994 resultados para Simmel, Georg: Rahan filosofia


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A filosofia da educação, para nós, será trabalhada dentro de uma visão histórica, ou seja, todos os conceitos relacionados à filosofia da educação trabalhados durante o curso são conceitos históricos, assim todos possuem uma dimensão histórica que remete ao entendimento do conceito a compreensão das condições históricas que foram responsáveis pela construção desses conceitos. É nesse sentido, que quando falamos do processo formativo não podemos deixar de nos remeter a grandes escritos que marcaram a civilização ocidental como, por exemplo, os textos de Homero, principalmente a Ilíada e a Odisséia. Devemos notar como as aventuras desses guerreiros míticos, seja Aquiles ou Ulisses, influenciaram na formação do cidadão grego, ou seja, é importante entender o modo que essas figuras foram representadas e serviram de modelo para a constituição da educação grega.


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Os pré-socráticos ou filósofos da natureza foram os primeiros filósofos que procuravam explicar o mundo pela observação da natureza. É nesse contexto que Sócrates surge e busca conhecer a essência humana. Para ele, a nossa sabedoria está na consciência em saber aquilo que não se sabe. Assim, esse filósofo pensa que a busca do conhecimento se dá ao reconhecer aquilo que não se sabe. Sócrates cria, então, a maiêutica socrática, que é um método educativo e filosófico. Já Platão procura discutir a questão do conhecimento baseando-se na existência de dois mundos: um mundo real ou inteligível e outro ilusório ou sensível. No Mito da Caverna Platão explica essa sua visão dualista. Esse filósofo levanta um ponto importante quando ressalta que a educação do homem é a solução dos problemas éticos e políticos do seu tempo a partir da formação de filósofos governantes. Somente dessa forma teríamos uma sociedade mais justa.


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Rousseau era um grande crítico da sociedade, em alguns dos seus estudos, ele buscou responder à questão sobre o que origina a desigualdade entre os homens. Assim, para ele as desigualdades emergem das relações sociais e não possui uma causa natural. É nesse sentido que um dos temas abordados por Rousseau é que o homem nasce bom, no entanto, a sociedade o corrompe. Para ele a educação é a principal estratégia para garantir uma sociedade mais democrática. A principal contribuição de Rousseau para o pensamento educacional foi à obra Emílio ou da Educação. Nesse livro, o filósofo afirma que a educação deve ter início no nascimento e perdurar a vida inteira. Os fundamentos da pedagogia de Rousseau têm como base a epistemologia empírica, ou seja, o homem não nasce com o conhecimento, a mente é uma tabula rasa que é marcada através das experiências sensitivas de cada indivíduo. Outro termo utilizado na filosofia educacional de Rousseau é a educação naturalista que tem como propósito afastar o sujeito daquilo que causa as corrupções.


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O item não apresenta o texto completo, pois está passando por revisão editorial


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This research addresses the consumption of women's fashion, through an analysis of the contents of the Estilo magazine. This magazine is an licensing of American Instyle, directed at the female, published by Editora Abril in Brazil since 2002. To guide this research, in relation of the fashionable field, some relevants concepts and authors were worked, like Pierre Bourdieu, Gilda de Souza Melo, Georg Simmel, Gilles Lipovetsky among other fundamental to understanding both the consumption and fashion. Still in search of understanding the discourses that permeated the fashion world were done semi-structured interviews with two costume designers who work in two different shops specializing in fabrics in the Natal's city. Were analyzed Estilo magazines published from June 2008 to June 2009, relating to the data collected in interviews in order to understand how discourses are constructed and disseminated, becoming so efficient in the seduction of women's groups which is directed to achieve and consolidate the production of appropriate and acceptable form to wear


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This work aims to understand the trajectory of immigrants living in Natal / RN, between the years 1990 and 2009, their motivations for this change, their sociability relations, as well as the impact of this group in Natal and specifically, in the district of Ponta Negra, where most of them established their residences or work. Considering that the historical, political, economical and social environment where these immigrants are inserted, are different from that experienced by former immigrants who came to Brazil in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a period of mass migration, it was revealed that immigration studied in contemporary Natal constitutes a new configuration (Elias, 1994). This new configuration is represented by several characteristics that distinguish this contemporary immigration, as: the relationship established by these foreigners, both with their country of origin and the destination, the formation of social networks that offer support to newcomers and those already installed, the relations of sociability with locals and a new relationship of belonging with the space, since the possibility of coming and going from one country to the other, allows a (re)production of their original ?? social and economic life in the new space. The research methodology was based on the analysis of narrative interviews, in light of the theory of Schütze (1977) in order to understand the faces of this immigration. As theoretical support for the data analysis the theories of authors such as Norbert Elias, presentedin his work about the established and outsiders, Pierre Bourdieu, and his concept of habitus, distinction and style of life, Georg Simmel, and his study of life in the metropolis, his analysis of the foreigner and his theory of sociability, among others. This study attempted to give visibility to foreigners living in Natal, who experience the dynamics of the district of Ponta Negra and reconstruct their daily relations of sociability in this space. In fact, the presence of foreigners in this urban context allows for the construction of new configurations, both in terms of the physical space of the neighborhood, which has been modified by the touristification process and the real estate market, which is molded to meet this demand, but also in their social sphere, with regard to the relations established between foreign residents and locals. In seeking to characterize these migratory experiences it could be understood that the trajectories of each foreigner is part of a broader social structure, which cannot be evaluated neither disconnected from the contexts in which they operate, nor under a single point of view


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In this work a series of discussions is made on the relationship between money and prostitution in a way of overcoming its merely economic aspects, in the perception of both being social, cultural and historical phenomena, and taking them as symbols, whose study aids to unveil the reality. In this context it is looked for revealing its forms and contents to make it possible to understand them beyond the rationality, calculability and mathematical elements presents in them; beyond apparentness, taking them in their complexity. The discussions encompass theoretical elements, based especially on Georg Simmel s theoretical analyses, allied to a specific empirical frame that regards the life experience of the women of Praia do Meio, pedaço of the city of Natal-RN-Brazil, where the data were collected from. Fundamentally, prostitution is perceived as an exchange activity, which is not depleted in the economic elements, but, contrarily, starts on them and surpasses them in diverse aspects. It deals about a money-mediated relationship between human beings that possesses in itself a full complexity, which demands an accurate and keen attention to be comprehended. Since money has transformed the world and the men and women in it, the discussions in the text are conducted in a direction to attempt to encircle and understand the relationship between money and prostitution. Prostitution, in turn, aids to understand such a transformation as it is also a symbol of our times and it makes us to face the true essence of our society: the transformation of human beings into merchandise, into negotiable objects. In the money-based society it is possible to picture the phenomenon of double prostitution: negotiation of the human being, through labor, and negotiation of sex, the last being dramatically stigmatized and the former strongly encouraged. This may be demonstrating that the paid sex is, in the money-ruled society, a limit of commercialization, widely accepted provided it is camouflaged and surrounded by an aura of sensuality and legitimacy


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La musique, plus qu`um mot et le texte écrit, a le pouvoir de produire le déplacement du sujet en relation aux contingences du temps e de l´espace. Entendre de la musique est plus que de l´amusement. Comme un artifice cognitif qui ultrapasse l´expérience analytique e métonymique, les formes tonales doublent la réalité, expandent les sens, actionent l´imagination, retotalisent les sentiments, amplient les expériences, permettent la rencontre du sujet avec les éssences des phénomènes qui ne sont pas traductibles par les mots. Nous écoutons de la musique pour restituer notre dignité e conférer à la vie plus de vérité, plus de concrétion (Santiago Kovadloff). La mélodie permet l´expérimentation des états de cohésion, de conéction pleine entre sens et intention, entre commencement et fin, de la finitude de la vie (Schopenhauer). Le phénomène musical provoque l´expréssion de la douleur, de la souffrance et, au même temps, du jubile et de la joie, réliant nature et homme (Nietzsche). Tenant comme base cette compréhension, la dissertation tient dans la musique une importante métaphore pour comprendre la complexité humaine, une fois qu´elle propicie une écoute sensible du monde et mobilise dans le sujet l´expérimentation de divers états de l´être. Nous pouvons dire que la musique est un opérateur de la conaissence parce qu´elle fait affleurer l´écoute intérieure, la rencontre du sujet avec lui même. Cet opérateur cognitif actione les pôles de l´ésprit qui font dialoguer sensibilité, éthique et esthétique, ordre et chaos, silence et bruit, mouvement et pause, repétition et inovation. Par l´expérience musicale, nous habitons des formes hibrides de sensibilité et raison. L´inachèvement, notre principal caractéristique comme humains, a, dans la musique, une image impair, parce que la musique est l´expression du dévir. Pour tisser ces arguments, la dissertation part des études de Schopenhauer et Nietzsche sur la musique, esthétique et métaphysique; Expose des fragments de la biographie de trois grands penseurs contemporains (Werner Heinsenberg, Ilya Prigogine et Edgar Morin) accentuant la présence de la musique en ses vies; et, par fin, présente ce que nous appelons biographies sonores de quatre artistes-musiciens brésiliens (Benedito Juarez et Gil Jardim, de São Paulo, et Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima et, Cleudo Freire, du Rio Grande do Norte)