996 resultados para Sexual competition


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En el Laboratorio de Huachipa del Instituto del Mar del Perú, en el período comprendido entre octubre de 1980 y agosto de 1982, se realizaron varios experimentos a fin de determinar el efecto del tipo de estanque, densidad de carga y calidad y cantidad de fertilizante en el crecimiento y la producción de Tilapia nilotica. Estos experimentos arrojaron una diferencia no significativa entre los tratamientos, por lo cual se halló una cifra general promedio de crecimiento y producción que permitió su comparación con las cifras de producción obtenidas en otras áreas del mundo, un peso individual promedio de 203.4 g, una producción total de 2,038 Kg/ha/272 días, y una producción neta de 5.6 Kg/ha/día. Cifras que quedan dentro del rango reportado por el ICA (International Center for Aquaculture) para clima templado; similares a las obtenidas en países de Europa Central y la China, y notablemente bajas comparadas con los 20 Kg/ha/día producidos en Israel. Se identifican la mala condición de los estanques utilizados, la baja densidad de carga aplicada, la baja calidad del fertilizante y el clima de la zona, específicamente la presencia de nubosidad, como los factores de mayor incidencia en los resultados poco satisfactorios.


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The very diverse social systems of sweat bees make them interesting models to study social evolution. Here we focus on the dispersal behaviour and social organization of Halictus scabiosae, a common yet poorly known species of Europe. By combining field observations and genetic data, we show that females have multiple reproductive strategies, which generates a large diversity in the social structure of nests. A detailed microsatellite analysis of 60 nests revealed that 55% of the nests contained the offspring of a single female, whereas the rest had more complex social structures, with three clear cases of multiple females reproducing in the same nest and frequent occurrence of unrelated individuals. Drifting among nests was surprisingly common, as 16% of the 122 nests in the overall sample and 44% of the nests with complex social structure contained females that had genotypes consistent with being full-sisters of females sampled in other nests of the population. Drifters originated from nests with an above-average productivity and were unrelated to their nestmates, suggesting that drifting might be a strategy to avoid competition among related females. The sex-specific comparison of genetic differentiation indicated that dispersal was male-biased, which would reinforce local resource competition among females. The pattern of genetic differentiation among populations was consistent with a dynamic process of patch colonization and extinction, as expected from the unstable, anthropogenic habitat of this species. Overall, our data show that H. scabiosae varies greatly in dispersal behaviour and social organization. The surprisingly high frequency of drifters echoes recent findings in wasps and bees, calling for further investigation of the adaptive basis of drifting in the social insects.


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How much information does an auctioneer want bidders to have in a private value environment?We address this question using a novel approach to ordering information structures based on the property that in private value settings more information leads to a more disperse distribution of buyers updated expected valuations. We define the class of precision criteria following this approach and different notions of dispersion, and relate them to existing criteria of informativeness. Using supermodular precision, we obtain three results: (1) a more precise information structure yields a more efficient allocation; (2) the auctioneer provides less than the efficient level of information since more information increases bidder informational rents; (3) there is a strategic complementarity between information and competition, so that both the socially efficient and the auctioneer s optimal choice of precision increase with the number of bidders, and both converge as the number of bidders goes to infinity.


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Under team production, those who monitor individual productivity areusually the only ones compensated with a residual that varies withthe performance of the team. This pattern is efficient, as is shownby the prevalence of conventional firms, except for small teams andwhen specialized monitoring is ineffective. Profit sharing in repeatedteam production induces all team members to take disciplinary actionagainst underperformers through switching and separation decisions,however. Such action provides effective self-enforcemnt when themarkets for team members are competitive, even for large teams usingspecialized monitoring. The traditional share system of fishing firmsshows that for this competition to provide powerful enough incentivesthe costs of switching teams and measuring team productivity must bebellow. Risk allocation may constrain the organizational designdefined by the use of a share system. It does not account for itsexistence, however.


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La fecundidad de la anchoveta del Perú (Engraulis ringens J.) ha sido investigada en 83 ovarios colectados en varias localidades de la zona pesquera de Chimbote, durante la estación de desove.La fecundidad, considerada aquí como el número de huevos que la anchoveta elimina en una puesta ha sido estimada determinando el número de ovas en el grupo del tamaño modal más avanzado.


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Información sobre la madurez sexual de la Anchoveta peruana, que ha sido estudiado por el examen macroscópico de las gónadas durante 1961-1968, el material se recogió en Chimbote, Callao e Ilo y se comparó con datos similares de Chile. Las etapas más avanzadas de la madurez sexual fueron la base de la evaluación. El análisis pone de relieve las diferencias de tiempo de la temporada de desove entre las localidades en relación con la longitud y la edad. Los datos de Chimbote y Callao indican que la actividad sexual se extiende de agosto a marzo. Se producen dos picos de desove, uno en septiembre y otro en febrero. por otro lado, los datos de Ilo y Chile demuestran que la época de desove en la zona sur comienza en julio y termina en febrero. Estos resultados también demuestran dos puntos interesantes en relación con la longitud y la edad de anchovetas: el pico a la madurez sexual en verano es tan intenso como en el invierno, pero el predominante de pequeñas anchovetas durante el verano hace dificil de detectar la situación real y las anchovetas mayores desove durante un período más largo y con mayor intensidad que los más jóvenes. Por último, las anchovetas en la etapa más avanzada de madurez fueron más abundantes durante 1964, 1967 y que durante el resto de año cerca de Callao y Chimbote.


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We consider competition among sellers when each of them sells a portfolio ofdistinct products to a buyer having limited slots. We study how bundling affectscompetition for slots. Under independent pricing, equilibrium often does not existand hence the outcome is often inefficient. When bundling is allowed, each sellerhas an incentive to bundle his products and an efficient equilibrium always exists.Furthermore, in the case of digital goods, all equilibria are efficient if slotting contracts are prohibited. We also identify portfolio effects of bundling and analyze theconsequences on horizontal mergers. Finally, we derive clear-cut policy implications.


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We show how, in general equilibrium models featuring increasing returns, imperfectcompetition and endogenous markups, changes in the scale of economic activity affectincome distribution across factors. Whenever final goods are gross-substitutes (gross-complements), a scale expansion raises (lowers) the relative reward of the scarce factoror the factor used intensively in the sector characterized by a higher degree of product differentiation and higher fixed costs. Under very reasonable hypothesis, our theory suggests that scale is skill-biased. This result provides a microfoundation for the secular increase in the relative demand for skilled labor. Moreover, it constitutes an important link among major explanations for the rise in wage inequality: skill-biased technical change, capital-skill complementarities and international trade. We provide new evidence on the mechanism underlying the skill bias of scale.


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Behavioral ecology of Heteragrion consors Hagen (Odonata: Megapodagrionidae): a shade-seek Atlantic forest damselfly. The intensity of the inter and intra-sexual selection can affect male behavioral traits as territorial fidelity and aggressiveness allowing the existence of different strategies. However, its differential success could be affected by environmental - as the diel variation in temperature - and physiological constrains - as the variation in thermoregulatory abilities. In this context, we present a behavioral analysis of Heteragrion consors (Zygoptera, Megapodagrionidae) trying to characterize its mating system, diel activity pattern, temporal budget, territoriality and reproductive biology. These data were obtained based on field observations using the focal individual method and mark-recapture techniques in 120 m of a shaded Atlantic Forest stream in Brazil. The males of this species were territorial, varying in its local fidelity, while the females appear sporadically. Males were perched in the majority of the time, but were also observed in cleaning movements, longitudinal abdominal flexion, wing flexion and sperm transfer during perch. The males presented a perched thermoregulatory behavior related to an exothermic regulation. Foraging and agonistic interactions were rare, but dominate the other behavioral activities. Abdominal movements associated to long lasting copula pointed to the existence of sperm competition in this species. Males performed contact post-copulatory guarding of the females. These observations pointed to a non-resource mating system for this species.


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In some markets, such as the market for drugs or for financial services, sellers have better information than buyersregarding the matching between the buyer's needs and the good's actual characteristics. Depending on the market structure,this may lead to conflicts of interest and/or the underprovision of information by the seller. This paper studies this issuein the market for financial services. The analysis presents a new model of competition between banks, as banks' pricecompetition influences the ensuing incentives for truthful information revelation. We compare two different firm structures,specialized banking, where financial institutions provide a unique financial product, and one-stop banking, where a financialinstitution is able to provide several financial products which are horizontally differentiated. We show first that, althoughconflicts of interest may prevent information disclosure under monopoly, competition forces full information provision forsufficiently high reputation costs. Second, in the presence of market power, one-stop banks will use information strategicallyto increase product differentiation and therefore will always provide reliable information and charge higher rices thanspecialized banks, thus providing a new justification for the creation of one-stop banks. Finally, we show that, ifindependent financial advisers are able to provide reliable information, this increases product differentiation and thereforemarket power, so that it is in the interest of financial intermediaries to promote external independent financial advice.


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Esta pesquisa monográfica, ora apresentada, visa analisar e compreender os factores que os funcionários da ENAPOR percepcionam como estando na origem do assédio moral e sexual nas relações de trabalho, bem como as atitudes dos mesmos perante o fenómeno. Os aspectos apresentados derivam de interpretações feitas durante a investigação sobre a temática em estudo, assédio moral e sexual nas relações de trabalho, tendo como bases as autoras BARRETO (2000) e FREITAS (2001). Estas são as autoras nas quais pretendemos centralizar, mas, outras abordagens teóricas darão suporte a esta nossa investigação. Pretendemos estudar o tema com base na análise documental, Pesquisas na Internet e aplicação das entrevistas aos directores e outros funcionários de outro escalão. A escolha destas duas autoras como suportes teóricos para esta pesquisa tem a ver, sobretudo, com o facto de elas estarem intrinsecamente relacionadas com os objectivos que norteiam a nossa investigação. Utilizaremos também como suporte teórico as contribuições de outros autores em relação à problemática do assédio moral e sexual nas relações de trabalhos. As mesmas razões apresentadas nos parágrafos anteriores em relação às outras contribuições teóricas dos outros autores também se aplicam de forma específica a este autor. Para uma análise aprofundada desta pesquisa, recorreu-se ao método qualitativa para a análise de resultados, utilizando como instrumentos de recolha dos dados a entrevistas. Esta pesquisa monográfica está estruturada em cinco capítulos: no primeiro capítulo, uma reflexão sobre a definição do objecto de estudo e da metodologia; no segundo, assédio moral e sexual; no terceiro, temos as estratégias, motivos que encoraja a pratica do assédio, as atitudes e as politica de prevenção. No quarto, capítulo procede-se à apresentação, análise e interpretação dos resultados obtidos, por último, as principais conclusões a que se chegou nesta pesquisa e as considerações finais do mesmo.


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Da a concer la presencia de una callosidad en la aleta dorsal, como carácter sexual secundario, existente en algunas hembras de cachalote capturadas frente a Paita, Perú. El período de estudios comprensió del 19 de junio de 1959 al 28 de agosto de 1963, en el cual se trabajaron 785 especímenes hembras, clasificándilas con callosidad presente y ausente; paralelamente se realizó observaciones de las glándulas mamarias, cantidad de cuerpo lúteos y albicans, determinando la condicións sexual.


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We consider a procurement problem in which the procurement agent is supposed to allocate the realization of a project according to a competitive mechanism that values bids in terms of the proposed price and quality. Potential bidders have private information about their production costs. Since the procurement agent is also in charge of verifying delivered quality, in exchange for a bribe, he can allow an arbitrary firm to be awarded the realization of the project and to produce a quality level lower than the announced. We compute the equilibrium level of corruption and we study the impact on corruption of the competitiveness of the environment, and in particular of: i) an increase in the number of potential suppliers of the good or service to be procured, ii) competitive (rather than collusive) behavior of procurement agents, and iii) an increase of competition in the market for procurement agents. We identify the effects that influence the equilibrium level of corruption and show that, contrary to conventional wisdom, corruption may well be increasing in competition.


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We study elections in which one party (the strong party) controls a source of political unrest; e.g., this party could instigate riots if it lost the election. We show that the strong party is more likely to win the election when there is less information about its ability to cause unrest. This is because when theweak party is better informed, it can more reliably prevent political unrest by implementing a ``centrist'' policy. When there is uncertainty over the credibility of the threat, ``posturing'' by the strong party leads to platform divergence.


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Analiza tres aspectos importantes en el estudio de la biología reproductiva de la anchoveta Engraulis ringens: el estado reproductivo por grado latitudinal (entre 16° y 5°S), la frecuencia de desove y la fecundidad parcial. El desove fue más intenso en el área comprendida entre los grados 10°S y 12°S. La frecuencia de desove fue 0,071, disminuyendo en 32,0% en comparación al cálculo del año anterior.