970 resultados para Perceptual Rivalry


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In the product conceptualization phase of design, sketches are often used for exploration of diverse behaviour patterns of the components to achieve the required functionality. This paper presents a method to animate the sketch produced using a tablet interface to aid verification of the desired behaviour. A sketch is a spatial organization of strokes whose perceptual organization helps one to visually interpret its components and their interconnections. A Gestalt based segmentation followed by interactive grouping and articulation, presented in this paper, enables one to use a mechanism simulation framework to animate the sketch in a “pick and drag” mode to visualize different configurations of the product and gain insight into the product’s behaviour.


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This paper presents a GPU implementation of normalized cuts for road extraction problem using panchromatic satellite imagery. The roads have been extracted in three stages namely pre-processing, image segmentation and post-processing. Initially, the image is pre-processed to improve the tolerance by reducing the clutter (that mostly represents the buildings, vegetation,. and fallow regions). The road regions are then extracted using the normalized cuts algorithm. Normalized cuts algorithm is a graph-based partitioning `approach whose focus lies in extracting the global impression (perceptual grouping) of an image rather than local features. For the segmented image, post-processing is carried out using morphological operations - erosion and dilation. Finally, the road extracted image is overlaid on the original image. Here, a GPGPU (General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit) approach has been adopted to implement the same algorithm on the GPU for fast processing. A performance comparison of this proposed GPU implementation of normalized cuts algorithm with the earlier algorithm (CPU implementation) is presented. From the results, we conclude that the computational improvement in terms of time as the size of image increases for the proposed GPU implementation of normalized cuts. Also, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the segmentation results has been projected.


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Story understanding involves many perceptual and cognitive subprocesses, from perceiving individual words, to parsing sentences, to understanding the relationships among the story characters. We present an integrated computational model of reading that incorporates these and additional subprocesses, simultaneously discovering their fMRI signatures. Our model predicts the fMRI activity associated with reading arbitrary text passages, well enough to distinguish which of two story segments is being read with 74% accuracy. This approach is the first to simultaneously track diverse reading subprocesses during complex story processing and predict the detailed neural representation of diverse story features, ranging from visual word properties to the mention of different story characters and different actions they perform. We construct brain representation maps that replicate many results from a wide range of classical studies that focus each on one aspect of language processing and offer new insights on which type of information is processed by different areas involved in language processing. Additionally, this approach is promising for studying individual differences: it can be used to create single subject maps that may potentially be used to measure reading comprehension and diagnose reading disorders.


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Speech enhancement in stationary noise is addressed using the ideal channel selection framework. In order to estimate the binary mask, we propose to classify each time-frequency (T-F) bin of the noisy signal as speech or noise using Discriminative Random Fields (DRF). The DRF function contains two terms - an enhancement function and a smoothing term. On each T-F bin, we propose to use an enhancement function based on likelihood ratio test for speech presence, while Ising model is used as smoothing function for spectro-temporal continuity in the estimated binary mask. The effect of the smoothing function over successive iterations is found to reduce musical noise as opposed to using only enhancement function. The binary mask is inferred from the noisy signal using Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) algorithm. Sentences from NOIZEUS corpus are evaluated from 0 dB to 15 dB Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in 4 kinds of additive noise settings: additive white Gaussian noise, car noise, street noise and pink noise. The reconstructed speech using the proposed technique is evaluated in terms of average segmental SNR, Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) and Mean opinion Score (MOS).


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We present a statistical model-based approach to signal enhancement in the case of additive broadband noise. Because broadband noise is localised in neither time nor frequency, its removal is one of the most pervasive and difficult signal enhancement tasks. In order to improve perceived signal quality, we take advantage of human perception and define a best estimate of the original signal in terms of a cost function incorporating perceptual optimality criteria. We derive the resultant signal estimator and implement it in a short-time spectral attenuation framework. Audio examples, references, and further information may be found at http://www-sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/~pjw47.


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Resumen: Este artículo se aboca a un análisis comparativo de tres óperas basadas en el mito de Cenicienta, a partir de las versiones literarias canónicas de Basile, Perrault y Grimm: La Cenerentola de Rossini-Ferretti (1817), Cendrillon de Massenet-Cain (1899), y ¡Cenicientaaa...! de Lambertini (2008). Consideramos aspectos míticos del relato, como el combate cosmogónico, la unión hierogámica, la rivalidad fraterna y el complejo edípico, y estudiamos su vigencia y sus mutaciones a través de las sucesivas estéticas que corresponden a las tres óperas señaladas: iluminismo, romanticismo, posmodernidad.


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903 páginas, bibliografía en páginas 854-895, glosario en páginas 896-903


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[ES] Este artículo trata sobre el proceso fonológico que en euskera convierte en africadas las fricativas sibilantes tras consonante sonante. El análisis de dicho proceso es particularmente adecuado para la discusión de la relación recíproca entre fonética y fonología tal y defendida por la Fonología Natural. Es ese marco teórico, este trabajo estudia la motivación fonética de la fonología; por otro lado, explora las consecuencias perceptivas –tal vez también productivas– de los distintos inventarios fonémicos de cada lengua, comparando el proceso de africación vasco con el más conocido proceso inglés de inserción oclusiva. Se argumenta que la opción terminológica africación vs. inserción podría no ser una cuestión trivial sino el reflejo de alguna diferencia en el procesamiento fonológico de condiciones fonéticas básicamente equivalentes. La optimización de la estructura silábica se presenta como otro posible elemento de la configuración del proceso y como factor que contribuye a la mayor o menor relevancia de éste en lenguas tipológicamente distintas. Se ofrecen en la sección 3 algunos comentarios sobre imágenes espectrográficas como muestra de las observaciones que dieron lugar al trabajo de investigación en curso.


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[EUS]Antzinako errejimenean basoa bizitzaren bizigunea zen.Garai honetan jarduera gehienak basoaren inguruan kokatzen ziren: gizakumeen elikadura, abereen janaria, ehiza,etxeko sua, ikatzaren industria,eraikinak, nekazaritza, etxeko eta teknika tresnak, ontzigintza, e.a. Horregati, basoak izan zuen bilakaera jarduera hauekin oso lotuta zegoen. Gipuzkoa eta Bizkaia jarduera hauen arteko eta basoaren inguruko aurkakotasuna bortitza baino bortitzagoa izan zuen. Egun, gauzak aldatu dira, basoak ez du ekonomiarekiko hainbeste garrantzirik. Momentu honetan basoarekiko interesa izadiaren kontserbatzioan eta suntsiketan datza


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique that stimulates the brain using a magnetic coil placed on the scalp. Since it is applicable to humans non-invasively, directly interfering with neural electrical activity, it is potentially a good tool to study the direct relationship between perceptual experience and neural activity. However, it has been difficult to produce a clear perceptible phenomenon with TMS of sensory areas, especially using a single magnetic pulse. Also, the biophysical mechanisms of magnetic stimulation of single neurons have been poorly understood.

In the psychophysical part of this thesis, perceptual phenomena induced by TMS of the human visual cortex are demonstrated as results of the interactions with visual inputs. We first introduce a method to create a hole, or a scotoma, in a flashed, large-field visual pattern using single-pulse TMS. Spatial aspects of the interactions are explored using the distortion effect of the scotoma depending on the visual pattern, which can be luminance-defined or illusory. Its similarity to the distortion of afterimages is also discussed. Temporal interactions are demonstrated in the filling-in of the scotoma with temporally adjacent visual features, as well as in the effective suppression of transient visual features. Also, paired-pulse TMS is shown to lead to different brightness modulations in transient and sustained visual stimuli.

In the biophysical part, we first develop a biophysical theory to simulate the effect of magnetic stimulation on arbitrary neuronal structure. Computer simulations are performed on cortical neuron models with realistic structure and channels, combined with the current injection that simulates magnetic stimulation. The simulation results account for general and basic characteristics of the macroscopic effects of TMS including our psychophysical findings, such as a long inhibitory effect, dependence on the background activity, and dependence on the direction of the induced electric field.

The perceptual effects and the cortical neuron model presented here provide foundations for the study of the relationship between perception and neural activity. Further insights would be obtained from extension of our model to neuronal networks and psychophysical studies based on predictions of the biophysical model.


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As reflexões acerca desta pesquisa iniciaram-se tendo como ponto de partida o interesse pelas questões relacionadas às experiências mais primitivas que estão na base da constituição da subjetividade. Pensa-se, tal como alguns autores, que as vivências iniciais de um bebê são bastante importantes para a formação de seu aparato psíquico, sobretudo, as que dizem respeito ao conjunto de sensações nas quais o mesmo está imerso. Mas, então, o que se passa quando o bebê nasce com alguma deficiência em seu aparato sensório-motor, como no caso de bebês cegos de nascença? Sabe-se que as pessoas cegas precisam utilizar outros meios para estabelecer relações com o mundo dos objetos, pessoas e coisas que as cercam, implicando um processo de profunda reorganização perceptiva no qual os estímulos proporcionados pelo ambiente desempenharão um papel fundamental. No entanto, vários estudos apontam que muitas destas crianças cegas desde o nascimento não conseguem se desenvolver de modo harmônico manifestando distúrbios freqüentemente semelhantes ao autismo em crianças videntes, entre outros. Parece que, nestes casos, a incapacidade visual do bebê afetou profundamente as capacidades de vínculo com as figuras de apego e este fato originou seqüelas importantes na evolução da criança. No outro extremo, bebês que conseguiram um nível de desenvolvimento adequado, mostraram vínculos saudáveis com a família, em especial com a mãe. Assim, a finalidade da presente pesquisa prende-se, por um lado, à compreensão do caminho percorrido por crianças que não contam com o auxílio do sentido da visão e, por outro, ao entendimento do papel dos primeiros vínculos tanto para os casos de saúde quanto para os casos em que a patologia e o sofrimento psíquico surgem.


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Freshwater ecosystems are highly dynamic and change on time-scales that range from a few hours to several months. The development of models that simulate these processes is often hampered by the lack of sufficient data to parameterize the processes and validate the models. In this article, I review some of the challenges posed by this lack of information and suggest ways in which they can be met by using automatic monitoring systems. One of these studies is the project tempQsim (EVK1-CT2002-00112) funded by the European Commission. In this project, detailed field and model analyses have been performed at eight catchment study sites in south and south-east Europe. A number of perceptual models for the study sites have been established, and results are being used to improve selected catchment models and provide a more adequate description of pollution dynamics. Results from the extensive field studies and model tests are now being used to derive recommendations for more tailored monitoring concepts in highly dynamic, but ‘data scarce’ environments, such as are frequently found in Mediterranean river basins. The author includes implications of the EU Water Framework Directive on monitoring methods.


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Several patients of P. J. Vogel who had undergone cerebral commissurotomy for the control of intractable epilepsy were tested on a variety of tasks to measure aspects of cerebral organization concerned with lateralization in hemispheric function. From tests involving identification of shapes it was inferred that in the absence of the neocortical commissures, the left hemisphere still has access to certain types of information from the ipsilateral field. The major hemisphere can still make crude differentiations between various left-field stimuli, but is unable to specify exact stimulus properties. Most of the time the major hemisphere, having access to some ipsilateral stimuli, dominated the minor hemisphere in control of the body.

Competition for control of the body between the hemispheres is seen most clearly in tests of minor hemisphere language competency, in which it was determined that though the minor hemisphere does possess some minimal ability to express language, the major hemisphere prevented its expression much of the time. The right hemisphere was superior to the left in tests of perceptual visualization, and the two hemispheres appeared to use different strategies in attempting to solve the problems, namely, analysis for the left hemisphere and synthesis for the right hemisphere.

Analysis of the patients' verbal and performance I.Q.'s, as well as observations made throughout testing, suggest that the corpus callosum plays a critical role in activities that involve functions in which the minor hemisphere normally excels, that the motor expression of these functions may normally come through the major hemisphere by way of the corpus callosum.

Lateral specialization is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation which overcame problems of a functional antagonism between the abilities normally associated with the two hemispheres. The tests of perception suggested that this function lateralized into the mute hemisphere because of an active counteraction by language. This latter idea was confirmed by the finding that left-handers, in whom there is likely to be bilateral language centers, are greatly deficient on tests of perception.


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Experiments are described using the random dot stereo patterns devised by Julesz, but substituting various colors and luminances for the usual black and white random squares. The ability to perceive the patterns in depth depends on a luminance difference between the colors used. If two colors are the same luminance, then depth is not perceived although each of the individual squares which make up the patterns is easily seen due to the color difference. This is true for any combination of different colors. If different colors are used for corresponding random squares between the left and right eye patterns, stereopsis is possible for all combinations of binocular rivalry in color, provided the luminance difference is large enough. Rivalry in luminance always precludes stereopsis, regardless of the colors involved.