935 resultados para REPRODUCTIVE-ORGANS


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House Finches (CarpQdacqs mexiCAnuS) were introduced to Long Island, New York from southern'California in 1940. Apparently, an initial sample of less than 100 birds has given rise to a population that now occupies much of the eastern United States. This study was to determine if morphological and reproductive changes have taken place in introduced eastern birds, which have colonized a novel environment. A study area in Goleta, California (CAL) represented the parental population whereas for comparison, House Finches in St. Catharines, Ontario (ONT) represented the introduced population. Interlocality variation in 25 morphometric characters of 100 adult House Finches was examined statistically. Singleclassification analysis of variance revealed significant interlocality differentiation in seven characters of males and nine of females. Females showed differentiation in more limb elements than males. Analysis of character variation using discriminant and principal component analysis distinguished samples on the basis of variation in shape. Compared to CAL, aNT birds (especially females) had smaller extremities relative to certain core parts and weight. Females showed similar patterns of character covariation in each locality on the second principal component, which suggests that differentiation of the ONT population may not be solely environmentally induced. Sexual dimorphism was evident in four charaoters in aNT and five in CAL. Disoriminant analysis distinguished sex on the basis of variation in shape. Males possessed a relatively larger flying apparatus and small.er hind limbs than females. The dearee of sexual dimorphism did not vary sicnifioantly between looalities. 3 Data on reproduotive parameters were oolleoted in 1983 and 1984 in ONT, and 1984 in CAL. In 1984, Bouse Finohes began breedina approximately three months earlier in CAL than in ONT. In ONT, there was no sianifioant differenoe in mean olutoh initiation date between 1983 and 1984. In both looalities most nests oontained either four or five ea",s, and olutoh size differenoes between looalites were not signifioant. Seasonal deolines in olutch size were evident in ONT but not in CAL. Intralooality variation in e.g weight and size was not related to clutch size. E",g weiaht showed no seasonal trend in ONT, but inoreased sianifioantly with breed ina season in OAL. In both looalities e8'''' weiaht increased sipifioantly with order of layina in olutohes of four but not in clutohes of five. Eag's in ONT in 1983 and 1984 were sip.ificantly larser than in CAL in 1984. The modal inoubation period was 13 days and did not vary sip.ifioantly between localites. In both looalities nestling weiaht on the day of hatohing was oorrelated to fresh ega welaht. For muoh of the period between hatohing and 14 days post-hatoh, ONT nestlinas were signifioantly laraer than CAL nestlings in terms of weiaht. bill length, bill depth, and manus length.


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Sexual behavior in the field crickets, Gryllus veletis and G. pennsylvanicus , was studied in outdoor arenas (12 m2) at high and low levels of population density in 1983 and 1984. Crickets were weighed, individually marked, and observed from 2200 until 0800 hrs for at least 9 continuous nights. Calling was measured at 5 min intervals, and movement and matings were recorded hourly. Continuous 24 hr observations were also conducted,·and occurrences of aggressive and courtship songs were noted. The timing of males searching, calling, courting, and fighting for females should coincide with female movement and mating patterns. For most samples female movement and matings occurred at night in the 24 hr observations and were randomly distributed with time for both species in the 10 hr observations. Male movement for G. veletis high density only was enhanced at night in the 24 hr observations, however, males called more at night in both species at high and low densities. Male movement was randomly distributed with time in the 10 hr observations, and calling increased at dawn for the G. pennsylvanicus 1984 high density sample, but was randomly distributed in other samples. Most courtship and aggression songs in the 24 hr observations were too infrequent for statistical testing and generally did not coincide with matings. Assuming residual reproductive value, and costs attached to a male trait in terms of future reproductive success decline with age, males should behave in more costly ways with age; by calling and moving more with age. Consequently, mating rates should increase with age. Female behavior may not change with age. G. veletis , females moved more with age at both low density samples, however, crickets moved less with age at high density. G. pennsylvanicus females moved more with age in the 1984 low density sample, whereas crickets moved less with age in the 1983 high density sample. For both species males in the 1984 high density samples called less with age. For G. pennsylvanicus in 1983 calling and mating rates increased with age. Mating rates decreased with age for G. veletis males in the high density sample. Aging may not affect cricket behavior. As population density increases fewer calling sites become available, costs of territoriality increase, and matings resulting from non-calling behavior should increase. For both species the amount of calling and in G. veletis the distance travelled per night was not different between densities. G. pennsylvanicus males and females moved more at low density. At the same deneity levels there were no differences in calling, mating, and, movement rates in G. veletis , however, G. pennsylvanicus males moved more at high density in 1983 than 1984. There was a positive relationship between calling and mating for the G. pennsylvanicus low density sample only, and selection was acting directly to increase calling. For both species no relationships between movement and mating success was found, however, the selection gradient on movement in the G. veletis high density population was significant. The intensity of selection was not significant and was probably due to the inverse relationship between displacement and weight. Larger males should call more, mate more, and move less than smaller males. There were no correlations between calling and individual weight, and an inverse correlation between movement and size in the G. veletis high density population only. In G. pennsylvanicus , there was a positive correlation between individual weight and mating, but, some correlate of weight was under counter selection pressure and-prevented significance of the intensity of selection. In contrast, there was an inverse correlation in the G.·veletis low density B sample. Both measures of selection intensities were significant and showed that weight only was under selection pressures. An inverse correlation between calling and movement was found for G. veletis at low density only. Because males are territorial, females are predicted to move more than males, however, if movement is a mode of male-male reproductive competition then males may move more than females. G. pennsylvanicus males moved more than females in all samples, however, G. veletis males and females moved similar distances at all densities. The variation in relative mating success explained by calling scores, movement, and weight for both species and all samples were not significant In addition, for both species and all samples the intensity of selection never equalled the opportunity for selection.


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The reproductive biology of the Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) was studied on Gull Island, Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Ontario, in 1976 and 1977. Early started clutches (comprising the majority of clutches on Gull Island) in 1977 produced more chicks per nest (2.20 ± 0.09) than late started clutches (0.86 ± 0.13) as a result of reductions in mean clutch size, hatching success and fledging success with date of clutch initiation. Seasonal changes in mean clutch size, hatching success and fledging success also resulted in early clutches, initiated at the peak of clutch starts, producing more chicks per nest (2.34 ± 0.11) than either pre-peak (2.13 ± 0.20) or post-peak (1.82 ± 0.29) clutches. Possible reasons for these trends, including the observed predominance of immature plumaged, breeding gulls in late started areas, are discussed. Clutches were deserted at night for varying lengths of time from at least 15 April until 10 May, 1977. It is suggested that this nocturnal desertion behaviour resulted in the enhancement of inter- and intra-clutch hatching synchrony in early started areas and further, that this may in part explain the existence of the behaviour in terms of its adaptive significance.


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Several factors influencing reproductive success were investigated at a Common Tern colony at Port Colborne, Ontario in 1976. In general three egg clutches hatched better than two egg clutches and early started clutches hatched eggs and fledged chicks better than late clutches; the fledging success of two and three egg clutches was similar. Early clutches took longer to hatch and hatched more synchronously than did late clutches. While hatching success differed with nesting substrate used fledging success' did not* No relationship was found between either incubation attentiveness and reproductive success or between incubation attentiveness and clutch size* At no time did food availability appear to be a factor limiting the successful upbringing of two chick broods. While fCf chicks (i.e. chicks hatching from the last laid eggs of three egg clutches) generally survived and grew poorly relative to their brood mates they grew best when they originated from clutches that hatched relatively asynchronously.


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Several study areas were investigated at two Port Colborne terneries during the summers of 1973 and 1974 in an attempt to determine the influence of clutch size, time of clutch initiation, position in the colony, proximity to Ring-billed Gulls, vegetation and nesting substrate on the reproductive performance of the Common Tern. Hatching success and reproductive success (the number of chicks fledged per egg laid) were generally higher for 3-egg than 2-egg clutches but fledging (the number of chicks fledged per egg hatched) success was usually independant of clutch size. Hatching, fledging and reproductive success declined as a function of time of clutch initiation. Mean clutch sizes also generally declined as a function of time. Nests located in the center of the colony exhibited higher fledging success than those on the periphery. Rock-based clutches had a lower hatching success than clutches initiated on sand or dried vegetation. Reproductive performance did not appear to be related to proximity to Ring-billed Gulls or vegetation within the study area.


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Niagara Peninsula of Ontario is the largest viticultural area in Canada. Although it is considered to be a cool and wet region, in the last decade many water stress events occurred during the growing seasons with negative effects on grape and wine quality. This study was initiated to understand and develop the best strategies for water management in vineyards and those that might contribute to grape maturity advancement. The irrigation trials investigated the impact of time of initiation (fruit set, lag phase and veraison), water replacement level based on theoretical loss through crop evapotranspiration (ETc; 100,50 and 25%) and different irrigation strategies [partial root zone drying (PRD) versus regulated deficit irrigation (RD!)] on grape composition and wine sensory profiles. The irrigation experiments were conducted in a commercial vineyard (Lambert Vineyards Inc.) located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, from 2005 through 2009. The two experiments that tested the combination of different water regimes and irrigation time initiation were set up in a randomized block design as follows: Baco noir - three replicates x 10 treatments [(25%, 50% and 100% of ETc) x (initiation at fruit set, lag phase and veraison) + control]; Chardonnay - three replicates x seven treatments [(25%, 50% and 100% of ETc) x (initiation at fruit set and veraison) + control]. The experiments that tested different irrigation strategies were set up on two cultivars as follows: Sauvignon blanc - four replicates x four treatments [control, fully irrigated (100% ETc), PRD (100% ETc) and RDI (25% ETc)]; Cabemet Sauvignon - four replicates x five treatments [control, fully irrigated (100% ETc), PRD (100% ETc), RDI (50% ETc) and RDI (25% ETc)]. The controls in each experiment were nonirrigated. The irrigation treatments were compared for many variables related to soil water status, vine physiology, berry composition, wine sensory profile, and hormone composition [(abscisic acid (ABA) and its catabolites]. Soil moisture profile was mostly affected by irrigation treatments between 20 and 60 em depth depending on the grapevine cultivar and the regime of water applied. Overall soil moisture was consistently higher throughout the season in 100 and 50% ETc compare to the control. Transpiration rates and leaf temperature as well as shoot growth rate were the most sensitive variables to soil water status. Drip irrigation associated with RDI treatments (50% ETc and 25% ETc) had the most beneficial effects on vine physiology, fruit composition and wine varietal typicity, mainly by maintaining a balance between vegetative and reproductive parts of the vine. Neither the control nor the 100 ETc had overall a positive effect on grape composition and wine sensory typicity. The time of irrigation initiation affected the vine physiology and grape quality, the most positive effect was found in treatments initiated at lag phase and veraison. RDI treatments were overall more consistent in their positive effect on grape composition and wine varietal typicity comparing to PRD treatment. The greatest difference between non-irrigated and irrigated vines in most of the variables studied was found in 2007, the driest and hottest season of the experimental period. Soil water status had a greater and more consistent effect on red grapevine cultivars rather than on white winegrape cultivars. To understand the relationships among soil and plant water status, plant physiology and the hormonal profiles associated with it, abscisic acid (ABA) and its catabolites [phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), 7-hydroxy-ABA (TOH-ABA), 8' -hydroxy-ABA, neophaseic acid and abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE)] were analyzed in leaves and berries from the Baco noir and Chardonnay irrigation trials over two growing seasons. ABA and some of its catabolites accurately described the water status in the vines. Endogenous ABA and some of its catabolites were strongly affected in Baco noir and Chardonnay by both the water regime (i.e. ET level) and timing of irrigation initiation. Chardonnay grapevines produced less ABA in both leaves and berries compared to Baco noir, which indicated that ABA synthesis is also cultivar dependant. ABA-GE was the main catabolite in treatments with high water deficits, while PA and DPA were higher in treatments with high water status, suggesting that the vine produced more ABA-GE under water deficits to maintain rapid control of the stomata. These differences between irrigation treatments with respect to ABA and catabolites were particularly noticeable in the dry 2007 season. Two trials using exogenous ABA investigated the effect of different concentrations of ABA and organs targeted for spraying, on grape maturation and berry composition of Cabemet Sauvignon grapevines, in two cool and wet seasons (2008-2009). The fIrst experiment consisted of three replicates x three treatments [(150 and 300 mg/L, both applications only on clusters) + untreated control] while the second experiment consisted in three replicates x four treatments [(full canopy, only clusters, and only leaves sprayed with 300 ppm ABA) + untreated control]. Exogenous ABA was effective in hastening veraison, and improving the composition of Cabemet Sauvignon. Ability of ABA to control the timing of grape berry maturation was dependant on both solution concentration and the target organ. ABA affected not only fruit composition but also yield components. Berries treated with ABA had lower weight and higher skin dry mass, which constitutes qualitative aspects desired in the wine grapes. Temporal advancement of ripening through hormonal control can lead to earlier fruit maturation, which is a distinct advantage in cooler areas or areas with a high risk of early frost occurrence. Exogenous ABA could provide considerable benefits to wine industry in terms of grape composition, wine style and schedule activities in the winery, particularly in wet and cool years. These trials provide the ftrst comprehensive data in eastern North America on the response of important hybrid and Vitis vinifera winegrape cultivars to irrigation management. Results from this study additionally might be a forward step in understanding the ABA metabolism, and its relationship with water status. Future research should be focused on ftnding the ABA threshold required to trigger the ripening process, and how this process could be controlled in cool climates.


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In the field, mosquitoes characteristically feed on sugars soon after emergence and intermittently during their adult lives. Sugar meals are commonly derived from plant nectar and homopteran honeydew, and without them, adults can only survive for a few days on larval reserves. In addition to sugar, females of most species rely on blood for the initiation and maintenance of egg development; thus their reproductive success depends to some extent on the availability of blood hosts. Males, on the other hand, feed exclusively on sugars. Consequently, their sexual maturation and reproductive success is largely dependent upon access to sugar sources. Plant nectar and homopteran honeydew are the two main sugar sources utilized by mosquitoes in the wild. Previous laboratory studies had shown that differences between nectar sources can affect the survivorship and biting frequency of disease vectoring mosquitoes. However, little is known on how sugar composition influence the reproductive processes in male mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes transfer accessory gland proteins and other hormones to their mates along with sperm during mating. In the female, these seminal fluid constituents exert their influence on reproductive genes that control ovulation and vitellogenesis. The present study tests the hypothesis that the mates of males consuming different sugar meals will exhibit varying levels of induction of vitellogenin (a gene which regulates the expression of egg yolk precursor proteins). Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was used to investigate how each sugar meal indirectly influences vitellogenin mRNA abundance in female Anopheles stephensi following mating. Results indicate that mates of nectar-fed males exhibit 2-fold greater change in vitellogenin expression than the mates of honeydew-fed males. However, this response did not occur in non-blood fed controls. These findings suggest that the stimulatory effect of mating on vitellogenesis in blood meal-reliant (i.e. anautogenous) mosquitoes may only be synergistic in nature. The present study also sought to compare the potential fitness costs of mating incurred by females that do not necessarily require a blood meal to initiate a reproductive cycle (i.e., exhibit autogeny). Females of the facultatively autogenous mosquito, Culex molestus were allowed to mate with males sustained on either nectar or honedyew. Mean lifetime fecundity and survivorship of females under the two different mating regimes were then recorded. Additionally, one-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to verify the transfer of male accessory gland proteins to the sperm storage organs of females during mating.While there was no significant difference in survival between the test treatments, the mates of nectar-fed males produced 11% more eggs on average than mates of honeydew-fed males. However, additional data are needed to justify the extrapolation of these findings to natural settings. These findings prompt further investigation as the differences caused by diet variation in males may be reflected across other life history traits such as mating frequency and insemination capacity.


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With some notable exceptions, small ectothermic vertebrates are incapable of endogenously sustaining a body temperature substantially above ambient temperature. This view was challenged by our observations of nighttime body temperatures sustained well above ambient (up to 10°C) during the reproductive season in tegu lizards (~2 kg). This led us to hypothesize that tegus have an enhanced capacity to augment heat production and heat conservation. Increased metabolic rates and decreased thermal conductance are the same mechanisms involved in body temperature regulation in those vertebrates traditionally acknowledged as “true endotherms” : the birds and mammals. The appreciation that a modern ectotherm the size of the earliest mammals can sustain an elevated body temperature through metabolic rates approaching that of endotherms enlightens the debate over endothermy origins, providing support for the parental care model of endothermy, but not for the assimilation capacity model of endothermy. It also indicates that, contrary to prevailing notions, ectotherms can engage in facultative endothermy, providing a physiological analog in the evolutionary transition to true endothermy.


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Receipt from W. H. Eckhardt, Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise for piano, May 9, 1887.


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Le syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (SRRP) est une des maladies les plus dévastatrices économiquement pour l'industrie mondiale du porc. L'agent étiologique du SRRP est le virus du SRRP (VSRRP) lequel est connu pour avoir une spécificité d'hôte très restreinte et pour sa transmission par voie aerosol. Les antigènes et les ARN du VSRRP ont été trouvés dans des cellules épithéliales du tractus respiratoire de porcs infectés par le virus. L’interaction entre les macrophages alvéolaires porcins (PAMs) et le VSRRP a été démontrée comme jouant un rôle important dans l’infection causée par le virus. Malgré cela, l’interaction prenant place entre les cellules épithéliales du tractus respiratoire porcin et le virus ne devrait pas être négligée. Jusqu’à présent, la réplication du VSRRP in vitro dans des cellules épithéliales du tractus respiratoire porcin n’a pas été conduite avec succès et les tentatives pour le faire ont échoué. Une nouvelle lignée de cellules épithéliales de poumon de porc (SJPL) est maintenant disponible et sera utilisée dans cette étude afin de déterminer si elle est permissive à la réplication du VSRRP et si elle peut être un modèle approprié pour l’étude de la pathogénèse virale du VSRRP. L’expérimentation a démontré que cette nouvelle lignée cellulaire était permissive à l’infection et à la réplication du VSRRP. Afin de corroborer ces résultats, la cinétique de réplication du virus à été effectuée avec les cellules MARC-145 et SJPL. Aucune différence significative dans la production virale totale n’a été trouvée entre les deux lignées cellulaires. Les cellules SJPL ont permis la réplication de plusieurs souches Nord-Américaines du VSRRP, quoiqu’elles sont légèrement moins efficaces que les cellules MARC-145 pour l’isolement du virus. De plus, les cellules SJPL sont phénotypiquement différentes des cellules MARC-145. Plus précisément, les cellules SJPL sont plus sensibles à l’activation par le VSRRP des pro-caspases 3/7 et plusieurs inducteurs apoptotiques. Elles ont également montré de 8 à 16 fois plus de sensibilité à l’effet antiviral causé par l’IFN-α sur la réplication du virus contrairement aux cellules MARC-145. Ces résultats démontrent que les cellules SJPL pourraient représenter un substitut intéressant aux cellules MARC-145 pour la production d’antigènes pour un vaccin anti-VSRRP. Également, dû à leurs origines (poumon de l’hôte naturel), elles pourraient s’avérer être un modèle in vitro plus approprié pour l’étude de la pathogénèse du VSRRP.


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A subcategory of medical tourism, reproductive tourism has been the subject of much public and policy debate in recent years. Specific concerns include: the exploitation of individuals and communities, access to needed health care services, fair allocation of limited resources, and the quality and safety of services provided by private clinics. To date, the focus of attention has been on the thriving medical and reproductive tourism sectors in Asia and Eastern Europe; there has been much less consideration given to more recent ‘players’ in Latin America, notably fertility clinics in Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. In this paper, we examine the context-specific ethical and policy implications of private Argentinean fertility clinics that market reproductive services via the internet. Whether or not one agrees that reproductive services should be made available as consumer goods, the fact is that they are provided as such by private clinics around the world. We argue that basic national regulatory mechanisms are required in countries such as Argentina that are marketing fertility services to local and international publics. Specifically, regular oversight of all fertility clinics is essential to ensure that consumer information is accurate and that marketed services are safe and effective. It is in the best interests of consumers, health professionals and policy makers that the reproductive tourism industry adopts safe and responsible medical practices.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Le clade Dialiinae représente l’une des premières lignées de la sous-famille Caesalpinioideae des Leguminosae. Il se compose de 17 genres (environ 90 espèces), avec des taxons qui sont répandus dans toutes les régions tropicales du monde. Morphologiquement, le groupe comprend un assemblage divers de taxons qui peut représenter une «phase expérimentale» dans l’évolution florale des légumineuses. Différents représentants du clade présentent de la poly-, mono-, et asymétrie, et semblent avoir subi un haut degré de perte d’organe, produisant, dans certains cas, des fleurs extrêmement réduites qui sont à peine reconnaissables comme appartenant à la famille des légumineuses. Afin d’obtenir une image plus claire de l’évolution florale du clade Dialiinae, une phylogénie bien résolue et bien soutenue est nécessaire. Dans le but de créer une telle phylogénie, un total de 37 échantillons d’ADN des Dialiinae a été séquencé pour deux régions chloroplastiques, soit rps16 et trnL. De plus, une étude morphologique complète a été réalisée. Un total de 135 caractères végétatifs et reproductifs a été évalué pour 79 espèces de Dialiinae et pour quatre groupes externes. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont d’abord été effectuées sur un groupe restreint de taxons pour lesquels les trois types de données étaient disponibles. Les nœuds fortement soutenus de cette phylogénie ont ensuite été utilisés comme contrainte pour une seconde analyse de parcimonie avec les données morphologiques d’un ensemble plus important de taxons. Les caractères morphologiques ont été optimisés sur l’un des arbres les plus parcimonieux de cette seconde analyse. Un certain nombre de nouvelles relations au niveau de l’espèce ont été résolues, créant une image plus claire quant à l’évolution de la forme florale dans le temps, particulièrement pour les genres Labichea et Dialium. En plus de leur morphologie florale mature diverse, les Dialiinae sont également très variables dans leur ontogénèse florale, affichant à la fois la perte et la suppression des organes, et présentant une variété de modes d’initiation d’organes. Afin de construire une image plus complète du développement floral et de l’évolution dans ce clade, l’ontogénèse florale de plusieurs espèces non documentées à ce jour a été étudiée. La série complète du développement a été compilée pour six espèces de Dialiinae; quatre de Dialium, ainsi que Poeppigia procera et Mendoravia dumaziana. Le mode et le moment de l’initiation des organes étaient pour la plupart uniforme pour toutes les espèces de Dialium étudiés. Tant pour ce qui est des gains ou des pertes d’organes chez Dialium, une tendance est apparente – l’absence d’organe abaxial. Que ce soit pour les sépales ou les étamines, les gains se produisent toujours en position médiane adaxiale, tandis que les étamines et les pétales perdus sont toujours les organes les plus ventraux. Les taxons étudiés ici illustrent le manque apparent de canalisation du développement observé chez les Caesalpinioideae. Cette plasticité ontogénétique est le reflet de la diversité morphologique au niveau des fleurs tel qu’observée dans l’ensemble de la sous-famille. Une des espèces de Dialiinae, Apuleia leiocarpa, produit une inflorescence andromonoïque, une caractéristique qui est unique en son clade et rare dans les légumineuses dans son ensemble. La microscopie optique et électronique ont été utilisées pour entreprendre une étude détaillée de la morphologie florale de ce taxon. On a constaté que tandis que les fleurs hermaphrodites produisent un seul carpelle et deux étamines, les fleurs staminées produisent trois étamines sans toutefois montrer signe de développement du carpelle. Les inflorescences semblent produire près de quatre fois plus de fleurs staminées que de fleurs hermaphrodites, lesquelles occupent toujours la position centrale de l’inflorescence cymeuse. Ce ratio élevé mâle/bisexuel et la détermination précoce du sexe chez Apuleia sont rares chez les Caesalpinioideae, ce qui suggère que l’andromonoecie se développe dans ce genre comme un moyen d’accroître la dispersion du pollen plutôt qu’en réponse à des limitations de ressources.


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Le syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (SRRP) est la maladie infectieuse la plus économiquement importante de l’industrie porcine. Une étude récente a démontré que le surnageant de culture d’Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) inhibe l’infection du virus SRRP (VSRRP) in vitro dans des cellules de singe. L’objectif de cette étude est de démontrer l’effet antiviral d’App contre le VSRRP dans les cellules cibles du virus in vivo: les macrophages alvéolaires porcins (MAPs) et d’étudier les mécanismes spécifiques impliqués lors de l’inhibition virale. Les MAPs ont été traités avec App, avant et après l’infection avec le VSRRP. À différents temps post-infection, la réplication et la transcription du génome viral ont été quantifiées. L’expression des interférons (IFN) type I et II, ainsi que le profil protéomique en présence ou absence d’App ont été évalués. L’expression de certaines protéines a été confirmée par immunobuvardage et immunofluorescence (IF). Les résultats ont démontré que l’effet antiviral d’App n’est pas via l’induction des IFN type I et II. App inhibe l’infection virale dans MAPs avant la réplication et la transcription du génome viral, ce qui indique qu’App inhibe précocement le cycle réplicatif viral. Le profil protéomique a révélé qu’App augmentait l’expression de la cofiline, une protéine qui provoque la dépolymérisation de l’actine. De plus, ce phénomène de dépolymérisation a été confirmé par IF. Le traitement des MAPs avec la cytochalasin D (un composé qui provoque la fragmentation des microfilments) a démontré que comme pour App, cette drogue inhibe la réplication virale. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que l’effet antiviral d’App est via l'activation de la cofiline et dépolymérisation de l’actine, affectant probablement l’endocytose du VSRRP.