945 resultados para Proto-Oncogene Protein c-ets-1
Introduction: Au moins 30% des AVC ischémiques chez les jeunes demeurent inexpliqués malgré une investigation extensive. Le rôle de certains états prothrombotiques (ÉP) dans la thrombose artérielle reste incertain, possiblement à cause du petit nombre de patients, de populations hétérogènes ou d’ÉP analysés individuellement dans les études antérieures, alors que leur prévalence est basse. Méthodologie : Étude cas-témoins sur une cohorte rétrospective (2002-2011). Les patients âgés de ≤50ans lors d’un AVC ischémique furent identifiés sur une base de données hospitalière. Après exclusion des individus ayant une investigation étiologique incomplète, un syndrome antiphospholipide ou aucun ÉP testé, la cohorte fut divisée en groupes cas (AVC idiopathique) et témoins (étiologie identifiée). La prevalence de chaque ÉP fut comparée entre les groupe, ainsi que la présence de ≥2 ÉP (analyse primaire), sans et avec ajustement pour les facteurs de risque non-prothrombotiques (régression logistique). En analyse de sous-groupe, la présence de ≥1 ÉP fut comparée entre les cas avec versus sans foramen ovale perméable (FOP), entre les cas ou contrôles porteurs d’un FOP avec versus sans migraine, de même qu’entre les cas versus témoins de sexe féminin en incluant la contraception orale parmi les ÉP. Résultats : 502 jeunes avec AVC ischémique furent identifiés. Après exclusion de 108 patients, 184 cas et 210 témoins furent comparés, (âge moyen : 39,2 ans, 51% hommes). La prévalence des ÉP ne différait pas entre les cas et contrôles : déficits en protéine S (0,6%), protéine C (3,4%), antithrombine (1,2%), mutation de la prothrombine (2,5%), facteur V Leiden (4,6%), et anticardiolipines (titre 15-40 unités GPL ou MPL; 3,3%). La présence de ≥2 ÉP n’était pas associée à l’AVC idiopathique, avant (p=0,48) ou après ajustement (p=0,74). La présence de ≥1 ÉP ne différait pas entre les sous-groupes étudiés. Conclusion: Il n’y a pas d’association entre les ÉP, isolés ou en association, avec l’AVC ischémique idiopathique chez les jeunes, même en presence de FOP ou de migraine.
Methylparathion (MP) is an organophosphorus insecticide used world wide in agriculture due to its high activity against a broad spectrum of insect pests. The aim of the study is to understand the effect of methylparathion on the lipid peroxidation, detoxifying and antioxidant enzymes namely catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione Stransferase (GST), total reduced glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation (LPO), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and disease diagnostic marker enzymes in liver, sarcoplasmic (SP) and myofirbirllar (MF) proteins in muscles, lipids and histopathlogical changes in various organs of Labeo rohita of size 75 i 6g at lethal and sublethal level of exposure. The probit analysis showed that the lethal concentration (LC 50%) for 24, 48, 72 and 96h were 15.5mg/L, 12.3mg/L, 11.4mg/L and 10.2mg/L respectively which is much higher compared to the LC50 for juvenile fish. The LPO level and GST activity increased five folds and two folds respectively on exposure to methylparathion at 10.2 mg/L and the level of the enzymes increased, on sub lethal exposure beyond 0.25mg/L. AChE activity was inhibited by 74% at a concentration of 1.8mg/L and 90% at 5.4mg/L. The disease diagnostic marker enzymes AST, ALT, ALP and LDH increased by about 2, 3 ,3 and 2 folds respectively at pesticide concentration of 10.2mg/L when compared to control. On sub lethal exposure, however the enzymes did not show any significant changes up to 0.5mg/L. At a concentration of 10.2 mg/L, there was a three fold increase in myofibrillar proteins while the increase in sarcoplasmic protein was above 1.5 fold. On sub lethal exposure, significant alteration was noticed up to 30 days up to 1mg/L of methylparathion concentration. Further exposure up to 45 days increased sarcoplasmic proteins (upto 0.5mg/L). ln the case of myofibrillar proteins, noticeable changes were observed at 1mg/L concentration right from 15th day. The cholesterol content in brain tissues increased by about 27% at methylparathion concentration of 5.4 mglL. However at 0.25mg/L sub lethal concentration, no significant alteration was observed in enzyme activity, muscle proteins, lipids and histopathology of the tissues. The results suggest that methylparathion has the potential to induce oxidative stress in fish, and that liver, muscle and brains are more sensitive organs of Labeo rohita, with poor antioxidant potentials at higher concentrations of the pesticide. The various parameters studied in this investigation can also be used as biomarkers of methylparathion exposure.
Bei der Rückführung von Kurzumtriebsplantagen (KUP) in konventionelle landwirtschaftliche Nutzung erfolgt zur Saatbettvorbereitung für die Folgekulturen eine intensive Bodenbearbeitung, um Wurzeln und Erntereste zu zerkleinern und in den Boden einzuarbeiten. Dies erhöht einerseits die Mineralisierung der unter KUP akkumulierten organischen Bodensubstanz (OBS), andererseits werden dem Boden hohe Mengen an Kohlenstoff (C) mit den Ernteresten zugeführt. In dieser Arbeit wurde an den Standorten Georgenhof Pappel, Georgenhof Weide und Wachtum Pappel in einem Feldversuch untersucht, wie sich unterschiedliche Bodenbearbeitungstiefen von 5, 15 und 30 cm während der Rückführung der langjährig bewirtschafteten KUPs in Acker- und Grünlandnutzung auf die C-Dynamik im Boden auswirken. Im Mittelpunkt stand dabei die Überprüfung der Annahme, ob durch eine reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung und eine nachfolgende Grünlandnutzung die Mineralisierung der OBS gemindert werden kann. Die nach der letzten Holzernte auf den Flächen verbliebenen und in den Boden eingearbeiteten oberirdischen Erntereste führten dem Boden, neben der in der zerkleinerten Wurzelbiomasse gespeicherten C-Menge von 1-9 t C ha-1, zusätzlich zwischen 12 und 17 t C ha-1 zu. Der Anstieg der freien, leichten organischen Fraktion des Bodens direkt nach dem Umbruch der Flächen sowie im Zuge der Bodenbearbeitung verfügbar gewordene leicht abbaubare organische Verbindungen, steigerten die mikrobielle Aktivität. Dies führte trotz der intensiven Bodenbearbeitung zu einer Erhöhung des mit Makroaggregaten assoziierten C nach dem Fräsen der Flächen. Die erneute Bodenbearbeitung der Ackerparzellen ein Jahr nach dem Umbruch führte an allen Standorten und in allen Bearbeitungstiefen durch die Zerstörung von Makroaggregaten jedoch zu einer Abnahme des C in dieser Fraktion. Demgegenüber zeigte sich durch die ausbleibende Bodenbearbeitung unter Grünlandnutzung auf beiden Flächen am Georgenhof eine bessere Stabilisierung des C in den Makroaggregaten. Am Standort Wachtum nahm der C in der Makroaggregatfraktion auch unter Grünland ab, da die Aggregierung und somit auch die physikalische Stabilisierung der organischen Substanz in diesem sandigeren Boden gering ist. Dies spiegelte sich in Verlusten von 10% in der leichten organischen Fraktion wider. Die mikrobielle Biomasse nahm innerhalb eines Jahres an allen Standorten ab, verursacht durch die abnehmende Verfügbarkeit der organischen Substanz, was sich in gesunkenen Cmik/Corg Verhältnisse niederschlug. Dennoch hat ein Jahr nach dem Umbruch der KUPs die in den Ernteresten gespeicherte C Menge auf allen Flächen im Zuge des fortschreitenden mikrobiellen Abbaus um bis zu 23 t C ha-1 abgenommen. Da sich keine Änderung in der Gesamtkohlenstoffmenge des Mineralbodens feststellen ließ, wurden mögliche Mineralisationsverluste der OBS durch Abbauprodukte der Erntereste ausgeglichen. Am Standort Georgenhof Weide zeigte sich dabei in den tiefen Fräsvarianten eine geringere Abnahme der in den Ernteresten gespeicherten C-Menge gegenüber den flachen Fräsvarianten. Ebenso deutete ein höheres C/N Verhältnis der Erntereste unter Grünland gegenüber Ackernutzung auf allen drei Flächen auf einen verlangsamten Abbau der Erntereste hin. In einem Inkubationsversuch im Labor wurde das hohe N-Immobilisierungspotential der eingearbeiteten Kronen- und Wurzelreste insbesondere zu Abbaubeginn der Erntereste nachgewiesen. Eine ansteigende N-Immobilisierung nach einer zusätzlichen N-Gabe deutete an, dass eine N-Düngung im Feld möglicherweise erst nach Abbau der leicht verfügbaren Verbindungen der Erntereste empfehlenswert ist. Höhere Ergosterol/Cmik Verhältnisse nach Einarbeitung der Erntereste zeigten den gestiegenen Anteil an saprotrophen Pilzen in der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft an. Ein Jahr nach der Rückführung der KUPs in landwirtschaftliche Nutzung deuteten die C-Verluste aus den labilen Bodenfraktionen erste Verluste des organischen Kohlenstoffs des Mineralbodens an. Allerdings ließ sich noch kein eindeutiger Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Frästiefen oder Nachnutzungen auf die C-Fraktionen im Mineralboden feststellen, so dass sich im Hinblick auf die anfangs gestellte Annahme einer verringerten C-Mineralisierung durch eine reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung noch keine Aussage treffen lässt.
Die Spezifität und Effizienz zellulärer Signalprozesse wird durch die intrazelluläre Kompartimentierung von Signalmolekülen erreicht. A-Kinase-Ankerproteine (AKAPs) bilden eine Familie aus Gerüstproteinen, die zeitliche und räumliche Lokalisation der cAMP-abhängigen Proteinkinase (PKA) übernehmen. Die direkte Interaktion wird dabei über die Dimerisierungs- und Dockingdomäne (DD-Domäne) der regulatorischen Untereinheiten von PKA vermittelt. Das charakteristische strukturelle Merkmal bei kanonischen AKAPs ist eine amphipathische Helix. Es existiert allerdings auch eine kleine Gruppe von nicht-kanonischen AKAPs, deren Bindung an die DD-Domäne nicht über eine amphipathische Helix vermittelt wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden die zwei potentiellen nicht-kanonischen AKAPs Neurochondrin (neurite-outgrowth promoting protein) und Rack1 (receptor of activated C-kinase 1) charakterisiert. Neurochondrin, dessen Expression mit dem Neuriten-Wachstum in jungen Neuronen korreliert ist und das vermutlich eine entscheidende Funktion bei der Langzeitpotenzierung im Hippocampus übernimmt, zeigt in SPR-Bindungsstudien eine hochaffine, nanomolare Interaktion mit der R-Untereinheit Typ IIalpha von PKA. Kompetitionsanalysen mit dem AKAP-Disruptor-Peptid Ht 31 und Untersuchungen mit der isolierten DD-Domäne von RIIalpha bestätigen eine spezifische Interaktion. Das nicht-kanonische RII-Bindemotiv von Neurochondrin ist aus zwei Domänen aufgebaut, die einen hohen alpha-helikalen Anteil besitzen, aber keine amphipathische Helix bilden. Peptidbasierte Interaktionsstudien der einzelnen Domänen zeigen dennoch ebenfalls nanomolare Affinitäten zu RIIalpha. Rack1 ist ein etabliertes Gerüstprotein mit einer propellerartigen beta-Faltblattstruktur, für das bereits über 100 verschiedene Interaktionspartner beschrieben werden konnten. Die Integration von Rack1 in unterschiedliche Signalprozesse ist äußerst vielfältig. Um dabei die Spezifität jeder einzelnen Interaktion zu gewährleisten, sind individuelle Bindungsstrategien nötig. Die niedrigaffine Interaktion zur RIbeta-Untereinheit von PKA wird daher über multiple Bindestellen vermittelt. Die DD-Domäne von RIbeta übernimmt dabei eine spezifische Funktion, wie unter anderem durch Kompetitionsanalysen mit dem RI-spezifischen AKAP-Disruptor-Peptid RIAD gezeigt werden konnte. Die einzigartige Struktur der DD-Domäne generiert zudem ein Bindemotiv für Rack1, das Ähnlichkeiten mit der „Rack1 interacting-Domäne“ (RAID) von PDE4D5 aufweist. Sowohl Neurochondrin als auch Rack1 besitzen essenzielle neuronale Funktionen. Daher erweitert die Identifizierung der beiden neuen nicht-kanonischen AKAPs nicht nur die strukturelle Diversität der AKAP-Familie, sondern trägt zudem zum Verständnis der neuronalen Signalintegration von PKA bei.
Introducción: La concentración de hemoglobina total es uno de los indicadores más comúnmente medidos en sangre. Sin embargo, sus valores varían de acuerdo con la altitud, sexo y edad, entre otros, por lo cual es necesario contar con valores de referencia ajustados para estas condiciones con el fin de establecer adecuadamente el diagnóstico tanto de anemia como eritrocitosis. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer los valores de referencia para hemoglobinemia en la población colombiana entre 1 y 18 años, de acuerdo con la edad, sexo y altitud del lugar de residencia. Materiales y métodos: A partir de la encuesta nacional de salud (ENDS) y de situación nutricional (ENSIN) Colombia 2010, se analizaron los valores de hemoglobinemia provenientes de los individuos de 1 a 18 años, tras haber excluido a los sujetos con condiciones inflamatorias (proteína C reactiva >1,2 mg/ml) y con depleción de las reservas de hierro (ferritina sérica <22 μg/l), de acuerdo con la edad, sexo y altitud del lugar de residencia, utilizando el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0. Resultados y discusión: En la población seleccionada se encontró una prevalencia de anemia ferropénica entre 0% y 50%; una prevalencia de anemia no ferropénica de 0% a 18,8%. Se observaron incrementos significativos en la hemoglobinemia de acuerdo con edad, sexo y altitud a partir de 500 msnm, y para estos últimos los valores encontrados fueron superiores a los establecidos por la Organización Mundial de Salud. También se encontraron diferencias significativas en la hemoglobinemia de acuerdo con la etnia.
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The 70kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) plays important roles in the regulation of protein synthesis, cell growth and metabolism. S6K1 is activated by the phosphorylation of multiple serine and threonine residues in response to stimulation by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. In addition to phosphorylation, we have recently shown that S6K1 is also targeted by lysine acetylation. Here, using tandem mass spectrometry we have mapped acetylation of S6K1 to lysine 516, a site close to the C-terminus of the kinase that is highly conserved amongst vertebrate S6K1 orthologues. Using acetyl-specific K516 antibodies, we show that acetylation of endogenous S6K1 at this site is potently induced upon growth factor stimulation. Although S6K1 acetylation and phosphorylation are both induced by growth factor stimulation, these events appear to be functionally independent. Indeed, experiments using inhibitors of S6K1 activation and exposure of cells to various stresses indicate that S6K1 acetylation can occur in the absence of phosphorylation and vice versa. We propose that K516 acetylation may serve to modulate important kinase-independent functions of S6K1 in response to growth factor signalling.
Based on the potential benefits of cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for human health, there is a need to develop effective strategies for enhancing milk fat CLA concentrations. Levels of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk can be increased by supplements of fish oil (FO) and sunflower oil (SO), but there is considerable variation in the response. Part of this variance may reflect time-dependent ruminal adaptations to high levels of lipid in the diet, which lead to alterations in the formation of specific biohydrogenation intermediates. To test this hypothesis, 16 late lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were used in a repeated measures randomized block design to examine milk fatty acid composition responses to FO and SO in the diet over a 28-d period. Cows were allocated at random to corn silage-based rations (8 per treatment) containing 0 (control) or 45 g of oil supplement/ kg of dry matter consisting (1:2; wt/wt) of FO and SO (FSO), and milk composition was determined on alternate days from d 1. Compared with the control, the FSO diet decreased mean dry matter intake (21.1 vs. 17.9 kg/d), milk fat (47.7 vs. 32.6 g/kg), and protein content (36.1 vs. 33.3 g/kg), but had no effect on milk yield (27.1 vs. 26.4 kg/d). Reductions in milk fat content relative to the FSO diet were associated with increases in milk trans-10 18: 1, trans-10, cis-12 CLA, and trans-9, cis-11 CLA concentrations (r(2) = 0.74, 0.57, and 0.80, respectively). Compared with the control, the FSO diet reduced milk 4: 0 to 18: 0 and cis 18:1 content and increased trans 18:1, trans 18:2, cis-9, trans-11 CLA, 20: 5 n-3, and 22: 6 n-3 concentrations. The FSO diet caused a rapid elevation in milk cis-9, trans-11 CLA content, reaching a maximum of 5.37 g/100 g of fatty acids on d 5, but these increases were transient, declining to 2.35 g/100 g of fatty acids by d 15. They remained relatively constant thereafter. Even though concentrations of trans-11 18: 1 followed the same pattern of temporal changes as cis-9, trans-11 CLA, the total trans 18:1 content of FSO milk was unchanged because of the concomitant increases in the concentration of other isomers (Delta(4-10) and Delta(12-15)), predominantely trans-10 18:1. In conclusion, supplementing diets with FSO enhances milk fat cis-9, trans-11 CLA content, but the high level of enrichment declines because of changes in ruminal biohydrogenation that result in trans-10 replacing trans-11 as the major 18:1 biohydrogenation intermediate formed in the rumen.
Gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) data together with results from ab initio molecular orbital calculations (HF and MP2/6-311+G(d,p)) have been used to determine the structure of hexamethyldigermane ((CH3)3Ge-Ge(CH3)3). The equilibrium symmetry is D3d, but the molecule has a very low-frequency, largeamplitude, torsional mode (φCGeGeC) that lowers the thermal average symmetry. The effect of this largeamplitude mode on the interatomic distances was described by a dynamic model which consisted of a set of pseudoconformers spaced at even intervals. The amount of each pseudoconformer was obtained from the ab initio calculations (HF/6-311+G(d,p)). The results for the principal distances (ra) and angles (∠h1) obtained from the combined GED/ab initio (with estimated 1σ uncertainties) are r(Ge-Ge) ) 2.417(2) Å, r(Ge-C) ) 1.956(1) Å, r(C-H) ) 1.097(5) Å, ∠GeGeC ) 110.5(2)°, and ∠GeCH ) 108.8(6)°. Theoretical calculations were performed for the related molecules ((CH3)3Si-Si(CH3)3 and (CH3)3C-C(CH3)3).
Ascorbate does not protect macrophages against apoptosis induced by oxidised low density lipoprotein
Apoptosis of macrophages and smooth muscle cells is observed in atherosclerotic lesions and may play an important role in the disease progression. Oxidised low density lipoprotein (LDL) is cytotoxic and induces apoptosis in a variety of cell types. We reported previously that ascorbate protects arterial smooth muscle cells from apoptosis induced by oxidised LDL containing the peak levels of lipid hydroperoxides. We now demonstrate that macrophages undergo apoptosis when treated with this species of oxidised LDL, as detected by increased annexin V binding and DNA fragmentation. Ascorbate treatment of macrophages did not protect against the cytotoxicity of oxidised LDL, and modestly increased the levels of annexin V binding and DNA fragmentation. Oxidised LDL treatment also increased the expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase-1 in macrophages; however, this increase was markedly attenuated by ascorbate pretreatment. Although apoptosis induced by oxidised LDL was modestly promoted by ascorbate, ascorbate apparently decreased the levels of oxidative stress in macrophages, suggesting that this pro-apoptotic effect was not mediated by a pro-oxidant mechanism, but may instead have been due to intracellular protection of the apoptotic machinery by ascorbate. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The human D-2short (D-2S) dopamine receptor has been expressed together with the G proteins Gi2 and Go in insect cells using the baculovirus system. Levels of receptor were determined using [H-3]spiperone binding. Levels of G protein heterotrimer were determined using quantitative Western blot and using [S-35]GTPgammaS saturation binding experiments. Levels of the receptor and G protein and the receptor/G protein ratio were similar in the two preparations. Stimulation of [S-35]GTPgammaS binding by a range of agonists occurred with higher relative efficacy and in some cases higher potency in the preparation expressing Go, indicating that interaction of the D-2S receptor is more efficient with this G protein. The effects of various G protein-selective agents on 10,11-dihydroxy-N-n-propylnorapomorphine ([H-3]NPA) binding were used to examine the receptor/G protein complex in the two preparations. Suramin inhibited [H-3]NPA binding with slightly higher potency in the Gi2 preparation, whereas GppNHp inhibited [H-3]NPA binding with greater potency (similar to6-fold) in the Go preparation. This may imply that the G protein is more readily activated in the D-2S/Go preparation. [H-3]Spiperone binding occurred with an increased B-max in the presence of suramin in the Go preparation but not in the Gi2 preparation, suggesting a higher affinity interaction between the free receptor and this G protein. It is concluded that the higher efficiency activation of Go by the D-2S receptor may be a function of higher affinity receptor/G protein interaction as well as a greater ability to activate the G protein. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work we report the structural characteristics of bovine serum albumin/poly(ethylene glycol) lipid conjugate (BSA/PEG(2000)-PE) complexes under physiological conditions (37 degrees C and pH 7.4) for particular fractions of BSA to PEG-lipid concentration, CBSA/C-PEG2000-PE. Ultraviolet fluorescence spectroscopy (UV) results shown that PEG(2000)-PE is associated to BSA, leading to;protein unfolding for fixed C-BSA = 0.01 wt % and variable C-PEG2000-PE = 0.0015-0.6 wt %. Tryptophan groups on the BSA surface are in contact with the PEG-lipid at C-PEG2000-PE = 0.0015 wt %, while they are exposed to water at C-PEG2000-PE (>)0.0015 wt %. Dynamic and static light scattering (DLS and SLS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) point out the existence of individual BSAIPEG-lipid complexes in the system for fixed C-BSA = 1 wt % and variable C-PEG2000-PE = 0.15-2 wt %. DLS shows that there is only one BSA molecule per protein/PEG-lipid complex, while SLS shows that the PEG-lipid associates to the BSA without promoting aggregation between adjacent protein/ polymer-lipid conjugate complexes. SANS was used to show that BSA/PEG(2000)-PE complexes adopt an oblate ellipsoidal shape. Partially unfolded BSA is contained in the core of the oblate ellipsoid, which is surrounded by an external shell containing the PEG(2000)-PE.
The complexes [Ru(1-C=C-1,10-C2B8H9)(dppe)Cp*] (3a), [Ru(1-C C-1,12-C2B10H11)(dppe)-Cp*] (3b), [{Ru(dppe)Cp*}(2){mu-1,10-(C C)(2)-1,10-C2B8H8}] (4a) and [{Ru(dppe)Cp*}(2){mu-1,12-(C C)2- 1,12-C2B10-H-10}] (4b), which form a representative series of mono- and bimetallic acetylide complexes featuring 10- and 12-vertex carboranes embedded within the dethynyl bridging ligand, have been prepared and structurally characterized. In addition, these compounds have been examined spectroscopically (UV-is-NIR, IR) in all accessible redox states. The significant separation of the two, one-electron anodic waves observed in the cyclic voltammograms of the bimetallic complexes 4a and 4b is largely independent of the nature of the electrolyte and is attributed to stabilization of the intermediate redox products [4a](+) and [4b](+) through interactions between the metal centers across a distance of ca. 12.5 angstrom. The mono-oxidized bimetallic complexes (4a](+) and [4b](+) exhibit spectroscopic properties consistent with a description of these species in terms of valence-localized (class II) mixed-valence compounds, including a unique low-energy electronic absorption band, attributed to an, IVCT-type transition that tails into the IR region. DFT calculations with model systems [4a-H](+) and [4b-H](+) featuring simplified ligand sets reproduce the observed spectroscopic data and localized electronic structures for the mixed-valence cations [4a](+) and [4b](+).
Epidemiological studies have shown that ingestion of isoflavone-rich soy products is associated with a reduced risk for the development of breast cancer. In the present study, we investigated the hypothesis that genistein modulates the expression of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) in human breast cells, thus conferring protection towards genotoxic carcinogens which are GST substrates. Our approach was to use human mammary cell lines MCF-10A and MCF-7 as models for non-neoplastic and neoplastic epithelial breast cells, respectively. MCF-10A cells expressed hGSTA1/2, hGSTA4-4, hGSTM1-1 and hGSTP1-1 proteins, but not hGSTM2-2. In contrast, MCF-7 cells only marginally expressed hGSTA1/2, hGSTA4-4 and hGSTM1-1. Concordant to the protein expression, the hGSTA4 and hGSTP1 mRNA expression was higher in the non-neoplastic cell line. Exposure to genistein significantly increased hGSTP1 mRNA (2.3-fold), hGSTP1-1 protein levels (3.1-fold), GST catalytic activity (4.7-fold) and intracellular glutathione concentrations (1.4-fold) in MCF-10A cells, whereas no effects were observed on GST expression or glutathione concentrations in MCF-7 cells. Preincubation of MCF-10A cells with genistein decreased the extent of DNA damage by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (150 mu M) and benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (50 mu M), compounds readily detoxified by hGSTA4-4 and hGSTP1-1. In conclusion, genistein pretreatment protects non-neoplastic mammary cells from certain carcinogens that are detoxified by GSTs, suggesting that dietary-mediated induction of GSTs may be a mechanism contributing to prevention against genotoxic injury in the aetiology of breast cancer.
Based on the potential benefits of cis-9, trans- 11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for human health there is a need to develop effective strategies for enhancing milk fat CLA concentrations. In this experiment, the effect of forage type and level of concentrate in the diet on milk fatty acid composition was examined in cows given a mixture of fish oil and sunflower oil. Four late lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were used in a 4 x 4 Latin-square experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments and 21-day experimental periods. Treatments consisted of grass (G) or maize (M) silage supplemented with low (L) or high (H) levels of concentrates (65: 35 and 35: 65; forage: concentrate ratio, on a dry matter (DM) basis, respectively) offered as a total mixed ration at a restricted level of intake (20 kg DM per day). Lipid supplements (30 g/kg DM) containing fish oil and sunflower oil (2: 3 w/w) were offered during the last 14 days of each experimental period. Treatments had no effect on total DM intake, milk yield, milk constituent output or milk fat content, but milk protein concentrations were lower (P<0.05) for G than M diets (mean 43.0 and 47.3 g/kg, respectively). Compared with grass silage, milk fat contained higher (P<0.05) amounts Of C-12: 0, C-14: 0, trans C-18:1 and long chain >= C20 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and lower (P<0.05) levels Of C-18:0 and trans C-18:2 when maize silage was offered. Increases in the proportion of concentrate in the diet elevated (P<0.05) C-18:2 (n-6) and long chain >= C20 (n-3) PUFA content, but reduced (P<0.05) the amount Of C-18:3 (n-3). Concentrations of trans-11 C-18:1 in milk were independent of forage type, but tended (P<0.10) to be lower for high concentrate diets (mean 7.2 and 4.0 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H respectively). Concentrations of trans-10 C-18:1 were higher (P<0.05) in milk from maize compared with grass silage (mean 10.3 and 4.1 g/100 g fatty acids, respectively) and increased in response to high levels of concentrates in the diet (mean 4.1 and 10.3 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H, respectively). Forage type had no effect (P>0.05) on total milk conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (2.7 and 2.8 g/100 g fatty acids, for M and G, respectively) or cis-9, trans-11 CLA content (2.2 and 2.4 g/100 g fatty acids). Feeding high concentrate diets tended (P<0.10) to decrease total CLA (3.3 and 2.2 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H, respectively) and cis-9, trans-11 CLA (2.9 and 1/7 g/100 g fatty acids) concentrations and increase milk trans-9, cis-11 CLA and trans-10, cis-12 CLA content. In conclusion, the basal diet is an important determinant of milk fatty acid composition when a supplement of fish oil and sunflower oil is given.