968 resultados para Regression-analysis
Background and Objective: Drug-induced anaphylaxis is an unpredictable and potentially fatal adverse drug reaction. The aim of this study was to identify the causes of drug-induced anaphylaxis in Portugal. Methods: During a 4-year period a nationwide notification system for anaphylaxis was implemented, with voluntary reporting by allergists. Data on 313 patients with drug anaphylaxis were received and reviewed. Statistical analysis included distribution tests and multiple logistic regression analysis to investigate significance, regression coefficients, and marginal effects. Results: The mean (SD) age of the patients was 43.8 (17.4) years, and 8.3% were younger than 18 years. The female to male ratio was 2:1. The main culprits were nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (47.9% of cases), antibiotics (35.5%), and anesthetic agents (6.1%). There was a predominance of mucocutaneous symptoms (92.2%), followed by respiratory symptoms (80.4%) and cardiovascular symptoms (49.0%). Patients with NSAID-induced anaphylaxis showed a tendency towards respiratory and mucocutaneous manifestations. We found no significant associations between age, sex, or atopy and type of drug. Anaphylaxis recurrence was observed in 25.6% of cases, and the risk was higher when NSAIDs were involved. Conclusions: NSAIDs were the most common cause of anaphylaxis in this study and were also associated with a higher rate of recurrence. We stress the need for better therapeutic management and prevention of recurring episodes of drug-induced anaphylaxis.
RESUMO: pela contracção involuntária de grupos musculares de extensão variável, originando movimentos involuntários e posturas anómalas, por vezes dolorosas. O tratamento convencional consiste em injecções localizadas de toxina botulínica, podendo, em casos refractários, estar indicado o tratamento por estimulação cerebral profunda. A neurobiologia da distonia focal primária permanece incompletamente compreendida. Os estudos de neuro-imagem estrutural e funcional revelam alterações subtis da anatomia e funcionamento do estriado e das vias cortico-basais, com destaque para o aumento do volume, da actividade metabólica e da neuroplasticidade do putamen e de áreas corticais motoras, pré-motoras e sensitivas. O conjunto destas alterações aponta para uma disrupção da regulação inibitória de programas motores automáticos sustentados pelo estriado e pelas vias ortico-subcorticais. Nos últimos anos tem crescido o interesse pelas manifestações psiquiátricas e cognitivas da distonia (estas últimas muito pouco estudadas). Tem despertado particular interesse a possível associação entre distonia focal primária e perturbação obsessivo-compulsiva (POC), cuja neurobiologia parece notavelmente sobreponível à da distonia primária. Com efeito, os estudos de neuro-imagem estrutural e funcional na POC revelam consistentemente aumento do volume e actividade do estriado e do córtex órbito-frontal, apontando mais uma vez para uma disfunção do controlo inibitório, no estriado, de programas comportamentais e cognitivos automáticos. Objectivos: 1. Explorar a prevalência e intensidade de psicopatologia em geral, e de psicopatologia obsessivo-compulsiva em particular, numa amostra de indivíduos com distonia focal primária; 2. Explorar a ocorrência, natureza e intensidade de alterações do funcionamento cognitivo numa amostra de indivíduos com distonia focal primária; 3. Investigar a associação entre a gravidade da distonia focal, a intensidade da psicopatologia, e a intensidade das alterações cognitivas. Metodologia: Estudo de tipo transversal, caso-controlo, observacional e descritivo, com objectivos puramente exploratórios. Casos: 45 indivíduos com distonia focal primária (15 casos de blefaroespasmo, 15 de cãibra do escrivão, 15 de distonia cervical espasmódica), recrutados através da Associação Portuguesa de Distonia. Critérios de inclusão: idade = 18; distonia focal primária pura (excluindo casos de distonia psicogénica possível ou provável de acordo com os critérios de Fahn e Williams); Metabolismo do cobre e Ressonância Magnética Nuclear sem alterações. Controlos doentes: 46 casos consecutivos recrutados a partir da consulta externa do Hospital Egas Moniz: 15 doentes com espasmo hemifacial, 14 com espondilartropatia cervical, 17 com síndrome do canal cárpico. Controlos saudáveis: 30 voluntários. Critérios de exclusão para todos os grupos: Mini-Mental State Examination patológico, tratamento actual com anti-colinérgicos, antipsicóticos, inibidores selectivos da recaptação da serotonina, antidepressivos tri- ou tetracíclicos. Avaliação: Avaliação neurológica: história e exame médico e neurológico completos. Cotação da gravidade da distonia com a Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Avaliação psicopatológica: Symptom Check-List-90-Revised; entrevista psiquiátrica de 60 minutos incluindo a Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), versão 4.4 (validada em Português), complementada com os módulos da MINI Plus versão 5.0.0 para depressão ao longo da vida e dependência/ abuso do álcool e outras substâncias ao longo da vida; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Checklist e a Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Avaliação neuropsicológica: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; flexibilidade cognitiva); Teste de Stroop (inibição de resposta); Block Assembly Test (capacidade visuo-construtiva); Teste de Retenção Visual de Benton (memória de trabalho visuo-espacial). Análise estatística:os dados foram analisados com a aplicação informática SPSS for Windows, versão 13. Para a comparação de proporções utilizaram-se o teste do Chi-quadrado e o teste de Fisher. Para a comparação de variáveis quantitativas entre dois grupos utilizou-se o teste t de Student ou o teste U de Mann-Whitney (teste de Wilcoxon no caso de amostras emparelhadas). Para comparações de médias entre três grupos recorreu-se à Análise de Variância a um factor (variáveis de intervalo e de rácio), ou ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis (variáveis ordinais). Para o estudo da associação entre variáveis foram utilizados os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson ou de Spearman, a análise de correlações canónicas, a análise de trajectórias e a regressão logística. Adoptou-se um Alpha de 0.05. Resultados: Os doentes com distonia focal primária apresentaram uma pontuação média na Y- -BOCS significativamente superior à dos dois grupos de controlo. Em 24.4% dos doentes com distonia a pontuação na Y-BOCS foi superior a 16. Estes doentes eram predominantemente mulheres, tinham uma maior duração média da doença e referiam predominantemente sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos (SOC) de contaminação e lavagem. Os dois grupos com doença crónica apresentaram pontuações médias superiores às dos indivíduos saudáveis nas escalas de ansiedade, somatização e psicopatologia geral. Os doentes com distonia tratados com toxina botulínica apresentaram pontuações inferiores às dos doentes não tratados nas escalas de ansiedade generalizada, fobia, somatização e depressão, mas não na Y-BOCS. Sessenta por cento dos doentes com distonia apresentavam pelo menos um diagnóstico psiquiátrico actual ou pregresso. O risco de apresentar um diagnóstico psiquiátrico actual era menor nos doentes tratados com toxina botulínica, aumentando com a gravidade da doença. A prevalência de POC foi 8,3% e a de depressão major 37,7%. No WCST e na Prova de Benton, os doentes com distonia focal primária demonstraram um desempenho inferior ao de ambos os grupos de controlo, cometendo sobretudo erros perseverativos. Os doentes com distonia e pontuação na Y-BOCS > 16 cometeram mais erros e respostas perseverativas no WCST do que os restantes doentes com distonia. As análises de correlações e de trajectórias revelaram que nos doentes com distonia a gravidade da distonia foi, juntamente com a idade e a escolaridade, o factor que mais interagiu com o desempenho cognitivo. Discussão: o nosso estudo é o primeiro a descrever, nos mesmos doentes com distonia focal primária, SOC significativos e alterações cognitivas. Os nossos resultados confirmam a hipótese de uma associação clínica específica entre distonia focal primária e psicopatologia obsessivo-compulsiva. Confirmam igualmente que a distonia focal primária está associada a um maior risco de desenvolver morbilidade psiquiátrica ansiosa e depressiva. O tratamento com toxina botulínica reduz este risco, mas não influencia os SOC. Entre os doentes com distonia, os que têm SOC significativos poderão diconstituir um grupo particular com maior duração da doença (mas não uma maior gravidade), predomínio do sexo feminino e predomínio de SOC de contaminação e limpeza. Em termos cognitivos, os indivíduos com distonia focal primária apresentam défices significativos de flexibilidade cognitiva (particularmente acentuados nos doentes com SOC significativos) e de memória de trabalho visuo-espacial. Estes últimos devem-se essencialmente a um défice executivo e não a uma incapacidade visuo-construtiva ou visuo-perceptiva. A disfunção cognitiva não é explicável pela psicopatologia depressiva nem pela incapacidade motora, já que os controlos com doença periférica crónica tiveram um desempenho superior ao dos doentes com distonia. No seu conjunto os nossos resultados sugerem que os SOC que ocorrem na distonia focal primária constituem uma das manifestações clínicas da neurobiologia desta doença do movimento. O predomínio de sintomas relacionados com higiene e o perfil disexecutivo de alterações cognitivas–perseveração e dificuldades executivas de memória de trabalho visuo-espacial – apontam para a via cortico-basal dorso-lateral e para as áreas corticais que lhe estão associadas como estando implicadas na tripla associação entre sintomas motores, obsessivo-compulsivos e cognitivos. Conclusões: A distonia focal primária é um síndrome neuropsiquiátrico complexo com importantes manifestações não motoras, nomeadamente compromisso cognitivo do tipo disexecutivo e sintomas obsessivo-compulsivos. Clinicamente estas manifestações representam necessidades de tratamento que vão muito para além da simples incapacidade motora, devendo ser activamente exploradas e tratadas.-------------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: primary focal dystonia is an idiopathic movement disorder that manifests as involuntary, sustained contraction of muscular groups, leading to abnormal and often painful postures of the affected body part. Treatment is symptomatic, usually with local intramuscular injections of botulinum toxin. The neurobiology of primary focal dystonia remains unclear. Structural and functional neuroimaging studies have revealed subtle changes in striatal and cortical-basal pathway anatomy and function. The most consistent findings involve increased volume and metabolic activity of the putamen and of motor, pre-motor and somato-sensitive cortical areas. As a whole, these changes have been interpreted as reflecting a failure of striatal inhibitory control over automatic motor programs sustained by cortical-basal pathways. The last years have witnessed an increasing interest for the possible non-motor – mainly psychiatric and cognitive – manifestations of primary focal dystonia. The possible association of primary focal dystonia with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has raised particular interest. The neurobiology of the two disorders has indeed remarkable similarities: structural and functional neuroimaging studies in OCD have revealed increased volume and metabolic activity of the striatum and orbital-frontal cortex, again pointing to a disruption of inhibitory control of automatic cognitive and behavioural programs by the striatum. Objectives: 1. To explore the prevalence and severity of psychopathology – with a special emphasis on obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) – in a sample of patients with primary focal dystonia;2. To explore the nature and severity of possible cognitive dysfunction in a sample of patients with primary focal dystonia; 3. To explore the possible association between dystonia severity, psychiatric symptom severity, and cognitive performance, in a sample of patients with primary focal dystonia. Methods: cross-sectional, case-control, descriptive study. Cases: forty-five consecutive, primary pure focal dystonia patients recruited from the Portuguese Dystonia Association case register (fifteen patients with blepharospasm, 15 with cervical dystonia and 15 with writer’s cramp). Inclusion criteria were: age = 18; primary pure focal, late-onset dystonia (excluding possible or probable psychogenic dystonia according to the Fahn & Williams criteria); normal copper metabolism and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Diseased controls: forty-six consecutive subjects from our hospital case register (15 patients with hemi-facial spasm; 14 with cervical spondilarthropathy and cervical spinal root compression; 17 with carpal tunnel syndrome). Healthy controls were 30 volunteers.Exclusion criteria for all groups: Mini-Mental State Examination score below the validated cut-off for the Portuguese population (<23 for education between 1 and 11 years; <28 for education >11 years); use of anti-cholinergics, neuroleptics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, triciclic or tetraciclic antidepressants. Assessment: neurological assessment: complete medical and neurological history and physical examination; dystonia severity scoring with the Unified Dystonia Rating Scale. Psychiatric assessment:Symptom Check-List-90-Revised; 60 minute-long psychiatric interview, including Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), version 4.4 (validated Portuguese version), extended with the sections for life-time major depressive disorder and life-time alcohol and substance abuse disorder from MINI-Plus version 5.0.0; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Checklist and Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Cognitive assessment: Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; cognitive set-shifting ability); Stroop Test (response inhibition); Block Assembly Test(visual-constructive ability); Benton’s Visual Retention Test (visual-spatial working memory). Statistic analysis: Data were analyzed with SPSS for Windows version 13. Proportions were compared using Chi-Square test, or Fisher’s exact test when appropriate. Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney’s U test (or Wilcoxon’s teste in the case of matched samples) were used for two-group comparisons. P-values were corrected for multiple comparisons. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc analysis (interval data), or the Kruskal-Wallis Test (ordinal data), were used for three-group comparisons. Associations were analysed with Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation coefficients, canonical correlations, path analysis and logistic regression analysis. Alpha was set at 0.05. Results: Dystonia patients had higher Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom scores than both control groups. 24.4% of primary dystonia patients had a Y-BOCS score > 16. These patients were predominantly women; they had longer disease duration, and showed a predominance of hygiene-related OCS. The two groups with chronic disease had higher anxiety, somatization and global psychopathology scores than healthy subjects. Primary dystonia patients undergoing treatment with botulinum toxin had lower anxiety, phobia, somatization and depression scores than their untreated counterparts, but similar Y-BOCS scores. Sixty percent of primary dystonia patients had at least one lifetime psychiatric diagnosis. The odds of having a currently active psychiatric diagnosis were lower in botulinum toxin treated patients, and increased with dystonia severity. The prevalence of OCD was 6.7%, and the lifetime prevalence of major depression was 37.7%. Primary dystonia patients had a lower performance than the two control groups in both the WCST and Benton’s Visual Retention Test, mainly due to an excess of perseveration errors. Primary dystonia patients with Y-BOCS score > 16 had much higher perseveration error and perseveration response scores than dystonia patients with Y-BOCS = 16. Correlation and path analysis showed that, in the primary dystonia group, dystonia severity, along with age and education, was the main factor influencing cognitive performance. Discussion: our study is the first description ever of concomitant significant OCS and cognitive impairment in primary dystonia patients. Our results confirm that primary dystonia is specifically associated with obsessive-compulsive psychopathology. They also confirm that primary focal dystonia patients are at a higher risk of developing anxious and depressive psychiatric morbidity. Treatment with botulinum toxin decreases this risk, but does not influence OCS. Primary focal dystonia patients with significant OCS may constitute a particular subgroup. They are predominantly women, with higher disease duration (but not severity) and a predominance of hygiene related OCS.In terms of cognitive performance, primary focal dystonia patients have significant deficits involving set-shifting ability and visual-spatial working memory. The latter result from an essentially executive deficit, rather than from a primary visual-constructive apraxia or perceptual deficit. Furthermore, cognitive flexibility difficulties were more prominent in the subset of primary dystonia patients with significant OCS. The cognitive dysfunction found in dystonia patients is not attributable to depressive psychopathology or motor disability, as their performance was significantly lower than that of similarly impaired diseased controls. Our results suggest that OCS in primary focal dystonia are a direct, primary manifestation of the motor disorder’s neurobiology. The predominance of hygiene-related symptoms and the disexecutive pattern of cognitive impairment – set-shifting and visual-spatial working memory deficits – suggest that the dorsal-lateral cortical-basal pathway may play a decisive role in the triple association of motor dysfunction, OCS and cognitive impairment. Conclusions: primary focal dystonia is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome with significant non- -motor manifestations, namely cognitive executive deficits and obsessive-compulsive symptoms.Clinically, our results show that PFD patients may have needs for care that extend far beyond a merely motor disability and must be actively searched for and treated.
In this study the authors evaluated the efficacy of prophylaxis with liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) in the incidence of fungal infections (FI) during the first 3 months after liver transplant (LT). The study was retrospective and accessed a 4-year period from 2008 to 2011. All patients who died in the first 48 hours after LT were excluded. Patients were divided by the risk groups for FI: Group 1, high-risk (at least 1 of the following conditions: urgent LT; serum creatinine >2 mg/dL; early acute kidney injury [AKI] after LT; retransplantation; surgical exploration early post-LT; transfused cellular blood components [>40 U]); and Group 2, low-risk patients. Group 1 patients were further separated into those who received antifungal prophylaxis with L-AmB and those who did not. Prophylaxis with L-AmB consisted of intravenous administration of L-AmB, 100 mg daily for 14 days. Four hundred ninety-two patients underwent LT; 31 died in the first 48 hours after LT. From the remaining 461 patients, 104 presented with high-risk factors for FI (Group 1); of these, 66 patients received antifungal prophylaxis and 38 did not. In this group 8 FI were observed, 5 in patients without antifungal prophylaxis (P = .011). Three more FI were identified in Group 2. By logistic regression analysis, the categorical variable high-risk group was independently related to the occurrence of invasive FI (P = .006). We conclude that prophylaxis with L-AmB after LT was effective in reducing the incidence of FI. No influence on mortality was detected.
OBJECTIVE:Endograft mural thrombus has been associated with stent graft or limb thrombosis after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). This study aimed to identify clinical and morphologic determinants of endograft mural thrombus accumulation and its influence on thromboembolic events after EVAR. METHODS: A prospectively maintained database of patients treated by EVAR at a tertiary institution from 2000 to 2012 was analyzed. Patients treated for degenerative infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms and with available imaging for thrombus analysis were considered. All measurements were performed on three-dimensional center-lumen line computed tomography angiography (CTA) reconstructions. Patients with thrombus accumulation within the endograft's main body with a thickness >2 mm and an extension >25% of the main body's circumference were included in the study group and compared with a control group that included all remaining patients. Clinical and morphologic variables were assessed for association with significant thrombus accumulation within the endograft's main body by multivariate regression analysis. Estimates for freedom from thromboembolic events were obtained by Kaplan-Meier plots. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients (16.4%) presented with endograft mural thrombus. Median follow-up time was 3.54 years (interquartile range, 1.99-5.47 years). In-graft mural thrombus was identified on 30-day CTA in 22 patients (32.4% of the study group), on 6-month CTA in 8 patients (11.8%), and on 1-year CTA in 17 patients (25%). Intraprosthetic thrombus progressively accumulated during the study period in 40 patients of the study group (55.8%). Overall, 17 patients (4.1%) presented with endograft or limb occlusions, 3 (4.4%) in the thrombus group and 14 (4.1%) in the control group (P = .89). Thirty-one patients (7.5%) received an aortouni-iliac (AUI) endograft. Two endograft occlusions were identified among AUI devices (6.5%; overall, 0.5%). None of these patients showed thrombotic deposits in the main body, nor were any outflow abnormalities identified on the immediately preceding CTA. Estimated freedom from thromboembolic events at 5 years was 95% in both groups (P = .97). Endograft thrombus accumulation was associated with >25% proximal aneurysm neck thrombus coverage at baseline (odds ratio [OR], 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-3.3), neck length ≤ 15 mm (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.2), proximal neck diameter ≥ 30 mm (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.6), AUI (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.8-5.5), or polyester-covered stent grafts (OR, 4.0; 95% CI, 2.2-7.3) and with main component "barrel-like" configuration (OR, 6.9; 95% CI, 1.7-28.3). CONCLUSIONS: Mural thrombus formation within the main body of the endograft is related to different endograft configurations, main body geometry, and device fabric but appears to have no association with the occurrence of thromboembolic events over time.
OBJECTIVE: Although evidence has shown that ischemic heart disease (IHD) in vascular surgery patients has a negative impact on the prognosis after surgery, it is unclear whether directed treatment of IHD may influence cause-specific and overall mortality. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic implication of coronary revascularization (CR) on overall and cause-specific mortality in vascular surgery patients. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm, carotid artery stenosis, or peripheral artery disease in a university hospital in The Netherlands between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. Survival estimates were obtained by Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1104 patients were included. Adjusted survival analyses showed that IHD significantly increased the risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.50; 95% confidence interval, 1.21-1.87) and cardiovascular death (HR, 1.93; 95% confidence interval, 1.35-2.76). Compared with those without CR, patients previously undergoing CR had similar overall mortality (HR, 1.38 vs 1.62; P = .274) and cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.83 vs 2.02; P = .656). Nonrevascularized IHD patients were more likely to die of IHD (6.9% vs 35.7%), whereas revascularized IHD patients more frequently died of cardiovascular causes unrelated to IHD (39.1% vs 64.3%; P = .018). CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the significance of IHD for postoperative survival of vascular surgery patients. CR was associated with lower IHD-related death rates. However, it failed to provide an overall survival benefit because of an increased rate of cardiovascular mortality unrelated to IHD. Intensification of secondary prevention regimens may be required to prevent this shift toward non-IHD-related death and thereby improve life expectancy.
OBJECTIVE/BACKGROUND: The association between socioeconomic status (SES), presentation, and outcome after vascular surgery is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the influence of SES on post-operative survival and severity of disease at presentation among vascular surgery patients in the Dutch setting of equal access to and provision of care. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgical treatment for peripheral artery disease (PAD), abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), or carotid artery stenosis between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. The association between SES, quantified by household income, disease severity at presentation, and survival was studied using logistic and Cox regression analysis adjusted for demographics, and medical and behavioral risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 1,178 patients were included. Low income was associated with worse post-operative survival in the PAD cohort (n = 324, hazard ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.10, per 5,000 Euro decrease) and the AAA cohort (n = 440, quadratic relation, p = .01). AAA patients in the lowest income quartile were more likely to present with a ruptured aneurysm (odds ratio [OR] 2.12, 95% CI 1.08-4.17). Lowest income quartile PAD patients presented more frequently with symptoms of critical limb ischemia, although no significant association could be established (OR 2.02, 95% CI 0.96-4.26). CONCLUSIONS: The increased health hazards observed in this study are caused by patient related factors rather than differences in medical care, considering the equality of care provided by the study setting. Although the exact mechanism driving the association between SES and worse outcome remains elusive, consideration of SES as a risk factor in pre-operative decision making and focus on treatment of known SES related behavioral and psychosocial risk factors may improve the outcome of patients with vascular disease.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
RESUMO - O consumo de tabaco foi responsável por 100 milhões de mortes no século XX. Apesar dos grandes avanços alcançados no controlo deste problema a nível mundial, sob os auspícios da OMS, no contexto da Convenção-Quadro para o Controlo do Tabaco da OMS, se não forem adoptadas medidas consistentes e efectivas de saúde pública, a morbi-mortalidade que lhe está associada continuará a aumentar durante o presente século. A promoção da cessação tabágica constitui a estratégia populacional que permitirá obter ganhos em saúde a mais curto prazo. Embora a larga maioria dos fumadores faça, ao longo da vida, várias tentativas para parar de fumar sem apoio, apenas uma pequena minoria consegue manter-se abstinente a longo prazo. Os médicos de Medicina Geral e Familiar são, de entre todos os profissionais de saúde, os que podem intervir de modo mais consistente e efectivo neste âmbito e que melhores resultados obtêm na cessação tabágica dos pacientes fumadores, dado o vínculo terapêutico e a interacção frequente e continuada que com eles estabelecem ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. O aconselhamento breve, tendo por base a adopção de um estilo de comunicação motivacional centrado no paciente, adaptado aos estádios de mudança comportamental, tem-se revelado efectivo no apoio à mudança de comportamentos relacionados com a saúde e à resolução da ambivalência que caracteriza este processo. A revisão de literatura evidenciou o facto de os médicos nem sempre intervirem nas áreas preventivas e de promoção da saúde, em particular na área da cessação tabágica, com o investimento e a continuidade desejáveis. Por outro lado, muitos pacientes fumadores referem nunca ter sido aconselhados pelo seu médico a deixar de fumar.. Não são conhecidos estudos de âmbito nacional que permitam conhecer esta realidade, bem como os factores associados às melhores práticas de intervenção ou as barreiras sentidas pelos médicos de MGF à actuação nesta área. O presente trabalho teve como objectivos: (i) avaliar a hipótese de que os médicos que disseram adoptar o método clínico centrado no paciente teriam atitudes mais favoráveis relativamente à cessação tabágica e uma maior probabilidade de aconselhar os seus pacientes a parar de fumar; (ii) estudar a relação entre as atitudes, a percepção de auto-eficácia, a expectativa de efectividade e as práticas de aconselhamento sobre cessação tabágica, auto-referidas pelos médicos; (iii) Identificar as variáveis preditivas da adopção de intervenções breves de aconselhamento adaptadas ao estádio de mudança comportamental dos pacientes fumadores; (iv) identificar as barreiras e os incentivos à adopção de boas práticas de aconselhamento nesta área. A população de estudo foi constituída pelo total de médicos de medicina geral e familiar inscritos na Associação Portuguesa de Médicos de Clínica Geral, residentes em Portugal. Para recolha de informação, foi utilizado um questionário de resposta anónima, de autopreenchimento, aplicado por via postal a 2942 médicos, em duas séries de envio. O questionário integrou perguntas fechadas, semifechadas, escalas de tipo Likert e escalas de tipo visual analógico. Para avaliação da adopção do método clínico centrado no paciente, foi usada a Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). O tratamento estatístico dos dados foi efectuado com o Programa PASW Statistics (ex-SPSS), versão 18. Foram utilizados: o índice de α de Cronbach, diversos testes não paramétricos e a análise de regressão logística binária. Foi obtida uma taxa de resposta de 22,4%. Foram analisadas 639 respostas (67,4% de mulheres e 32,6% de homens). Referiram ser fumadores 23% dos homens e 14% das mulheres. Foi identificada uma grande carência formativa em cessação tabágica, tendo apenas 4% dos médicos afirmado não necessitar de formação nesta área. Responderam necessitar de formação em entrevista motivacional 66%, em prevenção da recaída 59%, de treino numa consulta de apoio intensivo 55%, em intervenção breve 54% e em terapêutica farmacológica 55%. Cerca de 92% dos respondentes consideraram que o aconselhamento para a cessação tabágica é uma tarefa que faz parte das suas atribuições, mas apenas 76% concordaram totalmente com a realização de uma abordagem oportunística deste assunto em todos os contactos com os seus pacientes. Como prática mais frequente, perante um paciente em preparação para parar, 85% dos médicos disseram tomar a iniciativa de aconselhar, 79% avaliar a motivação, 67% avaliar o grau de dependência, 60% marcar o “dia D” e 50% propor terapêutica farmacológica. Apenas 21% assumiram realizar com frequência uma intervenção breve com pacientes em preparação (5 Ás); 13% uma intervenção motivacional com pacientes não motivados para mudar (5 Rs) e 20% uma intervenção segundo os princípios da entrevista motivacional, relativamente a pacientes ambivalentes em relação à mudança. A análise multivariada de regressão logística permitiu concluir que as variáveis com maior influência na decisão de aconselhar os pacientes sobre cessação tabágica foram a percepção de auto-eficácia, o nível de atitudes negativas, a adopção habitual do Programa-tipo de cessação tabágica da DGS, a posse de formação específica nesta área e a não identificação de barreiras ao aconselhamento, em particular organizacionais ou ligadas ao processo de comunicação na consulta. Embora se tenha confirmado a existência de associação entre a adopção do método clínico centrado no paciente e as atitudes face à cessação tabágica, não foi possível confirmar plenamente a associação entre a adopção deste método e as práticas autoreferidas de aconselhamento. Os médicos que manifestaram um nível baixo ou moderado de atitudes negativas, uma percepção elevada de auto-eficácia, que nunca fumaram, que referiram adoptar o Programa-tipo de cessação tabágica e que não identificaram barreiras organizacionais apresentaram uma maior probabilidade de realizar uma intervenção breve (“5 Ás”) de aconselhamento de pacientes fumadores em preparação para parar de fumar. Nunca ter fumado apresentou-se associado a uma probabilidade de realizar uma intervenção breve (“5 Ás”) com frequência, superior à verificada entre os médicos que referiram ser fumadores (Odds-ratio ajustado = 2,6; IC a 95%: 1,1; 5,7). Os médicos com o nível de auto-eficácia no aconselhamento mais elevado apresentaram uma probabilidade superior à encontrada entre os médicos com o menor nível de auto-eficácia de realizar com frequência uma intervenção breve de aconselhamento, integrando as cinco vertentes dos “5 Ás” (Odds ratio ajustado = 2,6; IC a 95%: 1,3; 5,3); de realizar uma intervenção motivacional breve com fumadores renitentes a parar de fumar (Odds ratio ajustado = 3,1; IC a 95%: 1,4; 6,5) ou de realizar com frequência uma intervenção motivacional com pacientes em estádio de ambivalência (Odds ratio = 8,8; IC a 95%: 3,8; 19,9). A falta de tempo, a falta de formação específica e a falta de equipa de apoio foram as barreiras ao aconselhamento mais citadas. Como factores facilitadores de um maior investimento nesta área, cerca de 60% dos médicos referiram a realização de um estágio prático de formação; 57% a possibilidade de dispor do apoio de outros profissionais; cerca de metade a melhoria da sua formação teórica. Cerca de 25% dos médicos investiria mais em cessação tabágica se dispusesse de um incentivo financeiro e 20% se os pacientes demonstrassem maior interesse em discutir o assunto ou existisse uma maior valorização desta área por parte dos colegas e dos órgãos de gestão. As limitações de representatividade da amostra, decorrentes da taxa de resposta obtida, impõem reservas à possibilidade de extrapolação destes resultados para a população de estudo, sendo de admitir que os respondentes possam corresponder aos médicos mais interessados por este tema e que optam por não fumar. Outra importante limitação advém do facto de não ter sido estudada a vertente relativa aos pacientes, no que se refere às suas atitudes, percepções e expectativas quanto à actuação do médico neste campo. Pesem embora estas limitações, os resultados obtidos revelaram uma grande perda de oportunidades de prevenção da doença e de promoção da saúde. Parece ter ficado demonstrada a importante influência que as atitudes, em especial as negativas, e as percepções, em particular a percepção de auto-eficácia, podem exercer sobre as práticas de aconselhamento auto-referidas. Todavia, será necessário aprofundar os resultados agora encontrados com estudos de natureza qualitativa, que permitam compreender melhor, por um lado, as percepções, expectativas e necessidades dos pacientes, por outro, as estratégias de comunicação que deverão ser adoptadas pelo médico, atendendo à complexidade do problema e ao tempo disponível na consulta, tendo em vista aumentar a literacia dos pacientes para uma melhor autogestão da sua saúde. Parece ter ficado igualmente patente a grande carência formativa neste domínio. A adopção do modelo biomédico como paradigma da formação médica pré e pós-graduada, proposto, há precisamente cem anos, por Flexner, tem contribuído para a desvalorização das componentes psicoemocionais e sociais dos fenómenos de saúde e de doença, assim como para criar clivagens entre cuidados curativos e preventivos e entre medicina geral e familiar e saúde pública. Porém, o actual padrão de saúde/doença próprio das sociedades desenvolvidas, caracterizado por “pandemias” de doenças crónicas e incapacitantes, determinadas por factores de natureza sociocultural e comportamental, irá obrigar certamente à revisão daquele paradigma e à necessidade de se (re)adoptarem os grandes princípios Hipocráticos de compreensão dos processos de saúde/doença e do papel da medicina.
ABSTRACT: In the late seventies the term “Haematological Stress Syndrome” defined some haematological abnormalities appearing in the course of acute and chronic disorders, such as raised plasma levels of fibrinogen (FNG) and factor VIII, reduced fibrinolytic activity and hyperviscosity. In the early nineties the “Membrane stress syndrome hypothesis” proposed the unification of the concepts of haematological stress syndrome with those of oxidation, inflammation and immune activation to explain the pathogenesis of the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) Antiphospholipid antibodies, coagulation, fibrinolysis and thrombosis. This chapter investigated the occurrence of the “Haematological Stress Syndrome” and thrombosis in 144 participants positive for aPL detected by clotting and immune tests. Among the clotting assays for the detection of lupus anticoagulant, dilute Russell's viper venom time better correlated with a history of venous thrombosis than activated partial thromboplastin time (p<0.0002 vs p<0.009) and was the only test correlated with a history of arterial thrombosis (p<0.01). By regression analysis, serum levels of IgG anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) associated with the number of venous occlusions (p<0.001). With regards to FNG and von Willebrand factor (vWF), the former rose by 36% (95% CI; 21%, 53%) and the latter by 50% (95% CI; 29%, 75%) at the first venous occlusion and remained unchanged after subsequent occlusions. At variance FNG rose by 45% (95% CI; 31%, 60%) per arterial occlusion and vWF by 27% (95% CI; 10%, 47%) per arterial occlusion throughout. The coagulation/fibrinolytic balance was cross-sectionally evaluated on 18 thrombotic PAPS patients, 18 subjects with persistence of idiopathic aPL and in healthy controls. Markers of thrombin generation prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2), thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) and of fibrin turnover D-Dimer (D-D) were higher in thrombotic (p=0.006)and non-thrombotic subjects (p=0.0001) than in controls as were those of D-D (p<0.0001 and p=0.003 respectively). TAT levels did not differ. Gender analysed data revealed blunted tPA release (hence a negative venous occlusion test) in thrombotic females but neither in thrombotic males (p=0.01) nor in asymptomatic subjects of either sex. Also, in both patient groups females had higher mean PAI than males (p<0.0002) and control females (p<0.02). The activity of factor XIII (FXIIIa) was evaluated was evaluated in 29 patients with PAPS, 14 persistent carriers of aPL without thrombosis, 24 thrombotic patients with inherited thrombophilia, 28 healthy controls and 32 patients with mitral and aortic valve prosthesis as controls for FXIII only. FXIIIa was highest in PAPS (p=0.001), particularly in patients with multiple (n=12) than single occlusion (p=0.02) and in correlation with PAI (p=0.003) and FNG (p=0.005). Moreover FXIIIa was strongly associated with IgG aCL and IgG anti-2GPI (p=0.005 for both) in the PAPS group and to a lesser degree in the aPL group (FXIIIa with IgG aCL, p=0.02, with IgG anti-2GPI, p=0.04). Altogether these results indicate: 1) a differential relationship of aPL, vWF and FNG with venous and arterial thrombosis; 2) heightened thrombin generation, accelerated fibrin turnover and fibrinolysis abnormalities also in asymptomatic carriers of aPLs; 3) enhanced FXIIIa that may contribute to atherothrombosis via increased fibrin/fibrinogen cross-linking. Lipid profile, lipid peroxidation and anti-lipoprotein antibodies in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Given the atherogenic lipid profile of SLE, the same possibility was explored in PAPS by comparing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol (CHO), apolipoprotein AI (ApoAI), apolipoprotein B (ApoB), triglycerides (TG), anti-lipoprotein antibodies, beta-2-glycoprotein I complexed to oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL-2GPI) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in 34 thrombotic PAPS patients compared to 36 thrombotic patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT), to 18 subjects persistently positive for antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) with no underlying autoimmune or non-autoimmune disorders and to 28 healthy controls. Average concentrations of HDL (p<0.0001), LDL (p<0.0001), CHO (p=0.0002), ApoAI (p=0.002) were lower in PAPS whereas average TRY was higher (p=0.01) than other groups. Moreover PAPS showed higher IgG anti-HDL (p=0.01) and IgG anti-ApoAI (p<0.0001) as well as greater average oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.001) and CRP (p=0.003). Within PAPS, IgG anti-HDL correlated negatively to HDL (p=0.004) and was an independent predictor of oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.009). HDL and ApoAI correlated negatively with CRP (p=0.001 and p=0.007, respectively). IgG anti-HDL may hamper the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of HDL favouring low-grade inflammation and enhanced oxidation in thrombotic PAPS. Indeed plasma 8-epi-prostaglandin F2α (a very specific marker of lipid peroxidation) was significantly higher in 10 patients with PAPS than 10 age and sex matched healthy subjects (p=0.0002) and strongly related to the titre of plasma IgG aCL (r=0.89, p=0.0004). Hence oxidative stress, a major player in atherogenesis, also characterises PAPS. Nitric oxide and nitrative stress in thrombotic primary antiphosholipid syndrome. Oxidative stress goes hand in hand with nitrative stress and to address the latter plasma nitrotyrosine (NT, marker of nitrative stress), nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3-) were measured in 46 thrombotic PAPS patients, 21 asymptomatic but persistent carriers of antiphospholipid antibodies (PCaPL), 38 patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT), 33 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 29 healthy controls (CTR). Average crude NT was higher in PAPS and SLE (p=0.01) whereas average plasma NO2- was lower in PAPS and average NO3- highest in SLE (p<0.0001). In PAPS, IgG aCL titer and number of vascular occlusions negatively predicted NO2-, (p=0.03 and p=0.001, respectively) whereas arterial occlusions and smoking positively predicted NO3- (p=0.05 and p=0.005). Moreover CRP (an inflammatory marker) positively predicted NT (p=0.004). Nitric oxide metabolites relates to type and number of vascular occlusions and to aPL titers, whereas nitrative stress relates to low grade marker) positively predicted NT (p=0.004). Nitric oxide metabolites relates to type and number of vascular occlusions and to aPL titers, whereas nitrative stress relates to low grade inflammation and both phenomena may have implications for thrombosis and atherosclerosis in PAPS Inflammation and immune activation in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome. To investigate inflammation and immune activation in thrombotic PAPS high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), oxLDL-2GPI, CRP bound to oxLDL-2GPI (CRP-oxLDL-2GPI) (as inflammatory markers) neopterin (NPT) and soluble CD14 (sCD14) (as immune activation markers) were measured by ELISA in 41 PAPS patients, in 44 patients with inherited thrombophilia (IT) and 39 controls (CTR). Compared to other groups, PAPS presented with higher plasma concentrations of inflammatory, hs-CRP (p=0.0004), SAA (p<0.01), CRP-oxLDL-2GPI (p=0.0004) and immune activation markers, NPT (p<0.0001) and sCD14 (p=0.007). By regression analysis SAA independently predicted thrombosis number (p=0.003) and NPT independently predicted thrombosis type (arterial, p=0.03) and number (p=0.04). These data confirm that low-grade inflammation and immune activation occur and relate to vascular features of PAPS. Antiphosholipid antibodies, haemostatic variables and atherosclerosis in thrombotic primary antiphospholipid syndrome To evaluate whether IgG aCL titre, haemostatic variables and the lipid profile bore any relationship to the intima media thickness (IMT) of carotid arteries high-resolution sonography was applied to the common carotid (CC), carotid bifurcation (CB) and internal carotid (IC) of 42 aPL subjects, 29 with primary thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome and 13 with persistence of aPL in the absence of any underlying disorder. The following were measured: plasma FNG, vWF, PAI, homocysteine (HC), CHO, TG, HDL, LDL, platelet numbers and aCL of IgG and IgM isotype. By multiple regression analysis, IgG aCL titre independently predicted IMT at all carotid segments examined (p always <0.005). Plasma FNG and HC independently predicted IMT at the CB (p=0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively) and IC (p=0.03 and p<0.0001, respectively). These data strongly support an atherogenic role for IgG aCL in patients with aPL in addition to traditional risk factors. The atherosclerosis hypothesis was investigated in an age and sex-matched case-double-control study including 49 thrombotic PAPS patients (18 M, 31 F, mean age 37 ± 11), 49 thrombotic patients for IT and 49 healthy subjects. Average IMT was always greater in PAPS than control patients (CC: p=0.004, CB: p=0.013, IC: p=0.001). By dividing participants into age tertiles the IMT was greater in the second (CC: p=0.003, CB: p=0.023, IC: p=0.003) and third tertiles (CC: p=0.03, CB: p=0.004, IC: p=0.007). Conclusion: Coagulation activation, fibrinolysis depression, hightened fibrin turnover, oxidative and nitrative stress in parallel with low grade inflammation and immune activation characterise thrombotic PAPS: all these are early atherogenic processes and contribute to the demonstrated premature atherosclerosis that should be considered a clinical feature of PAPS.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
The GxE interaction only became widely discussed from evolutionary studies and evaluations of the causes of behavioral changes of species cultivated in environments. In the last 60 years, several methodologies for the study of adaptability and stability of genotypes in multiple environments trials were developed in order to assist the breeder's choice regarding which genotypes are more stable and which are the most suitable for the crops in the most diverse environments. The methods that use linear regression analysis were the first to be used in a general way by breeders, followed by multivariate analysis methods and mixed models. The need to identify the genetic and environmental causes that are behind the GxE interaction led to the development of new models that include the use of covariates and which can also include both multivariate methods and mixed modeling. However, further studies are needed to identify the causes of GxE interaction as well as for the more accurate measurement of its effects on phenotypic expression of varieties in competition trials carried out in genetic breeding programs.
This report describes the prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies in children from elementary school in the Municipality of Vila Velha, ES, Brazil. Anti-HAV antibodies were investigated by ELISA method in the serum of 606 children (four to fourteen years old) from three elementary schools, located in neighborhoods with varying household monthly income levels: São José School, 200 chidren, household income higher than US$700; São Torquato School, 273 children, US$200 to 300; and Cobi School, 133 children, less than US$200. From each children data on age, gender, skin color, sanitary conditions, frequency of contact with sea or river water and family history of hepatitis were recorded. Anti-HAV antibodies were present in 38.6% of all children, 9% in São José School, 49.1% in São Torquato School and 61.7% in Cobi School. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated a positive correlation of positive anti-HAV test with age, non white color of the skin, absence of sewage treatment and domestic water filter, and a past history of hepatitis. The prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies in school children in Vila Velha, ES, was lower than that observed in the same age group in North and Northeast Brazil and was significantly higher in children from families with low socioeconomic status. In addition the results indicate a changing epidemiologic pattern of hepatitis A in our country, with an increasing number of children and adolescents with high risk for HAV infection, mainly in high socioeconomic class. A consideration must be given to the feasibility of vaccination programs for children and adolescents in our country.
INTRODUCTION: Report the incidence of nosocomial infections, causative microorganisms, risk factors associated with and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in the NICU of the Uberlândia University Hospital. METHODS: Data were collected through the National Healthcare Safety Network surveillance from January 2006 to December 2009. The patients were followed five times/week from their birth to their discharge or death. RESULTS: The study included 1,443 patients, 209 of these developed NIs, totaling 293 NI episodes, principally bloodstream infections (203; 69.3%) and conjunctivitis (52; 17.7%). Device-associated infection rates were as follows: 17.3 primary bloodstream infections per 1,000 central line-days and 3.2 pneumonias per 1000 ventilator-days. The mortality rate in neonates with NI was 11.9%. Mechanical ventilation, total parenteral nutrition, orogastric tube, previous antibiotic therapy, use of CVC and birth weight of 751-1,000g appeared to be associated with a significantly higher risk of NI (p < 0.05). In multiple logistic regression analysis for NI, mechanical ventilation and the use of CVC were independent risk factors (p < 0.05). Coagulase- negative Staphylococcus (CoNS) (36.5%) and Staphylococcus aureus (23.6%) were the most common etiologic agents isolated from cultures. The incidences of oxacillin-resistant CoNS and S. aureus were 81.8% and 25.3%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Frequent surveillance was very important to evaluate the association of these well-known risk factors with NIs and causative organisms, assisting in drawing the attention of health care professionals to this potent cause of morbidity.