877 resultados para New Marginal Literature
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by bacterium of the Mycobacterium genus, mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). The World Health Organization aims to substantially reduce the number of cases in the coming years; however, the increased number of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extremely drug-resistant (XDR) forms of the bacterium and the lack of treatment for latent tuberculosis are challenges to be overcome. In this review, we have identified the most potent compounds described in the literature during recent years with MIC values < 7 µM, low toxicity and a high selective index. In addition, emerging targets in MTB are presented to provide new perspectives for the discovery of new antitubercular drugs. This review aims to summarize the current advances in and promote insights into antitubercular drug discovery.
Currently, it is easy to find health professionals who not only attach importance to qualitative methods, but also recognize their help to better understand their patients' lives. However, its use in dentistry is still incipient, either due to ignorance or because of technical / operational difficulties in identifying possibilities for their use in research. Thus, the purpose of this study was to review the literature on the characteristics and peculiarities of the qualitative methodology, demonstrating their techniques of collecting, recording and analyzing data. For this, we performed a descriptive literature, from a survey in the "LILACS", "BBO" and "PUBMED" databases, by keywords related to the theme, selecting only the papers that mentioned the "importance" of qualitative research, the "characteristics and fundamentals," and the "techniques of collecting, recording and data analysis" involving this methodology. It was found that all studies have highlighted the importance of qualitative research to the construction of new knowledge that cannot be achieved by quantitative data. We found many different techniques to gather, record and analyze qualitative data applied to the dentistry field. It was concluded that qualitative research represents a new path to be followed by dentistry, so that we are able to plan actions in ethical and humane public health dentistry, bringing better results to the population, because of the depth of knowledge that your date can.
Dynamic conferencing refers to a scenario wherein any subset of users in a universe of users form a conference for sharing confidential information among themselves. The key distribution (KD) problem in dynamic conferencing is to compute a shared secret key for such a dynamically formed conference. In literature, the KD schemes for dynamic conferencing either are computationally unscalable or require communication among users, which is undesirable. The extended symmetric polynomial based dynamic conferencing scheme (ESPDCS) is one such KD scheme which has a high computational complexity that is universe size dependent. In this paper we present an enhancement to the ESPDCS scheme to develop a KD scheme called universe-independent SPDCS (UI-SPDCS) such that its complexity is independent of the universe size. However, the UI-SPDCS scheme does not scale with the conference size. We propose a relatively scalable KD scheme termed as DH-SPDCS that uses the UI-SPDCS scheme and the tree-based group Diffie- Hellman (TGDH) key exchange protocol. The proposed DH-SPDCS scheme provides a configurable trade-off between computation and communication complexity of the scheme.
Attention was focused on the Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) in New York State in 1971 when the first successful breeding record was documented for the state although Monk Parakeets had been noticed in New York and New Jersey since 1968 (Bull, 1971). Since 1971 awareness of the bird’s potential for becoming an established species in New York has spread through several segments of the state’s populace. This awareness has been created primarily through two articles in the magazine published by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), The Conservationist (Trimm, 1972) (Trimm, 1973); several articles in popular magazines, Parade, Yankee, Sports Afield; journals, American Birds and Kingbird; county cooperative extension bulletins and newsletters; and in numerous newspapers throughout the Northeast. The Monk Parakeet is about 12 inches long (Mourning Dove size), weighs about 90 grams, and is native to Argentina and other temperate regions of South America. The bird is pale green with a soft gray forehead and breast, some blue on the flight feathers and a flesh-colored bill. They are gregarious throughout the year. The Monk Parakeet differs from other members of the parrot family in that it builds large communal nests of sticks. Each pair of parakeets has its own private compartment with a downward-pointing tunnel entrance from the inner unlined compartment. The nest is used as sleeping quarters year round and live twigs cut by the bird are continually added to the structure (Bump, 1971). A brief review of the bird’s history in New York shows that the bird remained a mere curiosity until 1972. At that time, because the population seemed to be increasing and because information gleaned from the literature and from those with first-hand experience with the bird in its native haunts of South America indicated that the bird posed a serious potential agricultural problem, several prominent individuals, birding and conservation societies, and state and federal agencies took the position that the bird should be retrieved or removed from the wild.
This investigation evaluates the possibility of constructing new ways of playing for a child with Prader-Willi syndrome, by means of occupational therapy. It is a qualitative study which makes use of the case study methodology, whose starting point is the clinical intervention as data collect field. It also presents a short revision of the literature to subside discussions and reflections. It was observed that through the playing experience the occupational therapist led the child to know his own limitations and possibilities, by making him discover new ways of doing activities. Observing the therapist and learning with her, the patient experienced different situations throughout the therapeutic relationship, what enabled him to experiment them in his everyday life. Finally, this study aims at showing the clinical reasoning of an occupational therapist with a view to demonstrate Brazilian therapeutical conduct.
Leporinus latofasciatus was described by Steindachner (1910) on the basis of a single specimen collected in the rio Orinoco, Venezuela. Since then, no other specimen of the species was mentioned in the literature, and the species was only listed in catalogues, eventually mentioned and treated as a ""poorly known"" species, or even omitted in checklists of fishes from Venezuela. During a visit to the fish collection at the Naturhistorisches Museum at Vienna (NMW) to examine all the type specimens of Leporinus, we were able to study the holotype of Leporinus latofasciatus and recognize that the specimen corresponds to the species described by Myers and Fernandez-Yepez (in Myers, 1950) as Synaptolaemus cingulatus. Thus, the latter is a junior synonym of Leporinus latofasciatus and, based on that, Synaptolaemus latofasciatus (Steindachner, 1910) should be the name applied for this taxon, as a new combination. Herein new data on the holotype of Synaptolaemus latofasciatus are presented and compared with previously data from other authors. In addition, illustrations of live specimens are presented as well as new distribution records for the species.
The great similarities in the external morphologies and the lack of knowledge on ontogenetic and intersexual differences of species in the ariid genus Cathorops Jordan and Gilbert, 1882, has led to an abundance of misidentifications, causing great nomenclatural instability. Accordingly, the taxonomic statuses of the Cathorops species described from Eastern Pacific have remained controversial in the literature, even in recent studies. Here, we describe Cathorops raredonae, a new species from Mesoamerica (Mexico to El Salvador) and redescribe (in Cathorops) Tachysurus liropus Bristol, 1897, and Arius taylori Hildebrand, 1925, often listed as junior synonyms of Cathorops fuerthii (Steindachner, 1877) and Cathorops steindachneri (Gilbert and Starks, 1904), respectively, or treated as species inquirendae in Cathorops. We also redescribe and redefine the circumscriptions of C. fuerthii and C. steindachneri. Finally, we summarize current statuses of nominal species of Cathorops from the Eastern Pacific and provide an artificial key to identify the valid Pacific species.
Statement of problem. Coatings of zirconite, Y2O3 or ZrO2 on wax patterns before investing in phosphate-bonded investments have been recommended to reduce the reaction layer in titanium castings, but they are not easily obtainable. Spinel-based investments are relatively stable with molten titanium and could be used as coatings to improve the quality of castings made with those investments. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of pattern coating with a commercial spinel-based investment before investing in 1 of 3 phosphate-bonded investments on the marginal coping fit and surface roughness of commercially pure titanium castings. Material and methods. Ten square acrylic resin patterns (12 x 12 x 2 mm) per group were invested in the phosphate-bonded investments Rematitan Plus (RP), Rema Exakt (RE), and Castorit Super C (CA) with or without a coating of the spinel-based investment, Rematitan Ultra (RU). After casting, the specimens were cleaned and the surface roughness was measured with a profilometer. Copings for dental implants with conical abutment were invested, eliminated, and cast as previously described. The copings were cleaned and misfit was measured with a profile projector (n=10). For both tests, the difference between the mean value of RU only and each value of the phosphate-bonded investment was calculated, and the data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test (alpha=.05). In addition, the investment roughness was measured in bar specimens (30 x 10 x 10 mm), and the data (n=10) were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD post hoc test (alpha=.05). Results. Two-way ANOVA for casting surface roughness was significant because of the investment, the coating technique, and the interaction between variables. One-way ANOVA was performed to prove the interaction term, and Tukey's post hoc test showed that RP with coating had the lowest mean, while RP had the highest. CA with coating was not different from RP with coating or CA without coating. RE with coating was similar to CA, while RE was different from all groups. For coping marginal fit, the 2-way ANOVA was significant for the investment, the coating technique, and the interaction between variables. The interaction was analyzed by1-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test that showed no significant difference among the coated groups, which had better marginal fit than the groups without coating. Among the groups without coating, CA had significant lower marginal misfit than RP, while RE was not different from CA and RP. For the investment surface roughness, the 1-way ANOVA was significant. CA and RU were smoother than RE and RP (P<.001). Conclusions. The coating technique improved the quality of castings fabricated with phosphate-bonded investments. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;108:51-57)