858 resultados para Small and Medium sized Enterprise


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Purpose – The development of marketing strategies optimally adjusted to export markets has been a vitally important topic for both managers and academics for about five decades. However, there is no agreement in the literature about which elements integrate marketing strategy and which components of domestic strategies should be adapted to export markets. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new scale – STRATADAPT. Design/methodology/approach – Results from a sample of small and medium-sized industrial exporting firms support a four-dimensional scale – product, promotion, price, and distribution strategies – of 30 items. The scale presents evidence of composite reliability as well as discriminant and nomological validity. Findings – Findings reveal that all four dimensions of marketing strategy adaptation are positively associated with the amount of the firm's financial resources allocated to export activity. Practical implications – The STRATADAPT scale may assist managers in developing better international marketing strategies as well as in planning more accurate and efficient marketing programs across markets. Originality/value – This study develops a new scale, the STRATADAPT scale, which is a broad measure of export marketing strategy adaptation.


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This study explores the role of the International Accounting Standards Board’s (IASB) due process in developing its International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS or SMEs)standard. There were tensions between the IASB’s desire to minimise divergence from full IFRS and preserve recognition and measurement principles, and the primary reasons for undertaking the project – to meet the needs of users of financial statements of SMEs and to reduce the financial reporting burden on SMEs. Examination of events during the development of the project reveals much that was not apparent from material in the public domain. Most significantly, the IASB recognised that the final title of the standard, IFRS for SMEs, does not necessarily describe the scope of the standard. This paper also shows that the due process followed in the case of the IFRS for SMEs project barely reflected the ‘will of people’ but was more inclined towards acting as a communicative function for the IASB without any commitment to change its stance on the SME standard.


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The paper explores the lived experience of leadership learning and development in a single case study of an entrepreneur participating in a major leadership development programme for owner-managers of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Based on autobiographical research, it provides a rich contextual account of the nature and underlying influences of leadership learning throughout the life-course, and as a consequence of participation in the programme. Whilst the paper should interest scholars, policy makers, and those concerned with programme development, it may also resonate with entrepreneurs and help them make sense of their experience of leadership development.


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While a growing number of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are making use of coaching, little is known about the impact such coaching has within this sector. This study sought to identify the factors that influence managers' decision to engage with coaching, their perceptions of the coaching ‘journey’ and the kinds of benefits accruing from coaching: organisational, personal or both. As part of a mixed methods approach, a survey tool was developed based upon a range of relevant management competencies from the UK's Management Occupational Standards and responses analysed using importance-performance analysis, an approach first used in the marketing sector to evaluate customer satisfaction. Results indicate that coaching had a significant impact on personal attributes such as ‘Managing Self-Cognition’ and ‘Managing Self-Emotional’, whereas the impact on business-oriented attributes was weaker. Managers' choice of coaches with psychotherapeutic rather than non-psychotherapeutic backgrounds was also statistically significant. We conclude that even in the competitive business environment of SMEs, coaching was used as a largely personal, therapeutic intervention rather than to build business-oriented competencies.


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Purpose We study particular structural and organisational factors affecting the formality of human resource management (HRM) practices in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in South-Eastern European (SEE) post-communist countries, in particular Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in order to understand the antecedents of formalization in such settings. Design/methodology/approach Adopting a quantitative approach, this study analyses data gathered through a survey of 168 managers of SMEs from throughout the region. Findings The results show that HRM in SMEs in the SEE region can be understood through a three-fold framework which includes: degree of internationalisation of SMEs, sector of SMEs and organisational size of SMEs. These three factors positively affect the level of HRM formalisation in SEE SMEs. These findings are further attributed to the particular political and economic context of the post-communist SEE region. Research limitations/implications Although specific criteria were set for SME selection, we do not suggest that the study reflects a representative picture of the SEE region because we used a purposive sampling methodology. Practical implications This article provides useful insights into the factors which influence HRM in SMEs in a particular context. The findings can help business owners and managers understand how HRM can be applied in smaller organisations, particularly in post-communist SEE business contexts. Originality/value HRM in SMEs in this region has hardly been studied at all despite their importance. Therefore, this exploratory research seeks to expand knowledge relating to the application of HRM in SMEs in SEE countries which have their business environments dominated by different dynamics in comparison to western European ones.


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Managers’ conceptions of the importance of human resources are essential for creating ‘attractive workplaces’. This paper examines an intervention method aimed at creating insight among managers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) concerning the potential of human resources. The intervention method is called Focus Group Attractive Work (FGAW) and was conducted at eight enterprises in Sweden. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the intervention method seems to be thought-provoking and to facilitate changes in managers’ conceptions of the importance of human resources, albeit to different degrees. 


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Research has shown that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are rapidly adopting the e-commerce. However, there is nearly no research into how microenterprises are adopting eCommerce. Present paper focus on microenterprise adaption of eCommerce in terms of barriers in relation to already known research on SMEs. A case study, carried out by 12 microenterprises to find out barriers to adapt eCommerce had been done. The empirical results show that the microenterprises share most of the barriers to adapt the eCommerce with studies of SMEs, but also reveal additional factors affecting adaptation option of eCommerce; supplier agreement, communication and customer strategy. Conclusions are that microenterprises need additional support and communication and customer strategy to adapt eCommerce, depending of their requirement and needs of eCommerce.


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Small and medium-sized companies and other enterprises (SMEs) around the world are exposed to flood risk and many of the 4.5 million in the UK are at risk. As SMEs represent almost half of total business turnover in the UK, their protection is a vital part of the drive for greater climate change resilience. However, few have measures in place to ensure the continuity of their activities during a flood and its aftermath. The SESAME project aims to develop tools that encourage businesses to discover ways of becoming more resilient to floods and to appreciate how much better off they will be once they have adapted to the ongoing risk. By taking some of the mystery out of flooding and flood risk, it aims to make it susceptible to the same business acumen that enables the UK’s SMEs to deal with the many other challenges they face. In this paper we will report on the different aspects of the research in the project Understanding behaviour Changing behaviour Modelling impacts Economic impacts Through the above the project will advise government, local authorities and other public bodies on how to improve their responses to floods and will enable them to recommend ways to improve the guidelines provided to SMEs in flood risk areas.


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Over the past two decades there has been a profusion of empirical studies of organizational design and its relationship to efficiency, productivity and flexibility of an organization. In parallel, there has been a wide range of studies about innovation management in different kind of industries and firms. However, with some exceptions, the organizational and innovation management bodies of literature tend to examine the issues of organizational design and innovation management individually, mainly in the context of large firms operating at the technological frontier. There seems to be a scarcity of empirical studies that bring together organizational design and innovation and examine them empirically and over time in the context of small and medium sized enterprises. This dissertation seeks to provide a small contribution in that direction. This dissertation examines the dynamic relationship between organizational design and innovation. This relationship is examined on the basis of a single-case design in a medium sized mechanical engineering company in Germany. The covered time period ranges from 1958 until 2009, although the actual focus falls on the recent past. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive field work. The main findings are: 1. There is always a bundle of organizational dimensions which impacts innovation. These main organizational design dimensions are: (1) Strategy & Leadership, (2) Resources & Capabilities, (3) Structure, (4) Culture, (5) Networks & Partnerships, (6) Processes and (7) Knowledge Management. However, the importance of the different organizational design dimensions changes over time. While for example for the production of simple, standardized parts, a simple organizational design was appropriate, the company needed to have a more advanced organizational design in order to be able to produce customized, complex parts with high quality. Hence the technological maturity of a company is related to its organizational maturity. 2. The introduction of innovations of the analyzed company were highly dependent on organizational conditions which enabled their introduction. The results of the long term case study show, that some innovations would not have been introduced successfully if the organizational elements like for example training and qualification, the build of network and partnerships or the acquisition of appropriate resources and capabilities, were not in place. Hence it can be concluded, that organizational design is an enabling factor for innovation. These findings contribute to advance our understanding of the complex relationship between organizational design and innovation. This highlights the growing importance of a comprehensive, innovation stimulating organizational design of companies. The results suggest to managers that innovation is not only dependent on a single organizational factor but on the appropriate, comprehensive design of the organization. Hence manager should consider to review regularly the design of their organizations in order to maintain a innovation stimulating environment.


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Globalization, as an economic, social and cultural phenomenon, has profoundly changed the behavior of individuals, companies and nations. It is responsible for an increasingly borderless world and a significant increase in competition between companies, due to the rapid dissemination of information and technical and scientific advances. Every day at the global level, the growing competition between companies makes it more difficult for corporations to boost their earnings through added revenues, which makes it imperative to cut costs to be profitable. To this end, utilization of the reverse auction, which has emerged as a new purchasing tool in recent years, offers the possibility of a significant and immediate reduction in prices, as well as greater operational efficiency in purchasing. The Brazilian hotel industry has also experienced transformations with globalization. A business characterized in the 70s by small and medium-sized companies has developed into an economic segment that today includes large international chains and, therefore, also needs to cut costs to be profitable. Applying the case study approach, this research seeks to evaluate the impact that the utilization of a reverse auction as a purchasing tool has had on the hotel industry in Brazil.


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Este trabalho aborda o uso da administração financeira nas pequenas e médias empresas. Procurou-se discutir as principais metodologias propostas nas referências bibliográficas sobre o tema, e verificar, através do resultado de uma pesquisa de campo, a realidade encontrada nas empresas. Através dessa, buscou-se investigar os conhecimentos aplicados em suas rotinas administrativas e as variações nos padrões gerenciais entre empresas de diferentes portes e setores de atuação, no que se refere à área pesquisada. O estudo contemplou os principais temas que envolvem a administração financeira, analisando as áreas da tesouraria, fluxo de caixa, demonstrações financeiras, análise de balanços, custos e análise de investimento. Foram também objetos desse estudo a atenção dispensada à contabilidade, a forma como as empresas avaliam sua administração e os fatores que influenciam na implementação de uma administração financeira adequada. Foi proposta ainda uma metodologia de atribuição de notas às empresas, que objetiva demonstrar o desempenho da administração financeira das empresas pesquisadas. As conclusões deste estudo demonstram as principais falhas encontradas na gestão financeira das pequenas e médias empresas. Na comparação por porte, as pequenas empresas apresentaram graves problemas em sua administração, com uma melhora significativa nas médias empresas. Os resultados comprovam que mesmos pequenas empresas podem ter uma administração financeira adequada; porém, apresentam um grande número de empresas ineficientes nessa área, principalmente nos setores do comércio e serviço. O estudo comprovou que as empresas pesquisadas - mesmo as de médio porte - podem melhorar sua gestão financeira, principalmente através da aplicação das metodologias de análise de balanços e de projeções financeiras.


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O tema "A importância da análise ambiental para pequena se médias empresas: um enfoque em planejamento estratégico empresarial", pretende propor através dos enfoques prático e teórico uma tecnologia administrativa a ser utilizada pelas organizações de dimensões pequenas e médias sob a perspectiva de sistemas abertos, e por intermédio da análise do meio ambiente, aqui considerado como instrumento fundamental à legitimação e efetividade destas organizações no País.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo primário encontrar uma métrica de risco para bancos elegível a ser uma componente específica em futuros modelos de custo de capital. Como objetivo secundário, este trabalho descreve um processo de modelagem passível de ser estendido a outros segmentos bancários. O conjunto de contribuições deste trabalho consiste na visão de aplicação, no objeto de estudo (bancos de pequeno e médio porte com baixa diversificação de produtos ou segmentos no sistema financeiro brasileiro) e na acessibilidade do processo de modelagem estruturado


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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar de que maneira os meios de hospedagem podem contribuir para o incentivo de ações sustentáveis na sua cadeia de suprimentos. Segundo estudos anteriores, os meios de hospedagem são capazes de influenciar fornecedores a adotarem práticas sustentáveis em seus processos. Deste modo, este estudo busca analisar de que maneira os MHs podem contribuir para o incentivo de ações sustentáveis na sua cadeia de suprimentos. Para isso, os seguintes objetivos específicos foram listados: verificar a existência de ações sustentáveis nos meios de hospedagem nos âmbitos social, econômico e ambiental e identificar em qual dos três existem mais ações e atividades realizadas; analisar os motivos que levaram os mesmos a adotar tais práticas e seus benefícios; analisar as dificuldades dos empreendimentos em realizar ações sustentáveis e, por fim, analisar se tais ações influenciam ou alcançam outras partes da cadeia de suprimentos do meio de hospedagem a adotar práticas sustentáveis. Para alcançar estes objetivos, serão abordados os conceitos de desenvolvimento sustentável e suas principais definições contidas na literatura pertinente; conceito de turismo, abordando o turismo de massa e o sustentável e como eles se relacionam; a cadeia de suprimento do turismo e suas possíveis representações e, finalmente, as principais definições de meios de hospedagem e as classificações existentes no Brasil. A estratégia de pesquisa utilizada foi o estudo de caso, sendo o within-case escolhido como método de análise. O estudo foi realizado no Litoral Norte de São Paulo que inclui as cidades de Ubatuba, Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião e Ilhabela. A região foi propícia para a pesquisa por possui 80% do território coberto por Mata Atlântica e ter o turismo como uma das principais atividades econômicas. Como resultados, o estudo verificou que os meios de hospedagem desta região executam algumas práticas sustentáveis, sendo que a maior parte delas recai sobre a dimensão ambiental. Entretanto, estas práticas ainda são bastante incipientes e feitas sem acompanhamento técnico. Quanto à influência na cadeia de suprimentos, foi verificado que a maioria dos gestores não pensou em estender as ações sustentáveis a seus fornecedores e, os que cogitaram esta ideia, alegam que não possuem o porte necessário. Por serem de pequeno e médio porte não conseguem exercer pressão sobre seus stakeholders. Deste modo, pode-se dizer que, mesmo em uma região litorânea onde a principal atividade é o turismo - e os atrativos são belezas naturais que precisam ser preservadas - a adoção de práticas sustentáveis em meios de hospedagem ainda é um assunto que precisa ser compreendido, divulgado e incentivado.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado considera a transferência de calor combinando convecção e radiação térmica no escoamento de gases participantes em dutos de seção circular. Partindo de uma metodologia geral, o trabalho enfoca principalmente os casos típicos de aplicação em geradores de vapor fumotubulares de pequeno e médio porte, em que gases em alta temperatura escoam através de um tubo mantido em temperatura uniforme. O escoamento é turbulento e o perfil de velocidade é plenamente desenvolvido desde a entrada do duto. A temperatura do gás, contudo, é uniforme na entrada, considerando-se a região de desenvolvimento térmico. Duas misturas de gases são tratadas, ambas constituídas por dióxido de carbono, vapor d’água e nitrogênio, correspondendo a produtos típicos da combustão estequiométrica de óleo combustível e metano. As propriedades físicas dos gases são admitidas uniformes em todo o duto e calculadas na temperatura de mistura média, enquanto que as propriedades radiantes são modeladas pela soma-ponderada-de-gases-cinzas. O campo de temperatura do gás é obtido a partir da solução da equação bidimensional da conservação da energia, sendo os termos advectivos discretizados através do método de volumes de controle com a função de interpolação Flux-Spline; as trocas de energia radiantes são avaliadas por meio do método das zonas, onde cada zona de radiação corresponde a um volume de controle. Em um primeiro passo, a metodologia é verificada pela comparação com resultados apresentados na literatura para a transferência de calor envolvendo apenas convecção e combinando convecção com radiação. Em seguida, discutem-se alguns efeitos da inclusão da radiação térmica, por exemplo, no número de Nusselt convectivo e na temperatura de mistura do gás. Finalmente, são propostas correlações para o número de Nusselt total, que leva em conta tanto a radiação quanto a convecção. Essa etapa exige inicialmente uma análise dos grupos adimensionais que governam o processo radiante para redução do número elevado de parâmetros independentes. As correlações, aplicáveis a situações encontradas em geradores de vapor fumotubulares de pequeno e médio porte, são validadas estatisticamente pela comparação com os resultados obtidos pela solução numérica.