990 resultados para Personal variables
La creació, anàlisi i implementació d’una marca pròpia online i offline com a forma d’autopromoció del valor individual en el món laboral. Amb aquesta finalitat es desenvoluparà una estratègia de comunicació personal que comprengui els coneixements, eines i recursos necessaris per convertir-se en l’opció preferent. L’elaboració d’aquesta estratègia estarà basada en un context real i avalada per casos d’èxit d’un bon Pla de Personal Branding i confrontada per autors de referència.
by Isabel, Baiba, Lillis, Maria, and Ermis
Establecer los procedimientos que permitan al IMARPE cumplir con la normativa sobre la prohibición de contratación de personal en casos de parentesco.
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is increasingly used in daily clinical practice. However, little is known about its clinical utility such as image quality, safety and impact on patient management. In addition, there is limited information about the potential of CMR to acquire prognostic information. METHODS: The European Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Registry (EuroCMR Registry) will consist of two parts: 1) Multicenter registry with consecutive enrolment of patients scanned in all participating European CMR centres using web based online case record forms. 2) Prospective clinical follow up of patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) every 12 months after enrolment to assess prognostic data. CONCLUSION: The EuroCMR Registry offers an opportunity to provide information about the clinical utility of routine CMR in a large number of cases and a diverse population. Furthermore it has the potential to gather information about the prognostic value of CMR in specific patient populations.
by Isabel, Baiba, Lillis, Maria, and Ermis
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Besides their well-established role in circadian rhythms, our findings that the forebrain expression of the clock-genes Per2 and Dbp increases and decreases, respectively, in relation to time spent awake suggest they also play a role in the homeostatic aspect of sleep regulation. Here, we determined whether time of day modulates the effects of elevated sleep pressure on clock-gene expression. Time of day effects were assessed also for recognized electrophysiological (EEG delta power) and molecular (Homer1a) markers of sleep homeostasis. DESIGN: EEG and qPCR data were obtained for baseline and recovery from 6-h sleep deprivation starting at ZT0, -6, -12, or -18. SETTING: Mouse sleep laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Male mice. INTERVENTIONS: Sleep deprivation. RESULTS: The sleep-deprivation induced changes in Per2 and Dbp expression importantly varied with time of day, such that Per2 could even decrease during sleep deprivations occurring at the decreasing phase in baseline. Dbp showed similar, albeit opposite dynamics. These unexpected results could be reliably predicted assuming that these transcripts behave according to a driven damped harmonic oscillator. As expected, the sleep-wake distribution accounted for a large degree of the changes in EEG delta power and Homer1a. Nevertheless, the sleep deprivation-induced increase in delta power varied also with time of day with higher than expected levels when recovery sleep started at dark onset. CONCLUSIONS: Per2 and delta power are widely used as exclusive state variables of the circadian and homeostatic process, respectively. Our findings demonstrate a considerable cross-talk between these two processes. As Per2 in the brain responds to both sleep loss and time of day, this molecule is well positioned to keep track of and to anticipate homeostatic sleep need. CITATION: Curie T; Mongrain V; Dorsaz S; Mang GM; Emmenegger Y; Franken P. Homeostatic and circadian contribution to EEG and molecular state variables of sleep regulation. SLEEP 2013;36(3):311-323.
La necesidad de descodificar los significados inherentes al paisaje, la interactuación sociedadpaisaje (comunicación intra e interpersonal) y, más recientemente, los usos de paisaje a modo de aparador territorial mediático en el ámbito, por ejemplo, de la comunicación publicitaria, del citymarketing o del place branding (comunicación masiva), sirven para plantear el estudio de lo que, de algún modo, representa la persuasión del paisaje, la cual incluye claros tintes emocionales y simbólicos y, por tanto, también comunicacionales. El paisaje en su condición de imagen y/o rostro del territorio acumula la esencia del mensaje implícito en el espacio, posicionándose, de este modo, como la gran metáfora comunicativa de la ciudad. En este sentido, el trabajo de comunicación específico con el intangible paisajístico, unido a la reciente explosión de las denominadas geografías emocionales, plantea una teoría del mensaje territorial basada en la unión de las variables geografía, paisaje, emoción y comunicación. Históricamente, de los estudios de paisaje se han ocupado los geógrafos, arquitectos, historiadores, sociólogos o ambientólogos, entre muchos otros, sin embargo, el paisaje se ha mantenido poco explorado desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. En este sentido, es notoria la proliferación de análisis que ponen el acento en el papel que desarrolla el territorio como mediador de procesos de comunicación o en el estudio de procesos de retroalimentación entre la sociedad y sus espacios (cognición y/o percepción). El actual mercadeo identitario con los lugares se concreta en la creciente producción de marcas territoriales, las cuales acumulan, en los últimos tiempos, un importante protagonismo.
L'autonomia és un concepte que afecta els diferents àmbits de la vida de la persona. El desenvolupament de l'autonomia personal es considera una competència essencial que per ajudar a la persona a desenvolupar-se d'una manera integral. L'autonomia es desenvolupa en un context de relacions i per tant la qualitat que puguin tenir les relacions que manté la persona podrà afavorir o dificultar el desenvolupament de l'autonomia personal. Ajudar els estudiants a desenvolupar la capacitat d'autonomia i iniciativa personal requereix tant ensenyar les eines i els instruments necessaris per a planificar i desenvolupar projectes individuals i col·lectius com fomentar la reflexió sobre el que s'ha fet com a forma d'avaluació i autoregulació constant. En síntesi, la competència en autonomia i iniciativa personal requereix que els estudiants, quan acabin l'ensenyament obligatori, hagin adquirit habilitats per prendre decisions, que siguin conscients i tinguin en compte els factors que poden afectar determinades situacions, que puguin portar a la pràctica les decisions preses, assumir els riscos i acceptar les responsabilitats que derivin en diferents escenaris i contextos
The OLS estimator of the intergenerational earnings correlation is biased towards zero, while the instrumental variables estimator is biased upwards. The first of these results arises because of measurement error, while the latter rests on the presumption that the education of the parent family is an invalid instrument. We propose a panel data framework for quantifying the asymptotic biases of these estimators, as well as a mis-specification test for the IV estimator. [Author]
Questions Soil properties have been widely shown to influence plant growth and distribution. However, the degree to which edaphic variables can improve models based on topo-climatic variables is still unclear. In this study, we tested the roles of seven edaphic variables, namely (1) pH; (2) the content of nitrogen and of (3) phosphorus; (4) silt; (5) sand; (6) clay and (7) carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, as predictors of species distribution models in an edaphically heterogeneous landscape. We also tested how the respective influence of these variables in the models is linked to different ecological and functional species characteristics. Location The Western Alps, Switzerland. Methods With four different modelling techniques, we built models for 115 plant species using topo-climatic variables alone and then topo-climatic variables plus each of the seven edaphic variables, one at a time. We evaluated the contribution of each edaphic variable by assessing the change in predictive power of the model. In a second step, we evaluated the importance of the two edaphic variables that yielded the largest increase in predictive power in one final set of models for each species. Third, we explored the change in predictive power and the importance of variables across plant functional groups. Finally, we assessed the influence of the edaphic predictors on the prediction of community composition by stacking the models for all species and comparing the predicted communities with the observed community. Results Among the set of edaphic variables studied, pH and nitrogen content showed the highest contributions to improvement of the predictive power of the models, as well as the predictions of community composition. When considering all topo-climatic and edaphic variables together, pH was the second most important variable after degree-days. The changes in model results caused by edaphic predictors were dependent on species characteristics. The predictions for the species that have a low specific leaf area, and acidophilic preferences, tolerating low soil pH and high humus content, showed the largest improvement by the addition of pH and nitrogen in the model. Conclusions pH was an important predictor variable for explaining species distribution and community composition of the mountain plants considered in our study. pH allowed more precise predictions for acidophilic species. This variable should not be neglected in the construction of species distribution models in areas with contrasting edaphic conditions.