946 resultados para RECENSÃO LITERÁRIA
Este trabalho tem como objectivo estudar as manifestações de duas cultura distintas, o Rap e a Literatura Popular, a cultura urbana e a cultura rural, aparentemente antitéticas. Procurar-se-á problematizar e, por conseguinte, entender de que forma estas duas culturas podem ser consideradas como uma expressão popular caracterizada pela composição literária, rítmica e musical, através de elementos do quotidiano. Para além do mais, tanto no Rap como na Literatura Popular, os compositores fazem parte de um grupo marginalizado, e como tal, as suas canções abordam ou denunciam as dificuldades diárias e situações de injustiça social. As várias acepções do conceito de cultura contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da vasta diversidade cultural e do reconhecimento e respeito que se deve ter em relação às culturas ditas minoritárias. Estreitamente associada à cultura está a questão da identidade, que permite que um indivíduo se aproxime ou se distancie de um determinado grupo. Neste sentido, sublinhar-se-á as marcas culturais e identitárias de cada grupo. Será nosso intuito encontrar similitudes e divergências numa análise rigorosa do corpus de trabalho. Com efeito, a análise de composições de Rap e de Literatura Popular portuguesas ajudarão a demonstrar não só a grande capacidade criativa e performativa dos sujeitos, como as componentes lúdica e de defesa de uma igualdade social. Finalmente, procurar-se-á demonstrar que, na nossa sociedade relacional e dinâmica, estas culturas podem estar em diálogo e partilhar experiências de actuação e de divulgação cultural.
A obra de Alfredo de Freitas Branco (Visconde do Porto da Cruz) cruza diferentes fases da sua vida, reflectindo, por isso, vários aspectos relacionados com as suas vivências. Sendo autor de uma vasta obra, fazem parte da sua bibliografia textos de diferentes temáticas e de estilos literários diversos, entre os quais, romances, novelas, contos, teatro, biografias, memórias, política, etnografia e estudos da natureza. Neste estudo, procuramos em linhas gerais, apresentar o seu percurso político e ideológico, no qual se inclui o Integralismo Lusitano, de modo a compreendermos o seu pensamento e compromisso com a sociedade do seu tempo. Fazemos uma breve abordagem à sua criação literária, marcada pela conjuntura histórica da época e destacamos a sua intensa actividade, como jornalista, fundador de revistas e de jornais, conferencista e membro de várias Associações culturais. Analisamos o seu percurso de vida, verificando que sempre se mostrou empenhado em dar a conhecer as suas raízes culturais e interessado em tudo o que representava o progresso do arquipélago, quer propondo ideias inovadoras, quer promovendo a Madeira, no território continental e no estrangeiro. O cerne deste trabalho foi investigar a sua obra, numa vertente cultural, observando o importante contributo no estudo, promoção e preservação da nossa memória cultural de madeirenses, através das recolhas que fez sobre múltiplos aspectos da cultura popular do meio insular, das diversas manifestações culturais do povo, nos seus usos e costumes, das danças, às músicas, ao traje, à alimentação, à medicina popular, às suas crenças e superstições. Observámos ainda os seus estudos do nosso património material, nos seus diversos monumentos; das artes visuais e da promoção dos artistas e intelectuais madeirenses que se evidenciaram na época. Este estudo propõe, também, algumas estratégias para dar a conhecer à comunidade uma parte da obra do Visconde do Porto da Cruz e despertar o interesse no estudo da mesma, a qual permanece ainda na penumbra.
Na presente dissertação partiu-se de uma breve análise da literatura portuguesa contemporânea com o objectivo de relacionar a produção literária com a área do Turismo. Com esta investigação pretende-se compreender e valorizar a importância do Turismo Cultural para o desenvolvimento económico, social, educacional e cultural de um destino turístico. O Turismo Cultural está, na actualidade, em franca expansão e torna-se relevante a elaboração de roteiros literários como instrumentos de promoção e de valorização do património cultural e de divulgação de determinada região, cidade ou país. Neste estudo analisar-se-ão uma série de roteiros internacionais, portugueses e alguns já elaborados sobre a Ilha da Madeira (ainda que com um enforque em aspectos distintos dos que esta dissertação contempla). O objectivo deste trabalho será investigar a possibilidade de criação de roteiros literários da Ilha da Madeira, baseados na recolha de poesia de autores madeirenses, que contenham referências explícitas à Ilha da Madeira; para esse efeito são apresentadas importantes referências para a construção de vários roteiros literários sobre a ilha que permitam aos turistas ou aos visitantes da ilha tomarem conhecimento do património material e imaterial da Madeira.
Após profunda pesquisa sobre possíveis temas para abordar nesta dissertação, eis que chegamos ao nome de Manuel Caetano Pimenta de Aguiar, dramaturgo madeirense, de ideais liberais vincados, nascido no século XVIII e com um período de fecundidade literária nos primórdios do Século XIX, uma época marcada por forte instabilidade políticas que também haveria de sacudir o mundo da criação artística. Interessaram-nos do conjunto da sua obra, toda ela constituída por tragédias, O Carácter dos Lusitanos, D. João I e D. Sebastião em África. Nelas intuímos a coerência da matéria de pendor nacionalista, tão cara ao gosto romântico que então desabrochava. A sua obra, com evidentes traços clássicos, mostra já uma originalidade ao nível dos temas tratados. Veremos como se mantém fiel a toda a estrutura da tragédia, mas como introduz novos conceitos, que serão mais tarde desenvolvidos pelos Românticos, como sejam, o gosto pela morte e o horrendo, o nacionalismo exacerbado e a exaltação da história e dos heróis nacionais.
Cette thèse concerne dans une lecture poétique du roman Campo Geral, de Guimarães Rosa, du film Mutum - basé sur le roman mentionné et réalisé par Sandra Kogut, et de l investigation das les villes de Minas Gerais/MG impliqués dans la production du film. Le but de cette lecture est de communiquer l'expérience onirique faite à partir d'une oeuvre cinématographique, à partir d un récit littéraire et la rencontre avec cinq acteurs non-professionnels et de trois membres de l'équipe de Mutum. Pour ça, le rêve poétique, proposé par Gaston Bachelard, il est utilisé comme une ressource cognitive à l'expérience de la réalité de semi-imaginaire l'homme, a partir de l actionnement du double dans le processus de participation affective (MORIN, 1997). Le film choisi abord des impressions d un enfant qui vit avec ses parents, avec ses frères, avec sa grand-mère et avec sa chienne Rebeca, dans un place appelé Mutum. Sous la perspective de l être rêveur, qui medite sur les images de l enfance onirique dans le contexte des régions sèches de la campagne, des régions qui sont transformées et étendues à travers le rêve poétique, nous arrivons à l enfance méditative (BACHELARD, 2006). Tout au long de la narration de cette recherche, Guimarães Rosa, la réalisatrice Sandra Kogut, moi-même comme un individu / chercheur et les interlocuteurs de la famille Mutum que j'ai trouvé dans Minas Gerais, nous sommes tous pris comme Miguilins qui rêvent de La région Cabaça Azul. Incandescents, multiples, primitives, ces Miguilins sont porteurs des papiers colores et avec elle ils comprennent la participation de l'homme dans le Grand Récit (SERRES, 2005)
This work is an attempt to show that the ideological conflict that has been developed by the hegemony of the 1930 Revolution historical events in Paraíba, conceptually turned into an insoluble social contradiction. It ocurred due to imaginary or formal resolutions of the literature that ended up by altering the epistemological rules of the relation between fiction and reality. The present work is based on The unconscious politics: a narrative as a socially symbolic act , book in which all the literary or cultural texts can and should be read as symbolic resolutions to insoluble social contradictions. From string to contemporary literature this phenomenon has been registered by the several ways of textual production turning the 1930 Revolution into one of the main elements which guides the political scene of Paraíba. The ideological groups still centered on the political resentment and committed to a political conflict forged the existence of two historical truths: one which suits the liberais , the winners, and another is of the 1930 conflict. This work argues in favour of the unconscious politics of the 1930 Revolution. This thesis considers necessarily the relation that the Paraibana society maintains with its past and how this past reaches in the present the liberation of a hidden and repressed truth through its narrativization. Beyond that, how the ideological partiality generated the political resentment through the way of thinking of the rivals under the perspective of the good and evil reveals its insoluble social contradiction. Process which comprehends varied narrative forms of the mass culture products and literary production, as in the methodological perspective pointed by Fredric Jameson that all literary or cultural texts can and shall be read as symbolic resolutions of true political and social contradictions. In the case of Paraiba we will have resolutions that search for the reasons which caused the death of João Pessoa: forgery and publicity of love letters, dispute over the official version of suicide commited by João Dantas, the man who assassinated João Pessoa
This project wants to analyze the newspaper like a collective organic intellectual thing, and its action like a conservator integral journalism, it makes it looks like a politics block. In this case, the newspaper inserts itself in a process to support the dominated fundamental class. In the same time, it searches to disqualify politically, using the news and the opinion, the sprouting of against-hegemony even untimely and distant in the historical time. Facing this proposal we take as study object the FOLHA DE S. PAULO, nowadays the most representative agency of the great conservative press. Our theoretical reference takes as base the Gramsci organic intellectual formularizations, hegemony, position´s war, integral journalism and private device of hegemony. We allow ourselves, in a subsidiary way to the Gramsci basement, using the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, as a method to explicit, in a comparative way, the manipulation of the reality by the newspaper in its activity of collective organic intellectual. The ideology is the heuristic connection point to make convergence between reality and fiction. For the intended evidences we develop analysis of the daily covering about two great accidents occurred in 2007: The landslide of part of the workmanships of the tunnel of the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo-Metrô (line yellow 4). And the flying disaster involving the airbus of Transportes Aéreos Meridionais-TAM, flight 3054, also in that state. In the first accident we find endorsement of the newspaper to the São Paulo´s government, in the person of the politician actor José Serra (PSDB), representative of the conservative forces and responsible for the workmanships of the Subway, to who it tried to distance politically of the fact. In the second event, the opposition to the politician actor Luis Inácio Luis Lula da Silva and his politics block, the PT, as a possibility against-hegemonic contested, being the mentioned actor appointed as responsible for the occurrence. However, the newspaper says that it is independent and direct, and this direct action comes from the environment. In this environment, the diversity of conceptions of world would guide the publishing work, making the FOLHA DE S. PAULO to take it as a reference for the intended objective, hiding the politics block militancy
This thesis is a translation of work of the Brazilian doctor, Pedro da Silva Nava (1903-1984), in particular, his memoirs and chronicles, articulated with the writings of medicine history, aiming to defend that the autobiographical narratives are sources of research capable of promoting discussions on the expansion of the present at the confluence of complex and unequal society in constant changing process as the Brazilian. The theoretical and methodological support circulates around studies, proposals and thesis by Boaventura Santos about empowering past, destabilizing subjectivity, sociology of absences, cosmopolitan reason and translation work. The empirical support drawn from the literature produced by Nava were analyzed with reference this reasoning and studies that have facilitated the flow of translation among others, the studies of Antonio Candido, Arrigucci Jr., Boris Cyrulnik, Beatriz Sarlo, Ecléa Bosi, Ítalo Calvino, José Willington Germano, José Maria Cançado, Lev Vygotsky, Marilena Chauí, Paul Ricöeur and Walter Benjamim, without neglecting what we consider indispensable to scientific research, the production of relevant knowledge and prudent, in view of a decent life. The initial inflections reflect the subject of the Memoirs and its education/training, to then place the Memoir subject in the literary context, scientific, historical and Brazilian poetic (1972-2010), bringing great interpreters and discussing the rationale used by the Narrator that we defend stand closer to the cosmopolitan, showing the formation of narratives whose presence insert itself beforehand to modernist verve, linked to the discursive array against the literature as domination space, disseminated in Brazil in the early twentieth century. So, it articulate with those in which the concerns adjust the construction of the social formation of Brazil as a national heritage through literary narrative that focuses on a historical principle that becomes the past empowering, allowing his rereading, whose converge to memory, the lifestyles, the plurality of language and Brazilian culture, formed by several people, converging into a design not of culture but multiculturalism in Brazil. The memory issue was addressed in the space-time of experiences of being that narrates, shaped by a destabilizing subjectivity that sought to order the testimony of a time, a history and society, retelling them by creative imagination, almost fictional, to make circulate his knowledge about Brazil attached to his medical knowledge, as well as other subjects in his living group and other groups with whom they maintained contact. Thus, he portrayed both tangible and intangible cultural assets of the country as a form of preservation, giving them meanings and sense. It approaches, therefore, from the perspective of sociology of absences, the expansion of the present and by the logic inherent in his narratives of self and Brazil
The present thesis studies the appropriate education of the literary gender based in an approach of trans-disciplinary teaching. The main objectives will be to survey the degree of trans-disciplinarity of the literary reading in classrooms and to propose the literary reading as an alternative of trans-disciplinary teaching. The theoretical contributions, which sustain the lines of central argument of this thesis, are related to the critical theories on the epistemological and methodological crisis in the speech of the modernity; the emergency of an emerging paradigm under the optics of the speech of the post-modernity; the theories concerned to curriculums and their interrelations with the school teaching; the theories of the complexity and of the inter and trans-disciplinarity; theories of the reading and of the literature, more precisely the literary semiology and the aesthetics of the acceptance; theories about the pedagogic mediation starting from presupposed and trans-disciplinary principles. The methodological foundations, of the type inter and trans-disciplinary, which anchor the approach of the study is related to a line of qualitative analyses applied the teaching-learning situation accomplished during the data collection during the empiric stage of the research. The analyzed corpus is composed of episodes originated from the classes with literary texts accomplished in the months of June and December of 2005, under the orientation of a complex and trans-disciplinary didacticism. The involved subjects are students in the age group of 9 and 13 years of age from a public school in the county of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, in the State of Pernambuco. Starting from the discoveries found during the research, so much bibliographical, as that of the field, it is possible to conclude, among other things, that the literary reading, when mediated accordingly in the classroom, is a trans-disciplinary object of high degree, because the literary reading can allow and make it possible to the real reader, through a necessary process of speculation on life and its unfolding, solid reflection around the individual and collective occurrences so much in simpler instances as in more complex ones
Notable mathematics teacher, Lewis Carroll, pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), made the mixture of mathematics with literature a ludic environment for learning that discipline. Author of Alice s Adventures In Wonderland and its sequel Alice Through The Looking Glass, he eventually created a real and complex universe which uses what we call the logic of the nonsense as an element to motivate the development of mathematical thinking of the reader, taking it as well, learn by establishing a link between the concrete (mathematics) and the imaginary (their universe). In order to investigate and discuss the educational potential of their works and state some elements that can contribute to a decentralized math education from the traditional method of following the models and decorate formulas, we visited his works based on the studies of archeology of knowledge (FOUCAULT, 2007), the rational thought and symbolic thinking (VERGANI, 2003) and about the importance of stories and narratives to the development of human cognition (FARIAS, 2006). Through a descriptive, analytical study, we used the literary construction and presented part of our study in form of a mathematical novel, to give the mathematical school a particular charm, without depriving it of its basics properties as discipline and content. Our study showed how the works of Carroll have a strong didactic element that can deploy in various activities of study and teaching for mathematics classes
Esta tesis de maestría es el resultado de una investigación de carácter cualitativo y etnometodológico, realizada entre agosto de 2003 y junio de 2004, en una escuela primaria estatal, ubicada en Natal RN (Brasil). Su objetivo fue investigar la recepción de la lectura de literatura por parte de una maestra a la que, según reveló, no le gustaba leer y no se consideraba lectora de literatura. Se buscó investigar la mediación que le posibilitara llegar a ser lectora, comprender cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en la relación entre el lector en formación y la lectura de literatura, y verificar cómo repercute ese proceso de formación en la práctica docente de la maestra estudiada. Los procedimientos de investigación fueron aplicados con flexibilidad, tomando en cuenta el proceso de formación lectora de la docente. Los principales instrumentos utilizados fueron dos entrevistas semi-estructuradas, realizadas con la maestra, y notas de campo, que adquirieron el formato de un diario de investigación. En la primera etapa, fueron realizadas treinta sesiones de lectura, para posibilitar el acercamiento de la maestra a diferentes textos literarios. En la segunda etapa, fueron realizados tres encuentros de planificación con la maestra y cinco clases de lectura con sus alumnos. El análisis focaliza la recepción de la lectura literaria por parte de la maestra, abordando diferentes aspectos: su historia en relación con la lectura; la identificación, el contrato ficcional y la relación texto-vida; las previsiones y sus verificaciones; la mediación y el andamiaje brindados para introducir a la maestra en la cultura de la lectura. Se focaliza también la relación entre sus roles de lectora y de mediadora de lectores. Los fundamentos teóricos se basan, principalmente, en Coulon (1995a, 1995b), Vigotsky (1989, 1991, 2003), Graves y Graves (1995), Smith (1991), Jauss (2002), Iser (1996, 1999) y Amarilha (1996, 2001). Como resultados de este trabajo, se destacan el interés de la maestra, la manera en que ella se involucró con las historias leídas mediante procesos de identificación con algunos personajes y la relación que estableció entre los textos y su historia; esos procesos indican avances significativos en su vínculo con la lectura de literatura. La mediación ocupó un papel central en la consecución de aquellos avances. Vale destacar que la relación texto-vida fue establecida por la maestra con cierta ingenuidad, lo que le impidió vivenciar lo ficcional como una actividad lúdica. Se considera necesario un contacto más intenso y regular con textos de ficción, para que la docente pueda distanciarse de su vida cotidiana y adquirir la autonomía y la conciencia transformadora que le permitirán ir y volver de la realidad a la ficción, enriqueciéndose, sin confundirlas. Ese contacto no depende sólo de una actitud individual y personal de la maestra, sino del contexto institucional y social en el cual está inmersa. En ese sentido, la segunda etapa del trabajo de campo demostró que el pasaje de la formación lectora inicial a una acción pedagógica adecuada es complejo; los procesos no son lineales y, todavía, queda un largo camino por recorrer
In this thesis I present the prototexto notion and to I base as a complex system while strategy of knowledge construction and reconexion of you know in physics teaching. Prototexto is a poetic narrative of the science, proposal and used initially as "instrument of creative" learning for students apprentice of science of the medium and technical teaching of the Vitória da Conquista's CEFET-BA, in the period of 1997-2004. Later become pregnant as a strategy of knowledge construction, in the Universidade Estadual da Bahia - UESB, the prototexto notion configures a complement to the mathematical formulation. The proposal of a poetic narrative of the science is that the apprentice of science starts to organize in an aesthetic-literary way your knowledge, dispersed in disciplines, starting from a theme of the physics. The prototexto emerges of my reflections concerning the classic science, identified for Edgar Morin as tends a thought excessively numeric, and that it has been reproduced in physics teaching, in most of the schools, limiting him/it to an order pattern with the mistake absence. They are operations of the prototexto: the poetic language, the pedagogic stamp, the unfinished of the argument, the system character and the apprentice's of science inclusion as subject implicated in the construction of the knowledge. the theoretical foundations are based Morin's proposition of the method as strategy, the beginning of the complementarity of Niels Bohr in conceiving excluding categories as face of a same phenomenon and the conception of creative time of Ilya Prigogine that enunciates the alliance among the nature and the man that it describes her
The research Cecília Meireles and the Pedagogical Lyric in Children My Love (1924) consists in a critical analysis, a cultural and historical approach to the pedagogical intentionalities and to the social and educational functionalities expressed in the childish literary work of the poetess and educator Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), in Brazil, during the first decades of XX century. The author s conceptions of the literary art, the philosophical and educational foundations, the Christian and liberal ideologies and values pertinent to her work for children and the relations between her texts and the ideals of the Brazilian intellectuals to effect changes in the every day life based on the child formation and on the teaching feminization process were examined in the work. This paper shows a content analysis with the intention of offering signification to the work Children My Love (1924) according to the investigation of specific categories: child, motherhood and schooling; through the exploration of synonymous and bipolar key-words found in Cecília s documents: child/adult, teacher/mother; school/home, ignorance/intelligence. The research intends to understand how the author articulates, in her informal pedagogical action in Children s Literature, science, literary and Christian faith knowledge, in order to expand her social and educational ideal concentrated in children, guided by the maternal hand and aimed at constructing a New Man, New Civilization and a New Social Order
This research investigates the graphic humor, in particular the political cartoon and the cartoon, texts characterized by mixing visual-oral language, and its contribution in the formation of the reader. Recovers the main theories about the comicality in general and verifies the presence of these concepts into the texts of graphic humor and how they articulate themselves within the process of seducing the reader. Grounded in the studies of Umberto Eco about the cultural industry products and its relations with the literary theories and the aesthetics reception. After analysing texts of graphic humor, the study concludes that the triad, image-word-humor reveal a sophisticated arrangement which allows the reader to practice effectively the political cartoons and cartoons of production, of sense, cooperating in such a singular manner to the formation of a reflexive reader