988 resultados para SPOT-SIZE CONVERTER


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The aim of this study is to obtain the fracture characteristics of low and medium compressive strength self consolidating concrete (SCC) for notched and un-notched plain concrete beams by using work of fracture G(F) and size effect model G(f) methods and comparing them with those of normal concrete and high performance concrete. The results show that; (i) with an increase in compressive strength, G(F) increases and G(f) decreases; (ii) with an increase in depth of beam, the decrease in nominal stress of notched beam is more when compared with that of a notchless beam.


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With the rapid development of photovoltaic system installations and increased number of grid connected power systems, it has become imperative to develop an efficient grid interfacing instrumentation suitable for photovoltaic systems ensuring maximum power transfer. The losses in the power converter play an important role in the overall efficiency of a PV system. Chain cell converter is considered to be efficient as compared to PWM converters due to lower switching losses, modularized circuit layout, reduced voltage rating of the converter switches, reduced EMI. The structure of separate dc sources in chain cell converter is well suited for photovoltaic systems as there will b several separate PV modules in the PV array which can act as an individual dc source. In this work, a single phase multilevel chain cell converter is used to interface the photovoltaic array to a single phase grid at a frequency of 50Hz. Control algorithms are developed for efficient interfacing of the PV system with grid and isolating the PV system from grid under faulty conditions. Digital signal processor TMS320F 2812 is used to implement the control algorithms developed and for the generation of other control signals.


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We report on the size-dependent melting of nanowires with finite length based on the thermodynamic as well as liquid drop model. It has been inferred that the length dependency cannot be ignored, unlike the case of infinite length nanowires. To validate the length dependency, we have analyzed a few experimental results reported in the literature.


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Modern-day economics is increasingly biased towards believing that institutions matter for growth, an argument that has been further enforced by the recent economic crisis. There is also a wide consensus on what these growth-promoting institutions should look like, and countries are periodically ranked depending on how their institutional structure compares with the best-practice institutions, mostly in place in the developing world. In this paper, it is argued that ”non-desirable” or “second-best” institutions can be beneficial for fostering investment and thus providing a starting point for sustained growth, and that what matters is the appropriateness of institutions to the economy’s distance to the frontier or current phase of development. Anecdotal evidence from Japan and South-Korea is used as a motivation for studying the subject and a model is presented to describe this phenomenon. In the model, the rigidity or non-rigidity of the institutions is described by entrepreneurial selection. It is assumed that entrepreneurs are the ones taking part in the imitation and innovation of technologies, and that decisions on whether or not their projects are refinanced comes from capitalists. The capitalists in turn have no entrepreneurial skills and act merely as financers of projects. The model has two periods, and two kinds of entrepreneurs: those with high skills and those with low skills. The society’s choice of whether an imitation or innovation – based strategy is chosen is modeled as the trade-off between refinancing a low-skill entrepreneur or investing in the selection of the entrepreneurs resulting in a larger fraction of high-skill entrepreneurs with the ability to innovate but less total investment. Finally, a real-world example from India is presented as an initial attempt to test the theory. The data from the example is not included in this paper. It is noted that the model may be lacking explanatory power due to difficulties in testing the predictions, but that this should not be seen as a reason to disregard the theory – the solution might lie in developing better tools, not better just better theories. The conclusion presented is that institutions do matter. There is no one-size-fits-all-solution when it comes to institutional arrangements in different countries, and developing countries should be given space to develop their own institutional structures that cater to their specific needs.


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Lahopuun määrästä ja sijoittumisesta ollaan kiinnostuneita paitsi elinympäristöjen monimuotoisuuden, myös ilmakehän hiilen varastoinnin kannalta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää aluepohjainen laserkeilausdataa hyödyntävä malli lahopuukohteiden paikantamiseksi ja lahopuun määrän estimoimiseksi. Samalla tutkittiin mallin selityskyvyn muuttumista mallinnettavan ruudun kokoa suurennettaessa. Tutkimusalue sijaitsi Itä-Suomessa Sonkajärvellä ja koostui pääasiassa nuorista hoidetuista talousmetsistä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin harvapulssista laserkeilausdataa sekä kaistoittain mitattua maastodataa kuolleesta puuaineksesta. Aineisto jaettiin siten, että neljäsosa datasta oli käytössä mallinnusta varten ja loput varattiin valmiiden mallien testaamiseen. Lahopuun mallintamisessa käytettiin sekä parametrista että ei-parametrista mallinnusmenetelmää. Logistisen regression avulla erikokoisille (0,04, 0,20, 0,32, 0,52 ja 1,00 ha) ruuduille ennustettiin todennäköisyys lahopuun esiintymiselle. Muodostettujen mallien selittävät muuttujat valittiin 80 laserpiirteen ja näiden muunnoksien joukosta. Mallien selittävät muuttujat valittiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Aluksi muuttujia tarkasteltiin visuaalisesti kuvaamalla ne lahopuumäärän suhteen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa sopivimmiksi arvioitujen muuttujien selityskykyä testattiin mallinnuksen toisessa vaiheessa yhden muuttujan mallien avulla. Lopullisessa usean muuttujan mallissa selittävien muuttujien kriteerinä oli tilastollinen merkitsevyys 5 % riskitasolla. 0,20 hehtaarin ruutukoolle luotu malli parametrisoitiin muun kokoisille ruuduille. Logistisella regressiolla toteutetun parametrisen mallintamisen lisäksi, 0,04 ja 1,0 hehtaarin ruutukokojen aineistot luokiteltiin ei-parametrisen CART-mallinnuksen (Classification and Regression Trees) avulla. CARTmenetelmällä etsittiin aineistosta vaikeasti havaittavia epälineaarisia riippuvuuksia laserpiirteiden ja lahopuumäärän välillä. CART-luokittelu tehtiin sekä lahopuustoisuuden että lahopuutilavuuden suhteen. CART-luokituksella päästiin logistista regressiota parempiin tuloksiin ruutujen luokituksessa lahopuustoisuuden suhteen. Logistisella mallilla tehty luokitus parani ruutukoon suurentuessa 0,04 ha:sta(kappa 0,19) 0,32 ha:iin asti (kappa 0,38). 0,52 ha:n ruutukoolla luokituksen kappa-arvo kääntyi laskuun (kappa 0,32) ja laski edelleen hehtaarin ruutukokoon saakka (kappa 0,26). CART-luokitus parani ruutukoon kasvaessa. Luokitustulokset olivat logistista mallinnusta parempia sekä 0,04 ha:n (kappa 0,24) että 1,0 ha:n (kappa 0,52) ruutukoolla. CART-malleilla määritettyjen ruutukohtaisten lahopuutilavuuksien suhteellinen RMSE pieneni ruutukoon kasvaessa. 0,04 hehtaarin ruutukoolla koko aineiston lahopuumäärän suhteellinen RMSE oli 197,1 %, kun hehtaarin ruutukoolla vastaava luku oli 120,3 %. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että maastossa mitatun lahopuumäärän ja tutkimuksessa käytettyjen laserpiirteiden yhteys on pienellä ruutukoolla hyvin heikko, mutta vahvistuu hieman ruutukoon kasvaessa. Kun mallinnuksessa käytetty ruutukoko kasvaa, pienialaisten lahopuukeskittymien havaitseminen kuitenkin vaikeutuu. Tutkimuksessa kohteen lahopuustoisuus pystyttiin kartoittamaan kohtuullisesti suurella ruutukoolla, mutta pienialaisten kohteiden kartoittaminen ei onnistunut käytetyillä menetelmillä. Pienialaisten kohteiden paikantaminen laserkeilauksen avulla edellyttää jatkotutkimusta erityisesti tiheäpulssisen laserdatan käytöstä lahopuuinventoinneissa.


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In this study we present approximate analytical expressions for estimating the variation in multipole expansion coefficients as a function of the size of the apertures in the electrodes in axially symmetric (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) ion trap ion traps. Following the approach adopted in our earlier studies which focused on the role of apertures to fields within the traps, here too, the analytical expression we develop is a sum of two terms, A(n,noAperiure), the multipole expansion coefficient for a trap with no apertures and A(n,dueToAperture), the multipole expansion coefficient contributed by the aperture. A(n,noAperture) has been obtained numerically and A(n,dueToAperture) is obtained from the n th derivative of the potential within the trap. The expressions derived have been tested on two 3D geometries and two 2D geometries. These include the quadrupole ion trap (QIT) and the cylindrical ion trap (CIT) for 3D geometries and the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT) for the 2D geometries. Multipole expansion coefficients A(2) to A(12), estimated by our analytical expressions, were compared with the values obtained numerically (using the boundary element method) for aperture sizes varying up to 50% of the trap dimension. In all the plots presented, it is observed that our analytical expression for the variation of multipole expansion coefficients versus aperture size closely follows the trend of the numerical evaluations for the range of aperture sizes considered. The maximum relative percentage errors, which provide an estimate of the deviation of our values from those obtained numerically for each multipole expansion coefficient, are seen to be largely in the range of 10-15%. The leading multipole expansion coefficient, A(2), however, is seen to be estimated very well by our expressions, with most values being within 1% of the numerically determined values, with larger deviations seen for the QIT and the LIT for large aperture sizes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural changes occurring during warm working of Cd-1.5 pct Zn alloy and their effect on the subsequent mechanical properties are studied. It is observed that changes in grain size and preferred orientation are important to a large extent in controlling the mechanical strength. The Hall-Petch slope,R decreases in the warm worked material while the friction stress, σo increases. The lowerR values are attributed to the development of a (101l) texture and the higher σo values are interpreted on the basis of changes in the basal texture.


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Introduction Dicalcium strontium propionate (DCSP) undergoes a ferroelectric phase transition at about 28 1.5 K, with the spontaneous polarization occurring along the tetragonal C-axis.1 Takashige et al.2,3 have recently reported ferroelectricity in annealed samples of dicalcium lead propionate (DCLP) in the range 191 K to 331 K. The removal of the inner biasing field by annealing has been known in the case of DCLP3 and DCSP.4 Because of the possible dependence of the inner biasing field on the particle size, a study of the temperature dependence of the dielectric behaviour of the powdered samples of these compounds was undertaken.


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We have compared the total as well as fine mode aerosol optical depth (tau and tau(fine)) retrieved by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua (2001-2005) with the equivalent parameters derived by Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45 degrees N, 80.35 degrees E), northern India. MODIS Collection 005 (C005)-derived tau(0.55) was found to be in good agreement with the AERONET measurements. The tau(fine) and eta (tau(fine)/tau) were, however, biased low significantly in most matched cases. A new set of retrieval with the use of absorbing aerosol model (SSA similar to 0.87) with increased visible surface reflectance provided improved tau and tau(fine) at Kanpur. The new derivation of eta also compares well qualitatively with an independent set of in situ measurements of accumulation mass fraction over much of the southern India. This suggests that though MODIS land algorithm has limited information to derive size properties of aerosols over land, more accurate parameterization of aerosol and surface properties within the existing C005 algorithm may improve the accuracy of size-resolved aerosol optical properties. The results presented in this paper indicate that there is a need to reconsider the surface parameterization and assumed aerosol properties in MODIS C005 algorithm over the Indian region in order to retrieve more accurate aerosol optical and size properties, which are essential to quantify the impact of human-made aerosols on climate.


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The calculation of the transitional boundary layer requires estimates of the extent of the transition zone, which in turn depends on the rate at which turbulent spots are formed. This rate has been found to scale with local boundary layer thickness and viscosity, and the resulting nondimensional group (called crumble) is a function of the pressure gradient, among other parameters. Available experimental data are analyzed to show that the crumble increases slowly with increasing favorable pressure gradients, being about four times as large as in constant-pressure flow when the Thwaites pressure gradient parameter at the effective origin of the resulting turbulent boundary layer is 0.1 and when transition is driven by free-stream turbulence.


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We show that the characteristic Mn2+ d emission color from Mn2+-doped CdS nanocrystals can be tuned over as much as 40 nm, in contrast to what should be expected from such a nearly localized d-d transition. This is achieved surprisingly by a fine-tuning of the host particle diameter from 1.9 to 2.6 nm, thereby changing the overall emission color from red to yellow. Systematic experiments in conjunction with state-of-the-art ab initio calculations with full geometry optimization establish that Mn2+ ions residing at surface/subsurface regions have a distorted tetrahedral coordination resulting in a larger ligand field splitting. Consequently, these near-surface Mn2+ species exhibit a lower Mn2+ d emission energy, compared to those residing at the core of the nanocrystal with an undisturbed tetrahedral coordination. The origin of the tunability of the observed Mn2+ emission is the variation of emission contributions arising from Mn2+ doped at the core, subsurface, and surface of the host. Our findings provide a unique and easy method to identify the location of an emitting Mn2+ ion in the nanocrystal, which would be otherwise very difficult to decipher.


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This paper focuses on a new high-frequency (HF) link dc-to-three-phase-ac power converter. The least number of switching devices among other HF link dc-to-three-phase-ac converters, improved power density due to the absence of devices of bidirectional voltage-blocking capability, simple commutation requirements, and isolation between input and output are the integral features of this topology. The commutation process of the converter requires zero portions in the link voltage. This causes a nonlinear distortion in the output three-phase voltages. The mathematical analysis is carried out to investigate the problem, and suitable compensation in modulating signal is proposed for different types of carrier. Along with the modified modulator structure, a synchronously rotating reference-frame-based control scheme is adopted for the three-phase ac side in order to achieve high dynamic performance. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme has been investigated and verified through computer simulations and experimental results with 1-kVA prototype.