811 resultados para Satisfaction with supervision
o estudo pretende contribuir para o entendimento do problema da evasao de funcionários do Banco Central do Brasil. Partindo da idéia de que a permanência de funcionário na organização alicerça-se no tripé: satisfação no trabalho, satisfação com o sistema de recompensas e influência do ambiente externo, procurou-se determinar os fatores desses eI lementos capazes de influenciar a decisâo de permanência ou evasão. Utilizaram-se dois tipos de análise:~ descritiva e de contingência. A primeira visou a apresentar ~s caracteristicas da amostra e os fatores do ambiente externo associados ã permanência ou evasão do Banco. A segunda visou a determinar os fatores que melhor explicam satisfação no trabalho e satisfaçao com osiétema de recompensas. Uma das conclusões do estudo: há um grande anseio por parte do funcionalismo na efetiva pa~ ticipação na vida organizacional, o que significa não so ouvir e ser ouvido na definição de metas e diretrizes organizacionais, como também poder planejar e implementar a carreira. Espera-se que as análises realizadas possam servir para repe~ sar os anseios, dGvidas, frustrações e realizações do funcionário no contexto da organização em que, no sentido amplo do termo, ele vive.
O propósito deste estudo foi verificar as características de 4 (quatro) cursos de ensino superior de CiênciasContábeis localizados nos estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul, abordando os corpos docente e discente, comparando os resultados com aqueles obtidos por Favero (1987) no estado do Paraná. Diante dos baixos níveis de satisfação com a infraestrutura dos cursos, com o currículo e desenvolvimento do currículo e com o corpo docente, os achados desta pesquisa indicam a necessidade de uma reestruturação currIcular em todos os Cursos e uma reciclagem do corpo docente, buscando aprimorar o ensino das Ciências Contábeis naqueles estados.
Muitos são os maçons que se destacaram como líderes nas mais diferentes épocas e nos mais diversos setores da sociedade. Tendo a experiência e formação maçônica como característica comum entre tais líderes, a compreensão da relação entre a Maçonaria e a liderança e a mensuração da influência dos líderes maçônicos sobre seus liderados, os quais podem também serem líderes em suas atividades sociais e profissionais, tornam-se de grande relevância para a ciência da administração e a sociedade, de uma forma geral. Tomando por base as teorias de aprendizagem social, de troca social e de identidade social, e partindo da premissa da liderança ética, referenciada pela literatura maçônica, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto da liderança ética na identidade moral e na identificação com a organização, considerando ainda as respectivas consequências nos comportamentos dos liderados dentro e fora da organização maçônica. Ao todo, 13 hipóteses foram formuladas, gerando dois modelos de pesquisa que foram testados empiricamente por meio de estudo quantitativo realizado com 1571 maçons de todas as Unidades Federativas do Brasil. A discussão dos resultados foi enriquecida com a análise de conteúdo de uma questão aberta presente no questionário, respondida por 933 participantes. Os resultados indicam uma influência positiva da liderança ética sobre a identidade moral simbolizada e internalizada dos maçons, sobre seu comportamento prósocial, sua identificação com a Loja Maçônica, sua satisfação com a vida e com a consciência e voz de grupo. Por fim, as implicações teóricas e práticas dos resultados obtidos são discutidas e sugestões para futuras pesquisas são apresentadas.
Analisar sobre o processo de cuidar da equipe de enfermagem na visão dos usuários intoxicados por tentativa de suicídio. Metodologia: estudo descritivo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada em um centro de assistência ao intoxicado da Paraíba/Brasil, com nove usuários. Como critérios de inclusão, participaram as pessoas que tentaram o suicídio por intoxicação, nos meses de abril e maio de 2010, período de coleta de dados do estudo, e que tivessem condições de responder as questões formuladas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com uso de formulário, cujos dados foram tratados pela Análise Temática. A pesquisa foi aprovada conforme avaliação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UEPB e mediante CAAE nº 0003.0.349.133-10. Resultados: os participantes concentraram-se na faixa etária de 14 a 26 anos, predominando o gênero feminino e o consumo de agrotóxicos na tentativa de suicídio. A análise dos discursos permitiu identificar que todos os integrantes demonstraram-se satisfeitos com a assistência de enfermagem, entretanto, apontaram ausência de comunicação com os profissionais cuidadores e atraso para a realização dos procedimentos. Conclusão: a ética na assistência de enfermagem supõe o estabelecimento da valorização do humano durante as atribuições profissionais, proporcionando o bem-estar daqueles que não enxergam a dádiva maior, que é nesse plano, a vida
In an environment of constant change, technological developments, market competition and more informed consumers, the search for a lasting relationship through the conquest of loyalty has become the objective of companies. However, several authors suggest that this loyalty can be affected by negative comments available on the internet. Therefore, this dissertation has as objective to examine if the complaints are available on the internet impact the loyalty to a brand of mobile phone. The research used as the basis the Expanded NCSB model suggest by Johnson et al. (2001), studying five prominent drives of loyalty: image/brand reputation, affective commitment, calculative commitment, perceived value and trust, beyond the satisfaction construct as moderator variable. The research method adopted was the experimental design which included 285 undergraduate students, with the trial which included 285 undergraduate students, with the field study of the mobile industry, specifically, the brands of cell phones. The research approach was quantitative and methods were descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, linear regression and non-parametric test of Wilcoxon for data analysis. Of the 16 hypothesis stemmed from the research model proposed, 12 were confirmed. The results showed that the complaint available on the internet, here represented by the available on the site Reclame Aqui, may impact consumer perceptions about brand loyalty, as well as its antecedents, being that these complaints can affect all the consumers, regardless of historical satisfaction with the brand. It also noted the positive relationship between the independent variables trust, image/brand reputation, perceived value, affective commitment and calculative commitment and the dependent variable - loyalty, even when considering the data obtained after exposure to the complaint. However, no unanimous conclusion that the relationship between these variables was strongest in the group with satisfactory experience. At the first moment of the research, the trust was the most important variable for the formation of loyalty. However, after exposure to treatment, the image/brand reputation, was more relevant. Contributions of the study, limitations and recommendations for future researches are approached in the present investigation
The research in question looked for to establish the relation between the motivation (of the proprietor of apartment) to change itself of another one apartment, in closed vertical condominium (residential mobility) in the period of the recognition of the necessity, and the satisfaction with the apartment after consume. The universe or the population chosen for the development of the study was of proprietors of apartment in vertical condominiums located in the region metropolitan of Natal. The analysis of data was made using the techniques of linear regression and logistic regression between variables. The linear regression found relations between the motivations for housing change and the satisfaction in after consume with some attributes of the apartment. The logistic regression showed that relations between the motivations for change and the general satisfaction to the apartment exist as a whole, in the period after consumes. With regard to the motivation to change itself of a apartment for another one, some reasons shown more motivation them the others. The research found different degrees of satisfaction with certain characteristics of the apartment and degrees of no satisfaction with others. Finally the results of the research had contributed for the reply of the problem that guided the present study, therefore had obtained in such a way to find how much logistic not linear relations between the two periods purchase (recognition of the necessity and evaluation after consume) and had elucidated the process that goes since the choice the product until the satisfaction of the necessities
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the health care of HIV/AIDS Reference Center for treatment of AIDS in Natal/RN for professionals and service users. Methods: This is an evaluative study with a quantitative approach, performed in the outpatient Giselda Trigueiro Hospital, in Natal (RN). The target population consisted of 313 patients with HIV and 34 professionals of the center. Data collection occurred from august 2007 to july 2008, with a structured form of interview, validated through a pilot study. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The evaluation of the service was considered unsatisfactory by 85.6% users. However, 58.8% of professionals considered it satisfactory. There was difference in the evaluation of the following indicators: the relationship professional users, offering support, timeliness of professional guidelines on the treatment. There was similarity in the following indicators: physical structure, respect for privacy, opportunity to make complaints, hospitality, convenience of schedules, availability of ARVs and laboratory tests, and ease of access. Conclusion: The results point to dissatisfaction of the users and professional satisfaction with the health care of people with HIV / AIDS in the service searched. It was found that the indicators used in this study may be considered relevant to evaluate the service in question, as well as monitoringparameters provide acceptable quality of health care by the National STD/AIDS
This study aimed to evaluate factors associated to orthodontic treatment stability and patient satisfaction in the long-term. A total of 209 patients (88 class I and 121 class II) treated with straight wire fixed appliance were selected at least 5 years post treatment. Six hundred twenty seven dental casts were examined with the PAR Index at pretreatment (T1), end of treatment (T2), and at long-term follow up (T3, mean 8.5 years post treatment). At T3, a Dental Impact on Daily Living questionnaire was used to assess patient satisfaction with the dentition in the long-term. Friedman test and multiple regression analysis were used to evaluate changes among the time points and factors associated with stability and patient satisfaction. Predictive factors used to exam the occlusion were: PAR Index at T1 and T2, age at T1, the amount of time without retainer, length of Hawley retainer wear, length of follow-up, sex, extraction and third molar status. To assess patient satisfaction were considered: changes produced by the orthodontic treatment (PAR T2-T1), post treatment stability (PAR T3), age at the start of treatment (T1), length of treatment (T2-T1), gender, and extraction. Orthodontic treatment produced a significant improvement of 94.2% in the PAR Index (T2-T1), but this change was not associated with the level of satisfaction when the patient was questioned at T3. No significant change was observed between T2 and T3. However, when the sample was divided according to the level of finalization (PAR T2), it was observed that well-finished patients experienced some deterioration (P<.001), whereas the less well-finished ones showed some improvement (P<.05). Even with the deterioration, the well-finished patients still had a better PAR Index at T3 compared to the less well-finished ones (PAR T2- T3). Regression analysis showed that PAR Index at T1 and T2, age at T1, and length of retainer wear had a slight association with occlusal stability (R2 = 0.27). Patient satisfaction was significantly associated only with PAR Index at T3 (r2=0.125, P<.0001). We can conclude that, even thought orthodontic treatment is quite stable, not so well-finished treatments tend to show some improvement and well-finished ones deteriorate some in the long-term. Despite of that, well-finished patients still have better occlusal characteristics. Patient satisfaction is not related to the result of orthodontic treatment; nevertheless, there is a slight association with dentition in the long-term
The measurement of patient satisfaction can provide information about the success of the care provider in reaching the values and meeting the expectations of the patient. The purpose of this study was to translate into the Portuguese language and to culturally customize to the Brazilian population the instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy elaborated by Goldstein et al. The study sample was made up of 279 patients who were undergoing physical therapy treatment at 39 different private clinics in a middle-sized town in northeastern Brazil. For the translation of the survey instrument, the back-translation technique was employed, in association with the bilingual method. The reliability and validity of the Brazilian version of the instrument were both assessed. Reliability analysis, carried out with the computation of Cronbach alpha coefficients, showed that the measures obtained with the instrument have a high degree of internal consistency. The aspects dealing with the patient therapist relationship are the most important predictors of satisfaction, followed by those dealing with courtesy, privacy, and practical aspects such as efficiency of the facility in the patient admissions process, setting up of appointments, and waiting time in waiting room. Items dealing with aspects such as location of the facility and availability of parking facilities may underestimate the reliability of the instrument. This study translated, culturally customized, and validated an instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy originally developed in English. By so doing, this study has made this instrument available to the Brazilian society, and it has rendered it a useful parameter that can be utilized in our country in the field of physical therapy
The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users´ minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents´ satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer´s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen
This study makes an analysis of the work of nurse of the, uncovering the meaning of work and of precarious work for the nurse. aims to analyze the forms of precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy the municipality of Pau dos Ferros-RN, Brazil. This is a qualitative study with analysis of the categories that emerged from search through dialog with the authors studied in theoretical framework of the sense of human work, the world of work actual and the precariousness of work in health. Used if the methodology of thematic oral history and semi-structured interview as an instrument for data collection and information. Participated 07 nurses of. There was predominance of females, with civil state married, with age between 29 and 47 years, inserted as nurses in Family Health Strategy 1 to 9 years. All referred satisfaction with work. Emerged 02 main meanings of work, whichever the design of work as a source of human and practical transforming of reality, with the sense of perform an action by the individual facilitator and suffers change. Include the precarious work not only as the absence of links labor and social protection, unlike the thought of the Ministry of Health, similar to the design of the study, the precariousness understood yet as the absence of participation of workers in the spaces work management and running of the work and the absence of structural conditions and infra-structural where the work process takes place. evidenced the totality of nurses inserted in Family Health Strategy by public tender. Refer have labor rights guaranteed. Don´t include under which legal arrangements are governed. The researched reality does not have a policy desprecarização nursing work of Family Health Strategy. Concluded the municipality presents progress and setbacks for the precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy. The collective work in health is a challenge in researched reality and the policy of desprecarização of the work of the management of education and work was not evidenced. Despite the implementation of the public tender these professionals have a degree of precariousness of work, with the accumulation gradient of responsibilities, some lack of working conditions in structural aspects, infra-structural and means and instruments
The Hospital Epidemiology Nucleus (NHE) is a structure that has a specific organizational climate, which influence the level of job satisfaction among professionals working in it. This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, aimed to identify the relationship between organizational climate in the NHE regulated in the city of Natal / RN and the job satisfaction among its professionals from the perspective of theoretical issues about Organizational Development. The research was carried out in 13 hospitals with different kinds of sponsorship, 9 public, 3 philanthropic and 1 private. Data were collected using the instrument "organization in hospitals: issues relating to climate and job satisfaction , with 33 professionals appointed and active on NHE. This study obtained an appropriate consent of the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital of Pediatrics Professor Heriberto Ferreira Bezerra, from the Riograndense Northern League Against Cancer and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Data collected were organized and treated with simple descriptive statistics. It was observed that from 33 of surveyed people, 93% was female, had an average of 40 years old age, with activity duration between 1 and 2 years (84.9%). Furthermore, 45.5% of industry professionals were nurses. It was identified that professionals working in NHE perceive and experience its work environment as an Organization Structure in construction. It was found that with the exception of the aspects "working life", "socio-cultural" and "organizational culture , the other internal and external factors to the NHE does not have strong expression in the forming of an organizational climate conducive to the development of the sector. It was found that 70% of interviewed perceive the organizational climate as favorable for the industry's progress. Regarding the job level of satisfaction, respondents feel fairly satisfied with the organizational structure. Therefore, the results of this study are suggestive that there is some factor that is greatly contributing to a healthy organizational climate that encourages the industry team members of the NHE present behaviors that identify them as actors committed and satisfied with the work, even face of all obstacles to implementation of epidemiological surveillance. Thus, it is suggested for futures studies to seek to determine how the organizational culture, while significant internal factor, influencing the organizational climate establishment of NHE and therefore the level of job satisfaction and well-being of each members of the team
This thesis deals with the quality dimensions and factors affecting citizens satisfaction in the participatory budgeting process in a major city of Brazil. Participatory budgeting was introduced as a usual practice in many Brazilian cities since the 1990s. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of customer satisfaction and loyalty antecedent factors with constructs related to governance also included, to evaluate the quality perception and satisfaction rates by citizens representatives in the participatory budgeting process. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 84 citizens representatives of the seven city regions of Natal, the capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is applied descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to quality and governance constructs are that the quality factors are the main factors affecting satisfaction but also the tax construct is significative to satisfaction. More regarding it was found that for different perspective of the satisfaction there are different set of factors affecting it
This thesis deals with the factors affecting customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation in the health care sector. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of quality and loyalty antecedent factors and it is conducted a survey with a sample of 109 customers of a hospital on the ambulatory in Natal city, a capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is carried descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to satisfaction are that quality factors of doctor professionalism, clerical staff efficiency, consultancy room comfort, time to provide the medical consultancy but also hospital localization are the most significant factors affecting satisfaction. Regarding personal full loyalty, satisfaction with the hospital and affective commitment are the main factors yet for partial loyalty image and calculate commitment play the main role. For recommendation satisfaction, image and brand are the main factors. The overall model used fairly explains the satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation outcomes with varying factors regarding each final purpose, e.g. loyalty or recommendation
This Master of Science Thesis deals with investigating the factors affecting employees satisfaction studying the case of teachers on a technological education institution. It is surveyed teachers in a sample of size 42 out of 316. It is used a form that deploys a model of satisfaction antecedents factors comprised of work system, professional development, teaching activity, physical environment, pay, and problems management. The sample was found representative (χ2 test) based on genre, tenure, degrees, and age. The model for satisfaction with the institution presented a adjusted r2 > 0,80 and the main factors affecting it was found to be work system, professional development, and teaching activity. For the satisfaction with the career, the model results with a r2 > 0,70 and as main factors professional development, teaching activitiy and pay. The variables contribuition for the students education and use of suggestions were ones of the main variables appearing in the models. The results suggest an improvement in the model regarding the previous models used by Silva (2003) and Cruz Filho (2007) regarding model explicability of teacher satisfaction