838 resultados para Smoking habit
Despite continued research and public health efforts to reduce smoking during pregnancy, prenatal cessation rates in the United States have decreased and the incidence of low birth weight has increased from 1985 to 1991. Lower socioeconomic status women who are at increased risk for poor pregnancy outcomes may be resistant to current intervention efforts during pregnancy. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the determinants of continued smoking and quitting among low-income pregnant women.^ Using data from cross-sectional surveys of 323 low-income pregnant smokers, the first study developed and tested measures of the pros and cons of smoking during pregnancy. The original decisional balance measure for smoking was compared with a new measure that added items thought to be more salient to the target population. Confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling showed neither the original nor new measure fit the data adequately. Using behavioral science theory, content from interviews with the population, and statistical evidence, two 7-item scales representing the pros and cons were developed from a portion (n = 215) of the sample and successfully cross-validated on the remainder of the sample (n = 108). Logistic regression found only pros were significantly associated with continued smoking. In a discriminant function analysis, stage of change was significantly associated with pros and cons of smoking.^ The second study examined the structural relationships between psychosocial constructs representing some of the levels of and the pros and cons of smoking. The cross-sectional design mandates that statements made regarding prediction do not prove causation or directionality from the data or methods analysis. Structural equation modeling found the following: more stressors and family criticism were significantly more predictive of negative affect than social support; a bi-directional relationship was found between negative affect and current nicotine addiction; and negative affect, addiction, stressors, and family criticism were significant predictors of pros of smoking.^ The findings imply reversing the trend of decreasing smoking cessation during pregnancy may require supplementing current interventions for this population of pregnant smokers with programs addressing nicotine addiction, negative affect, and other psychosocial factors such as family functioning and stressors. ^
Tradicionalmente en los modelos de transporte, las variables explicativas de la elección modal del usuario se reducen a las variables objetivas (coste del transporte, tiempo de viaje, etc.). Sin embargo, la literatura más reciente reconoce que el perfil del usuario así como sus percepciones, influyen también en la elección modal. Por ello, antes de formular un modelo de demanda de transporte, es conveniente integrar factores más subjetivos (percepciones y actitudes) de los usuarios del sistema de transporte. Para evaluar dicha influencia se ha optado por realizar una encuesta en las nuevas estaciones de la línea 2 de Metro, al Sureste de Madrid. Será una manera de medir la consistencia de los hábitos cuando una nueva infraestructura de transporte como el Metro se pone en marcha. La toma de datos se realiza a través de encuestas de preferencias reveladas a los usuarios del nuevo Metro. Gracias a dicha encuesta se puede conocer el anterior modo de viaje utilizado por los usuarios para realizar el mismo trayecto, por lo que se dispone de datos para evaluar el cambio de modo. En concreto, el encuestado responde a preguntas sobre el motivo del viaje, la disponibilidad de vehículo propio y el motivo principal para cambiar de modo. La encuesta de movilidad realizada en la nueva infraestructura permite recoger para desarrollar una metodología capaz de estimar los efectos de shock e inercia del cambio modal. Este artículo utiliza modelos de elección discreta integrando variables cuantitativas (coste del viaje, por ejemplo) y cualitativas (motivo del cambio modal) para explicar la elección modal. Los primeros resultados muestran que los viajes obligados (trabajo y estudios) que antes del Metro se realizaban en coche, presentan poca resistencia al cambio.
Funding The research described in this paper is funded by Cancer Research UK, registered under application number C50862/A18446. The systematic review protocol reported in this paper was previously peer-reviewed by Cancer Research UK as part of the funding process. The funders had no role in protocol design, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
This study was funded by the Swiss National Foundation (100014_124516). We would like to thank all students who helped with data collection.
Acknowledgments The staff at Grampian National Health Service Pregnancy Counseling Service were essential for collecting fetuses. We thank the Aberdeen Proteomics Core Facility (University of Aberdeen) for their expert assistance. Support for the study was provided by the Chief Scientist Office (Scottish Executive, CZG/1/109, & CZG/4/742), National Health Service Grampian Endowments (08/02), the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement no 212885, and the Medical Research Council, UK (MR/L010011/1).
Acknowledgements This paper belongs to the studies carried out by Kuopio Birth Cohort consortium (www.KuBiCo.fi). We thank Ms Pirjo Hänninen for expert laboratory assistance at University of Eastern Finland, Ms Margaret Fraser, Dr Panagiotis Filis and the Proteomics Core Facility at the University of Aberdeen for their expert assistance. We also thank the staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Kuopio University Hospital for skilful collection of these specimens. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland [122859/2007], the Helena Vuorenmies Foundation, the Emil Aaltonen Foundation, the University of Eastern Finland Doctoral Programme in Drug Research and the Medical Research Council, UK [MR/L010011/1]. The funders played no roles in study design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation and/or publication decisions.