973 resultados para SSC RF cavity
Atomic ions trapped in micro-fabricated surface traps can be utilized as a physical platform with which to build a quantum computer. They possess many of the desirable qualities of such a device, including high fidelity state preparation and readout, universal logic gates, long coherence times, and can be readily entangled with each other through photonic interconnects. The use of optical cavities integrated with trapped ion qubits as a photonic interface presents the possibility for order of magnitude improvements in performance in several key areas of their use in quantum computation. The first part of this thesis describes the design and fabrication of a novel surface trap for integration with an optical cavity. The trap is custom made on a highly reflective mirror surface and includes the capability of moving the ion trap location along all three trap axes with nanometer scale precision. The second part of this thesis demonstrates the suitability of small micro-cavities formed from laser ablated fused silica substrates with radii of curvature in the 300-500 micron range for use with the mirror trap as part of an integrated ion trap cavity system. Quantum computing applications for such a system include dramatic improvements in the photonic entanglement rate up to 10 kHz, the qubit measurement time down to 1 microsecond, and the measurement error rates down to the 10e-5 range. The final part of this thesis details a performance simulator for exploring the physical resource requirements and performance demands to scale such a quantum computer to sizes capable of performing quantum algorithms beyond the limits of classical computation.
A low-threshold nanolaser with all three dimensions at the subwavelength scale is proposed and investigated. The nanolaser is constructed based on an asymmetric hybrid plasmonic F-P cavity with Ag-coated end facets. Lasing characteristics are calculated using finite element method at the wavelength of 1550 nm. The results show that owing to the low modal loss, large modal confinement factor of the asymmetric plasmonic cavity structure, in conjunction with the high reflectivity of the Ag reflectors, a minimum threshold gain of 240 cm−1 is predicted. Furthermore, the Purcell factor as large as 2518 is obtained with optimized structure parameters to enhance rates of spontaneous and stimulated emission.
Sub-ice shelf circulation and freezing/melting rates in ocean general circulation models depend critically on an accurate and consistent representation of cavity geometry. Existing global or pan-Antarctic data sets have turned out to contain various inconsistencies and inaccuracies. The goal of this work is to compile independent regional fields into a global data set. We use the S-2004 global 1-minute bathymetry as the backbone and add an improved version of the BEDMAP topography for an area that roughly coincides with the Antarctic continental shelf. Locations of the merging line have been carefully adjusted in order to get the best out of each data set. High-resolution gridded data for upper and lower ice surface topography and cavity geometry of the Amery, Fimbul, Filchner-Ronne, Larsen C and George VI Ice Shelves, and for Pine Island Glacier have been carefully merged into the ambient ice and ocean topographies. Multibeam survey data for bathymetry in the former Larsen B cavity and the southeastern Bellingshausen Sea have been obtained from the data centers of Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), gridded, and again carefully merged into the existing bathymetry map. The global 1-minute dataset (RTopo-1 Version 1.0.5) has been split into two netCDF files. The first contains digital maps for global bedrock topography, ice bottom topography, and surface elevation. The second contains the auxiliary maps for data sources and the surface type mask. A regional subset that covers all variables for the region south of 50 deg S is also available in netCDF format. Datasets for the locations of grounding and coast lines are provided in ASCII format.
Light confinement and controlling an optical field has numerous applications in the field of telecommunications for optical signals processing. When the wavelength of the electromagnetic field is on the order of the period of a photonic microstructure, the field undergoes reflection, refraction, and coherent scattering. This produces photonic bandgaps, forbidden frequency regions or spectral stop bands where light cannot exist. Dielectric perturbations that break the perfect periodicity of these structures produce what is analogous to an impurity state in the bandgap of a semiconductor. The defect modes that exist at discrete frequencies within the photonic bandgap are spatially localized about the cavity-defects in the photonic crystal. In this thesis the properties of two tight-binding approximations (TBAs) are investigated in one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures We require an efficient and simple approach that ensures the continuity of the electromagnetic field across dielectric interfaces in complex structures. In this thesis we develop \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs to calculate the modes in finite 1D and 2D two-defect coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures. In the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs we expand the coupled-cavity \overrightarrow{E} --modes in terms of the individual \overrightarrow{E} -- and \overrightarrow{D} --modes, respectively. We investigate the dependence of the defect modes, their frequencies and quality factors on the relative placement of the defects in the photonic crystal structures. We then elucidate the differences between the two TBA formulations, and describe the conditions under which these formulations may be more robust when encountering a dielectric perturbation. Our 1D analysis showed that the 1D modes were sensitive to the structure geometry. The antisymmetric \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did not capture the correct (tangential \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. However, the \textrm{D} --TBA did not yield significantly poorer results compared to the \textrm{E} --TBA. Our 2D analysis reveals that the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs produced nearly identical mode profiles for every structure. Plots of the relative difference between the \textrm{E} and \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did capture the correct (normal \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. We found that the 2D TBA CC mode calculations were 125-150 times faster than an FDTD calculation for the same two-defect PCS. Notwithstanding this efficiency, the appropriateness of either TBA was found to depend on the geometry of the structure and the mode(s), i.e. whether or not the mode has a large normal or tangential component.
Navigation devices used to be bulky and expensive and were not widely commercialized for personal use. Nowadays, all useful electronic devices are turning into being handheld so that they can be conveniently used anytime and anywhere. One can claim that almost any mobile phone, used today, has quite strong navigational capabilities that can efficiently work anywhere in the globe. No matter where you are, you can easily know your exact location and make your way smoothly to wherever you would like to go. This couldn’t have been made possible without the existence of efficient and small microwave circuits responsible for the transmission and reception of high quality navigation signals. This thesis is mainly concerned with the design of novel highly miniaturized and efficient filtering components working in the Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) frequency band to be integrated within an efficient Radio Frequency (RF) front-end module (FEM). A System-on-Package (SoP) integration technique is adopted for the design of all the components in this thesis. Two novel miniaturized filters are designed, where one of them is a wideband filter targeting the complete GNSS band with a fractional bandwidth of almost 50% at a center frequency of 1.385 GHz. This filter utilizes a direct inductive coupling topology to achieve the required wide band performance. It also has very good out-of-band rejection and low IL. Whereas the other dual band filter will only cover the lower and upper GNSS bands with a rejection notch in between the two bands. It has very good inter band rejection. The well-known “divide and conquer” design methodology was applied for the design of this filter to help save valuable design and optimization time. Moreover, the performance of two commercially available ultra-Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) is studied. The complete RF FEM showed promising preliminary performance in terms of noise figure, gain and bandwidth, where it out performed other commercial front-ends in these three aspects. All the designed circuits are fabricated and tested. The measured results are found to be in good agreements with the simulations.
This article presents applications of reconfigurable matching networks for RF amplifier design. Two possible solutions are given, one where the switching element is a PIN diode, and the other is based on graphene. Due to the fact that its conductivity depends on applied bias voltage, the graphene-based circuits can be used in microwave circuits as controllable elements. The structure of the proposed switch is very simple and it is particularly convenient for microstrip-based circuits. Because of that, a design of reconfigurable amplifier with the graphene-based switch is presented together with the one which has the PIN diode switch. Both amplifiers have the same specifications, and the one with the PIN diode switch is fabricated. The amplifier utilizing the PIN switch was used as a reference to make a comparison the two types of switches. Results of both amplifiers are very similar which indicates possible future applications of the graphene-based switch.
We consider a three-node decode-and-forward (DF) half-duplex relaying system, where the source first harvests RF energy from the relay, and then uses this energy to transmit information to the destination via the relay. We assume that the information transfer and wireless power transfer phases alternate over time in the same frequency band, and their time fraction (TF) may change or be fixed from one transmission epoch (fading state) to the next. For this system, we maximize the achievable average data rate. Thereby, we propose two schemes: (1) jointly optimal power and TF allocation, and (2) optimal power allocation with fixed TF. Due to the small amounts of harvested power at the source, the two schemes achieve similar information rates, but yield significant performance gains compared to a benchmark system with fixed power and fixed TF allocation.
This paper analyzes the impact of transceiver impairments on outage probability (OP) and throughput of decode-and-forward two-way cognitive relay (TWCR) networks, where the relay is self-powered by harvesting energy from the transmitted signals. We consider two bidirectional relaying protocols namely, multiple access broadcast (MABC) protocol and time division broadcast (TDBC) protocol, as well as, two power transfer policies namely, dual-source (DS) energy transfer and single-fixed-source (SFS) energy transfer. Closed-form expressions for OP and throughput of the network are derived in the context of delay-limited transmission. Numerical results corroborate our analysis, thereby we can quantify the degradation of OP and throughput of TWCR networks due to transceiver hardware impairments. Under the specific parameters, our results indicate that the MABC protocol achieves asymptotically a higher throughput by 0.65 [bits/s/Hz] than the TDBC protocol, while the DS energy transfer scheme offers better performance than the SFS policy for both relaying protocols.
The performance of multiuser dual-hop relaying over mixed radio frequency/free-space optical (RF/FSO) links is investigated. RF links are used for the simultaneous data transmission from m single-antenna sources to the relay, which is equipped with n ≥ m receive antennas and a photo-aperture transmitter. The relay operates under the decode-and-forward protocol and utilizes the popular ordered V-BLAST technique to successively decode each user's transmitted stream. A common norm-based ordering approach is adopted, where the streams are decoded in an ascending order. After the V-BLAST decoding, the relay retransmits the initial information to the destination, which is equipped with a photo-detector, via a point-to-point FSO link in m consecutive timeslots. Analytical expressions for the end-to-end outage probability and average symbol error probability of each user are derived. Some engineering insights are manifested, such as the diversity order, the impact of the pointing error displacement on the FSO link and the severity on the turbulence-induced channel fading.
Composite NiFe2O4–TiO2 magnetic catalysts were prepared by mechanochemical synthesis from a mixture of titania supported nickel ferrite nanoparticles and P25 titania (Evonic). The former provides fast and efficient heating under radiofrequency field, while the latter serves as an active catalyst or catalyst support. The highest heating rate was observed over a catalyst prepared for a milling time of 30 min. The catalytic activity was measured over the sulfated composite catalysts in the condensation of aniline and 3-phenylbutyric acid in a stirred tank reactor and in a continuous RF heated flow reactor in the 140–170 °C range. The product yield of 47% was obtained over the sulfated P25 titania catalyst in the flow reactor.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Os atuais esquemas de modulação e acesso ao meio, tais como o Wide- Band Code-Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) ou Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), que são otimizados para a gestão eficiente do espetro electromagnético e elevada taxa de transmissão, originam sinais de elevado Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) e requisitos de linearidade rigorosos. As arquiteturas de amplificação tradicionais, i.e. baseadas no operação em modo de corrente do dispositivo ativo, são incapazes de satisfazer estes requisitos em simultâneo. Assim, o amplificador de potência (do inglês, Power Ampli_er (PA)) incorre numa degradação significativa de rendimento energético em favor de maior linearidade, aumentando simultaneamente os custos de operação das estacões base para os operadores de telecomunicações móveis e o impacte ambiental. Este trabalho foca-se no estudo da arquitetura Doherty, a principal solução encontrada para melhorar o compromisso linearidade/rendimento para aplicações em estações-base de comunicações móveis. Para tal, são expostos os princípios básicos de amplificadores de rádio frequência assim como a análise teórica do tradicional PA Doherty (do inglês, Doherty Power Amplifier (DhPA)) de duas vias e suas variantes. O estudo _e complementado com o projeto e implementação de um PA excitador, em classe-AB, e de um DhPA de elevada potência, colocando-se em prática a teoria e técnicas de projeto estudadas ao longo deste trabalho, aliadas aos desafios da implementação com dispositivos reais de elevada potência.
Deposition of indium tin oxide (ITO) among various transparent conductive materials on flexible organic substrates has been intensively investigated among academics and industrials for a whole new array of imaginative optoelectronic products. One critical challenge coming with the organic materials is their poor thermal endurances, considering that the process currently used to produce industry-standard ITO usually involves relatively high substrate temperature in excess of 200°C and post-annealing. A lower processing temperature is thus demanded, among other desires of high deposition rate, large substrate area, good uniformity, and high quality of the deposited materials. For this purpose, we developed an RF-assisted closed-field dual magnetron sputtering system. The “prototype” system consists of a 3-inch unbalanced dual magnetron operated at a closed-field configuration. An RF coil was fabricated and placed between the two magnetron cathodes to initiate a secondary plasma. The concept is to increase the ionization faction with the RF enhancement and utilize the ion energy instead of thermal energy to facilitate the ITO film growth. The closed-field unbalanced magnetrons create a plasma in the intervening region rather than confine it near the target, thus achieving a large-area processing capability. An RF-compensated Langmuir probe was used to characterize and compare the plasmas in mirrored balanced and closed-field unbalanced magnetron configurations. The spatial distributions of the electron density ne and electron temperature Te were measured. The density profiles reflect the shapes of the plasma. Rather than intensively concentrated to the targets/cathodes in the balanced magnetrons, the plasma is more dispersive in the closed-field mode with a twice higher electron density in the substrate region. The RF assistance significantly enhances ne by one or two orders of magnitude higher. The effect of various other parameters, such as pressure, on the plasma was also studied. The ionization fractions of the sputtered atoms were measured using a gridded energy analyzer (GEA) combined with a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). The presence of the RF plasma effectively increases the ITO ionization fraction to around 80% in both the balanced and closed-field unbalanced configurations. The ionization fraction also varies with pressure, maximizing at 5-10 mTorr. The study of the ionization not only facilitates understanding the plasma behaviors in the RF-assisted magnetron sputtering, but also provides a criterion for optimizing the film deposition process. ITO films were deposited on both glass and plastic (PET) substrates in the 3-inch RF-assisted closed-field magnetrons. The electrical resistivity and optical transmission transparency of the ITO films were measured. Appropriate RF assistance was shown to dramatically reduce the electrical resistivity. An ITO film with a resistivity of 1.2×10-3 Ω-cm and a visible light transmittance of 91% was obtained with a 225 W RF enhancement, while the substrate temperature was monitored as below 110°C. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to confirm the ITO film stoichiometry. The surface morphology of the ITO films and its effect on the film properties were studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The prototype of RF-assisted closed-field magnetron was further extended to a larger rectangular shaped dual magnetron in a flat panel display manufacturing system. Similar improvement of the ITO film conductivities by the auxiliary RF was observed on the large-area PET substrates. Meanwhile, significant deposition rates of 25-42 nm/min were achieved.
Objectives To investigate the molecular interaction between beta-cyclodextrin (beta CD) or hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP beta CD) and riboflavin (RF), and to test the anticancer potential of these formulations. Methods The physicochemical characterization of the association between RF and CDs was performed by UV-vis absorption, fluorescence, differential scanning calorimetry and NMR techniques. Molecular dynamics simulation was used to shed light on the mechanism of interaction of RF and CDs. Additionally, in-vitro cell culture tests were performed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of the RFCD complexes against prostate cancer cells. Key findings Neither beta CD nor HP beta CD led to substantial changes in the physicochemical properties of RF (with the exception of solubility). Additionally, rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy experiments detected no spatial correlations between hydrogens from the internal cavity of CDs and RF, while molecular dynamics simulations revealed out-of-ring RFCD interactions. Notwithstanding, both RF beta CD and RFHP beta CD complexes were cytotoxic to PC3 prostate cancer cells. Conclusions The interaction between RF and either beta CD or HP beta CD, at low concentrations, seems to be made through hydrogen bonding between the flavonoid and the external rim of both CDs. Regardless of the mechanism of complexation, our findings indicate that RFCD complexes significantly increase RF solubility and potentiate its antitumour effect.