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The siltation of an experimental gravel bed, with three grades of sand moving in suspension and as bedload, was examined. The rate of infiltration of sand into the void space of the gravel was determined under differing conditions of discharge, water depth, and velocity (jointly expressed as variation in the Froude Number) and suspended sediment concentration. The downstream reduction in siltation from the point source was also examined.
This study is concerned with some of the properties of roll waves that develop naturally from a turbulent uniform flow in a wide rectangular channel on a constant steep slope . The wave properties considered were depth at the wave crest, depth at the wave trough, wave period, and wave velocity . The primary focus was on the mean values and standard deviations of the crest depths and wave periods at a given station and how these quantities varied with distance along the channel.
The wave properties were measured in a laboratory channel in which roll waves developed naturally from a uniform flow . The Froude number F (F = un/√ghn, un = normal velocity , hn = normal depth, g =acceleration of gravity) ranged from 3. 4 to 6. 0 for channel slopes So of . 05 and . 12 respectively . In the initial phase of their development the roll waves appeared as small amplitude waves with a continuous water surface profile . These small amplitude waves subsequently developed into large amplitude shock waves. Shock waves were found to overtake and combine with other shock waves with the result that the crest depth of the combined wave was larger than the crest depths before the overtake. Once roll waves began to develop, the mean value of the crest depths hnmax increased with distance . Once the shock waves began to overtake, the mean wave period Tav increased approximately linearly with distance.
For a given Froude number and channel slope the observed quantities h-max/hn , T' (T' = So Tav √g/hn), and the standard deviations of h-max/hn and T', could be expressed as unique functions of l/hn (l = distance from beginning of channel) for the two-fold change in hn occurring in the observed flows . A given value of h-max/hn occurred at smaller values of l/hn as the Froude number was increased. For a given value of h /hh-max/hn the growth rate of δh-max/h-maxδl of the shock waves increased as the Froude number was increased.
A laboratory channel was also used to measure the wave properties of periodic permanent roll waves. For a given Froude number and channel slope the h-max/hn vs. T' relation did not agree with a theory in which the weight of the shock front was neglected. After the theory was modified to include this weight, the observed values of h-max/hn were within an average of 6.5 percent of the predicted values, and the maximum discrepancy was 13.5 percent.
For h-max/hn sufficiently large (h-max/hn > approximately 1.5) it was found that the h-max/hn vs. T' relation for natural roll waves was practically identical to the h-max/hn vs. T' relation for periodic permanent roll waves at the same Froude number and slope. As a result of this correspondence between periodic and natural roll waves, the growth rate δh-max/h-maxδl of shock waves was predicted to depend on the channel slope, and this slope dependence was observed in the experiments.
The community structure of fishes associated with pelagic Sargassum spp. and open water lacking Sargassum was examined during summer and fall cruises, 1999–2003, in the Gulf Stream off North Carolina. Significantly more individual fishes (n= 18,799), representing at least 80 species, were collected from samples containing Sargassum habitat, compared to 60 species (n=2706 individuals) collected from openwater habitat. The majority (96%) of fishes collected in both habitats were juveniles, and planehead filefish (Stephanolepis hispidus) dominated both habitats. Regardless of sampling time (day or night), Sargassum habitat yielded significantly higher numbers of individuals and species compared with open-water collections. Overall, fishes collected by neuston net tows from Sargassum habitat were significantly larger in length than fishes collected from open-water habitat with neuston nets. A significant positive, linear relationship existed between numbers of fishes and the quantity of Sargassum collected by neuston net. Underwater video recordings indicated a layered structure of fishes among and below the algae and that smaller fishes were more closely associated with the algae than larger fishes. Observations of schooling behaviors of filefishes (Monacanthidae), dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), and jacks (Carangidae), and fish-jellyfish associations were also recorded with an underwater video camera. Our data indicate that Sargassum provides a substantial nursery habitat for many juvenile fishes off the U.S. southeast coast.