839 resultados para Serviços ao cliente - Avaliação
The searches for a health service it’s a part of a process, searches for a qualified evaluation can arise the perception, in form of irritating factors taking for an alert state. The personal expectation, it makes influence in its perceptions, too. The objective was to evaluate the satisfaction degree of the users of “Seção Técnica de Ambulatório Geral do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu”. The work is about a quantitative and transversal study, with calculated sample of 366 users, chosen randomly and invited to participate through a questionnaire. The population was compounded by a majority of women (64,5%), between 50 to 59 years old and average degree of education (38,3%). 25 specialties were cited. The evaluate about comfort, cleaning, reception, waiting time, medical attention and nursing vary between “very good” and “good”. Obtained significant “regular” assessment, the comfort in the waiting rooms (24%), silence (25%) and cleaning bathroom (63%). Others negative evaluation was the reception about the waiting time (26%), waiting time between arrival and the consultation (34%), waiting time between the request and consultation (27%). 30,6% report to know the place for complaints and 79,4% of these pointed to the ombudsman. 62% consider their problems solved, 84,4% would indicate the hospital, 57,4% would consider the hospital better than imagined. 42,62% used the opened area for thanking, critical for staff, suggestion infrastructure improvements, cleaning and waiting time. The biggest complaint was the staff turnover in the treatment. There was disharmony between the objective and subjective questions, but, all of them must be considered to propose improvements. The satisfaction evaluation makes the service more effective, bringing credibility to the health service and the patients adhere better to the treatment
Relações públicas e serviços virtuais: a comunicação entre as corporações da internet e o cibernauta
The objective of this study is to adress the action possibilities of the Public Relations professional in management of communication between the virtual services companies and their customers – the cybernauts. For this purpose, a bibliographical research was made about the cyberspace, Internet environment, as well as the cyberculture and the on-line consumer public. It was also studied the possible areas of Public Relations's action, their work tools and means of communication with the customer, in order to verify the specificities of communication mediated by new technologies. Based on these concepts, it was possible to propose an action of this professional in the organizations called dotcom, in order to contribute to the management of the communication flow between companies and this “invisible” public, which relates virtually to the organization, establishing different modes of interaction in relation to tradicional customers, requiring different strategies of relashionsip
The humanization of childbirth implies the understanding of this event as an important experience, and requires the redefinition of human relationships from the review of the assistance project, the understanding of pregnant women condition and human rights. To evaluate child birth assistance using a score that was developed by Botucatu Cuesta Regional Management and Jurumirim Valley Collegiates. This is an epidemiological, descriptive study that is inserted in the field of evaluation of services, programs or health projects. The data has been obtained by direct observation of deliveries, emphasizing the humane care. Results: Approximately one third of the women gave birth in a tertiary hospital (34.1%) and it was their first babies (33%).24.8% of the women received prenatal care in high-risk services. 67.1% of the births were normal, and 84.7% had no companions in the delivery room. In 47.1% of the cases the delivery was performed by obstetrician who used anesthesia in 44.7% and episiotomy in 48.2% of the deliveries. More than half of the newborns were attended by the pediatrician in the delivery room and had a delivery graph completed. Although the present study shows that 67.1% of the births were normal, caesarean rate can be considered excessive, as the WHO points out that c-sections above 15% are unlikely to be justifiable. It is important to emphasize that the Ministry of Health has to have a commitment with all women to promote safe motherhood, even in cases when the pregnancy involves a risk for both the mother and the fetus. It is noteworthy that the created score allowed us to assess variables related to the humanization of childbirth and only average and quite similar situations among the three services were evidenced. We hope that with this study, managers and professionals that work in this area can be subsidized in order to offer effective humane assistance and quality service in the delivery
Delivering to the customers a product or service with the expected quality associated to the huge competitiveness that exists in the market nowadays, has been making organizations increasingly focus on quality planning using techniques which are directed towards the continuous improvement process and production optimization. Thus, this paper aims to improve a machining process using the techniques of experimental design to the optimization and this also includes the analysis of the measurement system. For this purpose, the alloy Nimonic 80A, a nickel base superalloy, was used in the process due to its widespread use for high temperatures, applying this study the robust method proposed by Genichi Taguchi, determining the influence of the factors considered input variables, cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, type of tool, lubrication, and material hardness, in the output or response variable, surface roughness, concluding with the use of Taguchi orthogonal array L16 and by analysis of ANOVA that the factor feed rate is significant and offers greater effect on the response variable studied, should be set to 0,12mm/rev. Moreover, the factor type of tool has more influence on the process when compared to other factors, being CP250 the one more suitable to the process. Lastly, the interaction feed rate x cutting speed provides greater significance in the process regarding to surface roughness variable, being the best match between them 0,12mm/rev to the feed rate and 90m/min to the cutting speed. In order to evaluate the measurement system, it was applied the repeatability and reproducibility method (R&R), through which we saw that the system needs improvement (R & R = 88.04% >>> 30%) as the value found in the study was well above compared to the one that classifies the system as inappropriate
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Objective: To verify whether the professionals who make use of advertising in Dentistry by means of billboards respect the ethical aspects determined by the Federal Council of Dentistry Resolution No 71, 2006. Methods: This was an observational study in which 178 billboards of dental clinics in the municipality of São Paulo were assessed. Results: Among the billboards analyzed, 91.4% belonged to private persons and 9.6% to corporate bodies. With regard to the ethical aspects related to the advertisement, only 44.9% of the billboards presented all the mandatory items in accordance with the Federal Council of Dentistry. The item found the least number of times in the advertisements was the registration number in the Regional Council of Dentistry (34.8%). Among the items allowed by the Federal Council of Dentistry, the telephone number (65.2%) was the most commonly found. Among the ethical infractions, 1.7% of the billboards advertised the terms of payment. Conclusion: Professionals are not following the ethical precepts established by the Code of Ethics in Dentistry, and awareness of these professionals needs to be aroused, so that information about their services is communicated and divulged in an ethical manner.
The design of oral health has as its most important to bring knowledge, prevention and treatment for the population of municipalities that have this important means of promoting health in general. These programs are based on socio-educational projects, such as tooth brushing, educational lectures, projects, preventive and, fluoride use, application of sealants in pits and even the prevention of oral cancer. In the area of healing, the centers of dental specialties (CEO) associated with the PSF are responsible for implementing treatment of periodontal diseases, trauma, restoration of teeth affected by dental caries, prosthesis design for functional rehabilitation of the patient, biopsies of oral lesions , among other specialties. This study aims to evaluate the students of the Graduate Program in Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Araçatuba, in order to coordinate a program to promote health in their communities. The result based on parameters in the OMS showed that the majority of graduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry Araçatuba acquired knowledge to a reasonable oral health program in their city as a coordinator.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Preventiva e Social - FOA
Ao iniciarmos nossa atuação numa Secretaria de Educação nos Setores de Psicologia e Psicopedagogia notamos que as práticas enfatizavam avaliação e diagnósticos dos alunos para encaminhamentos médico. Para as escolas da rede, o trabalho da equipe multidisciplinar era uma ponte para os serviços de saúde, bem como representavam o acesso a profissionais que poderiam medicar. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo refletir, a partir da atuação dos membros das equipes escolares e professores, sobre os entraves nos processos de ensino aprendizagem, buscando, especificamente, descentralizar o foco no aluno e promover um olhar mais amplo para as queixas escolares, que possa contemplar as relações que se estabelecem nas instituições. O estudo baseou-se em uma pesquisa-ação e a análise seguiu a abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa. Por meio de nossas intervenções nas escolas percebemos o quanto os diagnósticos médicos são valorizadas pelos profissionais da educação e como estes são utilizados com justificativas para o fracasso escolar.
The annual vaccination campaign against rabies is the most effective prevention procedure for this disease in dogs and cats and hence for human protection also. However, in 2010 and 2011, this activity was interrupted in Brazil due to the occurrence of adverse events associated with vaccination. Even though cases of canine rabies have been decreasing in the last two decades, vigilance must be strengthened in order to maintain pet owners trust in the vaccines provided in public services. This study aimed to determine pet owners participation in the annual vaccination campaign carried out in Botucatu. During March and April 2012, the period before the 42nd campaign, 312 pet owners, dogs and cats, were interviewed. The homes were randomly drawn in blocks from different sectors of the city; all houses on the same block over the 120 km² of urban area participated in the sampling process. Statistical analysis was performed descriptively. The results showed that the owners main motivation to vaccinate their pets during the campaigns is rabies prevention (36%), followed by the proximity of the vaccination station to the house (20.7%), zero cost (10.9%), and the combination of all three factors (16.1%). When asked if they would take their animals back to be vaccinated in another campaign, 60.1% answered yes, 13.5% would go to a private clinic, 2.2% would not take because they do not trust the vaccine and 1.6% had not decided yet. We conclude that the respondents have realized how dangerous Rabies is, because even after the break period, they still utilized the vaccination campaign demonstrating confidence in its effectiveness, while knowing the campaign goals facilitates understanding and participation.
O objetivo do desenvolvimento sustentável vem sendo buscado no Brasil desde a década de 1980, por ocasião da promulgação da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Lei n. 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981). De lá para cá, e após a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Meio Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento, também conhecida como ECO-92, Rio-92, Cúpula ou Cimeira da Terra, diversas políticas ambientais têm sido elaboradas sobre temas, desdes os mais tradicionais e clássicos (recursos florestais, recursos hídricos), até os mais recentes (resíduos sólidos, remueração de serviços ambientais). Este trabalho se propõe a apontar, descrever, sistematizar e selecionar alguns dos principais parâmetros que devem ser considerados, dentro de uma leitura predominantemente econômica, para efeitos de se avaliar e monitorar as políticas públicas na área ambiental. Como hipótese principal, defende-se que é possível indicar critérios que possam orientar a avaliação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas ambientais por parte dos distintos segmentos da sociedade e segundo diversos interesses específicos. Pretende-se utilizar o método indutivo para fins de se estabelecer uma conclusão que confirme ou afaste a hipótese principal deste trabalho. Foram identificados, ao final, alguns dos principais parâmetros que poderiam auxiliar, os segmentos da sociedade direta ou indiretamente envolvidos em determinado tema ambiental, a discutir, avaliar e monitorar os instrumentos de comando e controle, econômicos e outros consoante propostos para a implantação de um política pública ambiental.
A análise morfométrica de uma microbacia é uma importante ferramenta de diagnóstico da susceptibilidade à degradação ambiental, pois os resultados nortearão o planejamento, o manejo e a implementação de medidas mitigadoras para conservação dos recursos hídricos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Ribeirão Tabuleta – Piquete (SP) através do Sistema de Informações Geográficas Arcview e da Carta Planialtimétrica de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000. As variáveis avaliadas foram as dimensionais, da composição da rede de Drenagem e do padrão de drenagem. As bases cartográficas utilizadas foram a carta planialtimétrica de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000, para a hierarquização da rede de drenagem e a análise morfométrica. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a microbacia apresenta altos riscos de susceptibilidade a erosão e degradação ambiental, sendo fundamental a manutenção da cobertura vegetal e as zonas ripárias para conservação dos serviços ambientais. O fator de forma e a densidade de drenagem alta permitiram inferir que o substrato tem permeabilidade baixa com menor infiltração e maior escoamento da água. A alta declividade das encostas (montanhoso) indica se não for conservada pode haver alteração na regulação do sistema hidrológico e consequentemente na produção de água. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas ArcGis 9.3 foi excelente na digitalização e análise dos dados.
A morfometria é uma ferramenta de grande importância como diagnóstico de suscetibilidade a degradação ambiental, delimitação da zona ripária, planejamento e manejo da microbacia. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização morfométrica da microbacia do Ribeirão Benfica – Piquete (SP) através do Sistema de Informações Geográficas Arcview e da Carta Planialtimétrica de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000. As variáveis avaliadas foram as dimensionais, do padrão de drenagem e do relevo. A base cartográfica utilizada foi as cartas planialtimétricas de Lorena – SP e Delfim Moreira - MG, editadas pelo IBGE (1970), em escala 1:50000, para a hierarquização da rede de drenagem e a análise morfométrica. Os resultados permitiram concluir que a microbacia apresenta altos riscos de susceptibilidade a erosão e degradação ambiental, sendo fundamental a manutenção da cobertura vegetal e as zonas ripárias para conservação dos serviços ambientais. O fator de forma e a densidade de drenagem alta permitiram inferir que o substrato tem permeabilidade baixa com menor infiltração e maior escoamento da água. A alta declividade das encostas (montanhoso) indica que se a microbacia não for conservada pode haver alteração na regulação do sistema hidrológico e consequentemente na produção de água. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas ArcGis 9.3 foi excelente na digitalização e análise dos dados.