995 resultados para Series solutions
We study two cooperative solutions of a market with indivisible goods modeled as a generalized assignment game: Set-wise stability and Core. We first establish that the Set-wise stable set is contained in the Core and it contains the non-empty set of competitive equilibrium payoffs. We then state and prove three limit results for replicated markets. First, the sequence of Cores of replicated markets converges to the set of competitive equilibrium payoffs when the number of replicas tends to infinity. Second, the Set-wise stable set of a two-fold replicated market already coincides with the set of competitive equilibrium payoffs. Third, for any number of replicas there is a market with a Core payoff that is not a competitive equilibrium payoff.
Continuing to review the subgenus Helcocyrtomyia (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotomiane) some specimens of sandflies from the vexator series were examined. Taxonomic remarks, geographic distribution and drawings of those species are presented.
I construct "homogeneous" series of salaried employment, employee compensation and total labor income for Spain and its regions covering the period 1955-2008. I also estimate labor's share in regional and national GVA and construct an indicator of the average cost of labor including both employees and non-salaried workers.
En una serie de trabajos anteriores he construido series largas de diversos agregados económicos regionales enlazando las distintas bases de la Contabilidad Regional de España entre sí y con las series históricas elaboradas por la Fundación BBVA. Puesto que esta última fuente sólo ofrece datos para años impares, las series enlazadas heredan esta característica desde 1955 hasta 1989. En la presente nota se construyen series anuales completas de las variables de interés utilizando un sencillo procedimiento de interpolación que incorpora la información anual disponible a nivel nacional para estas variables.
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This paper explores the homogeneity of the functional form, the parameters, and the turning point, when appropriate, of the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic activity for 31 countries (28 OECD, Brazil, China, and India) during the period 1950 to 2006 using cointegration analysis. With a sample highly overlapped over time between countries, the result reveals that the homogeneity across countries is rejected, both in functional form and in the parameters of long term relationship. This confirms the relevance of considering the heterogeneity in exploring the relationship between air pollution and economic activity to avoid spurious parameter estimates and infer a wrong behavior of the functional form, which could lead to induce that the relationship is reversed when in fact it is direct.
El presente trabajo resume los resultados de la primera fase de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es el de ofrecer series homogéneas de los principales agregados económicos y demográficos de las regiones españolas para el período desde 1950 hasta nuestros días. En él se recopilan, extienden o construyen series de movimientos naturales de población, población de derecho y residente habitual, saldos migratorios netos y estructura por edades de la población.
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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
A les darreres dècades, l'anglès mèdic col·loquial s'ha barrejat amb el llenguatge no especialitzat a dramatitzacions audiovisuals. Aquest argot pertany actualment a un sistema conceptual lligat a una cultura i constitueix l'oralitat prefabricada destinada a caracteritzar els personatges de ficció. Aquesta investigació verifica tant les tècniques de traducció emprades per traslladar la terminologia mèdica de la sèrie ER (Urgències) en el doblatge de l'anglès a l'espanyol, com el nivell d'adequació de la versió en la llengua meta. Acadèmicament, aquest treball està motivat per la manca d'estudis empírics de la traducció per el doblatge de la terminologia mèdica de les series televisives
Background / Purpose : Lemierre Syndrome (LS) is defined by a recent oro-pharangeal infection, the clinical presence or radiological demonstration of internal jugular vein (IJV) thrombosis and documented anaerobe germ, principally Fusobacterium necrophorum (Fn) leading to septicaemia and septic embolization. It is a rare infection described since 1900 and it nearly disappeared since the beginning of the antibiotic area. Even if it is seldom described in the literature, this infection is reappearing in the last 10 years, either because of the increase of antibiotic resistance or by modification of antibiotic prescription. The aim of this study is to describe the role of medical imaging in the diagnosis, staging and follow up of Lemierre syndrome, as well as to describe the ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of this rare disease. Patients and methods : Radiological and medical files of patients diagnosed with Lemierre syndrome in the past 6 years at CHUV hospital were analysed retrospectively. The CT scan, US, colour Doppler US (CDUS) and MRI examinations that were performed have been examined so as to define their specific imaging findings. Results IJV thrombosis was demonstrated in 2 cases by US, by CT in 6 cases and MRI in one case. Septic pulmonary emboli were detected by CT in 5 patients. Complications of the LS were depicted by MR in one case and by CT in 1 case. Conclusion : In the appropriate clinical settings, US, CT or MR evidence of IJV thrombosis and chest CT suggestive of septic emboli, should lead the physician to consider the diagnosis of LS. As a consequence, imaging allows a faster diagnosis and a more efficient treatment of this infection, which in case of insufficient therapy can lead to death.