967 resultados para Pesticides and wildlife.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ten young partridges (Rhynchotus rufescens) were vaccinated with the lentogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus. Another eight unvaccinated birds were kept in close contact with the treated flock. Antibodies levels were measured over the course of 3 mo in all birds using the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and the liquid-phase blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (LPB-ELISA). The LPB-ELISA was standardized, and the results were compared with those obtained with the HI test. Antibodies increased after 23 days postvaccination in 16 birds with no side effects as determined by both the HI test and the LPB-ELISA.


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Sugar cane cultivation in the State of São Paulo has expanded in the last years, with an annual production of 200 10(6) t in an area of 2.5 10(6) hectares. The use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers in sugar cane plantations, together with deforestation of riparian vegetation, have caused impacts on the hydric resources of the adjacent areas. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of sugar cane plantations on streams in the central region of the State of São Paulo, studying 16 organochlorinated compounds and 7 metals (Cu, Fe, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cr and Ni) found in the sediments of 11 streams. The results show that there is a higher concentration of metals and organochlorinated compounds in streams without riparian vegetation when compared to forested areas.


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A discussion about groundwater contamination is presented in this work. Contamination by agricultural activity, more specifically by pesticides is emphasized. Indirect and direct estimates could be used to predict pesticide behavior in soil, and consequently, to evaluate the potential of groundwater contamination. These results could be applied to advise about the possibility of groundwater contamination by pesticides, and to provide subsidies for making decisions more quickly and efficiently.


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Assim como a maioria dos cultivos, em cafeeiro, a associação de inimigos naturais com produtos fitossanitários seletivos é uma importante estratégia no manejo integrado de pragas (MIP). Dessa forma, este estudo objetivou avaliar a seletividade de agrotóxicos utilizados na cultura cafeeira sobre larvas de Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, 1853 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), em laboratório. Os bioensaios foram realizados em condições controladas (25±2°C, UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 12 horas). Cada bioensaio consistiu em seis tratamentos e dez repetições, sendo cada parcela composta por duas larvas. Para as comparações das médias dos tratamentos, empregou-se um esquema fatorial inteiramente ao acaso de produtos x número de instares para os diferentes instares subsequentes à aplicação. Os inseticidas utilizados e suas respectivas dosagens de aplicação, em g de i.a. L-1 foram: tiametoxam (0,5), imidacloprido (0,7), óleo mineral (13,3), endossulfam (2,63) e dimetoato (0,48). A testemunha foi composta apenas por água destilada. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada por meio de torre de Potter. Avaliaram-se a sobrevivência dos espécimes após serem contaminados com os produtos e os efeitos dos compostos sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos do predador. Tiametoxam (0,5), imidacloprido (0,7) e endossulfam (2,63) foram os mais prejudiciais, tendo sido observados, para os dois primeiros, 100% de mortalidade de larvas de primeiro e de segundo instares um dia após a aplicação e significativa redução na sobrevivência das larvas de terceiro e quarto instares. Dimetoato (0,48) foi nocivo para larvas de primeiro instar e levemente nocivo para larvas de quarto instar. em função da seletividade apresentada pelo óleo mineral (13,3), este pode ser recomendado em compatibilização com o predador C. montrouzieri em programas de MIP na cultura cafeeira, sem prejuízo ao desempenho do inimigo natural.


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Procurou-se relacionar as informações disponíveis sobre os organoclorados e os efeitos crônicos provocados pela exposição. Os compostos organoclorados são os praguicidas mais persistentes já fabricados. Embora sejam geralmente eficientes no controle das pragas, são importantes poluentes ambientais e potenciais causas de problemas de saúde para o homem, tendo sido proibidos ou controlados na maioria dos países. Com poucas exceções, os efeitos tardios desses compostos sobre a saúde humana são difíceis de detectar, em função de dificuldades metodológicas e da extrapolação dos resultados. A genotoxicidade está entre os mais sérios dos possíveis danos causados por esses compostos e merece atenção especial, devido à natureza irreversível do processo. Outro ponto a ser considerado é o aumento na incidência de alterações no desenvolvimento do trato reprodutivo e na fertilidade masculina observada nas últimas décadas provavelmente decorrente do aumento da exposição intra-uterina a compostos estrogênicos e anti-androgênicos, como os organoclorados.


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This work reports basic hematologic values of a sample of a population of free-living marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) living by the Parana River in Southeast Brazil. Hematologic values are presented separately for male, female, and young animals as well as for anesthetized and nonanesthetized cervids. Nonanesthetized deer restrained by physical means had significantly higher erythrocyte indices and total leukocyte counts. Comparisons of blood parameters of anesthetized animals of different ages and gender differed slightly, with only two significant differences observed: young animals had significantly higher red blood cell counts than adult males and a lower blood total protein content when compared to adult females. Results indicate that two main reference ranges for blood values should be considered for marsh deer, for blood obtained from anesthetized or physically restrained individuals.


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The prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chlamydia psittaci) infection was assessed in 95 apparently healthy, captive Amazon parrots from three breeder collections in southeastern and west-central Brazil. Cloacal swabs from 95 birds were tested for chlamydial antigen, which was detected by direct immunofluorescence (DIF), and serum samples from 44 of these birds were tested for antibodies to C. psittaci using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The prevalences of active infection as detected by DIF were 16.7%, 22.2%, and 56.1%, and seroprevalences were 100%, 87.5%, and 60% in flocks A, B, and C, respectively. We can therefore infer that C. psittaci may be widespread in captive parrot populations in Brazil.


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dThe detection of aromatic compounds from pesticides and industrial wastewater has become of great interest, since these compounds withstand chemical oxidation and biological degradation, accumulating in the environment. In this work, a highly sensitive biosensor for detecting catechol was obtained with the immobilization of Cl-catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (CCD) in nanostructured films. CCD layers were alternated with poly(amidoamine) generation 4 (PAMAM G4) dendrimer using the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements indicated that the immobilized CCD preserved the same conformation as in solution. The thickness of the very first CCD layers in the LbL films was estimated at ca. 3.6 nm, as revealed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). PAMAM/CCD 10-bilayer films were employed in detecting diluted catechol solutions using either an optical or electrical approach. Due to the mild immobilization conditions employed, especially regarding the pH and ionic strength of the dipping solutions, CCD remained active in the films for periods longer than 3 weeks. The optical detection comprised absorption experiments in which the formation of cis-cis muconic acid, resulting from the reaction between CCD and catechol, was monitored by measuring the absorbance at 260 nm after film immersion in catechol solutions. The electrical detection was carried out using LbL films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes immersed in aqueous solutions at different catechol concentrations. Using impedance spectroscopy in a broad frequency range (1Hz-1kHz), we could detect catechol in solutions at concentrations as low as 10(-10) M. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Little is known about neoplasia in the jaguar (Panthera onca), the largest American feline. A captive black jaguar was diagnosed at necropsy with a mastocytic form of visceral mast cell tumor similar to that which occurs in domestic cats. This animal had no previous clinical disease and died during anesthesia for a routine dental treatment.


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Esophageal-pharyngeal fluids from 53 free-ranging marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) captured for a research program in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, were assayed for tuberculosis. Total DNA was extracted, amplified by polymerase chain reaction using specific primers for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. microti, and M. africanum), and observed by agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide. All samples were negative. This, along with necropsy and histopathology data, suggests that these animals are not shedding and probably do not have active disease.


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Fifty-eight blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) nestlings, recovered from the illegal trade, became ill at a wildlife rehabilitation center in São Paulo State, Brazil. Clinical signs observed were nonspecific, and the mortality rate was 96.5% despite initial treatment with norfloxacin. Postmortem examinations were performed on 10 birds. Liver and spleen smears showed structures suggestive of Chlamydophila psittaci in four cases. Diagnosis was confirmed by seminested polymerase chain reaction on tissue samples. Other birds from the same location showed no clinical signs of the disease, although high complement fixation titers to C. psittaci were found in 10 adult psittacines. All birds in the facility were treated with doxycycline. The two surviving nestlings did not recover after two doxycycline treatments and were euthanatized. The high mortality rate observed in this outbreak was attributed to poor conditions of husbandry and delays in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. After diagnosis, improved control measures for chlamydiosis were instituted.


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The corneal endothelium is essential for the maintenance of the corneal transparency. The aim of this study was to examine the morphology of the endothelial surface and perform morphometric analysis of the normal corneal endothelial cells of the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) using scanning electron microscopy. The present work demonstrates that the corneal endothelium of the Magellanic penguin is similar to those described in other vertebrates. Copyright 2005 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.


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Captive brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) were manually restrained to assess tear production by the Schirmer tear test I to measure intraocular pressure by applanation tonometry, to examine ocular conjunctival epithelial cells via cytologic and histologic samples, and to survey ocular conjunctival microflora by microbiologic culture. The mean value for the Schirmer tear test I was 8.9 ± 1.8 mm/min, and the mean intraocular pressure was 15.3 ± 3.1 mm Hg. Conjunctival epithelium contained stratified pavimentous layers of cells, and the microflora consisted of predominantly gram-positive bacteria. Copyright 2007 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.