999 resultados para Peixe - Fibra bruta
Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de capim-elefante contendo subproduto do processamento do urucum. Vinte ovinos machos, não-castrados, foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco dietas (0; 4; 8; 12 e 16% de subproduto de urucum na silagem) e quatro repetições, e utilizados para estimar o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes, o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais e o balanço de nitrogênio. A adição de subproduto de urucum elevou os consumos de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF), carboidratos totais e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), tanto em relação ao peso vivo (%PV) quanto em relação ao peso metabólico (g kg-1PV0,75). As digestibilidades de MS (55,95%), MO (58,19%), PB (45,34%), FDN (52,79%), FDA (45,79%), EE (34,96%) e CNF (99,86%) não foram influenciadas pela adição de subproduto de urucum. A inclusão de subproduto de urucum na silagem de capim-elefante promoveu aumento na digestibilidade dos carboidratos totais, no teor de NDT e no balanço de nitrogênio. A adição de subproduto de urucum em níveis de até 16% da matéria natural na ensilagem de capim-elefante melhora o consumo de nutrientes e o balanço de nitrogênio.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar a concentração espermática das espécies dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), curimba (Prochilodus lineatus), jundiá (Rhamdia quelen), cascudo-preto (Rhinelepis aspera) e tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) pelo método de espermatócrito. Utilizaram-se 19, 58, 51, 43 e 85 reprodutores de dourado, curimba, jundiá, cascudo-preto e tilápia-do-nilo, respectivamente. Com exceção da tilápia-do-nilo, os reprodutores foram submetidos ao processo de indução hormonal e posteriormente submetidos a coleta de sêmen. Foram comparadas as técnicas de mensuração da concentração espermática do sêmen por contagem em câmara hematimétrica de Neubauer e por espermatócrito. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de regressão a 5% de probabilidade. As concentrações espermáticas mensuradas por ambas as técnicas apresentaram relação linear, para curimbas, jundiás e tilápias-do-nilo, com equações y = 6,6624 × 10(9) + 3,68553 × 10(8)x; y = 2,153 × 10(9) + 4,426 × 10(8)x e y = -9,0897 × 10(8) + 6,0167 × 10(8), respectivamente. O método de espermatócrito pode ser utilizado para estimar a concentração espermática do sêmen de curimbas, jundiás e tilápias-do-nilo.
Objetivou-se avaliar o uso de fósforo na dieta de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) sobre a qualidade da água, o desempenho zootécnico, o rendimento corporal e a composição química da carcaça. Foram utilizados 100 juvenis com peso médio inicial de 25,9±1,32 g, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em 20 tanques de fibra de vidro, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os peixes foram alimentados quatro vezes ao dia, às 8; 11; 14 e 17 h, com dietas extrusadas contendo 0,40; 0,55; 0,70; 0,85 e 1,0% de fósforo total. Não foram observadas diferenças nos parâmetros de qualidade de água, com exceção da concentração de ortofosfato na água, que apresentou aumento linear. Os parâmetros de desempenho zootécnico, rendimento corporal e composição química da carcaça não diferiram entre os níveis de suplementação de fósforo na dieta. A utilização de 0,40% de fósforo total atende às exigências de fósforo de juvenis de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), além de disponibilizar menor concentração de ortofosfato da água.
This work was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg N/ha/cut), three sucessive periods of growth (December 21st 1987, January 25th 1988 and February 29th 1988)) and three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days) on composition in crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility of two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. i.e., Coloniao and Tobiata. Plants were harvested in five vertical layers above soil level (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and over 80 cm). The samples were divided in: green leaves, green stems and dry material. Generally, values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and the levels of crude protein of both cultivars were greater in the higher layers of the vegetation, with a decrease, however, for the other layers and more advanced phases of plants development, mainly with no N fertilization.
This work was carried out at Boa Esperanca Farm, sited in Jeriquara, Northeast of São Paulo State aiming to study seven cultivars of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp). Ramdomized blocks design were used in a split-plot scheme studying the following cultivars: Empasc 307, Fava Larga, Branco de Minas, ICPL 304, ICPL 85063, ICPL 270 and LGR 30, being the last four of them of Indian origin. Cultivars were cut three times during the period May-October, 1992. These cuts were done every twelve weeks, when leaves, flowers, pods and branches were harvested with diameter equal or smaller than 6 mm; the set of these fractions was considered available forage. Results showed that the cultivars, except Empasc 307, always revealed higher percentage of leaves and, consequently, higher dry matter production of this fraction in relation to total available forage. The available forage production, as well as the crude protein and acid detergent fiber percentage and in vitro dry matter digestibility allow to recommend the LGR 30, ICPL 304, Branco de Minas and ICPL 270 cultivars as the most promising ones for utilization as protein banks to be used during dry season.
The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the performance of commercial layers between 1 and 18 weeks of age submitted to different crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels. The trial was carried out at the poultry sector of the Department of Animal Science, of the Centro de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidade Federal of Paraiba, Areia-PB, Brazil. Four hundred and thirty-two Lohmann Brown chicks were used at 3 days of age according to a completely randomized design in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme, with three CP levels and three ME levels. In the first phase (1-6 wk), the birds were fed with diets containing three levels of CP: 21, 22 or 23% CP and three levels of ME: 2,900, 3,000 and 3,100 kcal/kg diet. In the second phase (7-12 wk) and in the third phases (13-18 wk), CP levels of feeding were 18, 19 or 20%, and 16, 17 or 18%, respectively, and three ME levels being 2,700, 2,800 or 2,900 kcal ME/kg diet in these two phases. It was not found interaction between CP and ME levels. Based on the results obtained one recommends for the phases from 1 to 6, 7 to 12 and 13 to 18 weeks of age the levels of 21 % of CP and 2900 kcal of ME/kg diets, 20% of CP and 2700 kcal of ME/kg diets and 16% of CP and 2700 kcal of ME/kg diets respectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the nutrient intake, blood parameters, follicular diameter and performance of pre-puberty crossbred heifers fed isoproteic diets (14.1%CP) containing 0.0; 0.44; 0.88 and 1.32% urea on the total dry matter (DM) of the diet, with a 77:23 roughage:concentrate ratio. Twenty-four 18- month old heifers (Holstein x Zebu), 277.9 kg mean live weight (LW) were used, distributed in four treatments and six replications in a randomized complete design. The following were evaluated: dry matter intake (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ether extract (EE), hemicellulose (HEM), plasmatic ureic nitrogen (PUN), plasmatic glucose, plasmatic total cholesterol, follicular diameter and daily weight gain (DWG). No influence of the urea levels in the diet was observed on NDF and HEM intake. A maximum intake was obtained of DM (8.75 kg day(-1)), CP (0.88 kg day(-1)), ADF (2.5 kg day(-1)) and EE (0.17 kg day(-1)) respectively for the levels 0.7, 0.8, 0.7 and 0.7% urea in total DM. The 0.6%; 0.77% and 0.6% urea levels in diet were the critical points for obtaining maximum response for the PUN (10.96 mg dL(-1)) and plasmatic glucose (84.97 mg dL(-1)) concentrations and, for follicular diameter (11.08 mm) on the 40(th); 24(th) and 31(st) day, respectively. The plasmatic total cholesterol concentration and DWG were not influenced by the urea added to the diet, with averages of 119.39 mg dL(-1) and 1.66 kg day(-1), respectively. It was concluded that urea can be added up to 1.32% on the total DM of the diet for pre-puberty crossbred heifers.
The aim of this study was to evaluate different dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) on the blood biochemical parameters, nitrogen balances and crude metabolizable energy of swine in the initial phase. Sixteen barrows were used, averaging 27.95 kg of initial weight, allotted individually in metabolic cages in a randomized blocks design with four treatments (DEB of 160, 208, 257 and 305 mEq/kg) and 4 replicates. The blood biochemical parameters analyzed were chloride, potassium, sodium and urea in blood. Urine pH was also evaluated, and the parameters evaluated in nitrogen (N) balance were N intake, fecal N, N excreted in urine, absorbed N, N retention, retained N/absorbed N and total excretion of N. The gross energy digestibility and metabolizibility coefficients were determined, and the respectives values of digestible and metabolizable energy. The values of urinary pH increased (P < 0.01) linearly with increasing levels of DEB, ranging from 6.90 to 8.03. The results for chloride, potassium and nitrogen balances of variables and gross energy were similar (P > 0.05) between the evaluated DEB. A linear increase (P < 0.01) was also observed for sodium concentrations in blood serum due to the increase of DEB, with values of 2.91, 3.03, 3.27 and 3.18 g/l, respectively for the different treatments. Urea levels in blood serum increased linearly (P < 0.01), with values of 26.21, 28.64, 34.32 and 32.89 mg/dl. It was concluded that increasing the dietary electrolyte balance, from 160 to 305 mEq/kg resulted in higher concentrations of urea and sodium in blood serum, and higher pH values in the urine of swine in the initial phase.
Toxic effects of phytosanitary surfactants for jewel tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques). Surfactants are amphipatic molecules that reduce the surface tension of water and make up the inert components of pesticide formulations. Thus, the objectives of this study were: to estimate the lethal concentration (LC(I)50;96h); classify and evaluate water quality during testing of the following surfactants: Agral[registered trademark], Aterbane[registered trademark]BR, Ag-bem[registered trademark], Energic[registered trademark], Fixade[registered trademark] and Gotafix[registered trademark] for jewel tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques); and the signs of intoxication in the animals. For this, the fish were acclimated for ten days in the bioassay room. The animals were exposed to the surfactants in an entirely randomized design with three replications. The LC(I)(50;96h) of surfactant Agral[registered trademark] was 3.29 mg L-1; Aterbane[registered trademark] BR 8.21 mg L-1; Energic[registered trademark] 2.34 mg L-1; Gotafix[registered trademark] 4.37 mg L-1; Fixade[registered trademark] 3.38 mg L-1; and Ag-bem[registered trademark] 34.95 mg L-1. The variables of water quality were unchanged. The fish showed an increase in the opercular beating after exposure; 4 and 24 hours, loss of gasping ability; 48 hours, slow opercular beating; and 72 and 96 hours later, recovery. The surfactants Energic[registered trademark], Agral[registered trademark], Gotafix[registered trademark], Aterbane[registered trademark] BR and Fixade[registered trademark] can be classified as moderately toxics, and Ag-Bem[registered trademark] as slightly toxic for H. eques; this organism shows similar intoxication signs for all surfactants.
This work had the objective of evaluating the effects of different percentages of corn (Zea mays L.) cob on the quality of the silage of high-moisture corn grains. The following treatments were studied: percentages of corn cob in the silage (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%); period of sampling after opening the silos (zero, two, four and six days). The factorial arrangement 5 × 4 was studied according to a completely randomized block design with three replications. The variables studied were not affected by the sampling period. The buffering capacity and the pH were not affected by the cob, while the percent soluble carbohydrates and amoniacal nitrogen increasing until 1.2 and 1.89 unit percent, respectively. Increasing the amount of corn cobs reduced the contents of DM (from 63.9% to 58.6%), CP (from 10.0% to 7.3%), EE (from 4.87% to 3.92%) and the values of DMIVD (from 90.5% to 79.1%) in the silages and increasing the contents of acid detergente fiber (ADF) (from 3.3% to 12.9%) and neutral detergente fiber (NDF) (from 15.16% to 26.1%). The values of brute energy (BE) were not affected (P>0.01) by the cob corn in the silage.
The nylon bag in situ degradation thecnique was employed to study the ruminai degradability of the neutral detergent fiber and neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen of the corn silage and soybean meal in four rumen fistulated Nellore steers, averaging 36 months of age and 520 kg of liveweight. A randomized completelcs block experimental design was used, where the animals constituted the blocks. It was used diets with two levels of concentrate: 20 and 40%.The forage used in the diets was corn silage, and the concentrate ingredients were: soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain and sorghum grain. The NIDN degradation rate of the corn silage and the soybean meal showed a decrease of 32,1% and of 46,0 % as a function of the higher concentrate level of the diet, but the effective and potential degradability of this fraction were not affected. Concerning to the NDF, the soluble fraction, potentially degradable and undegrable , were not affected by the increase on the diet concentrate level, but for the corn silage, there were 21,8% of reduction on the effective degradability of NDF. The use of lag time promoted higher degradability values for the studied fraction. The obtained values for some evaluated parameters, different from that assumed by CNCPS, showed the necessity of more data about brazilian used feeds, for model adjustments.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper presents the identification of tectonic deformation through the application of the stream-gradient index (slope x length) method in the Rio do Peixe hydrographic basin, located in western State of Sã o Paulo. The main principle used is that river valleys are the best tools for this type of analysis because of their fast adjustment to even the most gentle crustal deformations. This type of analysis for structural studies is extremely useful in the western region of the State of São Paulo, where deep chemical weathering results in a thick regolith and scarce outcrops. The stream length index is the ratio of the altimetric amplitude of each drainage and the natural logarithm of its length. The value obtained is plotted on maps at the median point of each drainage, allowing the drawings of lines with the same values (isodefs). Three anomalies (A, B and C) were identified along the Rio do Peixe valley representing uplift sectors indicated by the formation and distribution of Upper Quaternary deposits in terraces and modern fluvial plains and alluvial fans. In correlation with known tectonic data for this region it is possible to attribute the A and B anomalies to the Ribeirão Preto and Presidente Prudente crustal sutures, respectively. The smaller C anomaly needs further field investigation, but it could be associated with the Três Lagoas crustal suture. It must be emphasised that these sutures are inherited from the Precambrian Basement which had a strong influence on the Phanerozoic evolution in the whole sedimentary and volcanic stratigraphic pile of the Paraná Basin and on the dominant structural lineaments directions developed therein .The A, Band C anomalies are suggestive of renewed uplift as a result of neotectonic action in modern times.