560 resultados para Photorefractive holographic interferometry


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the quasi-elastic deformational behavior that has been induced by groundwater withdrawal of the Tertiary detrital aquifer of Madrid (Spain). The spatial and temporal evolution of ground surface displacement was estimated by processing two datasets of radar satellite images (SAR) using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI). The first SAR dataset was acquired between April 1992 and November 2000 by ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites, and the second one by the ENVISAT satellite between August 2002 and September 2010. The spatial distribution of PSI measurements reveals that the magnitude of the displacement increases gradually towards the center of the well field area, where approximately 80 mm of maximum cumulated displacement is registered. The correlation analysis made between displacement and piezometric time series provides a correlation coefficient greater than 85% for all the wells. The elastic and inelastic components of measured displacements were separated, observing that the elastic component is, on average, more than 4 times the inelastic component for the studied period. Moreover, the hysteresis loops on the stress–strain plots indicate that the response is in the elastic range. These results demonstrate the quasi-elastic behavior of the aquifer. During the aquifer recovery phase ground surface uplift almost recovers from the subsidence experienced during the preceding extraction phase. Taking into account this unique aquifer system, a one dimensional elastic model was calibrated in the period 1997–2000. Subsequently, the model was used to predict the ground surface movements during the period 1992–2010. Modeled displacements were validated with PSI displacement measurements, exhibiting an error of 13% on average, related with the inelastic component of deformation occurring as a long-term trend in low permeability fine-grained units. This result further demonstrates the quasi-elastic deformational behavior of this unique aquifer system.


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A new methodology is proposed to produce subsidence activity maps based on the geostatistical analysis of persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) data. PSI displacement measurements are interpolated based on conditional Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) to calculate multiple equiprobable realizations of subsidence. The result from this process is a series of interpolated subsidence values, with an estimation of the spatial variability and a confidence level on the interpolation. These maps complement the PSI displacement map, improving the identification of wide subsiding areas at a regional scale. At a local scale, they can be used to identify buildings susceptible to suffer subsidence related damages. In order to do so, it is necessary to calculate the maximum differential settlement and the maximum angular distortion for each building of the study area. Based on PSI-derived parameters those buildings in which the serviceability limit state has been exceeded, and where in situ forensic analysis should be made, can be automatically identified. This methodology has been tested in the city of Orihuela (SE Spain) for the study of historical buildings damaged during the last two decades by subsidence due to aquifer overexploitation. The qualitative evaluation of the results from the methodology carried out in buildings where damages have been reported shows a success rate of 100%.


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Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between different ocular and corneal biomechanical parameters in emmetropic and ametropic healthy white children. Methods: This study included 293 eyes of 293 healthy Spanish children (135 boys and 158 girls), ranging in age from 6 to 17 years. Subjects were divided according to the refractive error: control (emmetropia, 99 children), myopia (100 children), and hyperopia (94 children) groups. In all cases, corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) were evaluated with the Ocular Response Analyzer system. Axial length (AL) and mean corneal power were also measured by partial coherence interferometry (IOLMaster), and central corneal thickness (CCT) and anterior chamber depth were measured by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (Visante). Results: Mean (±SD) CH and CRF were 12.12 (±1.71) and 12.30 (±1.89) mm Hg, respectively. Mean (±SD) CCT was 542.68 (±37.20) μm and mean (±SD) spherical equivalent was +0.14 (±3.41) diopters. A positive correlation was found between CH and CRF (p < 0.001), and both correlated as well with CCT (p < 0.0001). Corneal resistance factor was found to decrease with increasing age (p = 0.01). Lower levels of CH were associated with longer AL and more myopia (p < 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively). Higher values of CH were associated with increasing hyperopia. Significant differences in CH were found between emmetropic and myopic groups (p < 0.001) and between myopic and hyperopic groups (p = 0.011). There were also significant differences in CRF between emmetropic and myopic groups (p = 0.02). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that lower CH and CRF significantly associated with thinner CCT, longer AL, and flatter corneal curvature. Conclusions: The Ocular Response Analyzer corneal biomechanical properties seem to be compromised in myopia from an early age, especially in high myopia.


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A twenty-year period of severe land subsidence evolution in the Alto Guadalentín Basin (southeast Spain) is monitored using multi-sensor SAR images, processed by advanced differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) techniques. The SAR images used in this study consist of four datasets acquired by ERS-1/2, ENVISAT, ALOS and COSMO-SkyMed satellites between 1992 and 2012. The integration of ground surface displacement maps retrieved for different time periods allows us to quantify up to 2.50 m of cumulated displacements that occurred between 1992 and 2012 in the Alto Guadalentín Basin. DInSAR results were locally compared with global positioning system (GPS) data available for two continuous stations located in the study area, demonstrating the high consistency of local vertical motion measurements between the two different surveying techniques. An average absolute error of 4.6 ± 4 mm for the ALOS data and of 4.8 ± 3.5 mm for the COSMO-SkyMed data confirmed the reliability of the analysis. The spatial analysis of DInSAR ground surface displacement reveals a direct correlation with the thickness of the compressible alluvial deposits. Detected ground subsidence in the past 20 years is most likely a consequence of a 100–200 m groundwater level drop that has persisted since the 1970s due to the overexploitation of the Alto Guadalentín aquifer system. The negative gradient of the pore pressure is responsible for the extremely slow consolidation of a very thick (> 100 m) layer of fine-grained silt and clay layers with low vertical hydraulic permeability (approximately 50 mm/h) wherein the maximum settlement has still not been reached.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate in a pilot study the visual, refractive, corneal topographic, and aberrometric changes after wavefront-guided LASIK or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) using a high-resolution aberrometer to calculate the treatment for aberrated eyes. METHODS: Twenty aberrated eyes of 18 patients undergoing wavefront-guided LASIK or PRK using the VISX STARS4IR excimer laser and the iDesign aberrometer (Abbott Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA) were enrolled in this prospective study. Three groups were differentiated: keratoconus post-CXL group including 11 keratoconic eyes (10 patients), post-LASIK group including 5 eyes (5 patients) with previous decentered LASIK treatments, and post-RK group including 4 eyes (3 patients) with previous radial keratotomy. Visual, refractive, contrast sensitivity, corneal topographic, and ocular aberrometric changes were evaluated during a 6-month follow-up. RESULTS: An improvement in uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected visual acuity (CDVA) associated with a reduction in the spherical equivalent was observed in the three groups, but was only statistically significant in the keratoconus post-CXL and post-LASIK groups (P ≤ .04). All eyes gained one or more lines of CDVA after surgery. Improvements in contrast sensitivity were observed in the three groups, but they were only statistically significant in the keratoconus post-CXL and post-LASIK groups (P ≤ .04). Regarding aberrations, a reduction was observed in trefoil aberrations in the keratoconus post-CXL group (P = .05) and significant reductions in higher-order and primary coma aberrations in the post-LASIK group (P = .04). CONCLUSIONS: Wavefront-guided laser enhancements using the evaluated platform seem to be safe and effective to restore the visual function in aberrated eyes.


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Emulsion detectors feature a very high position resolution and consequently represent an ideal device when particle detection is required at the micrometric scale. This is the case of quantum interferometry studies with antimatter, where micrometric fringes have to be measured. In this framework, we designed and realized a new emulsion based detector characterized by a gel enriched in terms of silver bromide crystal contents poured on a glass plate. We tested the sensitivity of such a detector to low energy positrons in the range 10–20 keV . The obtained results prove that nuclear emulsions are highly efficient at detecting positrons at these energies. This achievement paves the way to perform matter-wave interferometry with positrons using this technology.


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Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging coherence-domain technique capable of in vivo imaging of sub-surface structures at millimeter-scale depth. Its steady progress over the last decade has been galvanized by a breakthrough detection concept, termed spectral-domain OCT, which has resulted in a dramatic improvement of the OCT signal-to-noise ratio of 150 times demonstrated for weakly scattering objects at video-frame-rates. As we have realized, however, an important OCT sub-system remains sub-optimal: the sample arm traditionally operates serially, i.e. in flying-spot mode. To realize the full-field image acquisition, a Fourier holography system illuminated with a swept-source is employed instead of a Michelson interferometer commonly used in OCT. The proposed technique, termed Fourier-domain OCT, offers a new leap in signal-to-noise ratio improvement, as compared to flying-spot OCT systems, and represents the main thrust of this paper. Fourier-domain OCT is described, and its basic theoretical aspects, including the reconstruction algorithm, are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An approach reported recently by Alexandrov et al (2005 Int. J Imag. Syst. Technol. 14 253-8) on optical scatter imaging, termed digital Fourier microscopy (DFM), represents an adaptation of digital Fourier holography to selective imaging of biological matter. The holographic mode of the recording of the sample optical scatter enables reconstruction of the sample image. The form-factor of the sample constituents provides a basis for discrimination of these constituents implemented via flexible digital Fourier filtering at the post-processing stage. As in dark-field microscopy, the DFM image contrast appears to improve due to the suppressed optical scatter from extended sample structures. In this paper, we present the theoretical and experimental study of DFM using a biological phantom that contains polymorphic scatterers.


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We demonstrate that it is possible, in principle, to perform a Ramsey-type interference experiment to exhibit a coherent superposition of a single atom and a diatomic molecule. This gedanken experiment, based on the techniques of Aharonov and Susskind [Phys. Rev. 155, 1428 (1967)], explicitly violates the commonly accepted superselection rule that forbids coherent superpositions of eigenstates of differing atom number. A Bose-Einstein condensate plays the role of a reference frame that allows for coherent operations analogous to Ramsey pulses. We also investigate an analogous gedanken experiment to exhibit a coherent superposition of a single boson and a fermion, violating the commonly accepted superselection rule forbidding coherent superpositions of states of differing particle statistics. In this case, the reference frame is realized by a multimode state of many fermions. This latter case reproduces all of the relevant features of Ramsey interferometry, including Ramsey fringes over many repetitions of the experiment. However, the apparent inability of this proposed experiment to produce well-defined relative phases between two distinct systems each described by a coherent superposition of a boson and a fermion demonstrates that there are additional, outstanding requirements to fully lift the univalence superselection rule.


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This paper reviews a number of used and/or proposed ideas for optical detection of small particles including single molecules. Different techniques (direct absorption and scattering, interferometry, use of sub Poissonian statistics, cavity enhancement, and thermal lens detection) are compared in terms of signal-to-noise ratio. It is shown that scattering (resonance and non resonance) fundamentally remains the method of choice for most applications.


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Since 1996 direct femtosecond inscription in transparent dielectrics has become the subject of intensive research. This enabling technology significantly expands the technological boundaries for direct fabrication of 3D structures in a wide variety of materials. It allows modification of non-photosensitive materials, which opens the door to numerous practical applications. In this work we explored the direct femtosecond inscription of waveguides and demonstrated at least one order of magnitude enhancement in the most critical parameter - the induced contrast of the refractive index in a standard borosilicate optical glass. A record high induced refractive contrast of 2.5×10-2 is demonstrated. The waveguides fabricated possess one of the lowest losses, approaching level of Fresnel reflection losses at the glassair interface. High refractive index contrast allows the fabrication of curvilinear waveguides with low bend losses. We also demonstrated the optimisation of the inscription regimes in BK7 glass over a broad range of experimental parameters and observed a counter-intuitive increase of the induced refractive index contrast with increasing translation speed of a sample. Examples of inscription in a number of transparent dielectrics hosts using high repetition rate fs laser system (both glasses and crystals) are also presented. Sub-wavelength scale periodic inscription inside any material often demands supercritical propagation regimes, when pulse peak power is more than the critical power for selffocusing, sometimes several times higher than the critical power. For a sub-critical regime, when the pulse peak power is less than the critical power for self-focusing, we derive analytic expressions for Gaussian beam focusing in the presence of Kerr non-linearity as well as for a number of other beam shapes commonly used in experiments, including astigmatic and ring-shaped ones. In the part devoted to the fabrication of periodic structures, we report on recent development of our point-by-point method, demonstrating the shortest periodic perturbation created in the bulk of a pure fused silica sample, by using third harmonics (? =267 nm) of fundamental laser frequency (? =800 nm) and 1 kHz femtosecond laser system. To overcome the fundamental limitations of the point-by-point method we suggested and experimentally demonstrated the micro-holographic inscription method, which is based on using the combination of a diffractive optical element and standard micro-objectives. Sub-500 nm periodic structures with a much higher aspect ratio were demonstrated. From the applications point of view, we demonstrate examples of photonics devices by direct femtosecond fabrication method, including various vectorial bend-sensors fabricated in standard optical fibres, as well as a highly birefringent long-period gratings by direct modulation method. To address the intrinsic limitations of femtosecond inscription at very shallow depths we suggested the hybrid mask-less lithography method. The method is based on precision ablation of a thin metal layer deposited on the surface of the sample to create a mask. After that an ion-exchange process in the melt of Ag-containing salts allows quick and low-cost fabrication of shallow waveguides and other components of integrated optics. This approach covers the gap in direct fs inscription of shallow waveguide. Perspectives and future developments of direct femtosecond micro-fabrication are also discussed.


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This thesis presents detailed investigation of UV inscribed fibre grating based devices and novel developments in the applications of such devices in optical sensing and fibre laser systems. The major contribution of this PhD programme includes the systematic study on fabrication, spectral characteristics and applications of different types of UV written in-fibre gratings such as Type I and IA Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs), Chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings (CFBGs) and Tilted Fibre Gratings (TFGs) with small, large and 45º tilted structures inscribed in normal silica fibre. Three fabrication techniques including holographic, phase-mask and blank beam exposure scanning, which were employed to fabricate a range of gratings in standard single mode fibre, are fully discussed. The thesis reports the creation of smart structures with self-sensing capability by embedding FBG-array sensors in Al matrix composite. In another part of this study, we have demonstrated the particular significant improvements made in sensitising standard FBGs to the chemical surrounding medium by inducing microstructure to the grating by femtosecond (fs) patterning assisted chemical etching technique. Also, a major work is presented for the investigation on the structures, inscription methods and spectral Polarisation Dependent Loss (PDL) and thermal characteristics of different angle TFGs. Finally, a very novel application in realising stable single polarisation and multiwavelength switchable Erbium Doped Fibre Lasers (EDFLs) using intracavity polarisation selective filters based on TFG devices with tilted structures at small, large and exact 45° angles forms another important contribution of this thesis.


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The aim of the research work described in this thesis was to investigate the interrogation of fibre optic sensors using "off the shelf optical components and equipment developed mainly for the telecommunications industry. This provides a cost effective way of bringing fibre optic sensor systems to within the price range of their electro-mechanical counterparts. The research work focuses on the use of an arrayed waveguide grating, an acousto-optic tuneable filter and low-coherence interferometry to measure dynamic strain and displacement using fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Based on the intrinsic properties of arrayed waveguide gratings and acousto-optic tuneable filters used in conjunction with interferometry, fibre Bragg gratings and interferometric sensors a number of novel fibre optic sensor interrogation systems have been realised. Special single mode fibre, namely, high-birefringence fibre has been employed to implement a dual-beam interrogating interferometer. The first interrogation scheme is based on an optical channel monitor, which is an arrayed waveguide grating with integral photo-detectors providing a number of amplified electrical outputs. It is used to interrogate fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Using the properties of polarisation maintainability in high-birefringent fibre an interrogating interferometer was realised by winding a length of the fibre around a piezoelectric modulator generating a low-frequency carrier signal. The system was used to interrogate both fibre Bragg grating and interferometric sensors. Finally, the use of an acousto-optic tuneable filter is employed to interrogate fibre Bragg gratings. The device is used to generate a very high frequency carrier signal at the output of an optical interferometer.


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This thesis describes a detailed study of advanced fibre grating devices using Bragg (FBG) and long-period (LPG) structures and their applications in optical communications and sensing. The major contributions presented in this thesis are summarised below. One of the most important contributions from the research work presented in this thesis is a systematic theoretical study of many distinguishing structures of fibre gratings. Starting from the Maxwell equations, the coupled-mode equations for both FBG and LPG were derived and the mode-overlap factor was analytically discussed. Computing simulation programmes utilising matrix transform method based on the models built upon the coupled-mode equations were developed, enabling simulations of spectral response in terms of reflectivity, bandwidth, sidelobes and dispersion of gratings of different structures including uniform and chirped, phase-shifted, Moiré, sampled Bragg gratings, phase-shifted and cascaded long-period gratings. Although the majority of these structures were modelled numerically, analytical expressions for some complex structures were developed with a clear physical picture. Several apodisation functions were proposed to improve sidelobe suppression, which guided effective production of practical devices for demanding applications. Fibre grating fabrication is the other major part involved in the Ph.D. programme. Both the holographic and scan-phase-mask methods were employed to fabricate Bragg and long-period gratings of standard and novel structures. Significant improvements were particularly made in the scan-phase-mask method to enable the arbitrarily tailoring of the spectral response of grating devices. Two specific techniques - slow-shifting and fast-dithering the phase-mask implemented by a computer controlled piezo - were developed to write high quality phase-shifted, sampled and apodised gratings. A large number of LabVIEW programmes were constructed to implement standard and novel fabrication techniques. In addition, some fundamental studies of grating growth in relating to the UV exposure and hydrogenation induced index were carried out. In particular, Type IIa gratings in non-hydrogenated B/Ge co-doped fibres and a re-generated grating in hydrogenated B/Ge fibre were investigated, showing a significant observation of thermal coefficient reduction. Optical sensing applications utilising fibre grating devices form the third major part of the research work presented in this thesis. Several experiments of novel sensing and sensing-demodulating were implemented. For the first time, an intensity and wavelength dual-coding interrogation technique was demonstrated showing significantly enhanced capacity of grating sensor multiplexing. Based on the mode-splitting measurement, instead of using conventional wavelength-shifting detection technique, successful demonstrations were also made for optical load and bend sensing of ultra-high sensitivity employing LPG structures. In addition, edge-filters and low-loss high-rejection bandpass filters of 50nm stop-band were fabricated for application in optical sensing and high-speed telecommunication systems


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A study has been made of the coalescence of secondary dispersions in beds of woven meshes. The variables investigated were superficial velocity, bed depth, mesh geometry and fibre material; the effects of presoaking the bed in the dispersed phase before operation were also considered. Equipment was design~d to generate a 0.1% phase ratio toluene in water dispersion whose mean drop size was determined using a Coulter Counter. The coalesced drops were sized by photography and a novel holographic technique was developed to evaluate the mean diameter of the effluent secondary drops. Previous models describing single phase flow in porous media are reviewed and it was found that the experimental data obtained in this study is best represented by Keller's equation which is based on a physical model similar to the internal structure of the meshes. Statistical analysis of two phase data produced a correlation, for each mesh tested, relating the pressure drop to superficial velocity and bed depth. The flow parameter evaluated from the single phase model is incorporated into a theoretical comparison of drop capture mechanisms which indicated that direct and indirect interception are predominant. The resulting equation for drop capture efficiericy is used to predict the initial, local drop capture rate in a coalescer. A mathematical description of the saturation profiles was formulated and verified by average saturation data. Based 6n the Blake-Kozeny equation, an expression is derived analytically to predict the two phase pressure drop using the parameters which characterise the saturation profiles. By specifying the local saturation at the inlet face for a given velocity, good agreement between experimental pressure drop data and the model predictions was obtained.