988 resultados para PI(3)K
In this study, we report the protective effects of IAA on diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis. BALB/c mice received daily IAA at 50 (T(50)), 250 (T(250)), and 500 (T(500)) mg K(-1) per body mass by gavage for 15 days. At day 15, animals were administered DEN and sacrificed 4 h later. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were analyzed in sera. In addition., hepatomorphologic alterations, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR), gene expression of antioxidant enzymes and DNA integrity were evaluated in the liver. IAA administration did not show any alterations in any of the parameters available, except for a reduction of the gene expression for antioxidant enzyrries by 55, 56, 27, and 28% for SOD, CAT, GPx, and GR upon T(500). respectively compared with the control. Several hepatic alterations were observed by DEN exposure. Moreover, IAA administration at 3 doses was shown to provide a total prevention of the active reduction of CAT and GR induced by DEN exposure compared with the control. IAA at T5(00) was shown to give partial protection (87, 71, 57, and 90% for respectively SOD, CAT. GPx. and GR) on the down-regulation of the enzymes induced by DEN and this auxin showed a partial protection (50%) on DEN-induced DNA fragmentation for both parameters when compared to DEN alone. This work showed IAA hepatocarcinogenesis protection for the first time by means of a DEN-protective effect on CAT and GR activity. and by affecting antioxidant gene expression and DNA fragmentation. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: Galectin-3 has been implicated in tumor progression of some malignancies as thyroid, prostate, and salivary gland tumors. Recently, it has been suggested that this protein may be an important mediator of the beta-catenin/Wnt pathway. Moreover, nuclear galectin-3 expression has been implicated in cell proliferation, promoting cyclin D1 activation. Thus, the present study aimed to correlate galectin-3 expression with beta-catenin and cyclin D1 expressions in adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and in polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA). Methods: Fifteen formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded cases of each tumor were retrieved from the files of the Surgical Oral Pathology Service at the University of Sao Paulo and the proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Adenoid cystic carcinoma showed galectin-3 immunostaining mainly in the nuclei, while PLGA revealed a positive mostly cytoplasmic reaction to galectin-3 in the largest part of tumor cells. Both tumors showed intense cytoplasmic/nuclear staining for beta-catenin in majority of cases. Cyclin D1 immunoreactivity was not detected in 14/15 PLGA and showed specific nuclear staining in 10/15 cases of ACC in more than 5% of the neoplastic cells. Cyclin D1 expression was correlated with cytoplasmic and nuclear galectin-3 expression in ACC (P < 0.05). Conclusions: These results suggest that in ACC galectin-3 may play a role in cellular proliferation through cyclin D1 activation. In addition, nuclear expression of galectin-3 in ACC may be related to a more aggressive behavior of this lesion. Although beta-catenin seems to play a role in carcinogenesis in both lesions, it seems that it does not bind to galectin-3 for cyclin D1 stimulation.
Calponins are proteins present in vertebrate smooth musculature where they occur in association with thin myofilaments. Calponins are not present in vertebrate or invertebrate striated muscles. The blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum expresses a 38.3-kDa protein that bears substantial homology with vertebrate calponin and occurs entirely within smooth musculature of adults. Calponin-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated in smooth muscles of many invertebrate phyla. The Schistosoma japonicum calponin has been localised in smooth myofibrils of adults where it is associated with myofilaments and sarcoplasmic reticulum. In this study, the ultrastructural localisation of the protein in muscles of S. japonicum cercariae is described. The protein is present in smooth muscles of the forebody and the stratified muscle of the tail. Within the stratified layer, the protein occurs predominantly in transverse arrays of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The localisation data suggest that the calponin-like protein of S. japonicum is involved in contraction of the stratified tail muscle. Furthermore, the presence of a calponin system in the stratified muscle suggests that this muscle is simply a superior form of muscle, closely related to smooth muscles that use a caldesmin-calponin system in contraction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The number of 1-factors (near 1-factors) that mu 1-factorizations (near 1-factorizations) of the complete graph K-v, v even (v odd), can have in common, is studied. The problem is completely settled for mu = 2 and mu = 3.