999 resultados para Série histórica
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a resposta da embolização arterial tireoidiana como terapêutica para o hipertireoidismo primário. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Cinco mulheres com falha ao tratamento farmacológico com tionamida foram submetidas a vaso-oclusão em três artérias dominantes tireoidianas (avaliadas por ultrassonografia Doppler e arteriografia) e acompanhadas até 8 semanas após o procedimento (três acompanhadas até 16 semanas) com ultrassonografia Doppler, calcemia, função tireoidiana e controle clínico. RESULTADOS: Nenhuma alcançou remissão permanente de doença após 8 semanas. Houve recidiva de hipertireoidismo em 24 semanas, mesmo com redução do volume tireoidiano de 49,5 ± 15,2% em 16 semanas. Não encontramos complicações, mas radioiodo foi necessário após 24 semanas em três das pacientes acompanhadas. CONCLUSÃO: Nas pacientes que concluíram o protocolo, a vaso-oclusão arterial com polivinil álcool nas três artérias dominantes permitiu redução volumétrica do bócio, entretanto, foi ineficiente em controlar o hipertireoidismo.
La Costa Brava, situada en el noreste de la Península Ibérica, al sur de la frontera francesa, es uno de los territorios turísticos más destacados a nivel mundial. Actualmente está asociada a una fuerte imagen de turismo de sol y playa (desarrollada a partir de los años 1960), si bien cada vez más se la complementa con valores naturales y culturales, retornando en cierto modo al espíritu de la promoción que se realizaba a principios del s. XX. Esta dimensión histórica de la promoción turística ha sido, y sigue siendo, un aspecto ampliamente desconocido tanto por la población como por los mismos agentes turísticos, dado que la mayor parte de los materiales que se han editado en los últimos 100 años se han perdido o, en el caso que se hayan conservado, se desconoce su existencia y ubicación. Teniendo en cuenta esta situación, sumada a la importancia que diversos autores dan al estudio de la imagen turística (Miossec 1977; Urry, 1990; Kotler, Haider y Rein, 1994; Galí, 2005; o Camprubí y Prats, 2009), el proyecto “Imagen gráfica de la Costa Brava” se erige como el esfuerzo del Patronato de Turismo Costa Brava – Girona y la Facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de Girona por recuperar este fragmento de la memoria histórica, a partir de los documentos conservados en distintos archivos
Una atenta observació de les activitats aquàtiques de caire educatiu mostra que aquestes pràctiques es fonamenten, principalment, en constructes que no són propis de la pedagogia, ans provenen de l’antropologia i/o de les cultures establertes a l’entorn de l’aigua. Així, el present article es pregunta pels sentits que acompanyen aquests imaginaris que sorgeixen de la relació que s’estableix entre l’home i el medi aquàtic. Per a fer-ho, s’utilitza el recurs hermenèutic de comprendre quines han estat les pràctiques aquàtiques que han anat sorgint al llarg de la història, ja que la idea principal del treball sosté que l’activitat educativa en el medi aquàtic s’ha construït a partir dels imaginaris culturals, sorgits de les mateixes pràctiques aquàtiques que l’han precedit.
This work starts with a historical perspective of the social and scientific progress related to the understanding of the atmospheric aerosol. Its origin, physical, chemical and optical characteristics, as well as its environmental behaviour are described, retracing the evolution of the concepts related to this subject over the last centuries. The main sources that contribute to atmospheric particulate matter and the modern understanding of its formation processes and constitution, focusing on the chemical pathways leading to it and on its organic components are presented. This discussion is complemented with recent evaluations of the quantities emitted by primary, secondary, biogenic and anthropogenic sources and the effects due to accumulation or dispersion of aerosols, justifying the chemical and environmental interest they engender.
La idea primera d'aquest projecte d’investigació, sobre les escripturesexposades del Claustre de la Catedral de Santa Maria de Girona, va sorgir d'unsenzill treball de classe de doctorat. Es tractava de fer un estudi que tractés sobre elmón de la mort: el ritual, la cerimònia, l'enterrament, el dol, etc. Tot el que envolta elsprimers dies de la mort d'un individu i com el seu record pretén ser etern. Si bél'època històrica que tractaven era l'antiguitat, el treball que jo pretenia dur a termeera d'una època diferent la qual cosa ja presentava una sèrie de reptes com el fet detractar-se d'un estudi inèdit degut al plantejament que pretenia portar a la pràctica.Es tractava, doncs, de l'anàlisi de l'actitud socio-cultural de la dona i l'home davant lamort a partir dels testimonis escrits en les seves tombes. Amb la qual cosa es podiaveure l'evolució del pensament humà en vers un dels temes que més va preocupar ipreocupa i interessa al llarg de tots els temps històrics
Periodically, during petroleum shortages, vegetable oils and their derivatives have been proposed as alternatives to petroleum diesel fuel. Different approaches have been proposed, including the use of pure vegetable oils (or blends) or their derivatives. Indeed, the use of fatty-acid methyl or ethyl esters (usually known as "biodiesel") produced by alcoholysis of triacylglycerides or esterification of fatty acids was initially proposed in Belgium 70 years ago, when the first world patent was deposited. Recently, foreign dependence on diesel fuel and the petroleum crisis have increased the discussion in Brazil on starting to use alternatives to diesel fuel, being biodiesel the alternative of choice for a large petroleum diesel substitution program.
Se desglosa el marco histórico, institucional y legal de la universidad española hasta la aprobación de la Ley Orgánica de Universidades (LOU) y la Llei d’Universitats de Catalunya (LUC). Se analizan las primeras leyes de universidades, la LRU, la aparición de los Departamentos como elementos organizativos del saber, la transferencia de competencias desde la Administración del Estado a las Comunidades Autónomas, entre otros elementos que configuran la actual universidad española.
In this paper the evolution of the concept of aromaticity is discussed. It considers not only historical aspects of the aromaticity concept but also the different criteria (theoretical and experimental) that have appeared to explain the properties of the aromatic compounds. The topics range from the isolation of benzene by Faraday (1825) until the modern criteria based on geometries, magnetic properties, resonance energy (RE), aromatic stabilization energy (ASE), topological analyses, and others. A chronological separation of issues concerning aromaticity was made, splitting the definitions before and after the appearance of the quantum chemistry. This work reviews the concept of aromaticity.
This work intends to present the history of top-level Chemistry education in Rio de Janeiro. It's important to rescue the history of Chemistry Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro since 1959. It's also important to understand the incorporation of two undergraduate courses: Chemistry and Chemistry bachelor's degree. It covers historical background of Chemistry education in old National Faculty of Philosophy, considering power disputes between Industrial Chemistry Course and Chemical Engineering; when and in which circumstances the Institute was created; political context and its relation with postgraduate. Finally, discuss the incorporation of undergraduate courses and curriculum modifications since 1968.
In addition to the usual advantage of an ice calorimeter of being able to measure slow heat changes, the instrument described here is extremely simple to construct and operate. Specific heat of aluminum, copper, lead and tin metals were determined using the ice calorimeter made with easily accessible materials. The values obtained from specific heat are near to those found in the literature and were 0.204; 0.030; 0.086; 0.046 cal/g °C with an error of theoretical values of 6.84; 1,64; 5.49 and 8.00% for aluminum, copper, lead and tin, respectively.
Azole derivatives are the main therapeutical resource against Candida albicans infection in immunocompromised patients. Nevertheless, the widespread use of azoles has led to reduced effectiveness and selection of resistant strains. In order to guide the development of novel antifungal drugs, 2D-QSAR models based on topological descriptors or molecular fragments were developed for a dataset of 74 molecules. The optimal fragment-based model (r² = 0.88, q² = 0.73 and r²pred = 0.62 with 6PCs) and descriptor-based model (r² = 0.82, q² = 0.79 and r²pred = 0.70 with 2 PCs), when analysed synergically, suggested that the triazolone ring and lipophilic properties are both important to antifungal activity.