989 resultados para Sementes - Viabilidade


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The evaluation of the effect of seed has been fundamental tool in the program of quality control, and the accelerated aging test, an important part of that process. Some authors report that the germination and vigor are associated with seed size and facing the lack of consensus for the use of this test methodology and the relationship of seed size on the physiological quality, this work aimed to adapt the existing methodology as the temperature and period of conditioning on the performance of two sizes of seed cotton. The seeds were classified into two meshes of sieves, and then subjected to tests of water content, germination and electrical conductivity. The experimental design was completely randomized, analyzed statistically in a factorial threefold. Seeds of different sizes, showed no difference in percentage of germination. Seeds subjected to 40 degrees C for 42h of conditioning showed better percentage of germination.


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With the objective to determine the influence of the dehydration and of the size and/or weight on germination percentage and the vigor of jussara palm seeds (Euterpe edulis Mart.), 10 individuals' ripe fruits, picked in the Experimental Station of Ubatuba (IAC) they were classified by size in 5 sieves of circular sieve: 26/64" (10,31mm), 28/64" (11,11mm), 30/64" (11,90mm), 32/64" (12,69mm) and 34/64" (13,49mm). It was determined, the medium weight of the classified seeds. The quality of the seeds was evaluated through the following parameters: water content of the seeds; germination and vigor (first germination counting). It was evaluated the drying speed of different seed sizes for 48 hours, in dry chamber. The sizes of 28/64", 30/64" and 32/64" represented 98,7% of the total weight of the harvested seeds and showed similar drying speed, percentage of germination and vigor. With the increase of the drying period, the smaller seeds (28/64") had their germination less affected them the intermediate (30/64") and bigger sized seeds (32/64").


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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This paper aims to present the feasibility of using a composite using discarded material from the cultivation of banana tree (pseudostem), which is fibrillated together with synthetic resin replacing glass fiber to be used in structural elements that do not demand large mechanical stress such as reservoirs, troughs, domes, sewage pipes etc.. For this, there were studies about the mechanical properties of a composite made with polyester resin and fiber of banana tree (Musa sp, musac), in which the splints were removed from the pseudostem, being made fibrillation by hand, with the aid of a brush steel, followed by natural drying. After treatment for cleaning and removal of wax, the fiber was cut into pieces of approximately 60 mm to 100 mm, for, together with synthetic resin, make cards of a features fiber composite with random orientation relative to the weight of the resin. We used three different percentages of fiber (3%, 6% and 9%), in order to make a comparative study between them and what would be the one with the best performance. Were manufactured specimens of each material and then subjected to uniaxial tensile tests, three point bending, moisture absorption and thermal characteristics. The results show that, in general, the use of banana tree fiber is feasible simply by an improvement in the production process (machining of the procedure) and greater care in the manufacture of parts


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of seeds of two soybean cultivars CD-216 and CD-212RR, under subdoses of glyphosate (1,3; 2,6; 5,3 and 11,5 g e.a.ha(-1)). The experiments carried out in Laboratory Fisiologoa Plant in the Uniderp, city of Dourados/MS. The experimental design used was in blocks entirely at random, with four repetitions. After soaking, evaluated the following parameters eight days after imbibition: % germination, seedling dry weight, length of root and shoot. Seeds of both cultivars (CD-212RR and CD216) reduce the percentage of germination, with the increasing of glyphosate concentration in soaling, and CD-216 was more sensible to herbicide.


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Common bean is an important crop in Brazilian agriculture and phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the most yield limiting factors for this crop, thus plant P-deficiency can hamper the seed physiological quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity and quality of common bean seeds cv. Carioca Precoce cultivated during the rainy season in response to phosphate fertilizer. Six levels of P (0; 30; 60; 90; 120 and 150 kg of P2O5 had), with five replications, were applied in the groove of sowing as triple superphosphate. The seeds yield, at the experimental plot, was determined by the dry weight. Seed quality was evaluated through the following determinations: 100-seed mass, seed moisture content, germination, first counting, moisture content after accelerated aging, germination after accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, seedling emergence in the field and seedlings dry weight. The productivity of beans seeds 'Carioca Precoce' cultivated during the rainy season increased linearly as related to phosphorus rates. The 100-seed mass and the physiological quality of seeds have not changed by increasing of P levels.


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Pearl millet is recommended to produce dry matter for no-tillage system, as forage or for grain yield. The sowing time affects the crop development; thus, it can affect seed quality and initial storage conditions. The present research had as objective to evaluate the effects of sowing time on pearl millet seeds quality during the storage. Pearl millet seeds from twelve monthly sowing times were stored in environmental conditions, with no temperature and relative humidity control, and evaluated by seed moisture content, germination and vigor (first count of the germination test and electrical conductivity) for 0, 27 and 42 months of storage. The completely random design was employed, as a factorial experiment 12 x 3 (sowing time x storage time), with four replications. Means were compared by Tukey test (p <= 0.05). Pearl millet seeds produced in September resulted in the production of seeds with high germination and vigor, evaluated by the electrical conductivity test. The capacity of quality conservation of pearl millet seeds, for different storage times, is related to crop sowing time.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents an analysis of technical and financial feasibility of the use of a solar system for water heating in a fictitious hotel located in the Northeast region. Thereunto it is used techniques of solar collectors´ sizing and methods of financial mathematics, such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Payback. It will also be presented a sensitivity analysis to verify which are the factors that impact the viability of the solar heating. Comparative analysis will be used concerning three cities of distinct regions of Brazil: Curitiba, Belém and João Pessoa. The viability of using a solar heating system will be demonstrated to the whole Brazil, especially to the northeast region as it is the most viable for such an application of solar power because of its high levels of solar radiation. Among the cities examined for a future installation of solar heating systems for water heating in the hotel chain, João Pessoa was the one that has proved more viable.


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Quarenta lotes de sementes de açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) colhidos na coleção de germoplasma de palmeiras do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo) foram submetidos aos seguintes testes para a avaliação de qualidade fisiológica das sementes: grau de umidade, germinação, primeira contagem de germinação (emissão do botão germinativo aos quatro dias da semeadura), índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e condutividade elétrica. O grau de umidade das sementes apresentou valores de 32,2 a 45,5%. A avaliação da qualidade das sementes de açaizeiro pode fundamentar-se nos testes de germinação, de primeira contagem de germinação, de IVG e de condutividade elétrica quando interpretados em conjunto.


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It presents a direct exposure to solar dryer for drying of food, built from a scrap of luminaire. The dryer works under direct exposure to natural circulation. Will be presented their methods of construction and assembly of that dryer that allows the reuse of materials, constituting a environmentally correct recycling dryer main features proposed are its low cost and simple manufacturing processes and assembly. Test results will be presented for the drying of foods that prove the feasibility and cost of thermal solar drying alternative system proposed. It is worth emphasizing the social importance that such application is for the most excluded since the value-added fruits, vegetables, legumes and other foods in relation to fresh may represent an option of income generation. It will also study the transformation of some of dry food meal and demonstrated that the drying times for the foods tested are competitive and sometimes pointed in the solar literature


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Composite materials can be defined as materials formed from two or more constituents with different compositions, structures and properties, which are separated by an interface. The main objective in producing composites is to combine different materials to produce a single device with superior properties to the component unit. The present study used a composite consisting of plaster, cement, EPS, tire, PET and water to build prototype solar attempt to reduce the manufacturing cost of such equipment. It was built two box type solar cookers, a cooler to be cooled by solar energy, a solar dryer and a solar cooker concentration. For these prototypes were discussed the processes of construction and assembly, determination of thermal and mechanical properties, and raising the performance of such solar systems. Were also determined the proportions of the constituents of the composite materials according to specific performance of each prototype designed. This compound proved to be feasible for the manufacture of such equipment, low cost and easy manufacturing and assembly processes


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In recent decades, ceramic products have become indispensable to the technological development of humanity, occupying important positions in scientific production and consequently in industrial production. One area of the economy that continues to absorb large amounts of the products of this sector is Construction. Among the branches of the ceramic industry, there are the red ceramic industry which is traditionally the basis of that economic sector. Among the reasons for which the red ceramic industry became popular in the country, and specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, is the abundance of this raw material, easily found throughout the national territory. However, it appears that the red ceramic industry has deficiencies in technology and skilled labor, resulting in the production of ceramic goods with low added value. Among the factors that determine the quality of the ceramic products red has the proper formulation of the ceramic mass, the conformation and the firing temperature. Thus, the overall goal of this work is to study the mineralogical and technological properties, two clays from the region of the Wasteland Potiguar industrial ceramist. Therefore, the raw materials were characterized by analysis of Xray diffraction (XRD) analysis, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis (FA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy (OM ), plasticity index (PI), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The technological properties of the material were analyzed by water absorption tests (AA%) porosity (% PA), the linear shrinkage (RT%), apparent density (MEA), loss on ignition (PF%) and flexural strength three points (TRF)


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A ocorrência de Pseudomonas viridiflava é descrita em sementes de couve chinesa (Brassica rapa var. pekinensis) importadas do Japão. do ponto de vista epidemiológico, a detecção dessa bactéria é de extrema importância. Embora já existam, em nosso país, relatos desse patógeno nas culturas de alface, alho, cebola, cenoura, feijão e mandioca, sua presença em sementes de couve chinesa pode se constituir num risco potencial para outras espécies de brássicas aqui cultivadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)