956 resultados para Operating instructions, usability test, target group, misunderstanding


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A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) é um problema de saúde pública, geralmente associada a outras doenças, como obesidade, diabetes, doença renal, aterosclerose, acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e identificado como um dos fatores de risco mais prevalentes para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares. Orgãos-alvo, como coração, rins, cérebro e olhos, são comumente afetados em pacientes hipertensos. No entanto, o dano testicular causado pela hipertensão não foi claramente definido. A hipertensão é um fator de risco bem estabelecido para a disfunção erétil, mas sua relação com o dano testicular e a fertilidade masculina não é claramente compreendida. Este estudo avalia a morfologia testicular e alguns parâmetros espermáticos de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR), virgem de tratamento e tratados com enalapril. Ratos SHR foram distribuídos em dois grupos, um grupo hipertenso (H), e um grupo tratado com enalapril (HE). Ratos Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) foram utilizados como controles. A pressão arterial sistólica foi medida semanalmente, até o final do experimento. A concentração de espermatozóides, motilidade e viabilidade foram determinadas em amostras coletadas da cauda do epidídimo. Métodos estereológicos foram usados para analisar objetivamente a morfologia testicular macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. Todos os dados foram analisados por ANOVA com pós-teste de Tukey, considerando p <0,05. Ao final do experimento a pressão arterial sistólica no grupo HE (153,9 mmHg 21,03 ) foi semelhante a dos animais pertencentes ao grupo WKY (153,4 24,41) e menor que a dos animais H (205,1 24,9). A concentração espermática do grupo H (1,31 x 107 sptz/ml 0,27) foi inferior à do grupo WKY (2,11 x 107 sptz/ml 0,34), entretanto o controle da pressão arterial com o enalapril melhorou este parâmetro e a concentração espermática do grupo HE (2,46 x 107 sptz/ml 0,54) foi semelhante a do WKY. A densidade volumétrica vascular também foi alterada no grupo de hipertensos, enquanto que os animais do grupo HE foram semelhantes aos controles. O epitélio seminífero dos animais HE apresentou a maior densidade volumétrica, indicando um possível efeito protetor indireto do enalapril na espermatogênese. Neste modelo animal, a HAS promoveu alterações morfológicas no testículo, com conseqüências sobre a produção de espermatozóides. O controle da pressão arterial com o enalapril protegeu o testículo destas alterações, restabelecendo a produção normal dos espermatozóides.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi examinar o impacto da movimentação dentária de dentes periodontalmente comprometidos no volume do fluido gengival crevicular (FGC) e nos níveis de expressão das metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs) -1, -2, -3, -7, -8, -12 e -13 no FGC. Dez pacientes periodontalmente controlados (8 do sexo feminino e 2 do sexo masculino, média de idade de 46,2 10,4 anos) com incisivos projetados labialmente foram submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico. Uma arcada dentária foi submetida a movimentação ortodôntica e a arcada oposta foi usada como controle. Amostras de FGC foram coletadas da face lingual de dois incisivos do lado movimento e dois do lado controle uma semana antes da ativação ortodôntica (-7d), imediatamente após a ativação ortodôntica, e após 1 h, 24 h, e 7, 14 e 21 dias. A coleta do FGC foi feita utilizando-se tiras de papel absorvente e o volume foi calculado através do uso do Periotron. Todos os pacientes receberam orientações de higiene bucal e um kit contendo escova de dente, pasta de dente e bochecho de Chlorexidina 0,12% para ser usado durante todo o experimento. A técnica da multianálise imunoenzimática com microesferas foi usada para medir as MMPs no FGC. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se os testes estatísticos Friedman e Mann-Whitney. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas no volume do FGC. Em relação aos níveis de MMPs, a única diferença estatisticamente significativa encontrada no decorrer do tempo foi nos níveis de MMP-1 no grupo movimento (p<0,05). Quando os dois grupos foram comparados após a ativação, a única diferença estatisticamente significativa encontrada foi nos níveis de MMP-12 24 horas após a ativação (p<0,05). Estes achados sugerem que o volume de FGC não sofre alteração relacionada ao movimento dentário ortodôntico e que o movimento ortodôntico de dentes periodontalmente comprometidos não resultou em mudanças significativas nos níveis de MMPs no FGC.


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The purpose of this project is to model seabird flock size data to provide recommendations to the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management for offshore wind turbine placement. Our hypothesis is that ecological characteristics influence which statistical distribution will provide the best fit to seabird flock size data. To test this, seabird species can be grouped based on shared ecological traits, such as foraging mechanism or diet.


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Speed trial results of six 32' wooden stern, trawlers built to the same design are analyzed to determine the EHP ship Froude number curves in each case and are compared with the model test results of the same design and for the corresponding, displacement, conditions.


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Fisheries Frame surveys have been carried out on Lake Victoria biannually since 2000 to determine· the number of fishers, fish landing sites, facilities at the landing sites. Information on the composition fishing crafts, their mode of propulsion, fishing gears and the fish species they target is also collected. This information is used to guide development and management of the lake's fisheries. The results of the four surveys carried out since 2000 show that the number of landing sites has decreased by 24% from 597 in 2000 to 481 in 2006, mainly as result of reorganisation of landing sites into Beach Management Units (BMUs). The fish landing sites continue to have inadequate facilities to service the fisheries industry e.g. in the 2006 survey only 11.2% of landing sites had fish shades; <0.6% had cold rooms; 3.5% had electricity; and only 35.5% had toilet facilities. Similarly, only 11.4% of landing sites had portable water; 2.5% had jetties, 3.7% had 'fish stores; and 36% were accessible by all weather roads. There is need to improve facilities servicing fisheries at landing sites, with major emphasis on sanitary facilities, especially toilets and portable water. The BMUs should be sensitised to prioritise the construction and utilisation of public toilet facilities at their respective landing sites. The ultimate aim should be to have public toilets at all fish landing sites. The trend of the various indicators of fishing effort has continued upwards: The total number of fishers increased by 43.5% from 37,721 in 2004 to 54,148 in 2006 and the number of fishing crafts increased (43.9%) from 16,775 in 2004 to 24,148 in 2006 over the same period. The total number of gillnets increased by 28.6% from 458,597 in 2004 to 589,777 in 2006 and the number of long line hooks increased by 136% from 968,848 to 2,285,609. The number of fishing crafts using outboard engines also increased from 3,173 in 2004 to 5,047 in 2006 suggesting that more fishers were going far in search of fish. There is still a large number of illegal gears especially beach seines, which increased by 58.8% from 954 in 2004 to 1420 in 2006. Efforts to remove these very destructive gears should be stepped up. There was also larger increase in number of illegal gillnets <5 inch mesh size. These increased by 63% from 56,246 in 2004 to 91,740 in 2006 compared with 23.8% increase of gillnets ~5 inch mesh size. There were also large increases in the numbers of gillnets of 5 and 5% inch mesh size, which increased by 48% and 130% from 2004 to 2006 implying a trend towards use of smaller gillnet mesh sizes. The number of traps which are used in shallow vegetated areas, flood plains and river mouths to target tilapiines and riverine species decreased drastically from 5,361 traps in 2004 to only 499 traps in 2006, a decrease of 974%, a phenomenon attributed to the receding water levels which have left the shallow vegetated areas dry. A total of 17,475 fishing crafts, 72% of all fishing crafts, in the Ugandan part of the lake are still using paddles and the. number of parachute crafts is also still very high, (Le. 5,064) comprising a high proportion (21 %) of the total number of fishing. There is need to promote the use of large fishing crafts with sails or a combination of sail and outboard motor. The Mukene fishery in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria has remained underdeveloped with only 9% of all fishing crafts operating in this fishery. Also less than 2% of fishing crafts with sails or motor operate in this fishery which implies that it is limited to near shore waters. Effort should be made to develop this fishery as it appears to have high potential, especially in deep offshore waters which are hardly fished.


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Histo-blood group antigens CD173 (H2) and CD174 (Lewis Y) are known to be developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigens which are expressed to a varying degree on many human carcinomas. We hypothesized that they might represent markers of cancer-initiating cells (or cancer stem cells, CSC). In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with stem cell markers CD44 and CD133 by flow cytometry analysis, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry on cell lines and tissue sections from breast cancer. In three breast cancer cell lines, the percentage of CD173(+)/CD44(+) cells ranged from 17% to > 60% and of CD174(+)/CD44(+) from 21% to 57%. In breast cancer tissue sections from 15 patients, up to 50% of tumor cells simultaneously expressed CD173, CD174, and CD44 antigens. Co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with CD133 was also observed, but to a lesser percentage. Co-immunoprecipitation and sandwich ELISA experiments on breast cancer cell lines suggested that CD173 and CD174 are carried on the CD44 molecule. The results show that in these tissues CD173 (H2) and CD174 (LeY) are associated with CD44 expression, suggesting that these carbohydrate antigens are markers of cancer-initiating cells or of early progenitors of breast carcinomas.


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Purpose: This paper seeks to measure in a quantitative way the degree of alignment among a set of performance measures between two organizations. Design/methodology/approach: This paper extends Venkatraman's test of coalignment to assess the alignment of a set of performance measures governing a contractual inter-organizational relationship. The authors applied the test and present coefficients of misalignment across three sets of measures: those used by a service provider involved in the research, those used by customers contracting the services, and those documented in 11 contracts studied. Findings: Results confirmed a high degree of alignment between target and actual operational performance in the contracts. The alignment of customers' financial objectives and contracts' operational metrics was low. Calculations show poor alignment between the objectives of the provider and the contribution received from the contracts. Research limitations/implications: Some limitations of the conclusions include the small sample of contracts used in the calculations. Further research should include not only actual contracts, but also failed ones. Practical implications: It is possible that misaligned goals, represented in misaligned performance measures, lead to tensions in intra-firm relationships. If these tensions are not addressed properly the relationship could be unstable or terminated prematurely. This method of measuring alignment could detect early potential dangers in intra-firm relationships. Originality/value: This paper extends Venkatraman's test of coalignment to assess the alignment of a set of performance measures governing a contractual inter-organizational relationship. Management researchers and business professionals may use this methodology when exploring degrees of alignment of performance measures in intra-functional and inter-firm relationships. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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The Spoken Dialog Challenge 2010 was an exercise to investigate how different spoken dialog systems perform on the same task. The existing Let's Go Pittsburgh Bus Information System was used as a task and four teams provided systems that were first tested in controlled conditions with speech researchers as users. The three most stable systems were then deployed to real callers. This paper presents the results of the live tests, and compares them with the control test results. Results show considerable variation both between systems and between the control and live tests. Interestingly, relatively high task completion for controlled tests did not always predict relatively high task completion for live tests. Moreover, even though the systems were quite different in their designs, we saw very similar correlations between word error rate and task completion for all the systems. The dialog data collected is available to the research community. © 2011 Association for Computational Linguistics.


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The pigments (melanoidins) in molasses wastewater are refractory to conventional biological treatment. Ferric chloride was used as coagulant to remove color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from molasses effluent. Using jar test procedure, main operating conditions such as pH and coagulant dosage were investigated. Under the optimum conditions, up to 86% and 96% of COD and color removal efficiencies were achieved. Residual turbidity in supernatant was less than 5 NTU and Fe3+ concentration was negligible because of effective destabilization and subsequent sedimentation. The results of high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) show that low molecular weight (MW) fraction of melanoidins is more reactive than high MW fraction and increase in the concentration of the lowest MW organic group is related to the capacity of charge neutralization. Aggregate size measurement reveals the size effect on the settleability of flocs formed, with larger flocs settling more rapidly. Charge neutralization and co-precipitation are proposed as predominant coagulation mechanism under the optimum conditions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III) or Pol II promoter was shown to be capable of silencing gene expression, which should permit analyses of gene functions or as a potential therapeutic tool. However, the inhibitory effect of shRNA remains problematic in fish. We demonstrated that silencing efficiency by shRNA produced from the hybrid construct composed of the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter placed immediately upstream of a U6 promoter. When tested the exogenous gene, silencing of an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) target gene was 89.18 +/- 5.06% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 88.26 +/- 6.46% for CMV-U6 promoter group. To test the hybrid promoters driving shRNA efficiency against an endogenous gene, we used shRNA against no tail (NTL) gene. When vectorized in the zebrafish, the hybrid constructs strongly repressed NTL gene expression. The NTL phenotype occupied 52.09 +/- 3.06% and 51.56 +/- 3.68% for CMVE-U6 promoter and CMV-U6 promoter groups, respectively. The NTL gene expression reduced 82.17 +/- 2.96% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 83.06 +/- 2.38% for CMV-U6 promoter group. We concluded that the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter locating upstream of the U6-promoter could significantly improve inhibitory effect induced by the shRNA for both exogenous and endogenous genes compared with the CMV promoter or U6 promoter alone. In contrast, the two hybrid promoter constructs had similar effects on driving shRNA.


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© 2013 IEEE. The world's first bulk-type fully high temperature superconducting synchronous motor (HTS-SM) was assembled and tested in our laboratory at the University of Cambridge. The fully HTS-SM was designed with 75 Y123 HTS bulks mounted on the surface of the rotor and six air core 2G HTS racetrack coils used for stator windings. We successfully applied a light fan load test for this fully HTS-SM at its operating temperature of 77 K. The detected decay of the trapped magnetic flux densities at the centre of the HTS bulks was up to 16.5% after 5 h of synchronous rotation. Due to the high current density of the HTS material, the ac stator field for the 2G HTS winding was 49.2% stronger compared with a comparable copper winding. In the meantime, we estimated that the efficiency was about 86% potentially under stable low frequency rotation at 150 r/min. The results show that the performance of this HTS motor is acceptable for practical applications.


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This paper describes the ground target detection, classification and sensor fusion problems in distributed fiber seismic sensor network. Compared with conventional piezoelectric seismic sensor used in UGS, fiber optic sensor has advantages of high sensitivity and resistance to electromagnetic disturbance. We have developed a fiber seismic sensor network for target detection and classification. However, ground target recognition based on seismic sensor is a very challenging problem because of the non-stationary characteristic of seismic signal and complicated real life application environment. To solve these difficulties, we study robust feature extraction and classification algorithms adapted to fiber sensor network. An united multi-feature (UMF) method is used. An adaptive threshold detection algorithm is proposed to minimize the false alarm rate. Three kinds of targets comprise personnel, wheeled vehicle and tracked vehicle are concerned in the system. The classification simulation result shows that the SVM classifier outperforms the GMM and BPNN. The sensor fusion method based on D-S evidence theory is discussed to fully utilize information of fiber sensor array and improve overall performance of the system. A field experiment is organized to test the performance of fiber sensor network and gather real signal of targets for classification testing.


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Timing and amplitude properties of a prototype scintillator TOF counter at an external target facility are studied with a cosmic rays test. The dependence of signal pulse height and time resolution on the coordinate along the scintillator TOF counter is investigated with two different discriminators. A time resolution of 165 ps can be achieved at the center of the counter with a constant fraction discriminator. Time resolution better than 150 ps is obtained at the center with a leading edge discriminator af...


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The neutron-rich nucleus Li-11 is separated by the radioactive ion beam line RIBLL at HIRFL from the breakup of 50MeV/u C-13 on Be target. The total reaction cross sections for Li-11 at energies range from 25 to 45MeV/u on Si target have been measured by using the transmission method. The experimental data at high and low energies can be fitted well by Glauber model using two Gauss density distribution. The matter radius of Li-11 was also deduced.