993 resultados para Orsini, Fulvio, 1529-1600


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Part I

The latent heat of vaporization of n-decane is measured calorimetrically at temperatures between 160° and 340°F. The internal energy change upon vaporization, and the specific volume of the vapor at its dew point are calculated from these data and are included in this work. The measurements are in excellent agreement with available data at 77° and also at 345°F, and are presented in graphical and tabular form.

Part II

Simultaneous material and energy transport from a one-inch adiabatic porous cylinder is studied as a function of free stream Reynolds Number and turbulence level. Experimental data is presented for Reynolds Numbers between 1600 and 15,000 based on the cylinder diameter, and for apparent turbulence levels between 1.3 and 25.0 per cent. n-heptane and n-octane are the evaporating fluids used in this investigation.

Gross Sherwood Numbers are calculated from the data and are in substantial agreement with existing correlations of the results of other workers. The Sherwood Numbers, characterizing mass transfer rates, increase approximately as the 0.55 power of the Reynolds Number. At a free stream Reynolds Number of 3700 the Sherwood Number showed a 40% increase as the apparent turbulence level of the free stream was raised from 1.3 to 25 per cent.

Within the uncertainties involved in the diffusion coefficients used for n-heptane and n-octane, the Sherwood Numbers are comparable for both materials. A dimensionless Frössling Number is computed which characterizes either heat or mass transfer rates for cylinders on a comparable basis. The calculated Frössling Numbers based on mass transfer measurements are in substantial agreement with Frössling Numbers calculated from the data of other workers in heat transfer.


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正弦相位调制(SPM)干涉测量技术用于表面形貌测量时, 需要帧速高于300 frame/s的图像传感器, 同时要求调制信号频率与图像传感器帧速成确定的整数倍关系。提出一种基于低速CCD(30 frame/s)的帧速可调的高速图像传感技术, 通过控制每帧像素总数提高CCD帧速, 研制出一种高帧速图像传感器, 帧速可达300~1600 frame/s, 且每帧大小连续可调。将该CCD传感器用于正弦相位调制干涉泰曼-格林干涉仪, 测量镀膜玻璃板表面形貌, 当CCD图像传感器的帧速与调制信号频率呈16, 8, 4


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Para avaliar um sistema integrado de aquicultura foram realizadas análises microbiológicas da água utilizada neste sistema e determinada a incidência e resistência antimicrobiana dos enteropatógenos no ecossistema relacionado. As amostras de água testadas apresentaram 32,9% de taxas de coliformes fecais (≤1.600/100mL), de acordo com a OMS para piscicultura em águas residuais. Salmonella spp. foram detectadas em 14,5% das amostras. De um total de 33 cepas, 15,1% eram resistentes a um ou dois antimicrobianos testados e resistência a múltiplas drogas não foi observada. Aeromonas spp. foram identificadas em 91,6% das amostras. De um total de 416 cepas, resistência a uma classe de antimicrobianos foi observada em 66,3% e a multirresistência às drogas em 37,7%. Na avaliação da virulência dos isolados de Aeromonas hydrophila, 85,3% das cepas apresentaram Beta-hemólise nos três diferentes tipos de eritrócitos empregados e 99,1% nos eritrócitos de coelho e cavalo, sendo possível a caracterização através da PCR do gene aerA e lip, em 100% das amostras. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a relevância quanto às vantagens da implementação de um sistema integrado, disponibilizando alimentos com custo reduzido, porém este sistema necessita de um controle rígido e efetivo para que estes produtos não constituam veículos para a disseminação de doenças.


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O presente trabalho tem por objeto as moralidades das Barcas de Gil Vicente em diálogo com a Divina Comédia de Dante. Esta, uma epopéia pelo Inferno, Purgatório e Paraíso, aquelas, Auto da Barca do Inferno, Auto da Praia Purgatória e Auto da Embarcação da Glória. Pretende-se apresentar as semelhanças entre as Barcas vicentinas e a comédia dantiana, demonstrando como elas se caracterizam por um fortíssimo sentido moralizante, pela reafirmação dos princípios cristãos e pelo desejo de renovação espiritual, mas também apresentam diferenças significantes. Além de explicitar tais semelhanças e diferenças por meio do comparativismo, a presente pesquisa demonstra ainda como Gil Vicente e Dante Alighieri figuraram os espaços e personagens com o objetivo de propagar suas concepções ético-morais e ético-religiosas. Desse modo, como alguns outros textos literários da Idade Média e do período de transição para o Renascimento, estavam ao serviço de projetos moralizadores cristãos


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In the sinusoidal phase modulating interferometer technique, the high-speed CCD is necessary to detect the interference signals. The reason of ordinary CCD's low frame rate was analyzed, and a novel high-speed image sensing technique with adjustable frame rate based on ail ordinary CCD was proposed. And the principle of the image sensor was analyzed. When the maximum frequency and channel bandwidth were constant, a custom high-speed sensor was designed by using the ordinary CCD under the control of the special driving circuit. The frame rate of the ordinary CCD has been enhanced by controlling the number of pixels of every frame; therefore, the ordinary of CCD can be used as the high frame rate image sensor with small amount of pixels. The multi-output high-speed image sensor has the deficiencies of low accuracy, and high cost, while the high-speed image senor with small number of pixels by using this technique can overcome theses faults. The light intensity varying with time was measured by using the image sensor. The frame rate was LIP to 1600 frame per second (f/s), and the size of every frame and the frame rate were adjustable. The correlation coefficient between the measurement result and the standard values were higher than 0.98026, and the relative error was lower than 0.53%. The experimental results show that this sensor is fit to the measurements of sinusoidal phase modulating interferometer technique. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We report on the effect of various alkaline-earth metal oxides on the broadband infrared luminescence covering 1000-1600 nm wavelength region from bismuth-doped silicate glasses. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the infrared luminescence and the fluorescent lifetime is more than 200 nm and 400 mu s, respectively. The fluorescent intensity decreases with increasing basicity of host glasses. Besides the broadband infrared luminescence, luminescence centered at 640 nm was also observed, which should be ascribed to Bi2+ rather than to the familiar Bi3+. We suggest that the infrared luminescence should be assigned to the X-2 (2)Pi (3/2) -> X-1 (2)Pi(1/2) transition of BiO molecules dispersed in the host glasses. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Luminescences from bismuth-doped lime silicate glasses were investigated. Luminescences centered at about 400, 650, and 1300 nm were observed, excited at 280, 532 and 808 nm, respectively. These three luminescence bands arise from three different kinds of bismuth ions in the glasses. The visible luminescences centered at 400 and 650 nm arise from Bi3+, and Bi2+, respectively. The infrared luminescences cover the wavelength range from 1000 to 1600 nm when exited by an 808 nm laser diode. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the infrared luminescences is more than 205 urn. The intensity of the infrared luminescence decreases with the increment in CaO content. We suggest that the infrared luminescences might arise from Bi+. Such broadband luminescences indicate that the glasses may be potential candidate material for broadband fiber amplifiers and tunable lasers. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A partir de abril de 1500 a armada de Pedro Álvares Cabral dá início ao contato e ao registro através das páginas da carta de seu escrivão, Pero Vaz de Caminha de um novo mundo e uma nova humanidade: os índios que habitavam o território que atualmente conhecemos por Brasil. No desenrolar dos quinhentos, estes diferentes povos e culturas foram decodificados e reinterpretados de diversas maneiras em cartas, livros e demais documentos manuscritos. No campo das artes visuais portuguesas, não foi diferente. Esse outro assume um papel coadjuvante quase sempre inserido em duas temáticas principais, a arte religiosa e as grandes navegações mas nem por isso menos interessante: o gosto pelo exótico, característica marcante durante o período das expansões ultramarinas, não só em Portugal, mas em outras regiões europeias, aliado ao etnocentrismo e a influência do Cristianismo, acabou por caracterizar os índios do Brasil, mutatis mutandis, como novos homens selvagens. Para uns, são como bestas, mais perto do inferno; para outros, são cristãos em potencial, mais próximos do céu


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Transparent polycrystalline Cr:Al2O3 ceramics were synthesized by conventional pressureless synthesis processing. The absorption and emission spectra of Cr:Al2O3 ceramics specimens before and after annealing were measured at room temperature. It was discovered that the emission spectra of Cr4+ in Al2O3 octahedral coordination site is in infrared wavelength range of 1100-1600 nm. The emission peak of Cr4+ is centered at 1223 nm, which is similar to that of Cr4+ in tetrahedral site. Al2O3 has smaller lattice constant, resulting in the larger crystal field strength, so there is a blue shift in the peak of Cr4+:Al2O3 ceramics compared to those of other Cr4+-doped crystals. And the emission band is much narrower with full width at half maximum Delta lambda 37 nm.


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A cruise aboard the vessel Cassiopeia was held from 14 to 22 November 2000. The objective to map the fishing areas, to study the variation of the catch, income, specific composition and length on wishbone Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) in relation to fishing areas, depth and immersion time of the fish pots. The total capture registered was 4.350,00 Kg for 1600 fish pots and 32 effectuated throws. The highest capture per throw was registered in the interval of depth between the 140 to 180 meters. Regarding the time of immersion, the better captures were obtained in the interval between 25 and 30 hours. The profits during this cross were for fish-trap (2, 71 kg), per throw 135,00 Kg and for immersion hour 6,07 kg. P. coeruleopunctatus (cachucho) was more abundant in number in Quissico, while in Zavora it was abundant in number and also in weight. Likewise, the cachucho was more abundant in number and weight in the captures of the fish pots submerged less than 24 hours, 100-140 meters depth. Cachucho catch under 100 meters depth was quite reduced (less than 1 %). The middle length of the cachucho captured during the cross was 275,7 mm. There were significant differences in the lengths of the cachucho accordingly to depth or fishing area. The smallest individual (fish) was captured by fish pots that were submerged more than 24 hours. The principal recommendations of the study refer to maintenance of the current fishing effort with regard to the number of fish pots, and explore the fishing areas on a rotating basis, to avoid the local effort, currently high.


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