965 resultados para Process optimization


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In the Hammersley-Aldous-Diaconis process, infinitely many particles sit in R and at most one particle is allowed at each position. A particle at x, whose nearest neighbor to the right is at y, jumps at rate y - x to a position uniformly distributed in the interval (x, y). The basic coupling between trajectories with different initial configuration induces a process with different classes of particles. We show that the invariant measures for the two-class process can be obtained as follows. First, a stationary M/M/1 queue is constructed as a function of two homogeneous Poisson processes, the arrivals with rate, and the (attempted) services with rate rho > lambda Then put first class particles at the instants of departures (effective services) and second class particles at the instants of unused services. The procedure is generalized for the n-class case by using n - 1 queues in tandem with n - 1 priority types of customers. A multi-line process is introduced; it consists of a coupling (different from Liggett's basic coupling), having as invariant measure the product of Poisson processes. The definition of the multi-line process involves the dual points of the space-time Poisson process used in the graphical construction of the reversed process. The coupled process is a transformation of the multi-line process and its invariant measure is the transformation described above of the product measure.


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This work presents a novel way to introduce gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) in a multilayer polymer produced by the layer-by-layer (LbL) assembling technique. The technique chosen shows that, depending on the pH used, different morphological structures can be obtained from monolayer or bilayer Au NPs. The MEIS and RBS techniques allowed for the modelling of the interface polymer-NPs, as well as the understanding of the interaction of LbL system, when adjusting the pH in weak polyelectrolytes. The process reveals that the optical properties of multilayer systems could be fine-tuned by controlling the addition of metallic nanoparticles, which could also modify specific polarization responses.


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Due to the worldwide increase in demand for biofuels, the area cultivated with sugarcane is expected to increase. For environmental and economic reasons, an increasing proportion of the areas are being harvested without burning, leaving the residues on the soil surface. This periodical input of residues affects soil physical, chemical and biological properties, as well as plant growth and nutrition. Modeling can be a useful tool in the study of the complex interactions between the climate, residue quality, and the biological factors controlling plant growth and residue decomposition. The approach taken in this work was to parameterize the CENTURY model for the sugarcane crop, to simulate the temporal dynamics of aboveground phytomass and litter decomposition, and to validate the model through field experiment data. When studying aboveground growth, burned and unburned harvest systems were compared, as well as the effect of mineral fertilizer and organic residue applications. The simulations were performed with data from experiments with different durations, from 12 months to 60 years, in Goiana, TimbaA(0)ba and Pradpolis, Brazil; Harwood, Mackay and Tully, Australia; and Mount Edgecombe, South Africa. The differentiation of two pools in the litter, with different decomposition rates, was found to be a relevant factor in the simulations made. Originally, the model had a basically unlimited layer of mulch directly available for decomposition, 5,000 g m(-2). Through a parameter optimization process, the thickness of the mulch layer closer to the soil, more vulnerable to decomposition, was set as 110 g m(-2). By changing the layer of mulch at any given time available for decomposition, the sugarcane residues decomposition simulations where close to measured values (R (2) = 0.93), contributing to making the CENTURY model a tool for the study of sugarcane litter decomposition patterns. The CENTURY model accurately simulated aboveground carbon stalk values (R (2) = 0.76), considering burned and unburned harvest systems, plots with and without nitrogen fertilizer and organic amendment applications, in different climates and soil conditions.


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Soil as an impurity in sugarcane is a serious problem for the ethanol industry, increasing production and maintenance costs and reducing the productivity. Fe, Hf, Sc and Th determined by INAA were used as tracers to assess the amount of soil in sugarcane from truckloads as well as in the juice extraction process. Quality control tools were applied to results identifying the need for stratification according to soil type and moisture. Soil levels of truckloads had high variability indicating potential for improving cut and loading operations. Samples from the juice extraction process allowed tracking the soil in the mill tandem.


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Laser induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS) was applied for the determination of macro (P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) in sugar cane leaves, which is one of the most economically important crops in Brazil. Operational conditions were previously optimized by a neuro-genetic approach, by using a laser Nd:YAG at 1064 nm with 110 mJ per pulse focused on a pellet surface prepared with ground plant samples. Emission intensities were measured after 2.0 mu s delay time, with 4.5 mu s integration time gate and 25 accumulated laser pulses. Measurements of LIBS spectra were based on triplicate and each replicate consisted of an average of ten spectra collected in different sites (craters) of the pellet. Quantitative determinations were carried out by using univariate calibration and chemometric methods, such as PLSR and iPLS. The calibration models were obtained by using 26 laboratory samples and the validation was carried out by using 15 test samples. For comparative purpose, these samples were also microwave-assisted digested and further analyzed by ICP OES. In general, most results obtained by LIBS did not differ significantly from ICP OES data by applying a t-test at 95% confidence level. Both LIBS multivariate and univariate calibration methods produced similar results, except for Fe where better results were achieved by the multivariate approach. Repeatability precision varied from 0.7 to 15% and 1.3 to 20% from measurements obtained by multivariate and univariate calibration, respectively. It is demonstrated that LIBS is a powerful tool for analysis of pellets of plant materials for determination of macro and micronutrients by choosing calibration and validation samples with similar matrix composition.


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The study and understanding of alterations taking place during the micropropagation process can provide valuable information about this technology. The objective of this work was to evaluate the anatomical modifications in leaves of micropropagated banana (Musa spp.) plants during their adaptation to ex vitro conditions. Aseptic axillary shoots of `Preciosa` cultivar (AAAB) were rooted for 24 days in MS medium containing NAA (1mg.l(-1)) and agar (6g.l(-1)), and acclimatized for 120 days. The treatments consisted of leaves at different stages of development: T1 - leaves from plants at the end of in vitro rooting phase, T2 persistent leaves from plants after 30 days of acclimatization, T3 - new leaves from plants after 30 days of acclimatization (transition leaves). T4 - transition leaves from plants after 60 days, T5 - new leaves from plants after 60 days of acclimatization, and T6 - new leaves from plants after 120 days of acclimatization. A higher degree of differentiation and, thereby, better adaptation took place in leaves from leaf primordial differentiated in ex vitro conditions. The acclimatization phase is crucial for a greater thickness and differentiation of spongy and palisade parenchyma, and to correct the modifications of plants developed in vitro. The study of leaf anatomy provides a better understanding of alterations occurring in micropropagated banana plants.


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Under physiological conditions, elderly people present memory deficit associated with neuronal loss. This pattern is also associated with Alzheimer`s disease but, in this case, in a dramatically intensified level. Kinin receptors have been involved in neurodegeneration and increase of amyloid-beta concentration, associated with Alzheimer`s disease (AD). Considering these findings, this work evaluated the role of kinin receptors in memory consolidation during the aging process. Male C57BI/6 (wt), knock-out B1 (koB1) or B2 (koB2) mice (3, 6, 12 and 18-month-old - mo; n = 10 per group) were submitted to an acquisition session, reinforcement to learning (24 h later: test 1) and final test (7 days later: test 2), in an active avoidance apparatus, to evaluate memory. Conditioned avoidance responses (CAR, % of 50 trials) were registered. In acquisition sessions, similar CAR were obtained among age matched animals from all strains. However, a significant decrease in CAR was observed throughout the aging process (3mo: 8.8 +/- 2.3%; 6mo: 4.1 +/- 0.6%; 12mo: 2.2 +/- 0.6%, 18mo: 3.6 +/- 0.6%, P < 0.01), indicating a reduction in the learning process. In test 1, as expected, memory retention increased significantly (P < 0.05) in all 3- and 6-month-old animals as well as in 12-month-old-wt and 12-month-old-koB1 (P < 0.01), compared to the training session. However, 12-month-old-koB2 and all 18-month-old animals did not show an increase in memory retention. In test 2, 3- and 6-month-old wt and koB1 mice of all ages showed a significant improvement in memory (P < 0.05) compared to test 1. However, 12-month-old wt and koB2 mice of all ages showed no difference in memory retention. We suggest that, during the aging process, the B1 receptor could be involved in neurodegeneration and memory loss. Nevertheless, the B2 receptor is apparently acting as a neuroprotective factor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Exercise intensity is a key parameter for exercise prescription but the optimal range for individuals with high cardiorespiratory fitness is unknown. The aims of this study were (1) to determine optimal heart rate ranges for men with high cardiorespiratory fitness based on percentages of maximal oxygen consumption (%VO(2max)) and reserve oxygen consumption (%VO(2reserve)) corresponding to the ventilatory threshold and respiratory compensation point, and ( 2) to verify the effect of advancing age on the exercise intensities. Maximal cardiorespiratory testing was performed on 210 trained men. Linear regression equations were calculated using paired data points between percentage of maximal heart rate (%HR(max)) and %VO(2max) and between percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRR) and %VO(2reserve) attained at each minute during the test. Values of %VO(2max) and %VO(2reserve) at the ventilatory threshold and respiratory compensation point were used to calculate the corresponding values of %HRmax and %HRR, respectively. The ranges of exercise intensity in relation to the ventilatory threshold and respiratory compensation point were achieved at 78-93% of HR(max) and 70-93% of HRR, respectively. Although absolute heart rate decreased with advancing age, there were no age-related differences in %HR(max) and %HRR at the ventilatory thresholds. Thus, in men with high cardiorespiratory fitness, the ranges of exercise intensity based on %HR(max) and %HRR regarding ventilatory threshold were 78-93% and 70-93% respectively, and were not influenced by advancing age.


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The adaptive process in motor learning was examined in terms of effects of varying amounts of constant practice performed before random practice. Participants pressed five response keys sequentially, the last one coincident with the lighting of a final visual stimulus provided by a complex coincident timing apparatus. Different visual stimulus speeds were used during the random practice. 33 children (M age=11.6 yr.) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups: constant-random, constant-random 33%, and constant-random 66%. The constant-random group practiced constantly until they reached a criterion of performance stabilization three consecutive trials within 50 msec. of error. The other two groups had additional constant practice of 33 and 66%, respectively, of the number of trials needed to achieve the stabilization criterion. All three groups performed 36 trials under random practice; in the adaptation phase, they practiced at a different visual stimulus speed adopted in the stabilization phase. Global performance measures were absolute, constant, and variable errors, and movement pattern was analyzed by relative timing and overall movement time. There was no group difference in relation to global performance measures and overall movement time. However, differences between the groups were observed on movement pattern, since constant-random 66% group changed its relative timing performance in the adaptation phase.


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Brewer`s spent grain components (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) were fractionated in a two-step chemical pretreatment process using dilute sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions. The cellulose pulp produced was hydrolyzed with a cellulolytic complex, Celluclast 1.5 L, at 45 degrees C to convert the cellulose into glucose. Several conditions were examined: agitation speed (100, 150 and 200 rpm), enzyme loading (5, 25 and 45 FPU/g substrate), and substrate concentration (2, 5 and 8% w/v), according to a 2(3) full factorial design aiming to maximize the glucose yield. The obtained results were interpreted by analysis of variance and response surface methodology. The optimal conditions for enzymatic hydrolysis of brewer`s spent grain were identified as 100 rpm, 45 FPU/g and 2% w/v substrate. Under these conditions, a glucose yield of 93.1% and a cellulose conversion (into glucose and cellobiose) of 99.4% was achieved. The easiness of glucose release from BSG makes this substrate a raw material with great potential to be used in bioconversion processes.


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Nb(3)Sn is one of the most used superconducting materials for applications in high magnetic fields. The improvement of the critical current densities (J(c)) is important, and must be analyzed together with the optimization of the flux pinning acting in the material. For Nb(3)Sn, it is known that the grain boundaries are the most effective pinning centers. However, the introduction of artificial pinning centers (APCs) with different superconducting properties has been proved to be beneficial for J(c). As these APCs are normally in the nanometric-scale, the conventional heat treatment profiles used for Nb(3)Sn wires cannot be directly applied, leading to excessive grain growth and/or increase of the APCs cross sections. In this work, the heat treatment profiles for Nb(3)Sn superconductor wires with Cu(Sn) artificial pinning centers in nanometric-scale were analyzed in an attempt to improve J(c) . It is described a methodology to optimize the heat treatment profiles in respect to diffusion, reaction and formation of the superconducting phases. Microstructural, transport and magnetic characterization were performed in an attempt to find the pinning mechanisms acting in the samples. It was concluded that the maximum current densities were found when normal phases (due to the introduction of the APCs) are acting as main pinning centers in the global behavior of the Nb(3)Sn superconducting wire.


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Wastewater containing several dyes, including sulfur black from the dyeing process in a textile mill, was treated using a UV/H(2)O(2) process. The wastewater was characterized by a low BOD/ COD ratio, intense color and high acute toxicity to the algae species Pseudokirchneriella subcaptata. The influence of the pH and H(2)O(2) concentration on the treatment process was evaluated by a full factorial design 2(2) with three replicates of the central experiment. The removal of aromatic compounds and color was improved by an increase in the H(2)O(2) concentration and a decrease in pH. The best results were obtained at pH 5.0 and 6 g L(-1). With these conditions and 120 min of UV irradiation, the removal of the color, aromatic compounds and COD were 74.1, 55.1 and 44.8%, respectively. Under the same conditions, but using a photoreactor covered with aluminum foil, the removal of the color, aromatic compounds and COD were 92.0, 77.6 and 59.4%, respectively. Moreover, the use of aluminum foil reduced the cost of the treatment by 40.8%. These results suggest the potential application of reflective materials as a photoreactor accessory to reduce electric energy consumption during the UV/H(2)O(2) process.


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The ethanol production by Pichia stipitis was evaluated in a stirred tank bioreactor using semi-defined medium containing xylose (90.0 g/l) as the main carbon source. Experimental assays were performed according to a 2(2) full factorial design to evaluate the influence of aeration (0.25 to 0.75 vvm) and agitation (150 to 250 rpm) conditions on ethanol production. In the studied range of values, the agitation increase and aeration decrease favored ethanol production, which was maximum (26.7 g/l) using 250 rpm and 0.25 vvm, conditions that gave a volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k(L)a value) of 4.9 h(-1). Under these conditions, the ethanol yield factor, ethanol productivity, and the process efficiency were 0.32 g/g, 0.32 g/l.h, and 63%, respectively. These results are promising and contribute to the development of a suitable process for ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis.


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High-purity niobium powder can be produced via the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes The present work aimed at the effect of temperature and cooling rate conditions on the niobium hydrogenation process using hydrogen gas The hydrogen contents of the materials were evaluated by weight change and chemical analysis X ray diffraction (XRD) was performed to identify and determine the lattice parameters of the formed hydride phases No hydrogenation took place under isothermal conditions only during cooling of the materials Significant hydrogenation occurred in the 500 C and 700 C experiments leading to the formation of a beta NbH(x) single phase material (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate was used as fermentation medium for ethanol production by Pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124. Shaking bath experiments were initially performed aiming to establish the best initial xylose concentration to be used in this bioconversion process. In the sequence, assays were carried out under different agitation (100 to 200 rpm) and aeration ((V) under bar (flask)/V(medium) ratio varying from 2.5 to 5.0) conditions, and the influence of these variables on the fermentative parameters values (ethanol yield factor, Y(P/S); cell yield factor, Y(X/S); and ethanol volumetric productivity, Q(P)) was investigated through a 2(2) full-factorial design. Initial xylose concentration of about 50 g/l was the most suitable for the development of this process, since the yeast was able to convert substrate in product with high efficiency. The factorial design assays showed a strong influence of both process variables in all the evaluated responses. The agitation and aeration increase caused a deviation in the yeast metabolism from ethanol to biomass production. The best results (Y(P/S) = 0.37 g/g and Q(P) = 0.39 g/l. h) were found when the lowest aeration (2.5 V(flask)/V(medium) ratio) and highest agitation (200 rpm) levels were employed. Under this condition, a process efficiency of 72.5% was achieved. These results demonstrated that the establishment of adequate conditions of aeration is of great relevance to improve the ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis, using rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate as fermentation medium.