535 resultados para Panos africanos
As Estradas de baixo volume de tráfego (EBVT) têm um importante papel para o desenvolvimento de um país porque representam uma extensão considerável da malha rodoviária existente, sendo de grande relevância social e económica. A função económica da infraestrutura rodoviária traduz-se, por um lado, pelo montante de recursos investidos na sua construção e manutenção e, por outro lado, pelo suporte que garantem à mobilidade de pessoas e bens. Os pavimentos daquelas infraestruturas são uma componente fundamental para o seu bom desempenho, o que explica a importância de empregar bons métodos de dimensionamento. Pavimentos rodoviários subdimensionados e com estratégias de conservação deficientes sofrerão rotura prematura, o que conduzirá a altos custos de reconstrução e grandes perdas económicas. Por sua vez, pavimentos sobredimensionados envolverão desperdício dos recursos, os quais poderiam ser utilizados para melhorar outras características igualmente relevantes para a infraestrutura. Verifica-se ainda que, nos últimos anos, as empresas construtoras portuguesas têm alargado a sua atividade para países africanos, nos quais as soluções de pavimentação utilizam solos naturais ou estabilizados nas camadas estruturais, e revestimentos betuminosos delgados colocados sobre aquelas, porquanto há escassez de materiais pétreos para uso rodoviário. Por isso, as técnicas de pavimentação utilizadas em Portugal e na Europa não são geralmente utilizadas nos países africanos. Essa realidade leva a que os técnicos portugueses ao serviço de empresas que atuam em mercados africanos necessitem de reunir informação sistematizada sobre o assunto, o que acarreta algumas dificuldades. É, assim, de todo o interesse reunir informação dispersa sobre os materiais a utilizar para as situações referidas, assim como avaliar as metodologias de dimensionamento que poderão utilizar-se, de modo a estabelecer estruturas de pavimentos e as características dos materiais que as constituem, de modo conseguir infraestruturas de transporte rodoviário que suportem a economia de um território. A par da conceção e do dimensionamento estão as estratégias e as técnicas de conservação das estruturas de pavimentos, de modo a contribuir para a durabilidade da infraestrutura e para o desenvolvimento da economia do território servido. Pelas razões aduzidas, na presente dissertação procurou-se reunir informação dispersa sobre os aspetos relevantes da constituição, conceção, dimensionamento e conservação de pavimentos de estruturas pouco espessas de pavimentos, destinados a tráfego de pesados pouco significativo no seu ciclo de vida, mas com picos de solicitação importantes. A sistematização e análise dos aspetos relevantes, e a aplicação a casos concretos, permitiu uma análise comparativa das soluções em confronto, quer no que diz respeito aos aspetos tecnológicos da construção e da conservação, quer no que se refere aos aspetos do dimensionamento deste tipo de pavimentos, constituindo uma contribuição útil para o setor.
Mode of access: Internet.
t. I. Poesías: Canaones ; Sonetos ; Odas ; Elegías ; Poesías varias ; Novela. La Campaña de Huesca t. II. Discursos académicos. De la dominación de los españoles en Italia ; De las invasiones de los moros africanos en España ; De la libertad en las artes ; Memorias de Italia. De lo que es un viaje a Italia ; La Ariana ; Una expedicion a Pavia ; Del asalto y saco de Roma por los españoles ; Artículos varios.
Mode of access: Internet.
Esse trabalho trata das estratégias de implantação e expansão da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) na África Subsaariana, tendo conta de crescimento acelerado do pentecostalismo no mundo e no contexto da transnacionalização religiosa. A IURD é uma Igreja neopentecostal brasileira que surgiu em 1977 e se expandiu em vários países do mundo. Ela está presente em 39 países da África subsaariana e se concentra nas grandes cidades. Vários fatores explicam o seu crescimento e expansão no continente africano, entre os quais o sincretismo, isto é, a capacidade de se adaptar à cultura africana. Outros fatores são: a visibilidade social (especialmente no uso da mídia e a assistência social), a política do segredo, a prática de exorcismo, o discurso da prosperidade, a relação de amizade e de parceria com governos africanos, a sua atitude anti-ecumênica e a adoção de uma organização episcopal. Aborda-se também nesse trabalho, o pentecostalismo e o neopentecostalismo na África, as Igrejas Independentes Africanas (IIA) e a presença do Cristianismo no continente africano desde os primórdios.
Context: Genetic, neuroimaging, and molecular neurobiological evidence support the hypothesis that the disconnectivity syndrome in schizophrenia (SZ) could arise from failures of saltatory conduction and abnormalities at the nodes of Ranvier (NOR) interface where myelin and axons interact. Objective: To identify abnormalities in the expression of oligodendroglial genes and proteins that participate in the formation, maintenance, and integrity of the NOR in SZ. Design: The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels of multiple NOR genes were quantified in 2 independent postmortem brain cohorts of individuals with SZ, and generalizability to protein expression was confirmed. The effect of the ANK3 genotype on the mRNA expression level was tested in postmortem human brain. Case-control analysis tested the association of the ANK3 genotype with SZ. The ANK3 genotype's influence on cognitive task performance and functional magnetic resonance imaging activation was tested in 2 independent cohorts of healthy individuals. Setting: Research hospital. Patients: Postmortem samples from patients with SZ and healthy controls were used for the brain expression study (n=46) and the case-control analysis (n=272). Healthy white men and women participated in the cognitive (n=513) and neuroimaging (n=52) studies. Main Outcome Measures: The mRNA and protein levels in postmortem brain samples, genetic association with schizophrenia, cognitive performance, and blood oxygenation level-dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The mRNA expression of multiple NOR genes was decreased in schizophrenia. The ANK3 rs9804190 C allele was associated with lower ANK3 mRNA expression levels, higher risk for SZ in the case-control cohort, and poorer working memory and executive function performance and increased prefrontal activation during a working memory task in healthy individuals. Conclusions: These results point to abnormalities in the expression of genes and protein associated with the integrity of the NOR and suggest them as substrates for the disconnectivity syndrome in SZ. The association of ANK3 with lower brain mRNA expression levels implicates a molecular mechanism for its genetic, clinical, and cognitive associations with SZ. ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Higher education in business school environments is increasingly focused on how to best equip students with the skills necessary for leadership in the global workplace. This paper examines the impact of two particularly important cognitive capabilities - task reflexivity and intercultural sensitivity, on academic performance in an MBA programme. It was hypothesised that in an intercultural learning environment, task reflexivity would be associated with higher academic performance, and that this relationship would be mediated via intercultural sensitivity. Questionnaire data from 77 MBA students was analysed alongside academic performance. Results demonstrated that task reflexivity was indirectly related to academic performance through intercultural sensitivity. These findings suggest that engagement in task reflexivity enables students to develop greater levels of intercultural sensitivity, allowing them to reap the positive effects of diversity in their peer group for their own learning and performance. Limitations and practical implications of the research for professional practice are discussed. © 2014 © 2014 Society for Research into Higher Education.
Although there has been an increased interest in the use of electronic portfolios in higher education over the last five years, relatively little is known about the potential of such tools to support the development of higher order abilities for students, such as reflection, in a structured way that is suitable for assessment. This paper reports the findings from a small-scale research which sets out to compare the outcomes of reflective assignments in two cohorts of participants in a Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Higher Education in the UK. Participants in the programme were asked to submit reflective accounts using an e-portfolio system as part of their formal assessment. One cohort completed the assessment using some generic guidelines of how to reflect and construct an e-portfolio page without a given template or structure, whereas another cohort was given a specific template with clear assessment criteria to gauge the assembly of their reflections. The authors, who are also tutors in the programme, analysed the submitted reflections following open coding procedures. The analysis found a tendency for the reflection in the first cohort to be merely descriptive without progressing to speculating objectively about answers to relevant analytical questions about the process involved in the ability under scrutiny. In contrast the assignments of cohort two were found to be more insightful in terms of assimilating random bits of materials, thoughts and self-questions into complete reflective accounts. These findings bring some evidence to support and indeed promote a more structured approach to reflective practice, which can be further enhanced through a carefully created e-portfolio template and associated assessment criteria.
The Global Dimensions in Higher Education module is a fully online open course for educators, jointly developed by three UK universities through a process of consultation and inquiry involving colleagues within the global education sector. The purpose of the module is two-fold. Firstly, to engage academics within and beyond the partner institutions in a critical exploration of transnational and global issues within higher education. Secondly, to provide the project partners with an opportunity to understand and address the challenges of jointly developing and delivering an online course that is to be offered both openly as well as integrated within credit-bearing and continued professional development provision for academics in the partner institutions. This short paper describes progress to date in developing the Global Dimensions in Higher Education module, our current activity focused on validating and implementing the module, and lessons learned to be considered for the collaborative development of open online courses.
One of the main challenges of emergency management lies in communicating risks to the public. On some occasions, risk communicators might seek to increase awareness over emerging risks, while on others the aim might be to avoid escalation of public reactions. Social media accounts offer an opportunity to rapidly distribute critical information and in doing so to mitigate the impact of emergencies by influencing public reactions. This article draws on theories of risk and emergency communication in order to consider the impact of Twitter as a tool for communicating risks to the public. We analyse 10,020 Twitter messages posted by the official accounts of UK local government authorities (councils) in the context of two major emergencies: the heavy snow of December 2010 and the riots of August 2011. Twitter was used in a variety of ways to communicate and manage associated risks including messages to provide official updates, encourage protective behaviour, increase awareness and guide public attention to mitigating actions. We discuss the importance of social media as means of increasing confidence in emergency management institutions.
This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the export profile and the African GDP growth rate. Chapter 1 presents the literature on the subject and studies that analyze the specific case of Africa. There seems to be a consensus that exports contribute to economic growth. However, there is no consensus on the benefits that are incorporated from exported products. The divergence lies between the approach of the Natural Resources Curse, where concentration of exports in commodities does not contribute to economic growth. Another work line supports the idea there is no such relation. Chapter 2 presents, through descriptive analysis, macroeconomic and international trade data for African economies data. Based on data from 52 countries for the period 1990-2014, it can be observed that the African continent has improved in macroeconomic terms, with increased exports and economic growth rates, suggesting a positive relationship between the variables. Trade indicators show Africa's integration into the global economy, with European Union, USA, China and some emerging countries as main partners. In addition, the analysis showed that the export is concentrated in oil and agricultural commodities. Most African countries face a negative trade balance, depending of primary products exports with low added value and imports of manufactured goods. Finally, Chapter 3 presents an empirical research using panel data analysis. The results suggest, in general, evidences that exports are important for explaining the African economic growth rate of African economies can be stimulated by the expansion of the share of exports in GDP. The estimated coefficients are positive and statistically significant in both the fixed effect estimation, as the estimation by GMM System. The estimation of growth models for fixed or random effects indicates a direct and statistically significant relationship between export oil / minerals and the growth rate of African countries. Thus, the export profile turns out to be important to determine the growth rate. The results obtained from the estimates do not corroborate the literature arguments called Curse of Natural Resources for the period analyzed, since export natural resources, especially oil and minerals, were relevant to explain the performance of the growth rate of economies.
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento da missão adventista na cidade de São Paulo em busca de um modelo missiológico para centros urbanos. São Paulo, uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo tem uma formação cultural plural, não apenas pelas forças atuantes da modernização, secularização, globalização e pós-modernidade. A composição da população da cidade possui uma gênese étnica plural. Além da matriz autóctone indígena, do colonizador branco europeu e dos escravos africanos, desde o início do século XIX chegaram outros imigrantes, europeus e asiáticos. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Brasil foi o país que mais recebeu imigrantes em todo o mundo. Estima-se que nos anos de 1920, apenas um terço da população na cidade de São Paulo fosse de brasileiros, o restante era composto por imigrantes. A inserção do adventismo em São Paulo se deu por missionários imigrantes que trabalharam primeiro com outros imigrantes antes de evangelizar e desenvolver a missão adventista com os brasileiros nacionais. De alguma forma, esse início deixou marcas na missão adventista paulistana. São Paulo é hoje a cidade com o maior número total de adventistas no mundo e a única com Igrejas Adventistas étnicas que atendem cinco grupos étnicos distintos: japoneses, coreanos, judeus, árabes e bolivianos/peruanos. Esta pesquisa busca investigar a formação de uma sensibilidade cultural no adventismo paulistano que lhe permitiu dialogar com a pluralidade cultural da metrópole paulistana
Las intervenciones dirigidas a fortalecer los sistemas de salud, en sus distintas tipologías y formas, han demostrado ser una herramienta esencial para mejorar y mantener la salud de la población. A pesar de esto, no está claro qué modelo de sistema de salud es más efectivo o qué organización estructural mejora la gobernanza global del sistema. Las reformas del sector salud basadas en atención primaria de salud (APS) han sido posiblemente las más extendidas de los últimos 30 años. La estrategia de APS se reconoció como el pilar fundamental para la consecución del objetivo de salud para todos en el año 2000, y se centró en dos elementos principales que se añadían al modelo de cuidados: la promoción de la salud basada en la lucha contra los determinantes sociales de la salud, y la descentralización de los servicios de salud asociado a participación comunitaria. Mientras la eficacia de las estrategias basadas en atención primaria ha sido ampliamente demostrada tanto en países de renta alta como en países de bajos recursos, no existe consenso entre los investigadores sobre si la descentralización, de forma aislada, es una reforma que mejora el desempeño de los sistemas de salud o si es una estrategia adecuada para países con bajos recursos. A pesar de ello, la mayor parte de los países africanos se embarcaron en los años 80 en procesos de descentralización a diferentes escalas con el aumentar la sostenibilidad del sistema y mejorar su eficiencia. Aunque las reformas han variado en la magnitud de la reforma, todas ellas han compartido dos elementos: descentralización del sistema de salud y utilización de fondos rotatorios para medicamentos esenciales...
Migration is as old as humanity, but since the 1990s migration flows in Western Europe have led to societies that are not just multicultural but so-called «super-diverse». As a result, Western towns now have very complex social structures, with amongst others large amounts of small immigrant communities that are in constant change. In this paper we argue that for social workers to be able to offer adequate professional help to non-native residents in town, they will need balanced view of ‘culture’ and of the role culture plays in social aid. Culture is never static, but is continually changing. By teaching social workers about how to look at cultural backgrounds of immigrant groups and about the limitations of then role that culture plays in communication, they will be better equipped to provide adequate aid and will contribute to making various groups grow towards each other and to avoid people thinking in terms of ‘out-group-homogeneity’. Nowadays, inclusion is a priority in social work that almost every social worker supports. Social workers should have an open attitude to allow them to approach every individual as a unique person. They will see the other person as the person they are, and not as a part of a specific cultural group. Knowledge about the others makes them see the cultural heterogeneity in every group. The social sector, though, must be aware not to fall into the trap of the ‘inclusion mania’! This will cause the social deprivation of a particular group to be forgotten. An inclusive policy requires an inclusive society. Otherwise, this could result in even more deprivation of other groups, already discriminated against. Emancipation of deprived people demands a certain target-group policymaking. Categorized aid will raise efficiency of working with immigrants and of acknowledging the cultural identity of the non-natives group. It will also create the possibility to work on fighting social deprivation, in which most immigrants can be found.