948 resultados para NEWCASTLE-DISEASE VIRUS
We screened 735 HIV-infected patients in Switzerland with unexplained alanine aminotransferase elevation for hepatitis E virus (HEV) immunoglobulin G. Although HEV seroprevalence in this population is low (2.6%), HEV RNA can persist in patients with low CD4 cell counts. Findings suggest chronic HEV infection should be considered as a cause of persistent alanine aminotransferase elevation.
Background: Although combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) dramatically reduces rates of AIDS and death, a minority of patients experience clinical disease progression during treatment. <p>Objective: To investigate whether detection of CXCR4(X4)-specific strains or quantification of X4-specific HIV-1 load predict clinical outcome. Methods: From the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, 96 participants who initiated cART yet subsequently progressed to AIDS or death were compared with 84 contemporaneous, treated nonprogressors. A sensitive heteroduplex tracking assay was developed to quantify plasma X4 and CCR5 variants and resolve HIV-1 load into coreceptor-specific components. Measurements were analyzed as cofactors of progression in multivariable Cox models adjusted for concurrent CD4 cell count and total viral load, applying inverse probability weights to adjust for sampling bias. Results: Patients with X4 variants at baseline displayed reduced CD4 cell responses compared with those without X4 strains (40 versus 82 cells/mu l; P= 0.012). The adjusted multivariable hazard ratio (HR) for clinical progression was 4.8 [95% confidence interval (Cl) 2.3-10.0] for those demonstrating X4 strains at baseline. The X4-specific HIV-1 load was a similarly independent predictor, with HR values of 3.7(95%Cl, 1.2-11.3) and 5.9 (95% Cl, 2.2-15.0) for baseline loads of 2.2-4.3 and > 4.3 log(10)copies/ml, respectively, compared with < 2.2 log(10)copies/ml. Conclusions: HIV-1 coreceptor usage and X4-specific viral loads strongly predicted disease progression during cART, independent of and in addition to CD4 cell count or total viral load. Detection and quantification of X4 strains promise to be clinically useful biomarkers to guide patient management and study HIV-1 pathogenesis.
T-cell based vaccines against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) generate specific responses that may limit both transmission and disease progression by controlling viral load. Broad, polyfunctional, and cytotoxic CD4+T-cell responses have been associated with control of simian immunodeficiency virus/HIV-1 replication, supporting the inclusion of CD4+ T-cell epitopes in vaccine formulations. Plasmid-encoded granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (pGM-CSF) co-administration has been shown to induce potent CD4+ T-cell responses and to promote accelerated priming and increased migration of antigen-specific CD4+ T-cells. However, no study has shown whether co-immunisation with pGM-CSF enhances the number of vaccine-induced polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells. Our group has previously developed a DNA vaccine encoding conserved, multiple human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR binding HIV-1 subtype B peptides, which elicited broad, polyfunctional and long-lived CD4+ T-cell responses. Here, we show that pGM-CSF co-immunisation improved both magnitude and quality of vaccine-induced T-cell responses, particularly by increasing proliferating CD4+ T-cells that produce simultaneously interferon-γ, tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-2. Thus, we believe that the use of pGM-CSF may be helpful for vaccine strategies focused on the activation of anti-HIV CD4+ T-cell immunity.
The host's immune response to hepatitis C virus (HCV) can result in the selection of characteristic mutations (adaptations) that enable the virus to escape this response. The ability of the virus to mutate at these sites is dependent on the incoming virus, the fitness cost incurred by the mutation, and the benefit to the virus in escaping the response. Studies examining viral adaptation in chronic HCV infection have shown that these characteristic immune escape mutations can be observed at the population level as human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-specific viral polymorphisms. We examined 63 individuals with chronic HCV infection who were infected from a single HCV genotype 1b source. Our aim was to determine the extent to which the host's immune pressure affects HCV diversity and the ways in which the sequence of the incoming virus, including preexisting escape mutations, can influence subsequent mutations in recipients and infection outcomes. Conclusion: HCV sequences from these individuals revealed 29 significant associations between specific HLA types within the new hosts and variations within their viruses, which likely represent new viral adaptations. These associations did not overlap with previously reported adaptations for genotypes 1a and 3a and possibly reflected a combination of constraint due to the incoming virus and genetic distance between the strains. However, these sites accounted for only a portion of the sites in which viral diversity was observed in the new hosts. Furthermore, preexisting viral adaptations in the incoming (source) virus likely influenced the outcomes in the new hosts.
Severe dengue pathogenesis is not fully understood, but high levels of proinflammatory cytokines have been associated with dengue disease severity. In this study, the cytokine levels in 171 sera from Mexican patients with primary dengue fever (DF) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) from dengue virus (DENV) 1 (n = 116) or 2 (n = 55) were compared. DF and DHF were defined according to the patient’s clinical condition, the primary infections as indicated by IgG enzymatic immunoassay negative results, and the infecting serotype as assessed by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Samples were analysed for circulating levels of interleukin (IL)-12p70, interferon (IFN)-γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-6, and IL-8 using a commercial cytometric bead array. Significantly higher IFN-γ levels were found in patients with DHF than those with DF. However, significantly higher IL-12p70, TNF-α, and IL-6 levels were associated with DHF only in patients who were infected with DENV2 but not with DENV1. Moreover, patients with DF who were infected with DENV1 showed higher levels of IL-12p70, TNF-α, and IL-6 than patients with DHF early after-fever onset. The IL-8 levels were similar in all cases regardless of the clinical condition or infection serotype. These results suggest that the association between high proinflammatory cytokine levels and dengue disease severity does not always stand, and it once again highlights the complex nature of DHF pathogenesis.
This study was conducted to analyse the course and the outcome of the liver disease in the co-infected animals in order to evaluate a possible synergic effect of human parvovirus B19 (B19V) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) co-infection. Nine adult cynomolgus monkeys were inoculated with serum obtained from a fatal case of B19V infection and/or a faecal suspension of acute HAV. The presence of specific antibodies to HAV and B19V, liver enzyme levels, viraemia, haematological changes, and necroinflammatory liver lesions were used for monitoring the infections. Seroconversion was confirmed in all infected groups. A similar pattern of B19V infection to human disease was observed, which was characterised by high and persistent viraemia in association with reticulocytopenia and mild to moderate anaemia during the period of investigation (59 days). Additionally, the intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in pro-erythroblast cell from an infected cynomolgus and B19V Ag in hepatocytes. The erythroid hypoplasia and decrease in lymphocyte counts were more evident in the co-infected group. The present results demonstrated, for the first time, the susceptibility of cynomolgus to B19V infection, but it did not show a worsening of liver histopathology in the co-infected group.
Se examinan los comportamientos anticonceptivos de 225 jóvenes universitarios (22'7% hombres y 77'3% mujeres) con el objetivo de conocer su eficacia para evitar embarazos no deseados, SIDA y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS). Se recogió información sobre los diferentes métodos anticonceptivos empleados por los sujetos con su última pareja, sin establecer ningún límite temporal. La mitad de los estudiantes no habían tenido nunca relaciones sexuales completas. La mitad de las conductas heterosexuales de los jóvenes sexualmente activos fueron adecuadas para protegerse frente al SIDA, otras ETS y embarazos no deseados (usar siempre preservativo); un tercio de las conductas únicamente eran útiles para evitar embarazos (píldora anticonceptiva) y las restantes (usar ocasionalmente el preservativo o el coitus interruptus ) les pusieron en riesgo frente a los tres problemas. Además, conforme se eleva la edad o el número de parejas de los estudiantes, es más frecuente el uso de píldoras anticonceptivas y menos probable el empleo de preservativo. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudiantes sexualmente activos están más interesados en la prevención de los embarazos no deseados que en evitar infectarse con el SIDA u otras ETS, por lo que seria conveniente promocionar entre ellos el uso del preservativo como método anticonceptivo, destacando sus ventajas frente a la píldora
Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is responsible for up to 30% of cases of liver cirrhosis and up to 53% of cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver transplantation (LT) is the best therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver failure caused by HBV. The success of transplantation, though, depends on receiving prophylactic treatment against post-transplant viral reactivation. In the absence of prophylaxis, liver transplantation due to chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is associated with high rates of viral recurrence and poor survival. The introduction of treatment with hepatitis B immunoglobulins (HBIG) during the 1990s and later the incorporation of oral antiviral drugs have improved the prognosis of these patients. Thus, LT for CHB is now a universally accepted option, with an estimated 5 years survival of around 85% vs the 45% survival seen prior to the introduction of HBIG. The combination of lamivudine plus HBIG has for many years been the most widely used prophylactic regimen. However, with the appearance of new more potent oral antiviral agents associated with less resistance (e.g., entecavir and tenofovir) for the treatment of CHB, new prophylactic strategies are being designed, either in combination with HBIG or alone as a monotherapy. These advances have allowed for more personalized prophylaxis based on the individual risk profile of a given patient. In addition, the small pool of donors has required the use of anti-HBc-positive donors (with the resulting possibility of transmitting HBV from these organs), which has been made possible by suitable prophylactic regimens.
Les réponses immunitaires innées et adaptatives déclenchées par une infection virale chez l'humain sont classiquement décrites comme une succession d'événements communs à tous les virus- la réponse innée, caractérisés par la libération rapide de cytokines antivirales et des chémokines, recrutant monocytes, NK et lymphocytes Τ vers le site d'infection, suivis par l'activation de l'immunité adaptative. Notre compréhension de la dynamique de ces mécanismes dynamiques est limitée chez l'humain. En effet, il existe peu d'études portant sur la cinétique et l'analyse quantitative de la réponse Τ spécifique au virus, parallèlement aux aspects plus qualitatifs de cette réponse (cytokines sériques produites lors de différentes infections virales, notamment). Méthode: Nous avons étudiés trois groupes de patients tous recrutés au cours de la phase aiguë d'une infection par le virus de la dengue (28 patients), le virus influenza A (13 patients) et le virus de l'hépatite Β (HBV) (13 patients). Nous avons analysé le profil d'activation (CD38, HLA-DR) et de prolifération (Ki-67, Bcl-2) des lymphocytes Τ CD8+ (par cytométrie de flux), de façon longitudinale à différents timepoints (depuis le début des symptômes jusqu'à rémission totale) en quantifiant 15 cytokines et chémokines (par Luminex multiplex biométrie immunoassay) dans le sérum des patients infectés. Résultats: Nous avons comparé le profil des réponses innée et adaptative chez les 3 types d'infection virales; les patients infectés par l'HBV ont une fréquence élevée de CD8+ spécifiques activés et proliférant ainsi que des taux sériques élevés de TNF-α et d'IFN-γ. Les patients infectés par le virus de la dengue et par le virus Influenza présentent quant à eux une activation CD 8+ moins intense mais une forte expression de la réponse innée, marquée par une élévation des cytokines IFN-α, IFN-γ, et TNF-α. De plus, une particularité des patients infectés par le virus de la dengue est de présenter une élévation marquée des cytokines immunorégulatrices (IL-10, IL- 1RA). Conclusion: Ces résultats permettent de montrer que la réponse immunologique consécutive à une infections virale spécifique est caractérisée par sa propre signature, tant au niveau de la production de cytokines/chemokines que de la quantité des lymphocytes Τ CD+8+ spécifiques activés et proliférantes. Ce travail contribue ainsi à une meilleure compréhension de l'immunité antivirale chez les humains, grâce à la description de la cinétique et de la quantification des cellules Τ CD8+ activées et des taux de cytokines dans chaque infection étudiée. Abstract Knowledge of innate and adaptive immune parameters triggered by viral infections is limited but important for understanding disease pathogenesis. We performed a comparative longitudinal analysis of serum cytokines/chemokines and of virus-activated CD8 Τ cells population in patients with acute dengue, influenza A or HBV infections from onset to disease recovery. We observed that each viral infection is characterized by its own signature of cytokines/chemokines production and size of activated and proliferating CD8 Τ cell pool. This is, to our knowledge, the first comparative longitudinal study of the immune response in human subjects in three distinct viral infections.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) contributes to the pathogenesis of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in more than 70% of cases. EBV DNAemia surveillance has been reported to assist in the prevention and treatment of PTLD in hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients. Derived from experience in HSCT and taking into account that PCR-based EBV monitoring techniques are currently available in most solid organ transplant (SOT) centres, there is a great interest in EBV surveillance and prevention of PTLD in SOT recipients. In the present document we have tried to address from a practical perspective different important topics regarding the prevention and management of EBV-related PTLD in SOT. To this end, available information on SOT was analysed and combined with potentially useful data from HSCT and expert observations. The document is therefore structured according to different specific questions, each of them culminating in a consensus opinion of the panel of European experts, grading the answers according to internationally recognized levels of evidence. The addressed issues were grouped under the following topics. (i) Timing and epidemiological data of PTLD. Prophylaxis guided by clinical risk factors of early and late PTLD in SOT. (ii) Relationship of EBV DNAemia load monitoring and the development of PTLD in solid organ transplant recipients. (iii) Monitoring of EBV DNAemia after SOT. Which population should be monitored? What is the optimal timing of the monitoring? (iv) Management of SOT recipients with persistent and/or increasing EBV DNAemia.
Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV), two processes that require the appropriate activation of the host immune responses. Intrahepatic inflammation is believed to mirror such activation, but its relationship with IL28B polymorphisms has yet to be fully appreciated. We analyzed the association of IL28B polymorphisms with histological and follow-up features in 2335 chronically HCV-infected Caucasian patients. Assessable phenotypes before any antiviral treatment included necroinflammatory activity (n = 1,098), fibrosis (n = 1,527), fibrosis progression rate (n = 1,312), and hepatocellular carcinoma development (n = 1,915). Associations of alleles with the phenotypes were evaluated by univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression, accounting for all relevant covariates. The rare G allele at IL28B marker rs8099917-previously shown to be at risk of treatment failure-was associated with lower activity (P = 0.04), lower fibrosis (P = 0.02) with a trend toward lower fibrosis progression rate (P = 0.06). When stratified according to HCV genotype, most significant associations were observed in patients infected with non-1 genotypes (P = 0.003 for activity, P = 0.001 for fibrosis, and P = 0.02 for fibrosis progression rate), where the odds ratio of having necroinflammation or rapid fibrosis progression for patients with IL28B genotypes TG or GG versus TT were 0.48 (95% confidence intervals 0.30-0.78) and 0.56 (0.35-0.92), respectively. IL28B polymorphisms were not predictive of the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. CONCLUSION: In chronic hepatitis C, IL28B variants associated with poor response to interferon therapy may predict slower fibrosis progression, especially in patients infected with non-1 HCV genotypes.
BACKGROUND: Atherosclerosis has been assessed in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons by using various methods. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) has not been evaluated, however. We studied the cross-sectional prevalence of lower limb PAD in an HIV-infected population. METHODS: PAD was assessed using the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire and by measuring the systolic ankle-brachial blood pressure index (ABI) at rest and after exercise. Patients with PAD were further evaluated by duplex scan of lower limb arteries. RESULTS: Ninety-two consecutive HIV-infected patients were evaluated (23.9% women; mean age, 49.5 years; 61.9% current smokers). Claudication was reported by 15.2% of the patients. PAD was found in 20.7% of the patients: 9.8% had an abnormal ABI (<0.90) at rest, and 10.9% had normal ABI at rest but a >25% decrease after exercise. Of the patients with PAD, 84.2% were investigated with duplex scan, all of whom had atherosclerotic occlusions or stenoses of the iliac or femoral arteries. Age, diabetes, smoking, and low CD4+ T lymphocyte counts were identified as independent predictors of PAD. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic PAD is high in the HIV-infected population and is much higher than expected (prevalence in the general population, approximately 3% at 60 years). This study suggests the presence of an epidemic of PAD approximately 20 years earlier in the HIV-infected than in the general population. Larger epidemiological studies are needed to better define risk factors and to evaluate whether PAD is associated with increased mortality, as it is in the general population.
We report three cases of neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection presenting as fulminant hepatitis. None of the patients had clear risk factors for HSV infection and they all died. Antiviral treatment for HSV is currently available but must be administered early in the course of the disease before irreversible liver tissue damage is present. Since the diagnosis may be difficult to establish, we wish to draw the attention of clinicians to the presentation of neonatal HSV infection and suggest that in such cases viral cultures, including culture of liver tissue, should be obtained early and antiviral treatment administered while awaiting the culture results.
Abstract : Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small DNA virus belonging to the familiy of Parvoviridae. Its genome contains two genes : the rep gene encoding four non structural proteins (Rep78, 68, 52 and 40) implicated in transcription, replication and site-specific integration of the viral DNA and the cap gene encoding three capsid proteins. AAV does not cause any disease, but is studied in view of its potential use to treat several diseases. An interesting property of AAV is its antiproliferative effect. Two elements of AAV can inhibit cell growth. Firstly, the single stranded viral DNA is recognized in cells as damaged DNA leading to either a G2 block or cell death depending on p53 status. Secondly, the two larger Rep proteins (Rep78 and 68) also arrest the cell cycle when they are expressed at high levels. Rep78 in particular induces a complete cell cycle arrest in all the phases, including S phase. Such a strong S phase arrest is rarely seen in other conditions. It was thus interesting to determine how Rep78 could induce it. We found that this strong block is the consequence of Rep78's effects on at least two pathways. Rep78 induces a DNA damage response by producing nicks in the cellular chromatin. Furthermore, Rep78 can bind to the cellular phosphatase Cdc25A and prevent its binding to its substrates CDK2 and CDK1, thus inhibiting its activity. A mutational analysis of Rep78 protein determined that its endonuclease activity is responsible for the DNA damage response and its zinc finger domain for Cdc25A inhibition. The combined expression of two mutants each defective for one of these activities, or these two activities obtained independently of Rep78, could restore the complete cell cycle block, indicating that these two effects of Rep78 are likely to explain completely the cell cycle block it induces. Secondly, the lack of pathogenicity of AAV, its broad range of infection and its ability to integrate site-specifically in human chromosome 19 make it an interesting potential vector for gene therapy. However site-specific integration is only possible in the presence of Rep78/68 whose gene is removed in recombinant AAV vectors. In this part of the study, we tried to introduce Rep protein separately from recombinant AAV vectors to promote their site-specific integration. For that purpose, a fusion protein, TAT-Rep, comprising Rep78/68 joined to the human immunodeficiency virus Tat protein was produced. It had the ability to enter cells and remain active there for a short period. Its activity was sufficient to mediate transcription from the p5 promoter, second-strand synthesis of a recombinant AAV and probably site-specific integration. Résumé : Le virus associé à l'adénovirus (AAV) est un petit virus à ADN qui fait partie de la famille des Parvoviridae. Son génome contient deux gènes : le gène rep code pour quatre protéines (Rep78, 68, 52 et 40) qui participent à la transcription, la réplication et l'intégration du virus et le gène cap code pour les trois protéines de capside. AAV ne produit pas de maladie, mais pourrait au contraire être utilisé pour en soigner. Sa bénignité, sa capacité à infecter différents types de cellules et son intégration spécifique en font un vecteur potentiel pour la thérapie génique. Pour qu'il puisse s'intégrer spécifiquement, il a besoin de la protéine Rep78 ou 68, mais ce gène doit être enlevé des vecteurs pour la thérapie génique. Le but de la première partie de cette étude était d'introduire Rep78 ou 68 dans des cellules en même temps qu'un AAV recombinant, mais indépendamment afin de permettre une intégration spécifique. La stratégie utilisée était de produire une protéine de fusion (TAT-Rep) qui peut entrer dans des cellules si elle est présente dans leur milieu. Cette protéine entrait bien dans les cellules et y était active favorisant ainsi l'intégration spécifique. Une deuxième propriété d'AAV, son effet anti-prolifératif, est intéressante dans le cadre de certaines maladies comme le cancer. Deux éléments d'AAV en sont responsables. D'abord, son ADN simple brin active une réponse cellulaire à l'ADN endommagé et arrête les cellules en G2 ou provoque leur mort. De plus, la protéine Rep78 d'AAV peut fortement bloquer le cycle cellulaire à toutes les phases, même en phase S, ce qui est rare. C'est pourquoi nous avons essayé de comprendre cet effet. Nous avons remarqué que Rep78 doit agir sur deux fronts pour obtenir ce fort bloc. D'un côté, Rep78 introduit des coupures simple brin sur l'ADN de la cellule ce qui active une réponse cellulaire à l'ADN endommagé qui passe par ATM. D'un autre côté, Rep78 lie une phosphatase cellulaire, Cdc25A, et l'empêche ainsi de lier ses substrats CDK2 et CDK1 et donc d'être active. Finalement, à l'aide de mutants de Rep78, nous avons déterminé que l'activité endonuclease de Rep78 était nécessaire pour induire une réponse cellulaire via ATM et que le domaine C-terminal appelé «zinc finger » était responsable de la liaison avec Cdc25A. En co-exprimant deux mutants, qui n'ont chacun qu'un des effets de Rep78, ou en obtenant les deux effets de Rep78 indépendamment d'elle, nous avons obtenu un bloc complet du cycle cellulaire similaire à celui obtenu avec Rep78. Il est donc probable que ces deux effets de Rep78 sont suffisants pour expliquer comment elle arrive à arrêter le cycle cellulaire si efficacement.