763 resultados para Rural Community Perceptions


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En los últimos años, el turismo rural comunitario se ha presentado como un instrumento adecuado para aumentar la renta de la población campesina y diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Pero se trata de una actividad económica que no está exenta de riesgos. A partir de un caso específico (la isla peruana de Amantaní, en el Lago Titicaca) el artículo estudia uno de ellos: el impacto del turismo en la cohesión socioeconómica comunitaria


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This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships


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Los cambios operados en la actividad agrícola en nuestro país a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas, identificados genéricamente bajo la denominación de agriculturización, han generado múltiples impactos, muchos de ellos de carácter contradictorio. Así, el crecimiento de la actividad económica, el incremento en los saldos exportables y en los recursos fiscales conviven, entre otras manifestaciones, con la agudización de las tensiones derivadas de la concentración económica, con nuevos impactos e incertidumbres de carácter ambiental, con desequilibrios territoriales crecientes, con la ampliación de la brecha laboral y con el incremento en la inequidad distributiva. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un análisis exploratorio orientado a pequeñas localidades de la región pampeana, en el cual se visualiza el surgimiento de fuertes signos de fractura del tejido social, derivados del crecimiento de la inequidad distributiva de la riqueza en el interior del espacio rural. Dos tendencias fundamentales constituyen los emergentes de este proceso: 1°) los cambios en los estilos de vida de los sectores relacionados con la actividad agrícola, visibles fundamentalmente en modificaciones en las pautas de consumo (sobre todo entre los jóvenes); y 2°) la heterogeneización de las percepciones de los pobladores sobre la valorización del trabajo en la comunidad. La reconstrucción de estos procesos, escasamente abordados en la literatura académica, se realizó a través de estrategias metodológicas que combinan métodos cuanti y cualitativos, tomando como caso de estudio una pequeña localidad en la Provincia de Santa Fe


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En los últimos años, el turismo rural comunitario se ha presentado como un instrumento adecuado para aumentar la renta de la población campesina y diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Pero se trata de una actividad económica que no está exenta de riesgos. A partir de un caso específico (la isla peruana de Amantaní, en el Lago Titicaca) el artículo estudia uno de ellos: el impacto del turismo en la cohesión socioeconómica comunitaria


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This paper examines the association in a rural mining town in Brazil. The results belong to a master dissertationin Rural Extension on membership organizations and public policies for rural areas aiming to identify the roles performed by membership organizations, the reasons that explained their formation and their relationship with policy making for rural areas in the case studied. It is a case study, for which interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations in order to deepen into the issues related to their historical, the roles they play and how and whether they participate in development project proposals. The results revealed anup-down process of formation of rural organizations, being created as bargaining tools for achieving collective benefits, reproducing dependency relationships


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TSEP-RLI was a technical cooperation project jointly conducted by GOP thru DA-Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and GOJ thru JICA aimed at institutionalizing the training program for Rural Life Improvement (RLI) at the (ATI). As expected, farmers, fisherfolk, women, youth and extension agents were provided with efficient and effective training services from ATI leading to the improvement of quality of life in the rural areas through efforts of human resource development. The ATI- Bohol was chosen as the model center where participatory trials and various activities of the project were undertaken for five years. These activities were participatory surveys and data collection of on-farm and off-farm productive activities; planning workshop for RLI; feedbacking of survey results and action plans to the community and the Local Government Units (LGUs), and signing of Memorandum of Agreement between the Project and participating LGUs. The above activities were done to facilitate the planning and development of most effective and necessary rural life improvement activities, to confirm the willingness of the people to support and participate and to formalize the partnership between the Project and the LGUs. Since the concept of rural life covers a vast range of activities, a consensus had been reached that the total aspects of rural life be grasped in three spheres, namely, Production & Livelihood (P/L), Rural Living Condition (RLC) and Community Environment (C/E). The RLI for Ubi (Yam) Growers was one of the pilot activities undertaken in two pilot barangays and the target beneficiaries were members of the Rural Improvement Club (RIC- a group of organized women) with the LGU of the Municipality of Corella as the implementing partner. During the planning workshop, the barangay residents articulated their desire to promote production and processing of ubi (sphere on P/L - as the entry point), lack of nutritious food was one of the identified problem (sphere on RLC- expansion point) and environmental degradation such as deforestation, and soil erosion was another problem articulated by the community people (sphere on C/E- expansion point). Major activities that were undertaken namely, Ubi cooking contest, cooking/processing seminar, training courses on entrepreneurial development, ubi production and storage technology, packaging and product design, human resource development and simplified bookkeeping motivated the beneficiaries as well as developed and enhanced their skills & capabilities while strengthening their associations. Their participation to the 5 ubi festivals and other related activities had brought some impacts on their economic and rural life improvement activities. The seven principles of TSEP-RLI include the participatory process, holistic approach, dialogical approach, bottom -up training needs assessment, demand-driven approach, cost sharing approach and collaborative implementation with other agencies including LGUs and the community.


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The lack of public-mindedness can cause problems in the social order of people’s daily lives, such as the tragedy of the commons and the problem of free riders. Some scholars such as Habermas assert that communicative rationality is the solution, expecting that individuals will communicate with each other to reach a consensus without being bounded by aspects of social background. Other scholars advocate the revitalization of traditional community culture. These arguments, however, are not based on reality. By using the case of communal land formation in rural Thailand, the author shows that collective action is neither a revival of tradition nor a result of communication free from social constraints. Rather, cooperation emerges because the people rationally respond to their present needs and have built, through daily social interactions, taken-for-granted knowledge about how they should behave for cooperation.


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Millennium Development Goals point out the necessity of actively promoting maternal-child health care status, especially in underserved areas. This article details the development actions carried out between 2008 and 2011 in some rural communities of Nicaragua with the aim to provide a low-cost tele-health communication service. The service is managed by the health care center of Cusmapa, which leads the program and maintains a communication link between its health staff and the health brigades of 26 distant communities. Local agents can use the system to report urgent maternal-child health care episodes to be assessed through WiMAX-WiFi voice and data communications attended by two physicians and six nurses located at the health care center. The health and nutritional status of the maternal-child population can be monitored to prevent diseases, subnutrition, and deaths. The action approach assumes the fundamentals of appropriate technology and looks for community- based, sustainable, replicable, and scalable solutions to ensure future deployments according to the strategies of the United Nations.


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The lack of useful information has become a major obstacle that hinders the participation of the members of the community in the development process because they can not accurately perceive how their individual and/or collective action can influence their environment, and because of the lack of elements that support the decision-making processes. This article addresses these issues from the work carried out by the Association Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca (IDC Cuenca) in the rural areas of this province of Spain for 25 years. The results show how the application of methodologies for the transmission of information tailored to each group of recipients in some aspects, enhances the participation of individuals.


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The implementation of wireless communication systems in rural areas through the deployment of data networks in infrastructure mode is often inadequate due to its high cost and no fault tolerant centralized structure. Mesh networks can overcome these limitations while increases the coverage area in a more flexible way. This paper proposes the performance evaluation of the routing protocols IEEE 802.11s and Batman-Adv on an experimental wireless mesh network deployed in a rural environment called Lachocc, which is a community located at 4700 MASL in the Huancavelica region in Peru. The evaluation was based on the measurement of quality of service parameters such as bandwidth, delay and delay variation. As a result, it was determined that both protocols offer a good performance, but in most of the cases, Batman-Adv provides slightly better performance


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IThis paper analyses communication for development from a new perspective: the project in its broader and most genuine sense, as an instrument for changing current reality. This is examined from both its theoretical and practical implementation side. Knowledge/action binomial as a two-way relationship is one of the basis of the project cycle. It allows for better knowing the reality that the project itself (what constitutes the action) is intended to improve. Besides that, this knowledge/action binomial also offers new knowledge that nourishes future actions (projects). From a project based communication perspective, the project nourishes the knowledge, which leads to a transformative action. Reflecting about the action is a new knowledge source whose adoption by the community is eased by the communication process. Radio Mensaje project among the indigenous Andean communities in Cayambe (Ecuador) was born and also developed within this approach, supporting the collaborative participation in project management. This leads to the development process which is described in this case study.


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Young people now represent the highest percentage of the world population. Soon, they will be seniors and they will take decisions for a more orderly and equitable world. For this reason, the participation of young people in development planning is very important and many countries are trying to promote it through various measures. This article analyzes the trajectory of youth participation in the Latin American region and specifically the profile of youth participation in Ecuador, country in which the Constitution recognizes the strategic role of youth in development. The case study of Sayausí rural parish in canton Cuenca is analyzed, through surveys, interviews and an Empowerment Evaluation workshop to young people and decentralized government. The results obtained allow to propose strategies to help improve the participation of youth in the community.


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Hoy en día, ya no se puede pasar por alto la necesidad de una agricultura climáticamente más inteligente para los 500 millones de pequeños agricultores del mundo (Wheeler, 2013). Estos representan aproximadamente el 60 % de la agricultura mundial y proporcionan hasta el 80 % de los alimentos en los países en vías de desarrollo, los pequeños agricultores gestionan vastas extensiones de tierra y lamentablemente incluyen los grupos con mayor proporción de personas en estado de inseguridad alimentaria. El cambio climático está transformando el contexto para la agricultura en pequeña escala. Durante siglos, los pequeños agricultores desarrollaron la capacidad de adaptarse a los cambios ambientales y la variabilidad del clima, pero la velocidad y la intensidad del cambio climático está superando su capacidad de respuesta. Si no se cambia la manera que tenemos de lidiar con el cambio climático, tanto en acciones locales como globales, es muy probable que las personas rurales de entornos vulnerables tengan que adaptarse a un calentamiento global promedio de 4 °C por encima de los niveles preindustriales para el año 2100. Esta alza de las temperaturas aumentará aún más la incertidumbre y provocará desastres naturales como las sequías, la erosión del suelo, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la escasez agua sean mucho más frecuentes. Uno de los factores más importantes para los pequeños agricultores es que ya no pueden depender de los promedios históricos, por lo que es más difícil para ellos para planificar y gestionar la producción debido a los cambios en los patrones climáticos. Algunos de los principales cultivos de cereales (trigo, arroz, maíz, etc.) han alcanzado su umbral de tolerancia al calor y un aumento de la temperatura en torno a 1,5-2 °C podría ser muy perjudicial. Estos efectos a corto plazo podrían ser agravados por otros a medio y largo plazo, los que se refieren al impacto socioeconómico en términos de oportunidades y estabilidad política. El cambio climático está haciendo que el desarrollo de la pequeña agricultura resulte mucho más caro. A nivel de proyectos, los programas resistentes al clima tienen, normalmente, unos costos iniciales más altos, tanto de diseño como de implementación. Por ejemplo, es necesario incluir gastos adicionales en infraestructura, operación y mantenimiento; desarrollo de nuevas capacidades y el intercambio de conocimientos en torno al cambio climático. También se necesita mayor inversión para fortalecer las instituciones frente a los nuevos retos que propone el cambio climático, o generar información que pueda ser de escala reducida y con enfoques que beneficien a la comunidad, el cambio climático es global pero los efectos son locales. Es, por tanto, el momento de redefinir la relación entre agricultura y medio ambiente, ya que se hace cada vez más necesario buscar mejores y más eficientes maneras para responder al cambio climático. Es importante señalar que la respuesta al cambio climático no significa reinventar todo lo que se ha aprendido sobre el desarrollo, significa aplicar un esfuerzo renovado para hacer frente a los cambios en el trabajo de cooperación al desarrollo de una manera más sistemática y más amplia. Una respuesta coherente al cambio climático requiere que la comunidad internacional reconozca la necesidad de aumentar el apoyo financiero para la adaptación así como un mayor énfasis en proporcionar soluciones diseñadas para aumentar la resiliencia1 de los pequeños agricultores a las crisis relacionadas con el clima. Con el fin de responder a algunos de los desafíos mencionados anteriormente, esta investigación pretende contribuir a fortalecer las capacidades de los pequeños productores, aquellos que actualmente están la primera línea frente a los desafíos del cambio climático, promoviendo un desarrollo que tenga un impacto positivo en sus medios de vida. La tesis se compone de cuatro capítulos. El primero define y analiza el marco teórico de las interacciones entre el cambio climático y el impacto en los proyectos de desarrollo rural, especialmente los que tienen por objetivo mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de los pequeños productores. En ese mismo capítulo, se presenta una revisión global de la financiación climática, incluyendo la necesidad de asignar suficientes recursos para la adaptación. Con el fin de lograr una mayor eficacia e impacto en los proyectos de desarrollo, la investigación desarrolla una metodología para integrar actividades de adaptación al cambio climático, presentada en el segundo capítulo. Esta metodología fue implementada y validada durante el periodo 2012-14, trabajando directamente con diferentes equipos gubernamentales en diez proyectos del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola ). El tercero presenta, de manera detallada, la aplicación de la metodología a los estudios de caso de Bolivia y Nicaragua, así como un resumen de las principales conclusiones en la aplicación de los ocho países restantes. Finalmente, en el último capítulo se presentan las conclusiones y un esbozo de futuras líneas de investigación. Actualmente, el tema de la sostenibilidad ambiental y el cambio climático está ganando terreno en la agenda de desarrollo. Es por ello que se alumbra esta investigación, para que a través de los resultados obtenidos y la implementación de la metodología propuesta, sirva como herramienta estratégica para la planificación y la gestión operativa a la hora de integrar iniciativas de adaptación en los proyectos de desarrollo rural. ABSTRACT The need for climate-smart agriculture for the world’s 500 million smallholder farms cannot be overlooked: they account for 60 per cent of global agriculture, provide up to 80 per cent of food in developing countries, manage vast areas of land and make up the largest share of the developing world’s undernourished. Climate change is transforming the context for smallholder agriculture. Over centuries smallholders have developed the capacity to adapt to environmental change and climate variability, but the speed and intensity of climate change is outpacing the speed of historically autonomous actions. In the absence of a profound step-change in local and global action on climate change, it is Increasingly likely that poor rural people would need to contend with an average global warming of 4 degrees above pre-industrial levels by 2100, if not sooner. Such substantial climatic change will further increase uncertainty and exacerbate weather –related disasters, droughts, biodiversity loss, and land and water scarcity. Perhaps most significantly for smallholder farmers, they can no longer rely on historical averages, making it harder for them to plan and manage production when planting seasons and weather patterns are shifting. The major cereal crops (wheat, rice, maize, etc.) are at their heat tolerance threshold and with a 1.5-2°C temperature increase could collapse. These “first-round” effects will be compounded by second-round socio-economic impacts in terms of economic opportunities and political stability. Climate change is making the development of smallholder agriculture more expensive. At project level, climate-resilient programmes typically have higher up-front design and implementation costs – e.g. infrastructure costs and initially increased asset management, operation and maintenance, more capacity-building and knowledge sharing, strengthening institutions, greater project development costs (downscaled data generation and community-based approaches), and greater costs from enhancing cross sectorial and stakeholders collaboration. Consequently it’s time to redefine the relationship between agriculture and environment as we need to look better and more efficient ways to respond to climate change. It is important to note that responding to climate change does not mean to throwing out or reinventing everything that has been learnt about development. It means a renewed effort to tackle wider and well-known development changes in a more systematic way. A coherent response to climate change requires acknowledge of the need to increase the financial support for adaptation and a continued emphasis on provided solutions designed to increase the resilience of smallholders and poor communities to shocks, which are weather related. In order to respond to some of the challenges mentioned before, this research aims to contribute to strengthen the capacities of the smallholders and to promote a development that will positively impact in the rural livelihoods of the most vulnerable smallholders farmers; those who currently are in the first line facing the challenges of climate change. The thesis has four chapters. Chapter one describes and analyses the theoretical framework of the interactions between climate change and the impact on rural development projects, especially those aimed at improving the food security of smallholders producers. In this chapter a comprehensive review of climate financing is presented, including the need to allocate sufficient resources for adaptation. In order to achieve greater effectiveness and impact on development projects, the research develops in the second chapter a methodology to integrate adaptation activities for climate change. This methodology was implemented and validated during the 2012-14 period, working directly with various government teams in ten projects of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The third chapter presents in detail the application of the methodology to the case studies of Bolivia and Nicaragua, as well as a summary of the main conclusions of its implementation in the remaining eight countries. The final chapter exposes the main conclusions and future research topics. At a time when environmental sustainability and climate change issues are gaining more attention, the research and obtained results through the implementation of the model methodology proposed, can be considered a strategic tool for planning and operational management to integrate adaptation initiatives in rural development projects. The use of the proposed methodology will boost incentives to scale up climate resilience programmes and integrate adaptation to climate change into wider smallholder development programmes.


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En los últimos años, una de las líneas de investigación que ha suscitado interés en las ciencias sociales es el estudio de la transformación de los territorios. La presente Tesis Doctoral se enmarca dentro de este campo de investigación, utilizando en el análisis los Programas de Desarrollo Rural fruto de la política europea y su aplicación sobre un territorio específico como es la comarca de Torrijos en la provincia de Toledo (España). El objeto de estudio es el proceso de transformación que ha tenido lugar en su ruralidad desde los años noventa del pasado siglo hasta ahora, de manera a aportar elementos al proceso de periurbanización que ha acontecido. Se toma como punto de partida el estudio de la caracterización del medio rural, y de la periurbanización, se repasa la evolución histórica de la política comunitaria de desarrollo rural en un marco teórico, para a continuación centrarnos en el análisis del PDR de Castilla la Mancha 2007-2013 y analizar por un lado, las medidas que se están aplicando en la comarca objeto de estudio, así como el papel específico del Grupo de Desarrollo Rural Castillos de Medio Tajo más focalizado en lo local, por otro. Para el desarrollo de esta tesis, la metodología de investigación empleada ha sido mixta, además del análisis estadístico documental en una primera etapa junto con el estudio minucioso de las medidas del PDR 2007-2013, se ha realizado una investigación empírica basada en entrevistas a diferentes agentes conocedores de la realidad de la comarca, ampliando la recogida de datos primarios con la observación participante, por la vinculación directa con este territorio. El análisis de todo el material recogido nos ha permitido contrastar una serie de hipótesis planteadas y obtener resultados para comprender el proceso de transformación. Así, si bien la proximidad al gran núcleo urbano de Madrid ha conseguido una mejora en la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, la aplicación de las políticas de desarrollo rural no ha conseguido diversificar la economía de esta comarca, por un lado los PDR son demasiado genéricos para responder a especificidades y realidades locales tan diferentes en la Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha, por otro son Programas atemporales que si bien obedecen a una programación dentro de un período, los efectos en la economía adquieren visibilidad (positiva o negativa) en una etapa posterior. En cuando a la acción de los GDR como herramientas de participación local, se observa que su actividad está relacionada con las prioridades de las corporaciones locales, manteniendo la mirada más sobre el rural agrario que fue que en el rural periurbano que acontece. ABSTRACT In the last years one of the lines of research that has caused interest in the social sciences is the study of the transformation of the territories. The present Doctoral Thesis stands within this field of investigation, using in its analysis the Programs of Rural Development product of the European Politics and their application on a specific territory such as the region of Torrijos in the province of Toledo (Spain).The object of the study is the process of transformation that its rural area has undergone since the 1990s until now, so that it adds elements to the development that has taken place there. The study of the characteristics and development of the rural area is taken as a starting point and the historical evolution of the community politics of rural development in a theoretical framework revised, to focus later on the analyses of the PDR of Castilla la Mancha.2007-2013 and to analyze on the one hand the measures that are being applied in the region object of study and on the other hand the specific paper of the Group of Rural Development “Castillos de Medio Tajo”, more focused on the local aspects. For the development of this thesis, the methodology of investigation that has been used has considered two aspects, besides the statistical documentary analyses in a first stage together with the meticulous study of the measures of the PDR 2007- 2013, an empirical investigation based on interviews to different agents who know the reality of the region has been done extending the collection of primary information to the observation of those who participate directly in this investigation. The analysis of all the material has allowed us to confirm a series of raised hypotheses and to obtain results to understand the process of transformation. Thus, although the proximity to the great urban core of Madrid has given an improvement in the quality of life of its habitants, the application of the policies of rural development has not managed to diversify the economy of this area. On the one hand, the PDR is too generic to answer to specifities and local realities so different in the community of Castilla la Mancha, on the other hand they are atemporal programmes that although they obey a programming within a period, their effects in the economy acquire visibility (positive or negative) in a later stage .As for the action of the GDR as tools of local participation, it is observed that their activity is related to the priorities of the local corporations, focusing more on the agrarian rural aspect than on the peri-urban rural it is now.


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Rural communities in Cuenca (Spain) are characterized by a great social dislocation, mostly due to the low population density in these areas. In this way, the existence of groups of citizens able to be active agents of their development process is a critical aspect for any community-based development process in this Spanish region. The Institute of Community Development of Cuenca (IDC) has been working with this type of groups for the last 30 years focusing on the organizational empowerment of the rural communities. Main tools in this process have been the empowerment evaluation approach and the critical friend role when helping the groups to achieve their objectives and reinforcing them. This chapter analyses the empowerment process and how the critical friend role is nourished by the facilitator figure.