980 resultados para RT-QPCR
Magyarország társadalmi és gazdasági változásai kapcsán gyakran merül fel a kérdés, hogy egyes új fejlemények vajon a nemzetközi folyamatok hatására bontakoztak-e ki, és ha igen, azokkal egyidejűleg vagy bizonyos idővel később került-e sor rájuk? Egyidejűség vagy fáziskésés? Külföldi minták szolgai másolása vagy hazai viszonyokra történő alkalmazása, esetleg egy speciális „harmadik út” megfogalmazása volt-e jellemző az időszerűvé vált problémákra adott „magyar válaszra”?
Because of the role that DNA damage and depletion play in human disease, it is important to develop and improve tools to assess these endpoints. This unit describes PCR-based methods to measure nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage and copy number. Long amplicon quantitative polymerase chain reaction (LA-QPCR) is used to detect DNA damage by measuring the number of polymerase-inhibiting lesions present based on the amount of PCR amplification; real-time PCR (RT-PCR) is used to calculate genome content. In this unit, we provide step-by-step instructions to perform these assays in Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Danio rerio, Oryzias latipes, Fundulus grandis, and Fundulus heteroclitus, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these assays.
Software development guidelines are a set of rules which can help improve the quality of software. These rules are defined on the basis of experience gained by the software development community over time. This paper discusses a set of design guidelines for model-based development of complex real-time embedded software systems. To be precise, we propose nine design conventions, three design patterns and thirteen antipatterns for developing UML-RT models. These guidelines have been identified based on our analysis of around 100 UML-RT models from industry and academia. Most of the guidelines are explained with the help of examples, and standard templates from the current state of the art are used for documenting the design rules.
In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), the developer creates a model using a language such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) or UML for Real-Time (UML-RT) and uses tools such as Papyrus or Papyrus-RT that generate code for them based on the model they create. Tracing allows developers to get insights such as which events occur and timing information into their own application as it runs. We try to add monitoring capabilities using Linux Trace Toolkit: next generation (LTTng) to models created in UML-RT using Papyrus-RT. The implementation requires changing the code generator to add tracing statements for the events that the user wants to monitor to the generated code. We also change the makefile to automate the build process and we create an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that allows developers to view their traces visually using Trace Compass, an Eclipse-based trace viewing tool. Finally, we validate our results using three models we create and trace.
Supporting Run-time Monitoring of UML-RT through Customizable Monitoring Configurations in PapyrusRT
Model Driven Engineering uses the principle that code can automatically be generated from software models which would potentially save time and cost of development. By this methodology, a systems structure and behaviour can be expressed in more abstract, high level terms without some of the accidental complexity that the use of a general purpose language can bring. Models are the actual implementation of the system unlike in traditional software development where models are often used for documentation purposes only. However once the code is generated from the model, testing and debugging activities tend to happen on the code level and the model is not updated. We believe that monitoring on the model level could potentially facilitate quality assurance activities as the errors are detected in the early phase of development. In this thesis, we create a Monitoring Configuration for an open source model driven engineering tool called PapyrusRT in Eclipse. We support the run-time monitoring of UML-RT elements with a tracing tool called LTTng. We annotate the model with monitoring information to be used by the code generator for adding tracepoint statements for the corresponding elements. We provide the option of a timing specification to discover latency errors on the model. We validate the results by creating and tracing real time models in PapyrusRT.
A prevalência estimada da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) em Portugal é de 14,2% para indivíduos com idade superior a 45 anos (cerca de 800.000 indivíduos), sendo mais prevalente no sexo masculino (Observatório Nacional das Doenças Respiratórias, 2014). Com o aparecimento de soluções baseadas em novas modalidades de eHealth e mHealth surgiram novas formas de acompanhamento e monitorização das doenças crónicas, nomeadamente da DPOC. É neste contexto que foi desenvolvida a aplicação mobile Exercit@rt, em parceria com a Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro e em continuidade com outros estudos do MCMM anteriormente desenvolvidos. A aplicação permite monitorizar, em tempo real, através da utilização de um oxímetro Bluetooth, os níveis de batimento cardíaco e saturação de oxigénio dos pacientes com DPOC. Com esta aplicação os pacientes podem realizar diversos exercícios de fisioterapia respiratória assim como atividades físicas de vida diária que podem ser monitorizadas, georreferenciadas e avaliadas. Para além do desenvolvimento da aplicação mobile, a presente investigação integrou ainda uma etapa de validação que contou com a participação de dez pacientes com doenças do foro respiratório – cinco utilizadores que utilizam/têm smartphone (UTS) e cinco utilizadores não utilizam/não têm smartphone (NUNTS). A cada um destes foram propostas tarefas a realizar na aplicação mobile, estando previsto que a aplicação estivesse apta para qualquer participante. A totalidade dos participantes reconheceu a utilidade da aplicação no controlo da sua doença.
Background: K-ras mutation is found in up to 40% of LARC. Sor is a multitarget tyrosine kinase inhibitor including raf and VEGFR and has demonstrated radiosensitizing effects. Sor might improve outcome of standard preoperative radio-chemotherapy in patients with k-ras mutated LARC. Methods: Pts with k-ras mutated T3-4 and/or N+, M0 disease by MRI were included. Recommended doses from phase I part consisted of RT 1.8 Gy/day x25 with Cape 825mg/m2bid x 33 in combination with Sor 400mg/d. The primary endpoint for the phase II part was pathological complete response (pCR) prospectively defined as grade 3 (near complete regression) or 4 (complete regression) in the histological grading system according to Dworak (DC). A pCR rate of 8% or lower was considered uninteresting and of 22% or higher was promising. Secondary endpoints included sphincter preservation, R0 resection, downstaging and safety. Results: 54 pts were treated in 18 centers in Switzerland und Hungary, 40 pts were included into the single arm phase II part. Median dose intensity per day was 100.0% for RT, 98.6% for Cape and 100.0% for Sor respectively. pCR rate was 60.0% (95%CI: 43.3%, 75.1%) by central independent pathological review (15.0% DC grade 4; 45.0% DC grade 3). Sphincter preservation was achieved in 89.5%, R0 resection in 94.7% and downstaging in 81.6% of the pts. The most common grade 3 toxicities included diarrhea (15.0%), skin toxicity outside of the RT field (12.5%), pain (7.5%), skin toxicity in RT field, proctitis, fatigue and cardiac ischemia (each 5.0%). Laboratory AEs grade 3/4 were neutropenia (1 pt grade 4; 1 grade 3), creatinine elevation (1 pt grade 3). Conclusions: The combination of Sor to standard RCT with Cape in k-ras mutated LARC tumors is highly active with acceptable toxicity and deserves further investigation.
Rakentamisen laatutasoon liittyvät kysymykset ovat nousseet viimeksi kuluneiden vuosikymmenten aikana Suomessa tasaisin väliajoin otsikoihin. Oman osansa kritiikistä ovat saaneet niin rakentajat, suunnittelutoimistot kuin rakennusalaa sääntelevät usein varsin tiukat ja yksityiskohtaiset viranomaismääräykset, -ohjeet ja standardit. Koska rakennuksissa havaittuihin laatuvirheisiin liittyy usein merkittävänä pidettäviä kansantaloudellisia ja -terveydellisiä haittoja, on tulevaisuudessa syytä kiinnittää enenevässä määrin huomiota korkealaatuisen rakennustoiminnan edistämiseen sekä rakennusvirheiden kustannustehokkaaseen ennaltaehkäisyyn. Em. tavoite korostuu erityisesti silloin, kun vaativat ilmasto-olosuhteet asettavat rakennusten kestolle ja käyttöiälle merkittävänä pidettäviä haasteita. Edelleen rakennustoiminnan tehokkaamman laadunvalvonnan ja rakennusprosessin kokonaisvaltaisen valvonnan kiristämisen puolesta puhuvina seikkoina voidaan mainita muun muassa rakennuksilta lähtökohtaisesti edellytettävä pitkä käyttöikä kestokulutushyödykkeeksi lueteltavien ominaisuuksiensa johdosta. Johdantokappaleen jälkeen tutkielmassa keskitytään tarkastelemaan rakennusurakan työnjaollisia periaatteita sekä urakoitsijan työntuloksen saavuttamisen kannalta keskeisimpinä pidettäviä velvollisuuksia. Rakennusaikaisen vastuun osalta merkittävässä asemassa ovat urakoitsijan selonotto-, huomautuksenteko- ja reklamaatiovelvollisuudet. Rakennusurakan kumpaakin sopijapuolta velvoittavista periaatteista voidaan mainita muun muassa lojaliteetti-, myötävaikuttamis- ja yhteistoimintaperiaatteet. Urakoitsijan virhevastuuta käsittelevässä kolmannessa luvussa esitetään urakoitsijan sopimusoikeudellisen vastuun pääkohdat sekä keskeisimmät tilaajan käytettävissä olevat oikeuskeinot, silloin kun urakoitsijan työntulosta on pidettävä virheellisenä. Tutkielman neljän-nessä luvussa tarkastellaan urakoitsijan virhevastuuta takuuaikana havaituista rakennusvirheistä. Urakoitsijan takuuajan jälkeistä vastuuta käsittelevässä viidennessä luvussa tutkitaan muun muassa urakoitsijan mahdollisuuksia rajoittaa virhevastuutaan sekä urakoitsijan vastuuta käyttämistään aliurakoitsijoista ja muista täytäntöönpanoapulaisistaan. Tutkielman päättävässä kuudennessa luvussa esitetään yleisiä huomioita rakentamisen laatuvirheiden ehkäisemiseksi.
Mode of access: Internet.
Scale ca. 1:875,000.
La ruta de asimilación de cianuro en P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 transcurre a través de un nitrilo formado por la reacción química del cianuro con el oxalacetato, siendo este último acumulado como consecuencia de la acción conjunta de una malato:quinona oxidoreductasa (MQO) y la oxidasa terminal resistente a cianuro (CioAB) (Luque-Almagro et al., 2011b). Los nitrilos pueden ser convertidos en amonio por la acción de una nitrilasa o un sistema nitrilo hidratasa/amidasa. Con el objetivo de elucidar la ruta de asimilación de cianuro en P. pseudoalcalígenes CECT5344, se ha analizado el proteoma de este microorganismo en condiciones cianotróficas frente a nitrato como fuente de nitrógeno como control. En este estudio se identificaron proteínas relacionadas con la ruta de asimilación de cianuro en la estirpe CECT5344, que aparecían inducidas por cianuro, como NitB y NitG, cuyos genes se encuentran localizados en la agrupación génica nit1C. Además de NitB y NitG, de función desconocida, la agrupación génica nit1C codifica un regulador transcripcional del tipo Fis dependiente de σ54 (NitA), una nitrilasa (NitC), una proteína que pertenece a la superfamilia S-adenosilmetionina (NitD), un miembro de la superfamilia N-aciltransferasa (NitE), un polipéptido de la familia AIRS/GARS (NitF) y una oxidorreductasa dependiente de NADH (NitH). Un análisis transcripcional mediante RT-PCR determinó que los genes nitBCDEFGH se cotranscriben, mientras que el gen regulador nitA se transcribe de forma divergente. Además, resultados obtenidos por RT-PCR confirman que la expresión de los genes nitBCDEFGH está inducida por cianuro y reprimida por amonio. La relación entre el cianuro y el grupo de genes nit1C queda patente por el fenotipo de los mutantes deficientes nitA, nitB y nitC, incapaces de usar complejos cianuro-metálicos o 2-hidroxinitrilos como única fuente de nitrógeno. Todos estos datos indican que la nitrilasa NitC, junto con la proteína NitB, utilizan de forma específica determinados nitrilos alifáticos como sustrato, entre los que se encuentran el formado durante la asimilación de cianuro (Estepa et al., 2012). Además, entre las proteínas inducidas por cianuro se identificaron una dihidropicolinato sintasa (DapA), una fosfoserina transaminasa (SerC) y una proteína de función desconocida (Orf1), las tres codificadas por genes del operón cio, una cianasa (CynS), la proteína S6 de la subunidad ribosomal 30S (RpsF), una superóxido dismutasa (SodB), la ferritina (Dps), una oxidorreductasa (Fpr) y un factor de elongación P (EF-P). Una vez identificadas, estas proteínas se han analizado funcionalmente y se han localizado en el genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 los genes correspondientes, así como los genes adyacentes. La inducción de estas proteínas en condiciones cianotróficas sugiere que el metabolismo del cianuro incluye, además de la resistencia y asimilación de este tóxico, otros procesos biológicos relacionados con el metabolismo del cianato y de algunos aminoácidos, el estrés oxidativo y la homeostasis de hierro, entre otros. Por otra parte, el conocimiento en profundidad y la interpretación de la secuencia génica de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344, así como el análisis comparativo frente a organismos no cianotrofos ha permitido entender algunos de los mecanismos implicados en la resistencia y asimilación de cianuro, lo que permitiría conducir a la posterior mejora del proceso de biodegradación de cianuro. Además, el estudio del genoma de la estirpe CECT5344 permitirá explorar la capacidad de este organismo para ser utilizado en procesos de biorremediación de residuos cianurados en los que se encuentran metales y otros tóxicos (Luque-Almagro et al., 2013; Wibberg et al., 2014). En este trabajo se muestran y discuten los resultados de la secuenciación del genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes, así como el estudio del análisis filogenético y evolutivo de la cepa, estableciéndose de esta manera relaciones con otras especies en base a los genomas secuenciados de las mismas, entre las que destaca P. mendocina ymp relacionada con P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344. El estudio de las características del genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 ha sido completado con un análisis comparativo frente a los genomas de otras especies de Pseudomonas, encontrándose así semejanzas y diferencias en cuanto a la distribución génica funcional. Por último, se muestra un análisis del genoma de P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 en relación con los genes implicados probablemente en los procesos de asimilación de cianuro y residuos cianurados, tales como los codificantes de nitrilasas y aquellos implicados en la resistencia a cianuro como los constituyentes del operón cio que codifican la oxidasa terminal insensible a cianuro. Finalmente, se discute la presencia de genes implicados posiblemente en otros procesos con una alto potencial biotecnológico, tales como la producción de bioplásticos y la biodegradación de diversos contaminantes.
A presente publicação descreve os procedimentos necessários para a identificação e confirmação molecular de estirpes de S. aureus causadoras de mastite subclínica, provenientes de amostras de leite de cabra, por meio da técnica de RT-PCR.
As α-carboxy nucleoside phosphonates (α-CNPs) have demonstrated a novel mode of action of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibition, structurally related derivatives were synthesized, namely the malonate 2, the unsaturated and saturated bisphosphonates 3 and 4, respectively and the amide 5. These compounds were evaluated for inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in cell-free assays. The importance of the α-carboxy phosphonoacetic acid moiety for achieving reverse transcriptase inhibition, without the need for prior phosphorylation, was confirmed. The malonate derivative 2 was less active by two orders of magnitude than the original α-CNPs, while displaying the same pattern of kinetic behavior; interestingly the activity resides in the “L”-enantiomer of 2, as seen with the earlier series of α-CNPs. A crystal structure with an RT/DNA complex at 2.95 Å resolution revealed the binding of the “L”-enantiomer of 2, at the polymerase active site with a weaker metal ion chelation environment compared to 1a (T-α-CNP) which may explain the lower inhibitory activity of 2.
As key prey, the wild rabbit downsize constitutes a major drawback on the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) re-introduction in the Iberia. Several captive breeding units mostly located in Alentejo, endeavour the wild rabbit repopulation of depleted areas assigned for the lynx re-introduction. Here we report an RHDV2 outbreak that occurred in early 2016 in a wild rabbit captive breeding unit located in Barrancos municipality. The estimated mortality rate between March and April 2016 was approximately 8.67%. Anatomopathologic examination was carried out for 13 victimized rabbits. Molecular characterization was based on the complete vp60 capsid gene. The 13 rabbit carcasses investigated showed typical macroscopic RHD lesions testing positive to RHDV2- RNA. Comparison of the vp60 nucleotide sequences obtained from two specimens with others publically available disclosed similarities below 98.22% with RHDV2 strains originated in the Iberia and Azores and revealed that the two identical strains from Barrancos-2016 contain six unique single synonymous nucleotide polymorphisms. In the phylogenetic analysis performed, the Barrancos-2016 strains clustered apart from other known strains, meaning they may represent new evolutionary RHDV2 lineages. No clear epidemiological link could be traced for this outbreak where the mortalities were lower compared with previous years. Yet, network analysis suggested a possible connection between the missing intermediates from which the strains from Barrancos 2013, 2014 and 2016 have derived. It is therefore possible that RHDV2 has circulated endemically in the region since 2012, with periodic epizootic occurrences. Still, six years after its emergence in wild rabbits, RHDV2 continues to pose difficulties to the establishment of natural wild rabbit populations that are crucial for the self-sustainability of the local ecosystems.