674 resultados para Primates.
The competitive regime faced by individuals is fundamental to modelling the evolution of social organization. In this paper, we assess the relative importance of contest and scramble food competition on the social dynamics of a provisioned semi-free-ranging Cebus apella group (n=18). Individuals competed directly for provisioned and clumped foods. Effects of indirect competition were apparent with individuals foraging in different areas and with increased group dispersion during periods of low food abundance. We suggest that both forms of competition can act simultaneously and to some extent synergistically in their influence on social dynamics; the combination of social and ecological opportunities for competition and how those opportunities are exploited both influence the nature of the relationships within social groups of primates and underlie the evolved social structure. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
The color vision of most platyrrhine primates is determined by alleles at the polymorphic X-linked locus coding for the opsin responsible for the middle- to long-wavelength (M/L) cone photopigment. Females who are heterozygous at the locus have trichromatic vision, whereas homozygous females and all males are dichromatic. This study characterized the opsin alleles in a wild population of the socially monogamous platyrrhine monkey Callicebus brunneus (the brown titi monkey), a primate that an earlier study suggests may possess an unusual number of alleles at this locus and thus may be a subject of special interest in the study of primate color vision. Direct sequencing of regions of the M/L opsin gene using feces-, blood-, and saliva-derived DNA obtained from 14 individuals yielded evidence for the presence of three functionally distinct alleles, corresponding to the most common M/L photopigment variants inferred from a physiological study of cone spectral sensitivity in captive Callicebus. Am. J. Primatol. 73:189-196, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The identification of color vision types in primates is fundamental to understanding the evolution and biological function of color perception. The Hard, Randy, and Rittler (HRR) pseudoisochromatic test categorizes human color vision types successfully. Here we provide an experimental setup to employ HRR in a nonhuman primate, the capuchin (Cebus libidinosus), a platyrrhine with polymorphic color vision. The HRR test consists of plates with a matrix composed of gray circles that vary in size and brightness. Differently colored circles form a geometric shape (X, O, or Delta) that is discriminated visually from the gray background pattern. The ability to identify these shapes determines the type of dyschromatopsy (deficiency in color vision). We tested six capuchins in their own cages under natural sunlight. The subjects chose between two HRR plates in each trial: one with the gray pattern only and the other with a colored shape, presented on the left or right side at random. We presented the test 40 times and calculated the 95 % confidence limits for chance performance based on the binomial test. We also genotyped all subjects for exons 3 and 5 of the X-linked opsin genes. The HRR test diagnosed two subjects as protan dichromats (missing or defective L-cone), three as deutan dichromats (missing or defective M-cone), and one female as trichromat. Genetic analysis supported the behavioral data for all subjects. These findings show that the HRR test can be applied to diagnose color vision in nonhuman primates.
Dengue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever (DF), a mosquito-borne illness endemic to tropical and subtropical regions. There is currently no effective drug or vaccine formulation for the prevention of DF and its more severe forms, i.e., dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). There are two generally available experimental models for the study of DENV pathogenicity as well as the evaluation of potential vaccine candidates. The first model consists of non-human primates, which do not develop symptoms but rather a transient viremia. Second, mouse-adapted virus strains or immunocompromised mouse lineages are utilized, which display some of the pathological features of the infection observed in humans but may not be relevant to the results with regard to the wild-type original virus strains or mouse lineages. In this study, we describe a genetic and pathological study of a DENV2 clinical isolate, named JHA1, which is naturally capable of infecting and killing Balb/c mice and reproduces some of the symptoms observed in DENV-infected subjects. Sequence analyses demonstrated that the JHA1 isolate belongs to the American genotype group and carries genetic markers previously associated with neurovirulence in mouse-adapted virus strains. The JHA1 strain was lethal to immunocompetent mice following intracranial (i.c.) inoculation with a LD50 of approximately 50 PFU. Mice infected with the JHA1 strain lost weight and exhibited general tissue damage and hematological disturbances, with similarity to those symptoms observed in infected humans. In addition, it was demonstrated that the JHA1 strain shares immunological determinants with the DENV2 NGC reference strain, as evaluated by cross-reactivity of anti-envelope glycoprotein (domain III) antibodies. The present results indicate that the JHA1 isolate may be a useful tool in the study of DENV pathogenicity and will help in the evaluation of anti-DENV vaccine formulations as well as potential therapeutic approaches.
This study presents the electrocardiogram findings from 97 captive tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) at the Sao Paulo Zoo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) while under ketamine anesthesia. The results did not differ greatly from data of domestic carnivores or other studied primate species. The most common rhythm recorded was normal sinus rhythm, followed by normal sinus rhythm with wandering pacemaker. Electrical axis varied from 0 degrees to -150 degrees but was most commonly between +60 degrees and +90 degrees. QRS complexes were predominantly positive in leads DI, DII, DIII, and AVF. These findings allow for the recognition of abnormal rhythms in these primate species and can contribute to future investigations into the cardiovascular diseases routinely diagnosed in primates and humans.
O músculo diafragma, encontrado apenas nos mamíferos, é o principal músculo no processo respiratório, servindo de fronteira entre as cavidades torácica e abdominal. Sua importância também ganha destaque em pesquisas realizadas no âmbito dos enxertos, empregando-se diversos tipos de membranas biológicas para o reparo de defeitos diafragmáticos, os quais podem gerar hérnias diafragmáticas. Apesar de muitos estudos já conduzidos para com os primatas não humanos, especialmente no que tange a espécie do novo mundo Callithrix jacchus (Sagui-de-tufo-branco), oriundo do nordeste brasileiro, as pesquisas envolvendo o uso do diafragma em tal espécie é inexistente. Deste modo objetivou-se caracterizar a morfologia e a biometria do diafragma na espécie Callithrix jacchus de ambos os sexos, analisando possíveis divergências estruturais entre machos e fêmeas. Para tal foram utilizados quatros animais, 2 machos e 2 fêmeas, adultos, que vieram a óbito por causas naturais, provenientes de um criadouro comercial. Após fixação em solução de formaldeído 10% os animais foram devidamente dissecados para fotodocumentação e em seguida o diafragma coletado para efetuação da biometria (comprimento e largura) com o uso de um paquímetro e para o processamento histológico por meio da coloração de hematoxilina-eosina e tricrômio de masson, da porção muscular. As mensurações feitas permitiram concluir que não houve diferenças signifcativas entre machos e femeas. A topografia e a presença de três aberturas (forame da veia cava caudal, hiato aórtico e esofágico) na extensão do diafragma corroboram com descrições na literatura classica para outros mamíferos. A presença de um centro tendíneo em "V" difere do encontrado para animais como o peixe-boi e porquinho-da-india, mas é similar ao encontrado para o gambá-de-orelhas-brancas e rato albino. No que diz respeito aos achados histológicos conclui-se que as fibras musculares estão dispostas de forma organizada, apresentam diâmetro grande e núcleos basais, tendo, portanto, características similares do músculo estriado esquelético tanto nos animais machos como nas fêmeas.
Estudou-se a morfologia do encéfalo de Nasua nasua - quati, buscando comparar estes achados com outras espécies já descritos. Foram utilizados cinco encéfalos de quatis, provenientes do Criatório Científico (Cecrimpas), Unifeob. Os animais foram eutanásiados de acordo com a legislação (Cobea). Canulou-se a artéria carótida comum e a veia jugular externa sentido cranial, injetou-se solução de látex/bário corado de vermelho na artéria carótida, e solução de látex corado de azul na veia jugular. Em seguida os animais fixados em solução de formaldeído a 10%. O encéfalo tem sua nutrição dependente de quatro artérias, as artérias carótidas internas e as artérias vertebrais direitas e esquerdas. Esses vasos compuseram o circuito basilar e carotídeo que se anastomosam através das artérias cerebrais caudais. Correm na base do encéfalo sob a meninge pia mater.
Socioecological models assume that primates adapt their social behavior to ecological conditions, and predict that food availability and distribution, predation risk and risk of infanticide by males affect patterns of social organization, social structure and mating system of primates. However, adaptability and variation of social behavior may be constrained by conservative adaptations and by phylogenetic inertia. The comparative study of closely related species can help to identify the relative contribution of ecological and of genetic determinants to primate social systems. We compared ecological features and social behavior of two species of the genus Sapajus, S. nigritus in Carlos Botelho State Park, an area of Atlantic Forest in Sao Paulo state, and S. libidinosus in Fazenda Boa Vista, a semi-arid habitat in Piaui state, Brazil. S. libidinosus perceived higher predation risk and fed on clumped, high quality, and usurpable resources (fruits) all year round, whereas S. nigritus perceived lower predation risk and relied on evenly distributed, low-quality food sources (leaves) during periods of fruit shortage. As predicted by socioecology models, S. libidinosus females were philopatric and established linear and stable dominance hierarchies, coalitions, and grooming relationships. S. nigritus females competed less often, and could transfer between groups, which might explain the lack of coalitions and grooming bonds among them. Both populations presented similar group size and composition and the same polygynous mating system. The species differed from each other in accordance with differences in the characteristics of their main food sources, as predicted by socioecological models, suggesting that phylogenetic inertia does not constrain social relationships established among female Sapajus. The similarity in mating systems indicates that this element of the social system is not affected by ecological variables and thus, is a more conservative behavioral feature of the genus Sapajus. Am. J. Primatol. 74:315331, 2012. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Callithrix penicillata belongs to the family Callitrichidae, Callithrix genus. They are basically insectivorous, but they consume fruits. The mucosa of the tongue is composed of some papillary types, revealing different levels of expertise. The present study attempted to describe the morphological and ultrastructural aspects of the dorsal surface of the C. penicillata, describing the characteristics and distribution of papillae found. Five tongues of C. penicillata (two females and three males), obtained from breeding colonies of CENP-Ananindeua-PA, died from natural causes. The material was fixed partly in a buffer solution paraformaldehyde 10% and partly in modified Karnovsky solution, divided into apex, body, and root, and then the fragments were used in light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The average length of the tongue of the females was 22 mm and for males 20.5 mm. Three types of papillae were described: filiform (along all tissue extension with 154 mu m of diameter), fungiform (along all tissue extension with 275 mu m of diameter), and vallate (just three units in caudal (dorsal) portion with 672 mu m of diameter). Data analysis indicates that the distribution and ultrastructural morphology of the C. penicillata lingual papillae are some similar to other primates. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In humans and other mammals, sperm morphology has been considered one of the most important predictive parameters of fertility. The objective was to determine the presence and distribution of sperm head morphometric subpopulations in a nonhuman primate model (Callithrix jacchus), using an objective computer analysis system and principal component analysis (PCA) methods to establish the relationship between the subpopulation distribution observed and among-donor variation. The PCA method revealed a stable number of principal components in all donors studied, that represented more than 85% of the cumulative variance in all cases. After cluster analysis, a variable number (from three to seven) sperm morphometric subpopulations were identified with defined sperm dimensions and shapes. There were differences in the distribution of the sperm morphometric subpopulations (P < 0.001) in all ejaculates among the four donors analyzed. In conclusion, in this study, computerized sperm analysis methods combined with PCA cluster analyses were useful to identify, classify, and characterize various head sperm morphometric subpopulations in nonhuman primates, yielding considerable biological information. In addition, because all individuals were kept in the same conditions, differences in the distribution of these subpopulations were not attributed to external or management factors. Finally, the substantial information derived from subpopulation analyses provided new and relevant biological knowledge which may have a practical use for future studies in human and nonhuman primate ejaculates, including identifying individuals more suitable for assisted reproductive technologies. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We describe the juvenile plumages of the Cinereous Mourner (Laniocera hypopyrra) and the Brazilian Laniisoma (Laniisoma elegans). Both L. hypopyrra and L. elegans possess a dramatically conspicuous plumage as juveniles in contrast to the generally cryptic plumage pattern exhibited by most juvenile birds. They are predominantly covered by cinnamon-orange feathers with black terminal spots, contrasting with the nest and the predominant colors of their environment. This colorful plumage presumably makes them more at risk from predation by visually oriented animals (e.g., raptors and primates), during one of the most vulnerable phases of their life, and strongly suggests these plumages function as a true, or false (mimicry), signal of 'unprofitability'. Previous knowledge concerning the phylogenetic relationships between these two genera, and the juvenile plumage patterns of other species placed in the Tityridae indicate this shared character in L. hypopyrra and L. elegans represents a synapomorphy within this clade, thereby providing additional evidence of their relationship. Received 13 December 2011. Accepted 1 May 2012.
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is the main circadian biological clock in mammals, is composed of multiple cells that function individually as independent oscillators to express the self-sustained mRNA and protein rhythms of the so-called clock genes. Knowledge regarding the presence and localization of the proteins and neuroactive substances of the SCN are essential for understanding this nucleus and for its successful manipulation. Although there have been advances in the investigation of the intrinsic organization of the SCN in rodents, little information is available in diurnal species, especially in primates. This study, which explores the pattern of expression and localization of PER2 protein in the SCN of capuchin monkey, evaluates aspects of the circadian system that are common to both primates and rodents. Here, we showed that PER2 protein immunoreactivity is higher during the light phase. Additionally, the complex organization of cells that express vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, neuron-specific nuclear protein, calbindin and calretinin in the SCN, as demonstrated by their immunoreactivity, reveals an intricate network that may be related to the similarities and differences reported between rodents and primates in the literature.
Hepatitis E is an infectious viral disease with clinical and morphological features of acute hepatitis. The aetiological agent is the Hepatitis E virus (HEV). The disease represents an important Public Health problem in developing countries where is frequently epidemic and primarily transmitted by fecal-oral route. In the last few years, a certain number of sporadic cases have been also described in industrialized countries, Italy included. A swine HEV was first identified in 1997 and is now considered an ubiquitous virus. Human and swine strains from the same geographical region have shown to have a high level of nucleotidic omology and in experimental infections, the possibility of interspecific transmission of swine strains to humans and of human strains to non-human primates has been demonstrated. Furthermore, some seroepidemiological studies have demonstrated that people working in contact with swine have a higher risk to get infected than normal blood donors. Recently, cases of HEV hepatitis have been directly associated to the ingestion of uncooked tissues from pigs, wild boar or deer and today the disease is considered an emerging zoonosis. The aims of this thesis were: evaluate HEV prevalence in Italian swine herds (both in fattening and in breeding animals); investigate the possibility of finding HEV in livers used for human consumption; investigate if there is any correlation between HEV infection and the presence of macroscopical lesions; investigate HEV prevalence in a demographic managed wild boar population; phylogenetically analyse viral strains identified. During an internship period at Veterinary Laboratories Agency (Weybridge, UK), furthermore, swine samples at different stages of production and slurry lagoons have been analysed. Six swine herds located in North Italy have been sampled at different stage of production. The overall prevalence resulted 42%, and both breeding and fattening animals were positive for HEV infection. A longitudinal study has been conducted in a herd across all stages of production until the slaughtering age. Livers have been collected from the animals at the abattoir and 11.8% of them were positive for HEV infection. No correlations have been identified between HEV infection and macroscopical lesions in pigs affected by different pathological conditions. Of 86 wild boars tested 22 (25%) were positive for HEV. Of the swine tested in UK 21,5 % and 2 of the 9 slurry lagoons (22,2%) were positive for HEV infection. All the strains identified belonged to genotype 3 and showed high percentages of nucleotidic identity with humans and swine strains identified in Europe. The high prevalence detected in these studies confirms the widespread diffusion of HEV in swine populations in Italy and in UK. Phylogenetical analysis of identified strains, similar to those identified in autochthonous human hepatitis E cases of the same geographical area, confirm the hypothesis that pigs can be a font of zoonotical infection. The finding that a fraction of the livers inserted in the food chain are positive for HEV infection it’s of some concern for Public Health. The finding of a high HEV prevalence in all examined farms, together with the observation that infection may be sub-clinical and affect animals at slaughtering age, raise concern because of the possible risk of transmission of HEV to humans by either direct contact with infected pigs, indirect contact with environment and working instruments contaminated with pig feces, or ingestion of contaminated undercooked meat.
Der Längenpolymorphismus des C4-Gens beruht auf der An- oder Abwesenheit einer 6.4 kb langen Insertion im Intron 9. Es handelt sich dabei um einen eigenständigen bisher noch nicht beschriebenen Virus-Typ, der alle Sequenzmerkmale der Familie der humanen endogenen Retroviren (HERV) trägt und zu den HERV-K Viren gehört. Der Provirus wurde als HERV-K(C4) bezeichnet. Die Orientierung dieses retroviralen Elements ist entgegengesetzt zu der Transkriptionsrichtung des C4-Gens. Mittels RT-PCR, RNase Protection Assays und Northern-Blot Analysen konnte der Nachweis von HERV-K(C4)-Antisense mRNA-Transkripten in verschiedenen humanen Zellinien und Geweben erbracht werden. Die retroviralen Transkripte schlossen am 5'- und 3'-Ende Sequenzen des C4-Exon 9 und Exon 10 ein, so daß diese wahrscheinlich "readthrough" Transkripte darstellen, die durch einen 5' des LTR2 gelegenen Promotor initiiert oder im Zusammenhang mit der C4-Expression transkribiert und reguliert werden. Weiterhin konnten insgesamt 4 HERV-K(C4)-mRNA Spezies, einschließlich einer Vollängen-RNA detektiert werden. Die drei subgenomischen mRNAs werden vermutlich durch einfaches und mehrfaches Spleißen generiert. Die quantitative Analyse in verschiedenen humanen Zellinien ergab, daß HERV-K(C4) durchschnittlich mit einer Kopienanzahl zwischen ca.1 bis 100 Transkripten in einer Zelle vorkommt, so daß es sich um low abundance mRNAs handelt. Mittels eines Reportergen-System konnte eine Aktivität des LTR2-Promotors in der Sense-Orientierung des Retrovirus nachgewiesen werden, die nach Stimulation mit IFN- signifikant abnahm. Ein humanes Modell-Systems wurde etabliert, um die Theorie einer Antisense-Abwehr gegen exogene Retroviren in HepG2-Zellen zu überprüfen. Die Theorie basiert auf dem Nachweis von HERV-K(C4)-Antisense-Transkripten, die über eine Heteroduplexbildung mit der Sense-mRNA von verwandten, infektiösen Retroviren eine mögliche Blockierung deren Translation erwirken könnten. Es konnte eine signifikante Abnahme der retroviralen Expression von bis zu 45% nach steigenden Dosen an IFN- in HepG2-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Der funktionell aktive 3'-LTR-Sense Promotor sowie der Nachweis von HERV-K(C4)-Antisense Transkripten sprechen für die bedeutende Rolle von HERV-K(C4) bei der Genregulation und Schutz gegen exogene Retroviren, wodurch eine Selektion stattgefunden hat.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and mammals. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the most common TSE in humans, can be sporadic (sCJD), genetic (gCJD), or acquired by infection. All TSEs are characterised by the accumulation of PrPSc, a misfolded form of the cellular protein PrPC. PrPSc is insoluble in detergents, partially resistant to proteolysis and shows a highly enriched β-sheet secondary structure. Six clinico-pathological phenotypes of sCJD have been characterized which correlate at the molecular level with two types (1 or 2) of PrPSc with distinctive physicochemical properties and the genotype at the polymorphic (methionine or valine) codon 129 of the prion protein gene. According to the protein-only hypothesis, which postulates that prions are composed exclusively of PrPSc, the strains of prions that are largely responsible for the wide spectrum of TSE phenotypes are enciphered in PrPSc conformation. In support to this view, studies mainly conducted in experimental scrapie, have shown that several prion strains can be identified based on distinguishing PrPSc biochemical properties. To further contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of strains and to develop more sensitive strain typing assays in humans we have analyzed PrPSc biochemical properties in two experimental setting. In the first we compared the size of the core after protease digestion and the glycoform pattern of PrPSc before and after transmission of human prions to non human primates or bank voles, whereas in the second we analyzed the conformational stability of PrPSc associated with sCJD, vCJD or fCJD using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) as denaturant. Combining the results of the two studies, we were able to distinguish five human strains for at least one biochemical property. The present data extend our knowledge about the extent of strain variation and its relationship with PrPSc properties in human TSEs.