990 resultados para Peltonen, Emil
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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência, o perfil clínico e as estratégias operatórias dos ferimentos de Veia Cava Inferior (VCI). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os prontuários de 76 doentes com ferimento de VCI atendidos nos dois prontossocorros de Manaus, no período de janeiro de 1997 a julho de 2002. Mecanismo de lesão, mortalidade, estado hemodinâmico, índice de trauma abdominal penetrante (PATI), achados intra-operatórios e conduta cirúrgica foram estudados. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e nove (65%) doentes sofreram lesão por arma branca, 26 (34%) por arma de fogo e um por traumatismo abdominal fechado. Quarenta e um (54%) doentes sobreviveram. Quase todos chegaram acordados, entretanto 40% estavam hipotensos (pressão arterial sistólica < 70mmHg). O índice de trauma abdominal penetrante (PATI) médio foi maior que 40. À laparotomia, todos demonstraram sangramento retroperitoneal ativo ou hematoma retroperitoneal em expansão. Vinte e um pacientes possuíam lesão de VCI retro-hepática, enquanto nos outros 55 a lesão era infra-hepática. O reparo operatório predominante foi a venorrafia lateral em 65 doentes. Houve necessidade de tóraco-freno-laparotomia em quatro doentes do total de oito doentes que foram à toracotomia direita por lesão retro-hepática. Foram realizados shunts átrio-cavais em seis doentes, dos quais três sobreviveram. CONCLUSÕES: O ferimento de VCI é uma lesão de alta letalidade e possui uma relação intrínseca com a violência urbana. A sobrevivência depende de uma imediata e vigorosa reposição de volume, um manejo operatório adequado e todo esforço em evitar-se hipotermia.
In my doctoral thesis I evaluate strategies designed to cope with the multicultural nature of four European nations: Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. I also analyse and clarify the question of the place of religion in present-day Europe. The empirical material analysed in the study consists of politicians’ statements and policy documents dealing with immigration policy and religious and values education in the four countries. In addition, I analyse statements issued by the Council of Europe regarding religious education, along with all cases relevant to religious education brought before the United Nations Human Rights Committee or the European Court of Human Rights. The theoretical framework is formed by the scholarly debate – among philosophers, sociologists and scholars of religion in education – concerning the question of a just society. Special emphasis is given to philosophical theories that are in favour of granting special group rights to religious minorities in the name of equal treatment. With regard to the question of the appropriate place of religion, I apply Kim Knott’s methodological model for locating religion in secular contexts, and Émile Durkheim’s theory as to the significance of religion and collective sentiments in uniting adherents or members of a group into a single moral community. The study shows that even when the positive side of immigration, as a potential force for the enrichment of the public culture, is acknowledged, there is anxiety as to the successful integration of immigrants. The premises and goals of immigration policies have also been questioned. One central problem is the incommensurability between the values upheld by Western liberal democracies and certain religious traditions, above all those of Islam. Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark have tightened control over their citizens’ ethical attitudes and want to regulate these as well. In coping with cultural diversity, the significance of education, especially religious education, plays a significant role; as future citizens, pupils are expected to internalise the society’s core values as well as gaining an understanding of different cultures and ways of life. It is also worth noting that both the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights have recently expressed the view that one important goal of religious education is to enable pupils to be critical and autonomous with regard to different religions and moral positions. The study shows that religion is not seen as purely a personal matter. Religion is closely linked to individual and national identity, and religious traditions thus have a place in the public domain. It should be noted, however, that a religious tradition – more precisely, an interpretation of religious tradition – qualifies as a legitimate partner in the democratic decision-making process only if it shares similar values with Western European nations.
Suurelta osin Natura-alueeseen kuuluvan Kokemäenjoen suistoalueen kuivan maan ja suiston edustan vesialueen erityyppisten maaperäkerrostumien kerrosjärjestys ja alueellinen jakautuminen selvitettiin pintamaaperän kartoituksella, tutkimuskaivannoilla ja kairauksella. Suiston kerrostumat luokiteltiin viiteen maaperämuodostumaan. Vanhimmasta nuorimpaan, Toukari, Vainio-Mattila, Hevosluoto, Lanajuopa ja Säikkä muodostumaan. Nämä edustavat vanhoja Itämeren altaan ja nuorempia merelle päin etenevän suiston eri osien kerrostumisympäristöjä. Eri muodostumien fysikaaliset ja kemialliset ominaisuudet kuvattiin ja ne eroavat luonteeltaan ratkaisevasti toisistaan. Suiston etenemistä edustavat Hevosluoto- ja Säikkä-muodostumat ovat kontaminoituneet 1900-luvun alkupuolelta lähtien yhä voimakkaammin ihmistoiminnasta kertyvistä raskasmetallipitoisuuksista ja orgaanisista haitta-aineista. Tämä näkyy erityisesti elohopean, kadmiumin, arseenin, lyijyn, sinkin, nikkelin, dioksiinien ja furaanien kokonaispitoisuuksien kasvuna näissä muodostumissa. Pitoisuudet ovat suurimpia muodostumien nuorimmissa osissa. Kuivalla maalla raskasmetallipitoisuudet ylittävät paikoin valtioneuvoston pilaantuneelle maaperälle asettamat kynnysarvot, jolloin säädökset on huomioitava suiston maaperää muokattaessa. Vesialueella nämä kynnysarvot ylittyvät myös orgaanisten haitta-aineiden osalta. Tietyin osin ovat esimerkiksi arseenin ja nikkelin osalta taustapitoisuudet suistoalueen vanhimmassa Toukari muodostumassa jo luontaisesti kynnysarvoja suuremmat. Tämä pitää osata ottaa huomioon maansiirtotoimenpiteitä suunniteltaessa. Suistoon kerrostuvan maa-aineksen ja nopean maankohoamisen vuoksi suisto etenee nykyisin 30-40 m vuodessa merialueelle päin. Tämä mataloittaa vääjäämättömästi suiston edustan vesialueita kerrostumisen siirtyessä merelle päin. Näin myös Natura-alueen ainutlaatuiset biotoopit vähitellen siirtyvät merelle päin.
Etusivulla nimikirjoitus Zach. Castrén, sisempänä Emil Setälän ja muiden nimikirjoituksia
Iina Peltosen koulutusmateriaali koulutuksessa SFX:n raportit kokoelmatyön apuna 13.11.2012.
16 x 24 cm