970 resultados para Separação de isômeros do xileno
A vitamina C é uma das vitaminas mais importantes para a nutrição humana e destacase pela sua eficiente acção antioxidante e participação em inúmeras reacções metabólicas como cofactor enzimático. A vitamina C inclui vários compostos que têm actividade biológica semelhante ao ácido L-ascórbico (L-AA), incluindo o produto da sua oxidação, ácido desidroascórbico (DHAA), e as formas sintéticas. Os seres humanos não são capazes de sintetizar a vitamina C, sendo necessário obter este nutriente através da alimentação. As frutas e vegetais são alimentos ricos em vitamina C, ao contrário das carnes e cereais. Existem diversos métodos analíticos disponíveis para quantificação dos teores de vitamina C nos alimentos, sendo os métodos cromatográficos os mais utilizados devido à sua capacidade de separação e elevada sensibilidade e precisão. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido e validado um método de cromatografia líquida de ultra-eficiência (UHPLC) para determinar o conteúdo de vitamina C total (L-AA + DHAA) em várias frutas e vegetais com proveniências diferentes. A produção de produtos hortofrutícolas na ilha da Madeira não é auto-suficiente, sendo necessário importar alguns alimentos. Realizou-se um pequeno estudo comparativo do teor total de vitamina C e a sua degradação nos produtos locais e importados. O DHAA foi medido indirectamente através da reacção com o redutor DL-1,4-ditiotreitol (DTT), antes da injecção cromatográfica. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com a titulação iodométrica. As amostras foram extraídas durante 5 dias consecutivos sendo os extractos resultantes armazenados a -80ºC imediatamente após a extracção até ao dia de análise. A estabilidade do L-AA nos extractos conservados a diferentes temperaturas e os efeitos do cozimento dos alimentos sobre esta molécula foram avaliados. A actividade antioxidante dos produtos hortofrutícolas foi também medida pelo método ABTS (2,2-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotiazolina- 6-sulfonato). O estudo da validação do método apresentou resultados bastante satisfatórios, demonstrando uma boa repetibilidade e sensibilidade elevada. Além disso, o método proposto revelou ser uma abordagem melhorada, simples e rápida para a determinação do conteúdo de vitamina C total em diversos produtos alimentares.
Com a realização deste trabalho pretendeu-se estabelecer o perfil urinário de níveis de biomarcadores do stress oxidativo (5-HMU; UAc; MDA; 8-OHdG) em indivíduos saudáveis (grupo controlo) comparando com o de doenças cardiovasculares (grupo CVD) de modo a avaliar o seu potencial como possíveis biomarcadores da possibilidade de ocorrência de CVD. A extração dos compostos alvos foi realizada por recurso a uma nova técnica extrativa - microextração com adsorvente empacotado em seringa (MEPS) controlada digitalmente (eVol). A análise dos biomarcadores foi efetuada por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (UHPLC) utilizando como coluna analítica a HSS T3 (100 mm × 2,1 mm, 1,7 μm de tamanho da partícula) e com um sistema deteção de fotodiodos (PDA). Otimizaram-se os parâmetros experimentais com influência no processo extrativo, nomeadamente no que se refere ao tipo de adsorvente, á influência do pH, ao volume de amostra, ao número de ciclos extrativos, lavagem e ao volume de eluição. Foram ensaiadas diferentes condições experimentais e selecionadas as que corresponderam a uma maior eficiência extrativa, expressa pela área total relativa dos analitos e reprodutibilidade. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando como adsorvente C8, o pH da amostra ajustado a 6, o adsorvente foi carregado com 5x50 μL de amostra e a eluição com 1x50 μL de 0,01% ácido formico e 3x50 μL de 20% metanol. Para a separação cromatográfica dos analitos usou-se uma fase móvel binária (0,01% ácido fórmico:20% metanol), em modo isocrático e um fluxo de 250 μL min-1. O método analítico foi validado em termos de seletividade, linearidade, limite de deteção (LOD), limite de quantificação (LOQ), efeito matriz, exatidão e precisão (intra e interdias) e aplicada a determinação de biomarcadores alvo nos dois grupos estudados, obtiveram-se bons resultados em termos seletividade e linearidade (R2>0,9906), os valores de LOD e LOQ obtidos foram baixos, variando entre 0,00005 - 0,72 μg mL-1 e 0,00023 – 2,31 μg mL-1 respetivamente. Os resultados da percentagem de recuperação (91,06 – 123,02 %), precisão intra-dia (0,95 – 8,34 %), precisão inter-dia (4,58 -6,33 %) e o efeito de matriz (60,11 – 110,29 %) deste método foram satisfatórios. A aplicação da metodologia validada aos dois grupos em estudo permitiu concluir que as concentrações de UAc e MDA entre os dois grupos, contrariamente ao 5-HMU e ao 8- OhdG cujas concentrações são estatisticamente diferentes entre o grupo controlam e o grupo CVD.
Os objectivos deste trabalho consistiram em desenvolver um método de separação eficaz e reprodutível de modo a isolar as lactonas sesquiterpénicas - dehidrocostus e costunolida - de extractos do fungo parasita da espécie Laurus novocanariensis - Laurobasidium lauri; em testar os compostos relativamente às suas capacidades antioxidantes e bioactivas - citotoxicidade e alelopatia - e em obter uma quantidade considerável destas lactonas de modo a enviar para laboratórios em parceria para realização de testes de actividade anticancerígena in vitro (Instituto Canário de Investigação em Cancro), de antituberculose in vivo (Instituto politécnico Nacional, México), de actividade anti-inflamatória in vivo (UNIVALI, Brasil) e de actividade anti-ulcerativa in vivo. Neste trabalho foi possível isolar 116 mg de lactona costunolida com 97% de pureza através do fraccionamento do extracto de Madre de Louro em hexano pela técnica de cromatografia em coluna aberta com sistema de eluentes Hexano:Acetato de etilo (50:0 – 43:7 mL), procedendo à sua identificação por HPLC-MS e RMN 13C, não tendo sido possível atingir o mesmo objectivo para a lactona dehidrocostus. O extracto de Madre de Louro em Metanol demonstrou ser a amostra com maior poder antioxidante relativamente aos teste de ABTS, DPPH e FRAP, enquanto o extracto em Diclorometano apresentou maior poder antioxidante no teste do β-caroteno/ácido linoléico. No que toca aos ensaios biológicos, o extracto de madre de louro em hexano foi o que apresentou um valor de DL50 mais baixo (0,1mg/mL) representando assim maior poder de toxicidade perante as larvas de camarão (Artemia salina).
Com este trabalho pretendeu-se estabelecer o perfil metabolómico volátil de amostras de fluidos biológicos, nomeadamente saliva e urina, de pacientes com cancro da mama e do pulmão e de indivíduos saudáveis (grupo controlo), utilizando a Microextração em Fase Sólida em modo headspace (HS-SPME) seguida de Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massa (GC-MS). Efetuou-se a comparação entre os perfis voláteis dos grupos estudados com o objetivo de identificar metabolitos que possam ser considerados como potenciais biomarcadores dos tipos de cancro em estudo. De modo a otimizar a metodologia extrativa, HS-SPME, foram avaliados os diferentes parâmetros experimentais com influência no processo extrativo. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a fibra CAR/PDMS, usando um volume de 2 mL de saliva acidificada, 10% NaCl (m/v) e 45 minutos de extração a uma temperatura de 37±1°C. Para a urina foi utilizada a mesma fibra, 4 mL de urina acidificada, 20% NaCl (m/v) e 60 minutos de extração a 50±1°C. Nas amostras de saliva e urina, foram identificados 243 e 500 metabolitos voláteis respetivamente, sendo estes pertencentes a diferentes famílias químicas. Posteriormente, utilizou-se a análise discriminante por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-DA) que permitiu observar uma boa separação entre os grupos controlo e oncológicos. Nas amostras salivares o grupo de pacientes com cancro da mama foi maioritariamente caracterizado pelo metabolito ácido benzeno carboxílico e o grupo de pacientes com cancro do pulmão pelo ácido hexanóico. Na urina o grupo de pacientes com cancro da mama foi maioritariamente caracterizado pelo metabolito 1-[2-(Isobutiriloxi)-1-metiletil]-2,2-dimetilpropil 2-metilpropanoato e o grupo de pacientes com cancro do pulmão pelo o-cimeno. Além da metodologia PLS-DA foi realizada a validação cruzada de monte carlo (MCCV) tendo-se obtido uma elevada taxa de classificação, sensibilidade e especificidade o que demonstra a robustez dos dados obtidos.
O modelo civilizatório da sociedade global fundamenta-se na produção à larga escala e no aumento exponencial e diversificado do consumo. Este modelo impacta o meio ambiente já que demanda grandes quantidades de recursos naturais e provoca contaminação ambiental. No leque desta contaminação, a geração de resíduos sólidos surge como uma das principais devido a seus efeitos nocivos serem sentidos de forma imediata pelas pessoas. Em países como o Brasil, uma das soluções requeridas para se minimizar e/ou equacionar a problemática engendrada pelos resíduos sólidos é a reciclagem dos materiais. A justificativa oficial pelo esforço à reciclagem está nas características da atividade já que o uso de materiais reciclados reduz a demanda por recursos naturais em processos produtivos industriais, aumenta o tempo de vida útil dos aterros sanitários (local de destino final dos resíduos), além de gerar emprego e renda para os catadores, sujeitos que sobrevivem da coleta e separação dos materiais recicláveis. A partir de uma ética ambiental, a pergunta que deve ser feita quando nos propomos a analisar as implicações da geração dos resíduos é: por que a sociedade global gera resíduos sólidos de maneira acentuada? Contudo, à luz dos pressupostos mercadológicos do capitalismo, a pergunta que move as discussões acerca da problemática dos resíduos sólidos é: o que fazer com a crescente geração de resíduos sólidos? O presente artigo se propõe a uma reflexão dos elementos justificativos dessa ode à reciclagem. Em nossa perspectiva, a reciclagem fomenta ao que denominamos de ambientalismo econômico, no qual o discurso pró-reciclagem se apropria dos elementos e potencialidades ambientais da atividade da reciclagem para justificar as ações de caráter econômico no que se refere ao que fazer com os resíduos gerados diariamente.
With the disorganized decentralization occurred in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution, municipalities have risen to the level of federal entities. This phenomenon became known as "municipalism" also brought some negative effects such as low capacity financial, economic and political of these entities. In the face of this reality , the municipalities sought in models of collaborative features to address public policy issues ultrarregionais, one of these models are the Public Consortia. Characterized as the organization of all federal entities that aim to solve public policy implementation alone that they could not, or spend great resources for such. This reality of the municipalities have an aggravating factor when looking at the situation in Metropolitan Regions (MRs). This is because the RMs has a historical process of formation that does not encourage cooperation, since that were created top-down during the military regime. Furthermore, the metropolitan municipalities have significant power asymmetries, localist vision, rigidity earmarked revenues, different scenarios conurbation, difficulty standardization of concepts and others that contribute to the vision of low cooperation of these metropolitan areas. Thus, the problem of this work is in the presence of collaborative arrangements, such as the Public Consortia in metropolitan areas, which are seen as areas of low cooperation. To elucidate this research was used for analysis the cases of CONDIAM/PB and Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, because they are apparently antagonistic, but with some points of similarity. The cases has as foundation the Theory of Common Resources, which provides the possibility of collective action through the initiative of individuals. This theory has as its methodology for analyzing the picture IAD Framework, which proposes its analysis based on three axes: external variables, the arena of action and results. The nature of the method of this research was classified as exploratory and descriptive. For the stage of date analysis, was used the method of document analysis and content, Further than of separation of the cases according to theur especificities. At the end of the study, noted that the CONDIAM/PB was a strategy of municipal government of Joao Pessoa to attract funds from the Federal Government for the purpose of to build a landfill, and over the years the ideology of cooperation was left aside, the prevailing view localist municipalities. In the case of Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, members act with some degree of cooperation, especially the collaborative aspect of the region, however, still prevails with greater strength the power of the state of Pernambuco in the decisions and paths of the consortium. Thus, was conclude that the Public Consortia analyzed are an experience of collaborative arrangement, from the initiative of members, as the theory of common resources says, but has not actually signed as a practice of collective action to overcome the dilemmas faced by metropolitan areas
This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively
The synthesis of zeolites from natural sources of silicon and aluminum are promising alternative routes to obtain porous or zeolite MCM family. Such materials are typically used in catalytic processes and / or adsorption is to obtain new products or for separation and purification processes thereof. Environmental legislation is becoming stricter and requires the use of materials more efficient, aiming to achieve pollution prevention, by gas or liquid contaminants in the environment. In order to obtain a material with environmentally friendly features, this study aimed at the synthesis of zeolite A, from an amorphous sediment, diatomite, which is found in abundance in the northeast region of Brazil, may be substituted for conventional products the production of zeolite, involving higher costs. The methodology for obtaining the "Zeolite A" using as a source of silica and alumina diatomite is simple, since this is a source of silicon, not requiring therefore a structural driver, but also by heat treatment, only drying conventional to remove water. The "zeolite A" was obtained from diatomite, but as an intermediate step we obtained the sodalite. The characterization was made by the following techniques: EDX, XRD, FT-IR, SEM and determining a specific area by the BET method and the BJH method for checking the diameter of pores. By characterization of the obtained material was first demonstrated the achievement of sodalite and after modification of the same, there was obtained zeolite A
This work presents a proposal to detect interface in atmospheric oil tanks by installing a differential pressure level transmitter to infer the oil-water interface. The main goal of this project is to maximize the quantity of free water that is delivered to the drainage line by controlling the interface. A Fuzzy Controller has been implemented by using the interface transmitter as the Process Variable. Two ladder routine was generated to perform the control. One routine was developed to calculate the error and error variation. The other was generate to develop the fuzzy controller itself. By using rules, the fuzzy controller uses these variables to set the output. The output is the position variation of the drainage valve. Although the ladder routine was implemented into an Allen Bradley PLC, Control Logix family it can be implemented into any brand of PLCs
The scale is defined as chemical compounds from inorganic nature, initially soluble in salt solutions, which may precipitate accumulate in columns of production and surface equipment. This work aimd to quantify the crystalline phases of scale through the Rietveld method. The study was conducted in scale derived from columns production wells in development and recipients of pigs. After collecting samples of scale were performed the procedure for separations of inorganic and organic phase and preparation to be analyzed at the X-ray Laboratory. The XRD and XRF techniques were used to monitor whether identifying and quantifying crystalline phases present in the deposits. The SEM technique was used to visualize the morphology of the scales and assess their homogeneity after the milling process. XRD measurements were performed with and without milling and with or without the accessory spinner. For quantify crystalline phases the program DBWStools was used. The procedure for conducting the first refinement was instrumental in setting parameters, then the structural parameters of the phases in the sample and finally the parameters of the function profile used. In the diffraction patterns of samples of scale observed that the best measures were those that passed through the mill and used the accessory spinner. Through the results, it was noted that the quantitative analysis for samples of scale is feasible when need to monitor a particular crystalline phase in a well, pipeline or oil field. Routinely, the quantification of phases by the Rietveld method is hardwork because in many scale was very difficult to identify the crystalline phases present
In the Hydrocarbon exploration activities, the great enigma is the location of the deposits. Great efforts are undertaken in an attempt to better identify them, locate them and at the same time, enhance cost-effectiveness relationship of extraction of oil. Seismic methods are the most widely used because they are indirect, i.e., probing the subsurface layers without invading them. Seismogram is the representation of the Earth s interior and its structures through a conveniently disposed arrangement of the data obtained by seismic reflection. A major problem in this representation is the intensity and variety of present noise in the seismogram, as the surface bearing noise that contaminates the relevant signals, and may mask the desired information, brought by waves scattered in deeper regions of the geological layers. It was developed a tool to suppress these noises based on wavelet transform 1D and 2D. The Java language program makes the separation of seismic images considering the directions (horizontal, vertical, mixed or local) and bands of wavelengths that form these images, using the Daubechies Wavelets, Auto-resolution and Tensor Product of wavelet bases. Besides, it was developed the option in a single image, using the tensor product of two-dimensional wavelets or one-wavelet tensor product by identities. In the latter case, we have the wavelet decomposition in a two dimensional signal in a single direction. This decomposition has allowed to lengthen a certain direction the two-dimensional Wavelets, correcting the effects of scales by applying Auto-resolutions. In other words, it has been improved the treatment of a seismic image using 1D wavelet and 2D wavelet at different stages of Auto-resolution. It was also implemented improvements in the display of images associated with breakdowns in each Auto-resolution, facilitating the choices of images with the signals of interest for image reconstruction without noise. The program was tested with real data and the results were good
Stimulation operations have with main objective restore or improve the productivity or injectivity rate in wells. Acidizing is one of the most important operations of well stimulation, consist in inject acid solutions in the formation under fracture formation pressure. Acidizing have like main purpose remove near wellbore damage, caused by drilling or workover operations, can be use in sandstones and in carbonate formations. A critical step in acidizing operation is the control of acid-formation reaction. The high kinetic rate of this reaction, promotes the consumed of the acid in region near well, causing that the acid treatment not achive the desired distance. In this way, the damage zone can not be bypassed. The main objective of this work was obtain stable systems resistant to the different conditions found in field application, evaluate the kinetic of calcite dissolution in microemulsion systems and simulate the injection of this systems by performing experiments in plugs. The systems were obtained from two non ionic surfactants, Unitol L90 and Renex 110, with sec-butanol and n-butanol like cosurfactants. The oily component of the microemlsion was xilene and kerosene. The acqueous component was a solution of HCl 15-26,1%. The results shown that the microemulsion systems obtained were stable to temperature until 100ºC, high calcium concentrations, salinity until 35000 ppm and HCl concentrations until 25%. The time for calcite dissolution in microemulsion media was 14 times slower than in aqueous HCl 15%. The simulation in plugs showed that microemulsion systems promote a distributed flux and promoted longer channels. The permeability enhancement was between 177 - 890%. The results showed that the microemulsion systems obtained have potential to be applied in matrix acidizing
The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)
The resistance of aluminum and their alloys, to the corrosion phenomenon, in aqueous solutions, is a result of the oxide layer formed. However, the corrosion process in the aluminum alloy is associated with the presence a second phase of particles or the presence of chloride ions which promote the disruption of the oxide layer located producing the corrosion process. On the other hand, the term water produced is used to describe the water after the separation of the oil and gas in API separators. The volumes of produced water arrive around 5 more times to the volume of oil produced. The greatest feature of the water is the presence of numerous pollutants. Due to the increased volume of waste around the world in the current decade, the outcome and the effect of the discharge of produced water on the environment has recently become an important issue of environmental concern where numerous treatments are aimed at reducing these contaminants before disposal. Then, this study aims to investigate the electrochemical corrosion behavior of aluminum alloy 6060 in presence of water produced and the influence of organic components as well as chloride ions, by using the electrochemical techniques of linear polarization. The modification of the passive layer and the likely breakpoints were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). In the pit formation potential around -0.4 to -0.8 V/EAg/AgCl was observed that the diffusion of chloride ions occurs via the layer formed with the probable formation of pits. Whereas, at temperatures above 65 °C, it was observed that the range of potential for thepit formation was -0.4 to -0.5 V/EAg/AgCl. In all reactions, the concentration of Al(OH)3 in the form of a gel was observed
A self-flotator vibrational prototype electromechanical drive for treatment of oil and water emulsion or like emulsion is presented and evaluated. Oil production and refining to obtain derivatives is carried out under arrangements technically referred to as on-shore and off-shore, ie, on the continent and in the sea. In Brazil 80 % of the petroleum production is taken at sea and area of deployment and it cost scale are worrisome. It is associated, oily water production on a large scale, carrier 95% of the potential pollutant of activity whose final destination is the environment medium, terrestrial or maritime. Although diversified set of techniques and water treatment systems are in use or research, we propose an innovative system that operates in a sustainable way without chemical additives, for the good of the ecosystem. Labyrinth adsor-bent is used in metal spirals, and laboratory scale flow. Equipment and process patents are claimed. Treatments were performed at different flow rates and bands often monitored with control systems, some built, other bought for this purpose. Measurements of the levels of oil and grease (OGC) of efluents treaty remained within the range of legal framework under test conditions. Adsorbents were weighed before and after treatment for obtaining oil impregna-tion, the performance goal of vibratory action and treatment as a whole. Treatment technolo-gies in course are referenced, to compare performance, qualitatively and quantitatively. The vibration energy consumption is faced with and without conventional flotation and self-flotation. There are good prospects for the proposed, especially in reducing the residence time, by capillary action system. The impregnation dimensionless parameter was created and confronted with consecrated dimensionless parameters, on the vibrational version, such as Weber number and Froude number in quadratic form, referred to as vibrational criticality. Re-sults suggest limits to the vibration intensity