomy were evaluated retrospectively from June 2000 to January 2002. Sixteen had PHP, 7 SHP and 8 THP. Serum samples were taken at times 0 (before resection), 10, 20 and 30 min after resection of each abnormal parathyroid gland. Samples from 28 patients were frozen at -70ºC for subsequent tests, whereas samples from three patients were tested while surgery was being performed. IO-PTH was measured using the Elecsys immunochemiluminometric assay (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). The time necessary to perform the assay was 9 min. All samples had a second measurement taken by a conventional immunofluorimetric method. We considered as cured patients who presented normocalcemia in PHP and THP, and normal levels of PTH in SHP one month after surgery and who remained in this condition throughout the follow-up of 1 to 20 months. When rapid PTH assay was compared with a routine immunofluorimetric assay, excellent correlation was observed (r = 0.959, P < 0.0001). IO-PTH measurement showed a rapid average decline of 78.8% in PTH 10 min after adenoma resection in PHP and all patients were cured. SHP patients had an average IO-PTH decrease of 89% 30 min after total parathyroidectomy and cure was observed in 85.7%. THP showed an average IO-PTH decrease of 91.9%, and cure was obtained in 87.5% of patients. IO-PTH can be a useful tool that might improve the rate of successful treatment of PHP, SHP and THP.
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo foi desenhado pra investigar e comparar biomarcadores do metabolismo de glicose e lipídeos em pacientes não diabéticos em diálise peri>toneal e hemodiálise. MÉTODOS: O estudo possui um desenho prospectivo e transversal. Participantes: foram incluídos todos os pacientes prevalentes em terapia de substituição renal tratados em uma clínica universitária. Intervenções: não houve intervenções. Medida das variáveis principais: as amostras de sangue foram coletadas com jejum oral de 8 horas. Os níveis séricos de insulina foram determinados por quimioluminescência. Resistência insulínica foi avaliada pelo index QUICKI como se segue: 1/[log(Io) + log(Go)], onde Io é a insulina de jejum, e Go a glicemia de jejum. Índice HOMA também foi medido: (FPG × FPI)/22,5; FPG = glicemia de jejum (mmol/L); FPI = insulina de jejum (mU/mL). Os demais exames bioquímicos foram analisados utilizando métodos de rotina. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 154 pacientes (80 em hemodiálise e 74 em diálise peritoneal). Setenta e quatro pacientes diabéticos foram excluídos. Dos 80 pacientes restantes (55% homens, idade média de 52 ± 15 anos), 35 estavam em diálise peritoneal e 45 em hemodiálise. A glicemia em jejum dos pacientes em diálise peritoneal em relação à hemodiálise foi 5,0 ± 0,14 versus 4,58 ± 0,14 mmol/L, p < 0,05; para hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) de 5,9 ± 0,1 versus 5,5 ± 0,1%, p<0,05; colesterol total de 5,06 ± 0,19 versus 3,39 ± 0,20 mmol/L, p < 0,01; LDL-c de 2,93 ± 0,17 versus 1,60 ± 0,17 mmol/L, p < 0,01; e índice HOMA de 3,27 versus 1,68, p < 0,05. Todas as variáveis foram ajustadas para idade, sexo, tempo em diálise, produto cálcio-fósforo, albumina e proteína C-reativa. CONCLUSÃO: Nós observamos um pior perfil no metabolismo de glicose e lipídeos em pacientes em diálise peritoneal (menor sensibilidade insulínica e valores mais elevados de glicemia em jejum, HbA1c, colesterol total e LDL-c) quando comparados a pacientes em hemodiálise, potencialmente devido à utilização de glicose nas soluções de diálise peritoneal.
Partendo dalla nozione kierkegaardiana dell'Io come un rapportarsi propongo discutere in questo testo il concetto di altro nei diversi stadi esistenziali: l'estetico, l'etico ed il religioso. Cerco prima di descrivire il problema dell'Io nella filosofia di Kierkegaard rispetto alla questione da lui enunciata fin dall'inizio del saggio sulla Malattia Mortale (KIERKEGAARD, 2013a), ossia che la coscienza possa porre a se stesso o debba esser posta da un altro. Poi la mia ricerca appunta verso la nozione dell'altro nell'estetico come occasione per il godere del se stesso e appunta anche verso la nozione dell'altro come immagine dell'Io, un secondo Io, nello stadio etico. Alla fine arrivo al religioso dove, per il teologo danese, l'altro prende il senso di un altro come altro, una realtà in sé, dato che nel religioso l'altro è, prima di tutto, il Dio – la vera fonte della realtà dell'Io stesso – ed è ancora il prossimo, tutte le altre persone che, insieme all'Io, devono nella sua singolarità diventare spirito, coscienza coesa nella esistenza. Quest'altro religioso è pertanto il punto centrale della filosofia sociale kierkegaardiana, giacché nella posizione del prossimo egli è infatti il primo Tu (KIERKEGAARD, 2003).
Contient : 1° « Li Prologues de livre del miracles Nostre Dame sainte Marie », de « GAUTIER DE COINSI » ; 2° « La Conception Nostre Dame sainte Marie », suivie de « La Nativité Nostre Dame », de « mestre GACE » ; 3° « Del Crucefiement Nostre Seignor et comment il commenda Nostre Dame à S. Johan », par « HERMAN » ; 4° « Li Lamentacions Nostre Dame sainte Marie por son fil » ; 5° Recueil de Miracles de Notre-Dame ; « Si con li escriz nos tesmoigne... » ; « En autre temps que je estoie... » ; « El conté de Flandres avoit... » ; « Par l'escondu jugement Nostron Seignor nasquit una grant discordi entre lo rei Felipon de France et lo roi Henri d'Engleterre » ; « En nun de Deu l'esperitable... » ; « Un miracle vos voil conter... » ; « Cist clers dont je vos ai conté... » ; « Un miracle hai enpris à dire... » ; « Autre miracle vos voil dire... » ; « Un clers estoit religious... » ; « Je ne sai s'avez oï dire... » ; « En l'an de l'Incarnacion... » ; « Un miracle vos voil conter... » ; « A Cluigni ot ja un abé... » ; « Bien sei que sevent loing et pres... » ; « Il ot ja en Jerusalem... » ; « Li apostres nos conte et dit... » ; « Escotez qu'il avint en France... » ; « En celle vile meisme avoit... » ; « En celle eglise aventa... » ; « Cest miracles que je voil dire... » ; « En un livre trovon lisant... » ; « Un joines clers de Rome nez... » ; « Escrit trovons en dialoge... » ; « Un sainz moines jadis estoit... » ; « Icest miracle reconta... » ; « Nos savos bien certainement... » ; « A Conturbere aventa... » ; « En Costantinoble jadis... » ; « Un chivalers et ses serjanz... » ; « Uns hom religios estoit... » ; « El tens que estoit emperere... » ; « El tens que regna Theodoses,... » ; « Puis que parler hai comencié... » ; « A Chartres aventa jadis... » ; « Uns autre clers jadis estoit... » ; « Uns poures hom jadis estoit... » ; « Iço reconte sainz Gregoires,... » ; « En un monester d'Alemaigne... » ; « Nos ne devons mie queisir... » ; « Uns chapellains jadis estoit... » ; « Dui frere estoient à Rome... » ; « Uns vilains mal enseignez ert... » ; « Il avint ja en Lombardie... » ; « A Pavie uns clers estoit... » ; « En Piamont a un moster... » ; « Il avint jadis ça arere... » ; « El terreor de Pise avoit... » ; « Il ne me doit pas enuier... » ; « Un bel miracle vos voil dire... » ; « On dit qu'el mostier de Scetoine... » ; « Ce dient li reconteor... » ; « Enforcer se doit hom et fame... » ; « De l'Asumpcion Nostre Dame... » ; « El los de la virge Marie,... » ; « Uns archidiacres ert allege... » ; « En l'eglise de Neverz ot... » ; « Autre miracle vos dirai... » ; « Bien se doit checuns efforcer... » ; « Si com cil qu'ont piment beü... » ; « Cis Julians, cis renoiez... » ; « Encis que eusant cil de Perse... » ; « Escotez, seignor, et venez... » ; « Sainz Gregoires, cil qui fu pape... » ; « Un autre miracle vos voil dire... » ; « Il avenit jadis à Rome... » ; « De cellae virginae Mariae... » ; « Jadis à Borges aventa... » ; « Quant bona soit sainti Mari,... » ; « En Libie en une cité... » ; « Uns clers estoit nez d'Espernon,... » ; « Un autre miracle vos voil dire... » ; « Jadis ot en une abaïe... » ; « Dedenz Rome ot une eglise... » ; « Ço qui est joious à oïr... » ; « Li monestei de saint Vincent... » ; « El los de la virge Marie... » ; « En les parties de Borgoigne... » ; « De fol avoir ha grant talent... » ; « Li crestin ont si grant amor... » ; « De toz est li superlatis... » ; « Quant l'emperere Ottovianz,... » ; « Un roi orent li Sarrazin... » ; « Li livres nos conte et dit... » ; « De la douce virge Marie,... » ; « Un marchaanz jadis estoit... » ; « Jadis ot en une abbaïe... » ; « Qui trop asent à mal se gete... » ; « Jadis en une vile avoit... » ; « D'un conte qui est de haut pris... » ; « Nos trovons escrit en l'estoire... » ; « Jadis en la terre de Rome... » ; « Tuit li miracle Nostre Dame... » ; « Tenez silence, belles genz... » ; « Entendez tuit, faite silence... » ; « Un bel miracle que molt aime... » ; « Mes livres me dit et revele... » ; « Se pres de moi vos volez traire... » ; « Cil qui d'oïr estes engrant... » ; « En escrit truis que pres d'Orliens... » ; « Un miracle voil reciter... » ; « Por ce qu' oisouse est morz à l'ame... » ; « Il fu.I. clers,.I. damoiseauz... » ; « Il fu, ce truis, uns chivaller... » ; « A la gloire la gloriose... » ; 6° Passions des saints ; 7° « La Vie et la passion del beneuré saint Lorant, arcediacre » (fol. 276), — de « saint Eustache » (fol. 280), — de « saint Martin, arcevesque de Tors » (fol. 286), — de « saint Clement, apostoile de Rome » (fol. 292), — « Les passions des sainz.XLVIII. martirs qui furent martirié soz Antonine Vero » (fol. 296), — « La vie et la passion de saint Hyrenei, arcevesque de Lyon et martyr » (fol. 298), — « La vie del beneuré Just et la passion, qui fu evesques de Lyons » (fol. 302), — « La vie sainte Consorce, virge, et la conversion saint Euchyre, evesque de Lyon, et de Galle sa femme » (fol. 304) ; 8° Une « Oraisun » composée d'environ cinq cents vers
Catharanthlls rosellS (L.) G Don is a commercially significant flower species and in addition is the only source of the monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA) vinblastine and vincristine, which are key pharmaceutical compounds that are used to combat a number of different cancers. Therefore, procurement of the antineoplastic agents is difficult but essential procedure. Alternatively, CatharanthllS tissue cultures have been investigated as a source of these agents; however they do not produce vindoline, which is an obligate precursor to vinblastine and vincristine. The interest in developing high MIA cultivars of Catharantlws rosellS has prompted metabolic profiling studies to determine the variability of MIA accumulation of existing flowering cultivars, with particular focus on the vindoline component ofthe pathway. Metabolic profiling studies that used high performance liquid chromatography of MIAs from seedlings and young leaf extracts from 50 different flowering cultivars showed that, except for a single low vindoline cultivar (Vinca Mediterranean DP Orchid), they all accumulate similar levels of MIAs. Further enzymatic studies with extracts from young leaves and from developing seedlings showed that the low vindoline cultivar has a IO-fold lower tabersonine-16-hydroxylase activity than those of CatharanthllS rosellS cv Little Delicata. Additionally, studies aimed at metabolic engineering ofvindoline bios}l1thesis in Catharanthus rosellS hairy root cultures have been performed by expressing the last step in vindoline biosynthesis [Dcacetylvindoline-4-0- acetyltransferase (DAT)]. Enzymatic profiling studies with transformed hairy roots have confirmed that over-expressing DAT leads to lines with high levels of O-acetyltransferase activity when compared to non-expressing hairy roots. One particular DA T over111 expressing hairy root culture (line 7) contained 200 times the OAT activity than leaves of control lines. Additional MIA analyses revealed that DAT over-expressing hairy roots have an altered alkaloid profile with significant variation in the accumulation of h6rhammericine. Further analysis of transformed hairy root line 7 suggests a correlation between the expression of OAT activity and h6rhammericine accumulation with root maturation. These studies show that metabolic and selective enzymatic profiling can enhance our ability to search for relevant MIA pathway mutants and that genetic engineering with appropriate pathway genes shows promise as a tool to modify the MIA profile of Catharanthus roseus.
Icewine is an intensely s\veet dessert \vine fermented from the juice of naturally frozen grapes. Icewine fermentation poses many challenges such as failure to reach desired ethanol levels and production of high levels of volatile acidity in the fonn of acetic acid. This study investigated the impact of micronutrient addition (GO-FERM® and NATSTEP®) during the rehydration stage of the commercial \vine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae KI-VIII6 during Ice\vine fermentation. Sterile-filtered and unfiltered Riesling Ice\vine juice was inoculated \vith yeast rehydrated under four different conditions: in water only; with GO-FERM®; with NATSTEP®; or the combination of both micronutrient products in the rehydration water. Using sterile-filtered Icewine juice, yeast rehydration had a positive impact of reducing the rate of acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed, reducing the ratio of acetic acid/ethanol and reducing the ratio of acetic acid/glycerol. In the sterile-filtered fermentation, yeast rehydrated with micronutrients generated 9-times less acetic acid per gram of sugar in the first 48 hours compared to yeast rehydrated only \vith water and resulted in a 17% reduction in acetic acid in the final \vine \vhen normalized to sugar consumed. However, the sterile-filtered fermentations likely became stuck due to the overc1arification of the juice as evidenced from the low sugar consumption (117 gIL) that could not be completely overcome by the micronutrient treatments (144 gIL sugar consumed) to reach a target ethanol of IO%v/v. Contrary to \vhat \vas observed in the sterile-filtered treatements, using unfiltered Ice\vine juice, yeast micronutrient addition had no significant impact of reducing the rate of acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed, reducing the ratio of acetic acid/ethanol and reducing the ratio of acetic acid/glycerol. However, in the unfiltered fermentation, micronutrient addition during yeast rehydration caused a reduction in the acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed up to 150 giL sugar consumed.. In contrast to the sterile-filtered fermentations, the unfiltered fermentations did not become stuck as evidenced from the higher sugar consumption (l47-174g1L). The largest effects of micronutrient addition are evident in the first two days of both sterile and unfiltered fermentations.
It is well accepted that structural studies with model membranes are of considerable value in understanding the structure of biological membranes. Many studies with models of pure phospholipids have been done; but the effects of divalent cations and protein on these models would make these studies more applicable to intact membrane. The present study, performed with above view, is a structural analysis of divalent io~cardio1ipin complexes using the technique of x-ray diffraction. Cardiolipin, precipitated from dilute solution by divalent ionscalcium, magnesium and barium, contains little water and the structure formed is similar to the structure of pure cardiolipin with low water content. The calcium-cardiolipin complex forms a pure hexagonal type II phase that exists from 40 to 400 C. The molar ratio of calcium and cardiolipin in the complex is 1 : 1. Cardiolipin, precipitated with magnesium and barium forms two co-existing phases, lamellar and hexagonal, the relative quantity of the two phases being dependent on temperature. The hexagonal phase type II consisting of water filled channels formed by adding calcium to cardiolipin may have a remarkable permeability property in intact membrane. Pure cardiolipin and insulin at pH 3.0 and 4.0 precipitate but form no organised structure. Lecithin/cardiolipin and insulin precipitated at pH 3.0 give a pure lamellar phase. As the lecithin/cardiolipin molar ratio changes from 93/7 to SO/50, (a) the repeat distance of the lamellar changes from 72.8 X to 68.2 A; (b) the amount of protein bound increases in such a way that cardiolipin/insulin molar ratio in the complex reaches a maximum constant value at lecithin/cardiolipin molar ratio 70/30. A structural model based on these data shows that the molecular arrangement of lipid and protein is a lipid bilayer coated with protein molecules. The lipid-protein interaction is chiefly electrostatic and little, if any, hydrophobic bonding occurs in this particular system. So, the proposed model is essentially the same as Davson-Daniellifs model of biological membrane.
The gene,nil purpose (If this thesis was to examine certain variables considered to be associated with reading readiness in kindergarten children Twenty-four children from a parent-funded parochial school i.n 5t Catharines. Ontaj-io were exanlined in this study, The children.'s reading readiness level, measured by the Test of Ea1'1y Reading Ability (JERA:) and by teacher"s ratings was correlated with various cognitive variables, These variables consisted (If a rough index of intelligence as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised CPPVT-Rl Form M, mean len.gth of utterance (MUn, the sum of relative,. subordinate and coordinate clauses, the !wmber of core statements children make when telling stories and a memory test. All but the memory test related to at least one measure of reading readiness, Although the memory test did not correlate significantly with reading readiness, the children appeaj~ed to be sensitive to the stimulus set size in terms of their study time, In addition. interi'uption in the interval between studying the stimuli and the ,reca1i test had a negathre effect on pe.rfornlance and set size had a substantial effect 011 recognition performance, The educational implications of these correlates of reading readiness are discussed as weH as the implications for future research.
The algebraic expressions for the anharmonic contributions to the Debye-Waller factor up to 0(A ) and 0 L% ) £ where ^ is the scattering wave-vector] have been derived in a form suitable for cubic metals with small ion cores where the interatomic potential extends to many neighbours. This has been achieved in terms of various wave-vector dependent tensors, following the work of Shukla and Taylor (1974) on the cubic anharmonic Helmholtz free energy. The contribution to the various wave-vector dependent tensors from the coulomb and the electron-ion terms in the interatomic metallic potential has been obtained by the Ewald procedure. All the restricted multiple whole B r i l l o u i n zone (B.Z.) sums are reduced to single whole B.Z. sums by using the plane wave representation of the delta function. These single whole B.Z. sums are further reduced to the •%?? portion of the B.Z. following Shukla and Wilk (1974) and Shukla and Taylor (1974). Numerical calculations have been performed for sodium where the Born-Mayer term in the interatomic potential has been neglected because i t is small £ Vosko (1964)3 • *n o^er to compare our calculated results with the experimental results of Dawton (1937), we have also calculated the r a t io of the intensities at different temperatures for the lowest five reflections (110), (200), (220), (310) and (400) . Our calculated quasi-harmonic results agree reasonably well with the experimental results at temperatures (T) of the order of the Debye temperature ( 0 ). For T » © ^ 9 our calculated anharmonic results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results.The anomalous terms in the Debye-Waller factor are found not to be negligible for certain reflections even for T ^ ©^ . At temperature T yy Op 9 where the temperature is of the order of the melting temperature (Xm) » "the anomalous terms are found to be important almost for all the f i ve reflections.
This thesis studies the impact of macroeconomic announcements on the U.S. Treasury market and investigates profitable opportunities around macroeconomic announcements using data from the eSpeed electronic trading platform. We investigate how macroeconomic announcements affect the return predictability of trade imbalance for the 2-year, 5-year, IO-year U.S. Treasury notes and 30-year U.S. Treasury bonds. The goal of this thesis is to develop a methodology to identify informed trades and estimate the trade imbalance based on informed trades. We use the daily order book slope as a proxy for dispersion of beliefs among investors. Regression results in this thesis indicate that, on announcement days with a high dispersion of beliefs, daily trade imbalance estimated by informed trades significantly predicts returns on the following day. In addition, we develop a trade-imbalance based trading strategy conditional on dispersion of beliefs, informed trades, and announcement days. The trading strategy yields significantly positive net returns for the 2-year T-notes.
Suite à une consultation publique, la ministre de la Justice Anne McLellan a voulu répondre aux groupes et aux citoyens en intégrant, dans le projet de loi omnibus C-17, des amendements visant le droit criminel quant à la cruauté envers les animaux. Le projet de loi étant devenu caduc aux dernières élections fédérales, ces nouvelles dispositions étaient reprises par le projet de loi C-15 qui a lui-même été prorogé à la fin de la première session de la 37 législature. Les modifications qu'il proposait sont intégralement reprises par le projet de loi C-IO, déposé en octobre 2002. Les membres du Sénat renvoyaient récemment ce dernier devant le Comité permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, chargé de le scinder en deux afin qu'un nouveau projet de loi, le ClOB, soit bientôt déposé et porte exclusivement sur la cruauté envers les animaux. Devant l'imminence de telles modifications, il est intéressant de se questionner autant sur leur contexte que sur leur portée. Dans une première partie, nous présentons quelques éléments du contexte philosophique et sociétal justifiant l'intérêt grandissant pour la question animale. L'émergence de nouvelles théories morales accordant plus de valeur à l'animal, les critiques et revendications des groupes de pression et des citoyens en général, ainsi que les récentes études démontrant un lien entre la cruauté envers les animaux et la violence dirigée contre l'homme, exigent une remise en question des rapports homme/animal. Une révision de ces différents facteurs contextuels permet de mieux comprendre à quoi répondent ces projets de loi. Dans une deuxième partie, nous relevons plusieurs incohérences du droit actuel afin d'identifier ce qui devrait être modifié par le législateur. Les incohérences sont à plusieurs niveaux: cohabitation de lois visant à protéger l'animal défini comme un être sensible et de lois portant sur la gestion des animaux considérés comme de simples ressources utiles à l'homme; intégration d'infractions visant à protéger l'animal dans la section du Code criminel portant sur les biens; gravité relativement importante des crimes contre les animaux par comparaison à certaines infractions contre la personne; problèmes 11 liés au libellé des infractions particulières et distinctions quant au degré de protection des animaux en fonction de leur intérêt pour 1'homme. Ensuite, le droit proposé sera examiné pour vérifier s'il règlera ces problèmes. Retirées de la partie concernant les biens, les infractions porteront davantage sur la sensibilité de l'animal plutôt que vers son utilité pour l'homme. Au niveau des régimes de responsabilité, l'ambiguïté constitutionnelle entraînée par la présomption du paragraphe 446(3) C.cr. sera évacuée. Quant aux peines, le durcissement prévu risque de rendre les infractions démesurément sévères par comparaison à certains crimes contre la personne. Bien qu'actualisées, les infractions seront toujours nombreuses et anecdotiques. Finalement, les changements de nature strictement juridique sont surtout cosmétiques, alors que la valeur symbolique des projets de loi est, quant à elle, plus significative. En effet, si quelques considérations anthropocentriques sont à l'origine des projets de loi, une reconnaissance de la valeur intrinsèque de l'animal semble aussi les avoir inspirés. Malheureusement, le paradigme de l'animal proposé, encore plus que celui qui est actuellement reconnu, se concilie difficilement avec l'utilisation des animaux pour les fins égocentriques de l'homme
Ma thèse propose une analyse attentive de la ré-écriture de l'histoire articulée dans trois romans du collectif d'écrivains italiens publiant sous le pseudonyme Wu Ming: "Q", "54" et "Manituana". Partant du pamphlet publié par les Wu Ming en 2008 sur leur conception du roman historique et de l’écriture romanesque en général, the New Italian Epic (NIE), je propose deux angles d’approche pour mettre en évidence la relecture de l’histoire se dessinant dans les romans cités ci-dessus: la notion du regard oblique (qui est mentionnée dans le NIE); et le concept de multitude. La technique du regard oblique implique une réflexivité de la narration, une mise en abîme du processus narratif qui est effectuéé par le biais d’un point de vue insolite. Ce dernier peut provenir d'un animal, d’un objet animé, ou même d’un objet mystérieux comme le flux immatériel. Cette technique a déjà des précédents littéraires dans l’oeuvre d’écrivains tels que Italo Calvino ou Thomas Pynchon, mais dans la nouvelle forme qu’elle acquiert dans les textes des Wu Ming, elle permet l’articulation d’une relecture transversale de l’histoire. Cette relecture transversale émergeant dans les romans des Wu Ming est analysée dans la première partie de la thèse. La conceptualisation du regard oblique que je développe dans cette partie se base sur la théorie de l'anamorphose de Jacques Lacan, ainsi que sur le concept de la "troisième personne" proposé récemment par le philosophe Roberto Esposito. La seconde partie de la thèse aborde la problématique de la confrontation de l'écriture des Wu Ming à la situation socio-politique internationale contemporaine, soit comment leur ré-écriture de l'histoire s'insère dans la situation biopolitique globale. Dans les romans des Wu Ming on voit surgir une interprétation de cette situation globale qui dépasse les notions classiques de l'État et du citoyen. Le concept du biopolitique se prête à diverses interprétations: dans ses écrits des années 1970, Michel Foucault, qui est un des théoriciens majeurs du biopouvoir et de la biopolitique, ne parvient pas à proposer une interprétation unique et précise de ce dernier concept. Plusieurs philosophes italiens ont repris ce discours en le développant chacun à sa manière. Certains, comme Paolo Virno et, un peu plus tard Toni Negri, voient dans la notion de la Multitude une possibilité pour équilibrer le rapport pouvoir/personne et par conséquent pour développer de nouvelles possibilités révolutionnaires pour la déconstruction du biopouvoir. Les Wu Ming semblent suivre la voie positive de la multitude, qui selon leur conception correspond plus à une interprétation néo-marxiste de l’histoire.
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