986 resultados para Shelf-life
Un film edibile è un sottile strato di materiale commestibile, preformato o formato direttamente sull'alimento, usato come rivestimento o inserito tra i diversi componenti dell'alimento stesso. Per le sue peculiari caratteristiche un film edibile è preparato con materiali commestibili e rappresenta una protezione per l'alimento dall'ambiente esterno. É dunque parte integrante dell'alimento, prolungandone la "shelf-life", ovvero il periodo di utilizzo in commercio del prodotto, dunque il tempo utile tra la data di confezionamento e di scadenza. Una maggiore "shelf-life" comporta molteplici vantaggi per tutti i settori coinvolti nella filiera alimentare: chi produce infatti può offrire ai distributori un prodotto con maggiori garanzie di qualità e conservazione, che distribuisce può allungare il periodo di esposizione negli scaffali e di stoccaggio nei magazzini, chi consuma ottiene un prodotto più sicuro e che può essere conservato più a lungo. I film edibili inoltre sono dotati di proprietà peculiari, infatti conferiscono protezione agli alimenti, costituendo un'interfaccia tra prodotto e ambiente e rallentando il decadimento qualitativo; hanno una natura ecologica perchè non incidono sull'inquinamento ambientale essendo commestibili; sono funzionali, poichè oltre al ruolo di imballaggio, possono assumere funzione antimicrobica e funzionale.
Quando si parla di shelf life di un prodotto alimentare si fa riferimento al periodo di tempo durante il quale un prodotto mantiene le sue caratteristiche qualitative nelle normali condizioni di conservazione/utilizzo e di conseguenza può essere consumato in totale sicurezza. Gli alimenti, infatti, sono prodotti facilmente deperibili che subiscono modifiche a carico della loro composizione a causa dell’innesco di una serie di reazioni sia di tipo microbiologico che chimico-fisico, con i conseguenti rischi per la sicurezza igienico sanitaria del prodotto. Nei prodotti ittici la degradazione biologica risulta essere una delle prime cause di deterioramento dell’alimento ciò perché essi stessi sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di microrganismi provenienti principalmente dalle materie prime impiegate e dal processo di produzione/preparazione utilizzato. Durante la conservazione e lo stoccaggio del prodotto ittico, in particolare sono tre i meccanismi che determinano il deterioramento e quindi la riduzione della shelf life, ovvero: l’autolisi enzimatica (post mortem e che modifica la consistenza del tessuto muscolare favorendo inoltre la crescita microbica ed il rilascio di ammine biogene); l’ossidazione (che riduce le qualità organolettiche del prodotto alterando gli acidi grassi poliinsaturi); la crescita microbica (con produzione di metaboliti come ammine biogene, acidi organici, solfiti, alcool, aldeidi e chetoni che causano i cattivi odori) (Jiang et al. 1990, Koohmaraie M., 1996, Koutsoumanis& Nychas, 1999, Aoki et al., 1997; Bremner, 1992). Risulta quindi strategico, il poter determinare la conservabilità di un alimento verificando dal punto di vista quantitativo, come tutti i fattori che contribuiscono all’alterazione della qualità del prodotto e all’incremento del processo degradativo (popolazione microbica, attività enzimatiche, variazioni chimiche) varino nel tempo.
Leafy greens are essential part of a healthy diet. Because of their health benefits, production and consumption of leafy greens has increased considerably in the U.S. in the last few decades. However, leafy greens are also associated with a large number of foodborne disease outbreaks in the last few years. The overall goal of this dissertation was to use the current knowledge of predictive models and available data to understand the growth, survival, and death of enteric pathogens in leafy greens at pre- and post-harvest levels. Temperature plays a major role in the growth and death of bacteria in foods. A growth-death model was developed for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in leafy greens for varying temperature conditions typically encountered during supply chain. The developed growth-death models were validated using experimental dynamic time-temperature profiles available in the literature. Furthermore, these growth-death models for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes and a similar model for E. coli O157:H7 were used to predict the growth of these pathogens in leafy greens during transportation without temperature control. Refrigeration of leafy greens meets the purposes of increasing their shelf-life and mitigating the bacterial growth, but at the same time, storage of foods at lower temperature increases the storage cost. Nonlinear programming was used to optimize the storage temperature of leafy greens during supply chain while minimizing the storage cost and maintaining the desired levels of sensory quality and microbial safety. Most of the outbreaks associated with consumption of leafy greens contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 have occurred during July-November in the U.S. A dynamic system model consisting of subsystems and inputs (soil, irrigation, cattle, wildlife, and rainfall) simulating a farm in a major leafy greens producing area in California was developed. The model was simulated incorporating the events of planting, irrigation, harvesting, ground preparation for the new crop, contamination of soil and plants, and survival of E. coli O157:H7. The predictions of this system model are in agreement with the seasonality of outbreaks. This dissertation utilized the growth, survival, and death models of enteric pathogens in leafy greens during production and supply chain.
O desenvolvimento de filmes e coberturas é um processo de transformação que utiliza polímeros capazes de formar uma matriz contínua. As proteínas de pescado apresentam propriedades que são vantajosas no preparo de biofilmes, como habilidade para formar redes, plasticidade e elasticidade, apresentando boa barreira ao oxigênio, mas sua barreira ao vapor de água é baixa devido à sua natureza hidrofílica. Estas propriedades podem ser melhoradas aplicando nanotecnologia, incluindo materiais como as nanoargilas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver filmes nanocompósitos a partir de biopolímeros protéicos provenientes de isolados protéicos de corvina (Micropogonias furnieri) e argilas organofílicas. O isolado protéico de corvina (IPC) foi obtido utilizando processo de variação de pH para solubilizar e isolar proteína. Os filmes poliméricos foram desenvolvidos pela técnica de “casting”. Para o desenvolvimento de filmes nanocompósitos de isolado protéico de corvina (IPC) e montmorilonita foi executado um planejamento experimental de 3 níveis e 3 fatores com 3 réplicas no ponto central. Os resultados foram submetidos à metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR) para estudar os efeitos simultâneos das variáveis independentes, concentração de IPC (IPC = 2; 3,5 e 5 g/100 g de solução filmogênica); concentração de montmorilonita (MMT = 0,3; 0,5 e 0,7 g/100 g de solução filmogênica); e plastificante glicerol (G = 25, 30 e 35 g/100 g de IPC em base seca) sobre as respostas resistência à tração (MPa), elongação (%), força na ruptura (N), permeabilidade ao vapor de água (g mm m-2 d -1 KPa-1 ) e solubilidade (%). O isolado protéico obtido de carne mecanicamente separada de corvina apresentou 97,87% de proteína (em base seca), boa capacidade de retenção de água e solubilidade. Os valores de resistência à tração variaram entre 7,2 e 10,7 MPa e os valores de elongação de 39,6 a 45,8%. Os valores encontrados para PVA no presente trabalho encontram-se entre 3,2 e 5,5 g mm m-2 d -1 KPa-1 . Os filmes nanocompósitos produzidos a partir de IPC e MMT foram promissores, do ponto de vista das propriedades mecânicas, aparência visual e fácil manuseio, bem como baixa permeabilidade ao vapor de água e a baixa solubilidade. Com relação às propriedades mecânicas, a concentração de IPC e MMT foi o principal fator que influenciou no desenvolvimento dos filmes nanocompósitos. O planejamento experimental utilizado determinou que 3,5 g de IPC; 0,5 g de MMT e 30 (g/100g de IPC) de glicerol seriam os parâmetros ideais para desenvolvimento de filmes nanocompósitos utilizando a técnica de “casting”. As coberturas de isolado protéico de corvina (IPC) e as coberturas de IPC e MMT foram aplicadas em mamão minimamente processado para avaliar sua vida- útil. O revestimento com cobertura de isolado protéico de corvina e montmorilonita aplicado em mamão minimamente processado apresentou menor perda de massa 5,26%, menor crescimento microbiano e menor diminuição de firmeza, luminosidade e pH conseqüentemente apresentou os melhores resultados na cobertura de mamão minimamente processado, quando comparados com a amostra controle sem cobertura.
Salt use in meat products is changing. Consumers desire sea salt which may also contain trace metals and the government is demanding a reduction in sodium. Therefore a need exists to understand how varying impurity levels in salt affect meat quality. This study evaluated the effects of various salt preparations on lipid oxidation, sensory characteristics, protein extractability, and bind strength of ground turkey and pork. This study was a completely randomized design with 5 treatment groups and 6 replications in 2 species. Ground, turkey and pork meat was formulated into one hundred and fifty gram patties with sodium chloride (1%) containing varying amounts of metal impurities (copper, iron, and manganese). Samples were randomly assigned to frozen storage periods of 0, 3, 6, and 9 weeks. After storage, samples were packaged in PVC overwrap and stored under retail display for 5 days. Samples were evaluated for proximate analysis to ensure the fat content was similar for all of the starting material.Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were determined on raw and cooked samples to evaluate lipid oxidation. A trained six member sensory panel evaluated the samples at each storage period for saltiness, off flavor, and oxidized odor. Break strength was conducted using a Texture Analyzer and compared with salt soluble proteins (increasing salt concentrations) to evaluate protein extractability characteristics. Statistical analyses were conducted using the MIXED procedure of SAS within repeated measures over time where appropriate. No significant differences were observed among the salt treatments for raw and cooked TBARS when the control group was removed (P>0.05). Sensory panelists detected increased levels of off flavor and oxidized odor over the entire storage duration. Less force was required to break the patties from the control group when compared with the salt treatments (P<0.05). As salt concentration increased salt-soluble protein extraction increased, but there was no effect of salt type. Overall, no meaningful statistical differences among the various salt treatments were observed for all of the parameters evaluated for turkey and pork. Salt at a 1% inclusion rate containing varying levels of copper, iron, and manganese impurities in ground turkey thigh meat and ground pork served as a prooxidant. However, if a meat processor uses a 1% inclusion rate of salt in turkey and pork regardless of impurities included, it is unlikely that differences in shelf life or protein functionality would be observed.
In Australia, Sportak® (a.i., prochloraz) has been registered since the early 1980's for the postharvest control of both anthracnose and stem-end rots in papaya fruit, despite the persistence of fruit breakdown due to disease during transit and at market destinations. Consequently, the Australian papaya industry has been concerned over the efficacy of prochloraz and whether substitute or alternative solutions were available for better disease control, particularly during times of peak disease pressure. This study therefore investigated the effects of various postharvest treatments for disease control in papaya. Fruit were harvested at colour break from coastal farms in Far North Queensland and treated with commercial rates of various fungicides, including prochloraz, imazalil, thiabendazole and fludioxonil. Additional solutions known to inhibit disease were examined, including chitosan and carnauba wax both with and without ammonium carbonate (AC). Following treatment, fruit were ripened and assessed for quality over their shelf life. Fludioxonil when applied as a hot dip was found to be a more efficacious treatment for control of disease in papaya than prochloraz. The other fungicides were moderately effective, as both thiabendazol and prochloraz exhibited an intermediate response and imazalil was the least effective. Disease severity was lowest in fruit treated with AC followed by chitosan, whilst chitosan delayed degreening. Overall, the study found that hot fludioxonil provided an effective replacement of the currently registered chemical prochloraz, and that alternate solutions such chitosan and AC may also be beneficial, particularly for low chemical input farming systems.
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted significant attention during the past decade due to their high porosity, tunable structures, and controllable surface functionalities. Therefore many applications have been proposed for MOFs. All of them however are still in their infancy stage and have not yet been brought into the market place. In this thesis, the background of the MOF area is first briefly introduced. The main components and the motifs of designing MOFs are summarized, followed by their synthesis and postsynthetic modification methods. Several promising application areas of MOFs including gas storage and separation, catalysis and sensing are reviewed. The current status of commercialization of MOFs as new chemical products is also summarized. Examples of the design and synthesis of two new MOF structures Eu(4,4′,4′′,4′′′-(porphine-5,10,15,20-tetrayl)tetrakis(benzoic acid))·2H2O∙xDMF and Zn4O(azobenzene-4,4’-dicarboxylic acid)3∙xNMP are described. The first one contains free-base porphyrin centers and the second one has azobenzene components. Although the structures were synthesized as designed, unfortunately they did not possess the expected properties. The research idea to use MOFs as template materials to synthesize porous polymers is introduced. Several methods are discussed to grow PMMA into IRMOF-1 (Zn4O(benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3, IR stands for isoreticular) structure. High concentration of the monomers resulted in PMMA shell after MOF digestion while with low concentration of monomers no PMMA was left after digestion due to the small iii molecular weight. During the study of this chapter, Kitagawa and co-workers published several papers on the same topic, so this part of the research was terminated thereafter. Many MOFs are reported to be unstable in air due to the water molecules in air which greatly limited their applications. By incorporating a number of water repelling functional groups such as trifluoromethoxy group and methyl groups in the frameworks, the water stability of MOFs are shown to be significantly enhanced. Several MOFs inculding Banasorb-22 (Zn4O(2-trifluoromethoxybenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3), Banasorb-24 (Zn4O(2, 5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3) and Banasorb-30 (Zn4O(2-methylbenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3) were synthesized and proved to have isostructures with IRMOF-1. Banasorb-22 was stable in boiling water steam for one week and Banasorb-30’s shelf life was over 10 months under ambient condition. For comparison, IRMOF-1’s structure collapses in air after a few hours to several days. Although MOF is a very popular research area nowadays, only a few studies have been reported on the mechanical properties of MOFs. Many of MOF’s applications involve high pressure conditions, so it is important to understand the behavior of MOFs under elivated pressures. The mechanical properties of IRMOF-1 and a new MOF structure Eu2(C12N2O4H6)3(DEF)0.87(H2O)2.13 were studied using diamond anvil cells at Advanced Photon Source. IRMOF-1 experienced an irriversible phase transtion to a nonporous phase followed by amorphization under high pressure. Eu2(C12N2O4H6)3(DEF)0.87(H2O)2.13 showed reversible compression under pressure up to 9.08GPa.
Além de ser o cogumelo mais consumido no mundo, Agaricus bisporus é um dos cogumelos mais ricos em ergosterol, representando esta molécula quase 90% da sua fração de esteróis. Vários estudos têm atribuído ao ergosterol diferentes bioatividades, incluindo efeitos hipocolesterolémicos semelhantes aos exibidos pelos fitoesteróis. Isto torna o ergosterol uma molécula interessante para ser estudada como composto nutracêutico. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização dos extratos de A. bisporus ricos em ergosterol na produção de bebidas lácteas funcionais. Para o efeito, foram realizados testes de incorporação do extrato e do ergosterol puro em iogurtes que se compararam com bebidas lácteas funcionais comerciais (aditivadas com fitoesteróis). As amostras de A. bisporus foram submetidas a uma extração assistida por ultrassons e os extratos obtidos (IEXT), bem como a molécula de ergosterol em diferentes concentrações (IERG1 e IERG2), foram incorporados em iogurtes, e comparadas com amostras controlo (amostras de iogurte sem aditivos) (ICN) e iogurtes comerciais contendo fitoesteróis (ICP). Todas as amostras foram analisadas imediatamente após a incorporação (T0), e após sete dias de armazenagem a 4°C (T1), em relação aos parâmetros nutricionais, atividade antioxidante e propriedades citotóxicas em linhas celulares tumorais humanas e numa cultura primária de células de fígado de porco (não tumoral) para avaliação da toxicidade. O teor de ergosterol incorporado na forma pura, ou presente nos extratos, foi monitorizado por HPLC-UV. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo de microencapsulação utilizando a técnica de coacervação, tendo o quitosano e o isolado proteico de soro como materiais encapsulantes. Num ensaio preliminar determinou-se o pH conducente a um maior rendimento de encapsulação e, seguidamente, verificou-se a influência da razão proteína:quitosano (P/Q) e da temperatura utilizada, no rendimento de encapsulação (Y1), na eficiência de encapsulação (Y2) e na carga (teor de ergosterol nas microesferas) (Y3). Posteriormente, o estudo foi realizado baseando-se nas melhores condições para encapsular ergosterol, sendo também avaliadas as respostas Y1, Y2 e Y3. Além de ser o cogumelo mais consumido no mundo, Agaricus bisporus é um dos cogumelos mais ricos em ergosterol, representando esta molécula quase 90% da sua fração de esteróis. Vários estudos têm atribuído ao ergosterol diferentes bioatividades, incluindo efeitos hipocolesterolémicos semelhantes aos exibidos pelos fitoesteróis. Isto torna o ergosterol uma molécula interessante para ser estudada como composto nutracêutico. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização dos extratos de A. bisporus ricos em ergosterol na produção de bebidas lácteas funcionais. Para o efeito, foram realizados testes de incorporação do extrato e do ergosterol puro em iogurtes que se compararam com bebidas lácteas funcionais comerciais (aditivadas com fitoesteróis). As amostras de A. bisporus foram submetidas a uma extração assistida por ultrassons e os extratos obtidos (IEXT), bem como a molécula de ergosterol em diferentes concentrações (IERG1 e IERG2), foram incorporados em iogurtes, e comparadas com amostras controlo (amostras de iogurte sem aditivos) (ICN) e iogurtes comerciais contendo fitoesteróis (ICP). Todas as amostras foram analisadas imediatamente após a incorporação (T0), e após sete dias de armazenagem a 4°C (T1), em relação aos parâmetros nutricionais, atividade antioxidante e propriedades citotóxicas em linhas celulares tumorais humanas e numa cultura primária de células de fígado de porco (não tumoral) para avaliação da toxicidade. O teor de ergosterol incorporado na forma pura, ou presente nos extratos, foi monitorizado por HPLC-UV. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo de microencapsulação utilizando a técnica de coacervação, tendo o quitosano e o isolado proteico de soro como materiais encapsulantes. Num ensaio preliminar determinou-se o pH conducente a um maior rendimento de encapsulação e, seguidamente, verificou-se a influência da razão proteína:quitosano (P/Q) e da temperatura utilizada, no rendimento de encapsulação (Y1), na eficiência de encapsulação (Y2) e na carga (teor de ergosterol nas microesferas) (Y3). Posteriormente, o estudo foi realizado baseando-se nas melhores condições para encapsular ergosterol, sendo também avaliadas as respostas Y1, Y2 e Y3. As bebidas funcionalizadas com o extrato (IEXT) e com ergosterol na mesma concentração existente no extrato (IERG1) revelaram uma atividade antioxidante similar às bebidas comerciais com fitoesteróis. No entanto, as bebidas com ergosterol na mesma concentração do extrato de A. bisporus e de fitoesteróis (IERG2) revelaram uma atividade antioxidante superior. Além disso, apenas IEXT, IERG1 e IERG2 apresentaram um aumento na atividade antioxidante de T0 para T1, com destaque para a atividade exibida por IERG2, significando que o ergosterol e os extratos foram capazes de proteger a bebida láctea da oxidação, aumentando a vida de prateleira do produto. IERG2 foi a amostra que revelou a maior citotoxicidade para as linhas celulares tumorais, enquanto as bebidas com fitoesteróis mostraram a menor atividade, sem diferenças significativas entre T0 e T1. Os estudos de microencapsulação revelaram ainda que a técnica de coacervação permite obter cápsulas de distintos tamanhos e que as condições ótimas do processo ocorrem a pH 5,5, com temperatura de 55ºC e razão P/Q de 0,5, com um menor rendimento de encapsulação, mas com uma maior carga em ergosterol. Este trabalho contribuiu para o estudo do potencial da utilização de extratos de A. bisporus com ergosterol no desenvolvimento de novas bebidas funcionais. Constituiu um primeiro passo que necessita de estudos subsequentes relacionados com a avaliação da viabilidade da sua utilização ao nível industrial e demonstração clara da sua bioatividade in vivo.
Desenvolvimento de indicadores enzimáticos inteligentes para monitoramento da qualidade de alimentos
A dificuldade em conhecer o histórico de temperatura de um alimento, desde sua produção até o consumo, torna difícil prever sua verdadeira vida-útil. O uso de indicadores de tempo e temperatura (ITT) pode ser uma alternativa inovadora empregada para garantir a validade de produtos de forma dinâmica. Assim, este trabalho visa desenvolver novos indicadores enzimáticos de tempo e temperatura para monitorar a qualidade de alimentos perecíveis durante o seu processamento e armazenamento, baseados na reação de complexação entre o amido e o iodo (azul), e na posterior atuação de uma enzima amilase sobre esse complexo, para causar uma redução da intensidade da cor azul a uma taxa dependente do tempo e da temperatura de armazenagem. Os sistemas inteligentes propostos possuem versatilidade de atuação em função do tipo e quantidade de amilase empregada. Desta forma, foi utilizada uma amilase termoestável para a formulação de um indicador inteligente de processamento, utilizado para o controle de tratamentos térmicos industriais (pasteurização);e uma amilase termosensível na formulação de um indicador de armazenamento, empregada para o controle das condições de temperatura durante a cadeia de frio de produtos perecíveis. Na elaboração dos ITT de processamento foram realizadas simulações em laboratório e testes em planta fabril, os quais avaliaram diferentes concentrações de amilase termoestável nos protótipos de ITT quando submetidos as condições de tempo e temperatura de pasteurização. Os resultados evidenciaram que a resposta de cor dos indicadores foi visualmente interpretada, como adaptável à medição usando equipamentos, apresentando boa reprodutibilidade em todas as condições estudadas. O ITT contendo 6,5 % de amilase termoestável (penzima/pamido) foi aquele cujo resultado melhor se adequou à utilização na validação de cozimento de presunto. Nesta condição, o protótipo anexado à embalagem primária do produto indicou o processo de pasteurização de forma fácil, precisa e não destrutiva. Já durante o desenvolvimento do ITT de armazenamento foram realizadas simulações em laboratório, testes em planta fabril e ponto de venda, os quais avaliaram o uso de diferentes concentrações de amilase termosensível nos protótipos de ITT quando submetidos a diversas condições de cadeia de frio. Os resultados evidenciaram que devido à possibilidade de definir a vida-útil destes protótipos variando as concentrações de enzima termosensível, os indicadores podem ser facilmente adaptados para controlar as condições de temperatura durante a cadeia de diversos alimentos perecíveis. O protótipo contendo 60 % de amilase termosensível (penzima/pamido) foi aquele cujo resultado melhor se adequou à utilização no controle da cadeia avícola. Assim, o ITT indicou visualmente o histórico de tempo e temperatura de produtos à base de frango de forma fácil e precisa. Os resultados obtidos na avaliação das percepções dos consumidores frente ao emprego de indicadores inteligentes em embalagens alimentícias mostraram que o uso de ITT é uma inovação receptiva, com consequente aceitação e intenção de compra elevada pela população brasileira. Assim, com este trabalho espera-se contribuir efetivamente para que o conceito de embalagens inteligentes possa ser aceito comercialmente e que sejam estabelecidas no Brasil normas que regulamentem seu uso, conferindo benefícios à conservação de grande variedade de alimentos.
The short shelf life of mushrooms is a barrier for their distribution and, therefore, there has been extensive research to find technologies that ensure the preservation of mushrooms, maintaining their organoleptic and nutritional properties (1]. Irradiation has proved its technological feasibility to be safely used in the reduction of food losses, being recognized by international organizations as a valid conservation alternative in extending shelflife of many foods. The aim of the present work was to validate the use of 2 kGy dose of gamma radiation to maintain chemical composition of wild mushrooms. Boletus pinophilus Pihit & Dermek and Clitocybe subconnexa Murrill wild samples were obtained in Tnis-os-Montes; subsequently, the samples were divided in two groups: control (non-irradiated, 0 kGy) and irradiated (2 kGy). The irradiation of the samples was performed in a 6°Co experimental chamber. Moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates and ash were determined following the standard procedures [2]. Free sugars and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI) and a fluorescence detector, respectively; fatty acids were determined by gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) [3]. The protein and ash content was preserved in both groups, although the sugars and tocopherols decreased in the irradiated samples. Sugars and fatty acids showed significant changes after irradiation treatment, particularly in B. pinophillus, nevertheless, the magnitude of the obtained differences did not seem to be sufficient to affect the chemical profiles of the assayed mushrooms. Overall, the detected chemical changes might be considered as allowable, in view of the high advantages offered by gamma irradiation at decontamination and/or disinfestation level.
Mushrooms are very perishable foods due to their high susceptibility to moisture loss, changes in color and texture, or microbiological spoilage. Drying is considered as the most appropriate method to prevent these alterations, but it has some limitations, such as shrinkage, enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning reactions, and oxidation of lipids and vitamins. Irradiation might effectively attenuate the undesirable changes caused by drying process, ensuring also higher shelf-life of mushrooms and their decontamination [I]. In the present work, the combined effects of electron-beam irradiation (at 0, 0.5, 1 and 6 kGy doses) and storage time (at 0, 6 and 12 months) were evaluated and compared. Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Singer wild samples were obtained in Tnis-os-Montes, in the Northeast of Portugal, and dried at 30 •c in an oven. Subsequently, the samples were divided in four groups: control (non-irradiated, 0 kGy); sample 1 (0.5 kGy); sample 2 (1 kGy) and sample 3 (6 kGy). The irradiation was performed at the lNCTInstitute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (lNCT), in Warsaw, Poland. Moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates and ash were determined following standard procedures. Free sugars and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI) and a fluorescence detector, respectively; fatty acids were determined by gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). Antioxidant activity was evaluated in the methanolic extracts by in vitro assays measuring DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, reducing power, inhibition of ~-carotene bleaching and inhibition oflipid peroxidation using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. Total phenolics were also determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. All the parameters showed a decrease tendency with storage time. Trehalose and y-tocopherol were preserved with 1 kGy dose. Electron-beam irradiation did not impart additional changes to most of the chemical and antioxidant parameters of M. procera dried samples. This is a very promising result, since electron-beam irradiation might attenuate most unwanted changes caused by drying, maintaining its long-term effectiveness.
Synthetic additives used in a wide variety of food products have been associated to some toxic effects. This conducted to an increasing interest of consumers for natural additives, including food preservers [1]. Many aromatic herbs have been used to prepare bioactive extracts with benefits to the consumer's health. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel) and Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile) are examples of popular herbs rich in phenolic compounds with documented antioxidant and antimicrobial properties [2,3]. The present work confirms the antioxidant (DPPH scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and antimicrobial (against bacteria such as Bacillus cereus and Salmonella Typhimurium and fungi such as Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor and PenicilliumfimicuJosum) activities of fennel and chamomile extracts, obtained by decoction. The chemical characterization of the extracts, performed by HPLC-DAD-ESIIMS, revealed the presence of five flavonoids (mainly qercetin-3-0- glucoside) and twelve phenolic acids (mainly 5-0-caffeolyquinic acid) for fennel extract and the presence of nine flavonoids (mainly luteolin-0-glucuronide) and ten phenolic acids (mainly di-caffeoyl-2,7- anhydro-3-deoxy-2-octulopyranosonic acid) for chamomile extract. Due to their high antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, both extracts were then incorporated (at DPPH scavenging activity EC25 value: 0.35 mg/mL and 0.165 mg/mL for fennel and chamomile, respectively) in cottage cheeses (prepared by Queijos Casa Matias Lda) as natural additives with two objectives: to increase the shelf-life of the cottage cheeses and to provide bioactive properties to the final products. The results showed that the use of these natural extracts did not alter significantly the nutritional characteristics of the cottage cheese in comparison with control samples (cottage cheese without extracts), but improved its antioxidant potential (more evident in the samples with chamomile extract). After 14 days of storage, only the control samples showed signs of degradation. Overall, the present study highlights the preservation potential of fennel and chamomile extracts in cottage cheeses, improving also their bioactivity.
Boletus edulis Bull: Fr. is an edible mushroom quite appreciated for its organoleptic and nutritional properties. However, the seasonality and perishability cause some difficulties in its distribution and marketing in fresh form; losses associated with this type of food during marketing can reach 40% [1]. Irradiation is recognized as a safe and effective method for food preservation, being used worldwide to increase shelf life of fresh and dehydrated products (e.g. fruits, vegetables and spices) [2]. In particular, gamma irradiation has already been applied to cultivated mushrooms (especially Agaricus, Lentinula and Pleurotus Genus) and proved to be an interesting conservation technology [3]. However, the studies with added-value wild species are scarce. In this work, the effects of gamma irradiation on chemical and antioxidant properties of wild B. edulis, were evaluated. Fruiting bodies were obtained in Trás-os-Montes, in the Northeast of Portugal, in November 2012. The irradiation was performed in experimental equipment with 60Co sources at 1 and 2 kGy. All the results were compared with nonirradiated samples (control). Macronutrients and energy value were determined following official procedures of food analysis; fatty acids were analyzed by gas-chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (GC-FID), while sugars and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to refraction index (RI) and fluorescence detectors, respectively. Antioxidant activity was evaluated in the methanolic extracts by in vitro assays measuring DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, reducing power, inhibition of β- carotene bleaching and inhibition of lipid peroxidation using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay. Total phenolics were also determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. The nutritional profiles were not affected in high extension. Fatty acids and sugars were slightly affected, decreasing with the increasing doses. The performed assays for antioxidant activity, indicate that irradiated samples tended to have lower scavenging activity and reducing power, but higher lipid peroxidation inhibition. Despite the detected differences in individual compounds, the results of nutritional parameters, the most relevant in terms of mushroom acceptability by consumers, were less affected, indicating an interesting potential of gamma-irradiation to be used as an effective conservation technology for the studied mushrooms.
Edible flowers are being used in culinary preparations to improve the sensorial and nutritional qualities of food, besides improving human health due to the profusion in bioactive compounds [1]. Nevertheless, edible flowers are highly perishable and must be free of insects, which is difficult because they are usually cultivated without using pesticides [2]. Food irradiation is an economically viable technology to extend shelf life of foods, improving their hygiene and quality, while disinfesting insects [3]. The efficiency and safety of radiation processing (using Co-60 or electronaccelerators) have been approved by legal authorities (FDA, USDA, WHO, FAO), as also by the scientific community, based on extensive research [4]. Viola tricolor L. (heartseases), from Violaceae family, is one of the most popular edible flowers. Apart from being used as food, it has also been applied for its medicinal properties, mainly due to their biological activity and phenolic composition [5]. Herein, the phenolic compounds were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was performed to compare the results from flowers submitted to different irradiation doses and technologies (Co-60 and electron-beam). Quercetin-3-O-(6-O-rhamnosylglucoside)-7-O-rhamnoside (Figure 1) was the most abundant compound, followed by quercetin-3-O-rutinoside and acetyl-quercetin-3-O (6-O-rhamnosylglucoside)-7-O-rhamnoside. In general, irradiated samples (mostly with 1 kGy) showed the highest phenolic compounds content. The LDA outcomes indicated that differences among phenolic compounds effectively discriminate the assayed doses and technologies, defining which variables contributed mostly to that separation. This information might be useful to define which dose and/or technology optimizes the content in a specific phenolic compound. Overall, irradiation did not negatively affect the levels of phenolic compounds, providing the possibility of its application to expand the shelf life of V. tricolor and highlighting new commercial solutions for this functional food.
Food industry is focused on the development of novel functional foods containing health promoting natural ingredients. Natural antioxidants present important health benefits like the prevention of several diseases related to oxidative stress [1,2]. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel) is a source of those compounds with proved antioxidant potential [3]. Herein, after evaluation of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity and reducing power of fennel (provided by Américo Duarte Paixão Lda.) decoction, we propose its incorporation into cottage cheese (produced by Queijos Casa Matias Lda.). Three groups of cottage cheese samples were prepared: control; samples with fennel decoction (incorporated at EC25 value=0.35 mg/mL, previously determined by DPPH assay); and samples with fennel powder (incorporated at 1.75 mg/mL, considering the decoction yield=20%). The samples were submitted to an evaluation of DPPH scavenging activity and reducing power immediately after the incorporations, and after 7 and 14 days of storage, at 4 ºC. The incorporation of fennel improved the antioxidant activity of cottage cheese. Samples incorporated with plant powder revealed higher antioxidant properties than samples incorporated with decoction, either in 0 or 7 days of storage. After 14 days, cottage cheese incorporated with fennel decoction gave the highest DPPH scavenging activity (46.72±0.09 mg/mL). A decrease in the antioxidant potential of the cottage cheese with fennel was observed along the shelf life. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that the samples still display antioxidant properties. Studies regarding the effects of the incorporation of these natural ingredients on nutritional and chemical composition of cottage cheese are in course