999 resultados para Recidiva Gestacional


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Introducció: L’ús d’adhesiu de fibrina (Tissucol®) pel tractament de la fístula anal és una tècnica senzilla, amb escàs discomfort pel pacient, realitzable en cirurgia major ambulatòria i el seu fracàs no impedeix altres tractaments. Material i mètodes: Estudi multicèntric descriptiu i prospectiu. Objectiu: Determinar l’efectivitat de Tissucol, en termes de recidiva. Resultats: 64 pacients. Seguiment 18 mesos. Fístula simple: curació 64%. Fístula complexa: curació 67%. Complicacions sèptiques: 9.4%. Conclusions: El tractament de la fístula anal amb Tissucol® ens ofereix, amb poques complicacions sèptiques (&10%), una taxa de curació de 64-67%, essent més efectiu en les fístules complexes.


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En la medul.la òssia (MO) de pacients sotmesos a trasplantament de sang de cordó umbilical (TSCU) es veu, en ocasions, un augment de precursors limfoides B que poden semblar blasts, plantejant-se el diagnòstic diferencial amb una recidiva leucèmica. L´objectiu d´aquest estudi ha sigut estudiar la incidència del augment de cèl•lules blàstiques no leucèmiques en MO després del TSCU. La incidència acumulada a 1 any del augment de blasts no leucèmics va ser del 26.1% i aquest augment es va relacionar amb una baixa tassa de malaltia d'empelt contra hoste aguda i crònica.


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• Identificar els possibles factors de risc de mortalitat en els pacients amb un primer episodi de diarrea associada a Clostridium difficile (DACD) mitjançant un estudi observacional retrospectiu. Després d’una anàlisi uni i multivariant amb les següents variables (sexe, edat, índex de Charlson, número d’antibiòtics previs i la seva retirada, ús de corticoids, inhibidors de la bomba de protons o antihistamínics antiH2, antiàcids, procedència de residència geriàtrica, dies de tractament per a la DACD, duració de l’ingrés, presència de recidiva i servei d’hospitalització), únicament l’aparició de recidiva va ser un factor de risc independent de mortalitat.


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Objectius: Avaluar la retirada d’infliximab en pacients amb MII, en remissió mantinguda i curació mucosa sota tractament combinat. Mètodes: Pacients amb MC luminal o CU sota tractament combinat (infliximab i azatioprina) durant mínim un any, als quals se’ls retira l’infliximab per remissió clínica, biològica i endoscòpica. Resultats: S’inclogueren 26 pacients. Un 73% es van mantenir en remissió. La recidiva no s’associà al fracàs previ d’immunomoduladors. A les recidives se’ls va reiniciar infliximab amb bona resposta. Cap factor va associar-se a la recidiva. Conclusions: La retirada de l’infliximab en aquests pacients, s’acompanya d’una baixa probabilitat de recidiva a mig termini.


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Hem analitzat de manera retrospectiva una sèrie de 58 pacients diagnosticats d’un osteosarcoma no metastàsic a l’Hospital Universitari La Fe de València entre els anys 1985 i 2005. La supervivència global obtinguda als 5 i 10 anys va ser del 57 i del 50 % respectivament. Hem identificat com a factors pronòstic independents la grandària tumoral i la localització axial. Un 50% dels pacients van morir com a conseqüència d’una recidiva sistèmica malgrat haver estat tractats, la majoria, amb cirurgia amb conservació de membre i quimioteràpia tant pre com postoperatòria. El rescat quirúrgic de la recidiva proporciona supervivències prolongades d’una manera significativa.


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Introducció. Material y mètodes. El nostre objectiu és valorar la utilitat del PET/CT 11C-Colina a la recidiva bioquímica oculta del carcinoma de pròstata. Es van estudiar retrospectivament 58 pacients amb aument de PSA posttractament. La interpretació de les imatges fou visual. Resultats: El PET/CT fou positiu en 39 pacients (67%) (PSA mitjà: 11.7). Es van dividir els malats en 4 grups segons el valor del PSA (sensibilitat%): &1ng/ml:50% 1ng/ml -3ng/ml:60% 3ng/ml-5ng/ml:86% & a 5ng/ml:91% . Conclusió: La PET/CT 11C-Colina mostra una alta capacitat de detecció per valors de PSA superiors a 5ng/ml i pot ser útil en valors superiors a 1ng/ml.


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BACKGROUND Evidence associating exposure to water disinfection by-products with reduced birth weight and altered duration of gestation remains inconclusive. OBJECTIVE We assessed exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) during pregnancy through different water uses and evaluated the association with birth weight, small for gestational age (SGA), low birth weight (LBW), and preterm delivery. METHODS Mother-child cohorts set up in five Spanish areas during the years 2000-2008 contributed data on water ingestion, showering, bathing, and swimming in pools. We ascertained residential THM levels during pregnancy periods through ad hoc sampling campaigns (828 measurements) and regulatory data (264 measurements), which were modeled and combined with personal water use and uptake factors to estimate personal uptake. We defined outcomes following standard definitions and included 2,158 newborns in the analysis. RESULTS Median residential THM ranged from 5.9 μg/L (Valencia) to 114.7 μg/L (Sabadell), and speciation differed across areas. We estimated that 89% of residential chloroform and 96% of brominated THM uptakes were from showering/bathing. The estimated change of birth weight for a 10% increase in residential uptake was -0.45 g (95% confidence interval: -1.36, 0.45 g) for chloroform and 0.16 g (-1.38, 1.70 g) for brominated THMs. Overall, THMs were not associated with SGA, LBW, or preterm delivery. CONCLUSIONS Despite the high THM levels in some areas and the extensive exposure assessment, results suggest that residential THM exposure during pregnancy driven by inhalation and dermal contact routes is not associated with birth weight, SGA, LBW, or preterm delivery in Spain.


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BACKGROUND. A growing body of research suggests that prenatal exposure to air pollution may be harmful to fetal development. We assessed the association between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and anthropometric measures at birth in four areas within the Spanish Children's Health and Environment (INMA) mother and child cohort study. METHODS. Exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene was estimated for the residence of each woman (n = 2,337) for each trimester and for the entire pregnancy. Outcomes included birth weight, length, and head circumference. The association between residential outdoor air pollution exposure and birth outcomes was assessed with linear regression models controlled for potential confounders. We also performed sensitivity analyses for the subset of women who spent more time at home during pregnancy. Finally, we performed a combined analysis with meta-analysis techniques. RESULTS. In the combined analysis, an increase of 10 µg/m3 in NO2 exposure during pregnancy was associated with a decrease in birth length of -0.9 mm [95% confidence interval (CI), -1.8 to -0.1 mm]. For the subset of women who spent ≥ 15 hr/day at home, the association was stronger (-0.16 mm; 95% CI, -0.27 to -0.04). For this same subset of women, a reduction of 22 g in birth weight was associated with each 10-µg/m3 increase in NO2 exposure in the second trimester (95% CI, -45.3 to 1.9). We observed no significant relationship between benzene levels and birth outcomes. CONCLUSIONS. NO2 exposure was associated with reductions in both length and weight at birth. This association was clearer for the subset of women who spent more time at home.


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CONTEXT GH treatment is effective in children born small for gestational age (SGA); however, its effectiveness and safety in very young SGA children is unknown. OBJECTIVE The aim was to analyze the outcome of very young SGA children treated with GH and followed for 2 yr. The results after 24 months of treatment, compared with a control group without treatment during 12 months followed by 12 months of treatment, are shown. DESIGN We performed a multicenter, controlled, randomized, open trial. SETTINGS The pediatric endocrinology departments of 14 public hospitals in Spain participated in the study. PATIENTS Seventy-six children, aged 2-5 yr born SGA and without catch-up growth, were studied. INTERVENTION Children received GH at 0.06 mg/kg.d for 2 yr (group I) or were followed for 12 months with no treatment and then treated for 12 months (group II). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Age, general health status, pubertal stage, bone age, height, weight, biochemical and hormonal analyses, and adverse side effects were determined at biannual check-ups. RESULTS The mean height sd score gain for chronological age in children treated for 24 months (group I) was 2.10, whereas in those treated only during the last 12 months (group II) was 1.43. In both groups, children under 4 yr of age had the greatest gain in growth velocity. No significant acceleration of bone age or side effects related to treatment was seen. CONCLUSION Very young SGA children without spontaneous catch-up growth could benefit from GH treatment because growth was accelerated and no negative side effects were observed.


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Objective: Evaluate the results obtained in the simultaneous replacement of a septic arthroplasty or a second septic replacement (implanting the prosthesis in a contaminated eld). Material and method: Series of 17 cases, with a mean age of 66.8 years and average follow-up of 49 months. The exclusion criteria were serious immunological depression and unknown germ or not sensitive to at least three antibiotics. After the intervention, the corresponding antibiotics were administered between six weeks and three months. Recovery was established as the normality for infection indicator variables at least nine months after the replacement. Results: 14 patients developed towards total recovery (follow-up at least 9 months and maximum 84 months). 3 cases presented relapse, all three carriers of Staphylococcus epidermidis (at 1, 3 and 7 months of follow-up respectively). The success percentage is 82.41% (average follow-up of 49 months). Conclusions: Simultaneous replacements is an interesting option for patients with plural pathologies as it o"ers a single operation, less morbidity, quicker return to activities to restore normal function and less associated costs


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La operación de Collis-Nissen se propone como técnica de elección en pacientes con acortamiento esofágico. Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo en 32 pacientes intervenidos consecutivamente de Collis-Nissen vía laparoscópica o abierta, con una edad media de 70 años y que presentaban grandes hernias hiatales o recidivadas. Se realizó seguimiento clínico, radiológico, endoscópico y de calidad de vida con cuestionarios validados, durante los primeros 12 meses postoperatorios. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un buen control de síntomas, así como mejora de la calidad de vida, manteniendo una aceptable recidiva anatómica del 12,5% a corto plazo, sin que ello afecte la morbi-mortalidad.


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En este estudio se determinó los niveles de expresión del gen TGF-β en muestras de 117 pacientes con CECC. El tejido tumoral contó con un nivel de expresión de TGF-β superior al correspondiente a las mucosas sanas. En el grupo de pacientes con unos niveles bajos de expresión del TGF-β (n=16, 13.7%) contaron con un control local de la enfermedad del 100%, y en el grupo de pacientes con unos niveles superiores al punto de corte (n=101, 86.3%), un 36.6% de los pacientes contaron con una recidiva del tumor a nivel local después de realizado el tratamiento con radioterapia o quimio-radioterapia.


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Objectives: To identify factors that correlate with insulin values and to examine its independent associations among adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted among adolescents aged 12-16,9 years old. A multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method was employed. Anthropometric measurements and nutritional survey were performed, and fasting blood samples for insulin were obtained. Statistics: Multiple lineal regression. Results: 379 adolescents were included. Mean age was 14.08 ± 1.30 years. Factors associated with higher fasting insulin levels were puberty [ 4.55 (95% IC 0.42-8.69)], abdominal obesity [ 6.11 (95% IC 3.93-8.29)] and to be born small for gestational age (SGA) [ 7.45 (95% IC 2.47-12.44)]. It was observed a negative association between the regular intake of olive oil at home and insulin values [ -4.14 (95% IC -7.31- -0.98)]. Conclusions: Abdominal obesity and SGA were factors associated with higher fasting insulin values. In contrast, the regular intake of olive oil at home was an independent protective factor.


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El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las características de los pacientes tratados con cirugía micrográfica de Mohs entre 1999-2011 y evaluar la eficacia de esta cirugía para el tratamiento de los carcinomas basocelulares. Durante este periodo se realizaron 560 cirugías de Mohs, el 95.36% de las cuales fueron de carcinomas basocelulares. Se observó una tasa de recidiva del 1.40% para los carcinomas basocelulares primarios y del 13.62% para los recurrentes, siendo la diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p <0.0001).


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Trata-se de um estudo descritivo em abordagem quantitativa tendo como objeto as gestantes atendidas na consulta de pré-natal e o objetivo de identificar esta clientela traçando seu perfil epidemiológico. O Ambulatório de Obstetrícia de um Hospital público do município do Rio de Janeiro foi o cenário, onde foram investigadas 118 fichas de atendimento cadastradas de janeiro a junho de 2003. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que a maioria das mulheres estudadas concentra-se na faixa etária de 19 - 25 anos (39,8%); casadas (38,9%); com ensino fundamental (29,6%); ocupação do lar (33,8%); multíparas (58,4%); iniciaram o pré-natal com idade gestacional entre 14 e 17 semanas (18,6%); tiveram anteriormente partos vaginais (79) e não referiram queixas na primeira consulta (39%). Podemos concluir que o atendimento obstétrico contribui de maneira significativa para a redução da morbi-mortalidade das gestantes, possibilitando a orientação de intercorrências no ciclo grávido-puerperal e a prevenção de complicações.