962 resultados para Periaqueductal gray matter


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Light neutralino dark matter can be achieved in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model if staus are rather light, with mass around 100 GeV. We perform a detailed analysis of the relevant supersymmetric parameter space, including also the possibility of light selectons and smuons, and of light higgsino- or wino-like charginos. In addition to the latest limits from direct and indirect detection of dark matter, ATLAS and CMS constraints on electroweak-inos and on sleptons are taken into account using a ``simplified models'' framework. Measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson at 125 GeV, which constrain amongst others the invisible decay of the Higgs boson into a pair of neutralinos, are also implemented in the analysis. We show that viable neutralino dark matter can be achieved for masses as low as 15 GeV. In this case, light charginos close to the LEP bound are required in addition to light right-chiral staus. Significant deviations are observed in the couplings of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. These constitute a promising way to probe the light neutralino dark matter scenario in the next run of the LHC. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The low-surface-brightness galaxies are gas rich and yet have a low star formation rate; this is a well-known puzzle. The spiral features in these galaxies are weak and difficult to trace, although this aspect has not been studied much. These galaxies are known to be dominated by the dark matter halo from the innermost regions. Here, we do a stability analysis for the galactic disc of UGC 7321, a low-surface-brightness, superthin galaxy, for which the various observational input parameters are available. We show that the disc is stable against local, linear axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric perturbations. The Toomre Q parameter values are found to be large (>> 1) mainly due to the low disc surface density, and the high rotation velocity resulting due to the dominant dark matter halo, which could explain the observed low star formation rate. For the stars-alone case, the disc shows finite swing amplification but the addition of dark matter halo suppresses that amplification almost completely. Even the inclusion of the low-dispersion gas which constitutes a high disc mass fraction does not help in causing swing amplification. This can explain why these galaxies do not show strong spiral features. Thus, the dynamical effect of a halo that is dominant from inner regions can naturally explain why star formation and spiral features are largely suppressed in low-surface-brightness galaxies, making these different from the high-surface-brightness galaxies.


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Gray water treatment and reuse is an immediate option to counter the upcoming water shortages in various parts of world, especially urban areas. Anaerobic treatment of gray water in houses is an alternative low cost, low energy and low sludge generating option that can meet this challenge. Typical problems of fluctuating VFA, low pH and sludge washout at low loading rates with gray water feedstock was overcome in two chambered anaerobic biofilm reactors using natural fibers as the biofilm support. The long term performance of using natural fiber based biofilms at moderate and low organic loading rates (OLR) have been examined. Biofilms raised on natural fibers (coir, ridge-gourd) were similar to that of synthetic media (PVC, polyethylene) at lower OLR when operated in pulse fed mode without effluent recirculation and achieved 80-90% COD removal at HRT of 2 d showing a small variability during start-up. Confocal microscopy of the biofilms on natural fibers indicated thinner biofilms, dense cell architecture and low extra cellular polymeric substances (EPS) compared to synthetic supports and this is believed to be key factor in high performance at low OLR and low strength gray water. Natural fibers are thus shown to be an effective biofilm support that withstand fluctuating characteristic of domestic gray water. (C) 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the onset of the neutron drip in high-density matter in the presence of a magnetic field. It has been found that, for systems having only protons and electrons, in the presence of a magnetic field greater than or similar to 10(15) G, neutronization occurs at a density that is at least an order of magnitude higher compared to that in a nonmagnetic system. In a system with heavier ions, the effect of the magnetic field, however, starts arising at a much higher field, greater than or similar to 10(17) G. These results may have important implications for high-magnetic-field neutron stars and white dwarfs and, in general, in nuclear astrophysics when the system is embedded within a strong magnetic field.


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The self-organized motion of vast numbers of creatures in a single direction is a spectacular example of emergent order. Here, we recreate this phenomenon using actuated nonliving components. We report here that millimetre-sized tapered rods, rendered motile by contact with an underlying vibrated surface and interacting through a medium of spherical beads, undergo a phase transition to a state of spontaneous alignment of velocities and orientations above a threshold bead area fraction. Guided by a detailed simulation model, we construct an analytical theory of this flocking transition, with two ingredients: a moving rod drags beads; neighbouring rods reorient in the resulting flow like a weathercock in the wind. Theory and experiment agree on the structure of our phase diagram in the plane of rod and bead concentrations and power-law spatial correlations near the phase boundary. Our discovery suggests possible new mechanisms for the collective transport of particulate or cellular matter.


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While considered as sustainable and low-cost agricultural amendments, the impacts of organic fertilizers on downstream aquatic microbial communities remain poorly documented. We investigated the quantity and quality of the dissolved organic matter leaching from agricultural soil amended with compost, vermicompost or biochar and assessed their effects on lake microbial communities, in terms of viral and bacterial abundances, community structure and metabolic potential. The addition of compost and vermicompost significantly increased the amount of dissolved organic carbon in the leachate compared with soil alone. Leachates from these additions, either with or without biochar, were highly bioavailable to aquatic microbial communities, although reducing the metabolic potential of the community and harbouring more specific communities. Although not affecting bacterial richness or taxonomic distributions, the specific addition of biochar affected the original lake bacterial communities, resulting in a strongly different community. This could be partly explained by viral burst and converging bacterial abundances throughout the samples. These results underline the necessity to include off-site impacts of agricultural amendments when considering their cascading effect on downstream aquatic ecosystems.


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A paradigm for internally driven matter is the active nematic liquid crystal, whereby the equations of a conventional nematic are supplemented by a minimal active stress that violates time-reversal symmetry. In practice, active fluids may have not only liquid-crystalline but also viscoelastic polymer degrees of freedom. Here we explore the resulting interplay by coupling an active nematic to a minimal model of polymer rheology. We find that adding a polymer can greatly increase the complexity of spontaneous flow, but can also have calming effects, thereby increasing the net throughput of spontaneous flow along a pipe (a ``drag-reduction'' effect). Remarkably, active turbulence can also arise after switching on activity in a sufficiently soft elastomeric solid.


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A supporting electrolyte based on lithium perchlorate has been functionalized with graphene (ionic liquid functionalized graphene (IFGR)) by facile electrochemical exfoliation of graphite rods in aq. LiClO4 solution. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT)-IFGR films were prepared by electropolymerization of EDOT monomer with IFGR as supporting electrolyte in ethanol at static potential of 1.5 V. The Raman, SEM, and XPS analysis of PEDOT-IFGR film confirmed the presence of functionalized graphene in the film. The PEDOT-IFGR films showed good electrochemical properties, better ionic and electrical conductivity, significant band gap, and excellent spectroelectrochemical and electrochromic properties. The electrical conductivity of PEDOT-IFGR film was measured as about 3968 S cm(-1). PEDOT-IFGR films at reduced state showed strong and broad absorption in the whole visible region and remarkable absorption at near-IR region. PEDOT-IFGR film showed electrochromic response between transmissive blue and darkish gray at redox potential. The color contrast (%T) between fully reduced and oxidized states of PEDOT-IFGR film is 25 % at lambda (max) of 485 nm. The optical switching stability of PEDOT-IFGR film has retained 80 % of its electroactivity even after 500 cycles.


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The dispersal ability of a species is central to its biology, affecting other processes like local adaptation, population and community dynamics, and genetic structure. Among the intrinsic, species-specific factors that affect dispersal ability in butterflies, wingspan was recently shown to explain a high amount of variance in dispersal ability. In this study, a comparative approach was adopted to test whether a difference in wingspan translates into a difference in population genetic structure. Two closely related butterfly species from subfamily Satyrinae, family Nymphalidae, which are similar with respect to all traits that affect dispersal ability except for wingspan, were studied. Melanitis leda (wingspan 60-80 mm) and Ypthima baldus (wingspan 30-40 mm) were collected from the same areas along the Western Ghats of southern India. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms were used to test whether the species with a higher wingspan (M. leda) exhibited a more homogenous population genetic structure, as compared to a species with a shorter wingspan (Y. baldus). In all analyses, Y. baldus exhibited greater degree of population genetic structuring. This study is one of the few adopting a comparative approach to establish the relationship between traits that affect dispersal ability and population genetic structure.


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We consider a simple renormalizable model providing a UV completion for dark matter whose interactions with the Standard Model are primarily via the gluons. The model consists of scalar dark matter interacting with scalar colored mediator particles. A novel feature is the fact that (in contrast to more typical models containing dark matter whose interactions are mediated via colored scalars) the colored scalars typically decay into multi-quark final states, with no associated missing energy. We construct this class of models and examine associated phenomena related to dark matter annihilation, scattering with nuclei, and production at colliders.


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Sea level rise (SLR) is a primary factor responsible for inundation of low-lying coastal regions across the world, which in turn governs the agricultural productivity. In this study, rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivated seasonally in the Kuttanad Wetland, a SLR prone region on the southwest coast of India, were analysed for oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotopic ratios (delta O-18, delta H-2 and delta C-13) to distinguish the seasonal environmental conditions prevalent during rice cultivation. The region receives high rainfall during the wet season which promotes large supply of fresh water to the local water bodies via the rivers. In contrast, during the dry season reduced river discharge favours sea water incursion which adversely affects the rice cultivation. The water for rice cultivation is derived from regional water bodies that are characterised by seasonal salinity variation which co-varies with the delta O-18 and delta H-2 values. Rice cultivated during the wet and the dry season bears the isotopic imprints of this water. We explored the utility of a mechanistic model to quantify the contribution of two prominent factors, namely relative humidity and source water composition in governing the seasonal variation in oxygen isotopic composition of rice grain OM. delta C-13 values of rice grain OM were used to deduce the stress level by estimating the intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) of the crop during the two seasons. 1.3 times higher WUE, was exhibited by the same genotype during the dry season. The approach can be extended to other low lying coastal agro-ecosystems to infer the growth conditions of cultivated crops and can further be utilised for retrieving paleo-environmental information from well preserved archaeological plant remains. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies form a major class of galaxies, and are characterized by low disc surface density and low star formation rate. These are known to be dominated by dark matter halo from the innermost regions. Here, we study the role of the dark matter halo on the grand-design, m = 2, spiral modes in a galactic disc by carrying out a global mode analysis in the WKB approximation. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule is used to determine how many discrete global spiral modes are permitted. First, a typical superthin, LSB galaxy UGC 7321 is studied by taking only the galactic disc, modelled as a fluid; and then the disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We find that both cases permit the existence of global spiral modes. This is in contrast to earlier results where the inclusion of dark matter halo was shown to nearly fully suppress local, swing-amplified spiral features. Although technically global modes are permitted in the fluid model as shown here, we argue that due to lack of tidal interactions, these are not triggered in LSB galaxies. For comparison, we carried out a similar analysis for the Galaxy, for which the dark matter halo does not dominate in the inner regions. We show that here too the dark matter halo has little effect, hence the disc embedded in a halo is also able to support global modes. The derived pattern speed of the global mode agrees fairly well with the observed value for the Galaxy.


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Brachysaura is a monotypic genus of agamid lizard found in the Indian subcontinent; the identity and systematic position of B. minor has been long debated, and it has at times been subsumed into Agama, Charasia and Laudakia, with some authors suggesting affinities to Calotes. We constructed nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenetic trees including Brachysaura and allied agamid genera to resolve its phylogenetic position. We also compared osteology and external morphology with the genera Agama, Calotes and Laudakia. Hemipenial morphology was compared with Calotes and some other agamids from South Asia. Both nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies demonstrate that Brachysaura is nested within the widespread South and Southeast Asian genus Calotes, with which it also shares certain external morphological, osteological and hemipenial characters. Adaptations to ground dwelling in Brachysaura minor has resulted in unique modifications to its body plan, which is likely why generic allocation has been long confused. This study also highlights the need for an integrated systematic approach to resolve taxonomic ambiguity in Asian agamids.


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This is an account of a professional life in the field that was generally known as solid-state physics when I started working in it; India and the United States of America are the countries in which this life was largely played out. My attempts to understand various things in condensed matter physics, and efforts to put together people and activities in India in this field, are mainly the story.