998 resultados para Mouse lymphoma assay


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The observation that murine thymocytes increase their proliferation to interleukin 1 (IL-1) in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) when pre-incubated with interleukin 2 (IL-2) allowed the introduction of a modified assay for the measurement of IL-1 or the search of thymocyte-inducing proliferative activities in biological samples. Pre-incubation of thymocytes for 24 hr with 50 u/ml IL-2, followed by washings, elicited their maximal response to IL-1 in the usual lymphocyte activating factor (LAF) assay. This suggests that sequential events lead to thymocyte activation. The responsiveness is three to five fold greater than, and the total time of assay is the same as that of the LAF assay. Interestingly, pre-incubation with IL-2 renders thymocytes more sensitive than responsive to crude monocyte conditioned media. The use of the MTT colorimetric method for the assessment of thymocyte proliferation, and of the lectin jacalin as a co-mitogen are suggested as alternatives to be used in co-stimulatory assays.


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Résumé Identification, localisation et activation des cellules souches hématopoiétiques dormantes in vivo Les cellules souches somatiques sont présentes dans la majorité des tissus régénératifs comme la peau, l'épithélium intestinal et le système hématopoiétique. A partir d'une seule cellule, elles ont les capacités de produire d'autres cellules souches du même type (auto-renouvellement) et d'engendrer un ensemble défini de cellules progénitrices différenciées qui vont maintenir ou réparer leur tissu hôte. Les cellules souches adultes les mieux caractérisées sont les cellules souches hématopoiétiques (HSC), localisées dans la moelle osseuse. Un des buts de mon travail de doctorat était de caractériser plus en profondeur la localisation des HSCs endogènes in vivo. Pour ce faire, la technique "label retaining assay", se basant sur la division peu fréquentes et sur la dormance des cellules souches, a été utilisée. Après un marquage des souris avec du BrdU (analogue à l'ADN) suivi d'une longue période sans BrdU, les cellules ayant incorporés le marquage ("label retaining cells" LCRs) ont pu être identifiées dans la moelle osseuse. Ces cellules LCRs étaient enrichies 300 fois en cellules de phenotype HSC et, en utilisant de la cytofluorométrie, il a pu être montré qu'environ 15% de toutes les HSCs d'une souris restent dormantes durant plusieures semaines. Ces HSCs dormantes à long terme ne sont probablement pas impliquées dans la maintenance de 'hématopoièse. Par contre, on assiste à l'activation rapide de ces HSCs dormantes lors d'une blessure, comme une ablation myéloide. Elles re-entrent alors en cycle cellulaire et sont essentielles pour une génération rapide des cellules progénitrices et matures qui vont remplacer les cellules perdues. De plus, la détection des LCRs, combinée avec l'utilisation du marqueur de HSCs c-kit, peut être utilisée pour la localisation des HSCs dormantes présentes dans la paroi endostéale de la cavité osseuse. De manière surprenante, les LCRs c-kit+ ont surtout étés trouvées isolées en cellule unique, suggérant que le micro-environement spécifique entourant et maintenant les HSCs, appelé niche, pourrait être très réduit et abriter une seule HSC par niche. Rôles complexes du gène supresseur de tumeur Pten dans le système hématopoiétique La phosphatase PTEN disparaît dans certains cancers héréditaires ou sporadiques humains, comme les gliomes, les cancers de l'utérus ou du sein. Pten inhibe la voie de signalisation de la PI3-kinase et joue un rôle clé dans l'apoptose, la croissance, la prolifération et la migration cellulaire. Notre but était d'étudier le rôle de Pten dans les HSC normale et durant la formation de leucémies. Pour ce faire, nous avons généré un modèle murin dans lequel le gène Pten peut être supprimé dans les cellules hématopoiétiques, incluant les HSCs. Ceci a été possible en croissant l'allèle conditionnelle ptenflox soit avec le transgène MxCre inductible par l'interféron α soit avec le transgène Scl-CreERt inductible par le tamoxifen. Ceci permet la conversion de l'allèle ptenflox en l'allèle nul PtenΔ dans les HSCs et les autres types cellulaires hématopoiétiques. Les souris mutantes Pten développent une splénomégalie massive causée par une expansion dramatiques de toutes les cellules myéloides. De manière interessante, alors que le nombre de HSCs dans la moelle osseuse diminue progressivement, le nombre des HSCs dans la rate augmente de manière proportionnelle. Etrangement, les analyses de cycle cellulaire ont montrés que Pten n'avait que peu ou pas d'effet sur la dormance des HSCs ou sur leur autorenouvellement. En revanche, une augmentation massive du niveau de la cytokine de mobilisation G-CSF a été détéctée dans le serum sanguin, suggérant que la suppression de Pten stimulerait la mobilisation et la migration des HSC de la moelle osseuse vers la rate. Finallement, la transplantation de moelle osseuse délétée en Pten dans des souris immuno-déficientes montre que Pten fonctionnerait comme un suppresseur de tumeur dans le système hématopoiétique car son absence entraîne la formation rapide de leucémies lymphocytaires. Summary Identification, localization and activation of dormant hematopoietic stun cells in vivo Somatic stem cells are present in most self-renewing tissues including the skin, the intestinal epithelium and the hematopoietic system. On a single cell basis they have the capacity to produce more stem cells of the same phenotype (self-renewal) and to give rise to a defined set of mature differentiated progeny, responsible for the maintenance or repair of the host tissue. The best characterized adult stem cell is the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) located in the bone marrow. One goal of my thesis work was to further characterize the location of endogenous HSCs in vivo. To do this, a technique called "label retaining assay» was used which takes advantage of the fact that stem cells (including HSCs) divide very infrequently and can be dormant for months. After labeling mice with the DNA analogue BrdU followed by a long BrdU free "chase", BrdU "label retaining cells" (CRCs) could be identified in the bone marrow. These CRCs were 300-fold enriched for phenotypic HSCs and by using flow cytometry analysis it could be shown that about 15% of all HSCs in the mouse are dormant for many weeks. Our results suggest that these long-term dormant HSCs are unlikely to be involved in homeostatic maintenance. However they are rapidly activated and reenter the cell cycle in response to injury signals such as myeloid ablation. In addition, detection of LRCs in combination with the HSC marker c-Kit could be used to locate engrafted dormant HSCs close to the endosteal lining of the bone marrow cavities. Most surprisingly, c-Kit+LRCs were found predominantly as single cells suggesting that the specific stem cell maintaining microenvironment, called niche, has limited space and may house only single HSCs. Complex roles of the tumor suppressor gene Pten in the hematopoietic system. The phosphatase PTEN is lost in hereditary and sporadic forms of human cancers, including gliomas, endometrial and breast cancers. Pten inhibits the PI3-kina.se pathway and plays a key role in apoptosis, cell growth, proliferation and migration. Our aim was to study the role of Pten in normal HSCs and during leukemia formation. To do this, we generated a mouse model in which the Pten gene can be deleted in hematopoietic cells including HSCs. This was achieved by crossing the conditional ptenflox allele with either the interferona inducible MxCre or the tamoxifen inducible Scl-CreERT transgene. This allowed the conversion of the ptenflox allele into a pterr' null allele in HSCs and other hematopoietic cell types. As a result Pten mutant mice developed massive splenomegaly due to a dramatic expansion of all myeloid cells. Interestingly, while the number of bone marrow HSCs progressively decreased, the number of HSCs in the spleen increased to a similar extent. Unexpectedly, extensive cell cycle analysis showed that Pten had little or no effect on HSC dormancy or HSC self-renewal. Instead, dramatically increased levels of the mobilizing cytokine G-CSF were detected in the blood serum suggesting that loss-of Pten stimulates mobilization and migration of HSC from the BM to the spleen. Finally, transplantation of Pten deficient BM cells into immuno-compromised mice showed that Pten can function as a tumor suppressor in the hematopoietic system and that its absence leads to the rapid formation of T cell leukemia.


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A case of a 20-years-old black man from Salvador, Bahia with HTLV-I associated T cell lymphoma is presented. In spite of the absence of splenomegaly and leukemia, the patient had a marked cephalic tumoral infiltrationassociated with axillary tumors in a pattern not yet described in adult T cell lymphoma. Peripheral blood involvement was observed later on in the course of thedisease. The patient underwent chemotherapy but died seven monts after diagnosis.


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The functionality of adult neocortical circuits can be altered by novel experiences or learning. This functional plasticity appears to rely on changes in the strength of neuronal connections that were established during development. Here we will describe some of our studies in which we have addressed whether structural changes, including the remodeling of axons and dendrites with synapse formation and elimination, could underlie experience-dependent plasticity in the adult neocortex. Using 2-photon laser-scanning microscopes and transgenic mice expressing GFP in a subset of pyramidal cells, we have observed that a small subset of dendritic spines continuously appear and disappear on a daily basis, whereas the majority of spines persists for months. Axonal boutons from different neuronal classes displayed similar behavior, although the extent of remodeling varied. Under baseline conditions, new spines in the barrel cortex were mostly transient and rarely survived for more than a week. However, when every other whisker was trimmed, the generation and loss of persistent spines was enhanced. Ultrastructural reconstruction of previously imaged spines and boutons showed that new spines slowly form synapses. New spines persisting for a few days always had synapses, whereas very young spines often lacked synapses. New synapses were predominantly found on large, multi-synapse boutons, suggesting that spine growth is followed by synapse formation, preferentially on existing boutons. Altogether our data indicate that novel sensory experience drives the stabilization of new spines on subclasses of cortical neurons and promotes the formation of new synapses. These synaptic changes likely underlie experience-dependent functional remodeling of specific neocortical circuits.


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Studies were done to evaluate comparatively the traditional HA assay and a more recently introduced lectin-neuraminidase (LN) methodologyin search of a simple and sensitive assay for virus detection during laboratorial diagnosis. The results proved the value of LN assay as a sensitive methodologyfor detection of virus particles, presenting results at least equal to those obtained by HA (hemagglutination) assay, with significant values of accumulated frequencies for LN/HA factors (ratios between LN and HA titers) higher than two. The accumulated values of frequencies for LN/HA factors as high as four were very significant, 72.7 (per cent) for influenzavirus and 60.7 (per cent) for Newcastle disease virus (NDV), moreover accumulated frequencies for LN/HA factors even as high as 32 were due to influenzavirus (45.4 per cent) and NDV (7.2 per cent) samples. After the storage period, most of those concentraded samples that even did not present HA titers could be detected through LN assay, demonstrating a lower threshold for virus detection.


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A sensitive method for quantifying mouse plasma alpha-macroglobulins (AM) using an inhibition ELISA is described. AM are important plasmaproteinase inhibitors that possibly act also as immunomodulatory molecules. The standard protocol develope in our experiments involves coating well with 10 µg/ml A2M in carbonate buffer, followed by incubation with a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of the plasma to be tested (diluted 1/1000) and goat anti-AM (diluted 1/1250). This is followed by further incubation, first with the enzyme-conjugated antibody and with the substrate prior to the reading of absorbance levels of the reaction products. Standard curve samples must be included in each plate, employing known amounts of the purified Murine Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (MuA2M) used for coating, with concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 10 µg/ml. Using test samples in triplicates and a 6-point standard curve in a single ELISA plate, 25 plasma samples can be tested accurately. The method offers an useful tool for establishing AM levelsin small samples of mouse plasma.


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Notch proteins are important in binary cell-fate decisions and inhibiting differentiation in many developmental systems, and aberrant Notch signaling is associated with tumorigenesis. The role of Notch signaling in mammalian skin is less well characterized and is mainly based on in vitro studies, which suggest that Notch signaling induces differentiation in mammalian skin. Conventional gene targeting is not applicable to establishing the role of Notch receptors or ligands in the skin because Notch1-/- embryos die during gestation. Therefore, we used a tissue-specific inducible gene-targeting approach to study the physiological role of the Notch1 receptor in the mouse epidermis and the corneal epithelium of adult mice. Unexpectedly, ablation of Notch1 results in epidermal and corneal hyperplasia followed by the development of skin tumors and facilitated chemical-induced skin carcinogenesis. Notch1 deficiency in skin and in primary keratinocytes results in increased and sustained expression of Gli2, causing the development of basal-cell carcinoma-like tumors. Furthermore, Notch1 inactivation in the epidermis results in derepressed beta-catenin signaling in cells that should normally undergo differentiation. Enhanced beta-catenin signaling can be reversed by re-introduction of a dominant active form of the Notch1 receptor. This leads to a reduction in the signaling-competent pool of beta-catenin, indicating that Notch1 can inhibit beta-catenin-mediated signaling. Our results indicate that Notch1 functions as a tumor-suppressor gene in mammalian skin.


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Fresh and salt water samples analyzed in Rio de Janeiro city showed the presence of Plesiomonas shigelloides. Forty-six strains were isolated from both environments. A high incidence of P. shigelloides was achieved in polluted fresh and salt waters as well as in samples from non-polluted streams. P. shigelloides isolates had biochemical characteristics similar to those already described in the literature. None of the isolates analyzed produced enterotoxin in the suckling mouse assay. Hemolytic activity against sheep and human type A erythrocytes was detected in the strains tested. The results of the antibiotic susceptibility tests indicated that all the isolates were susceptible to the cephalosporins, penicillins combined with a beta-lactamase inhibitor, aminoglycosides, imipenem, norfloxacin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. All the isolates were resistant to the penicillins.


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A panel of monoclonal antibodies specific of alpha-tubulin (TU-01, TU-09) and beta-tubulin (TU-06, TU-13) subunits was used to study the location of N-terminal structural domains of tubulin in adult mouse brain. The specificity of antibodies was confirmed b immunoblotting experiments. Immunohistochemical staining of vibratome sections from cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and corpus callosum showed that antibodies TU-01, TU-09, and TU-13 reacted with neuronal and glial cells and their processes, whereas the TU-06 antibody stained only the perikarya. Dendrites and axons were either unstained or their staining was very weak. As the TU-06 epitope is located on the N-terminal structural domain of beta-tubulin, the observed staining pattern cannot be interpreted as evidence of a distinct subcellular localization of beta-tubulin isotypes or known post-translational modifications. The limited distribution of the epitope could, rather, reflect differences between the conformations of tubulin molecules in microtubules of somata and neurites or, alternatively, a specific masking of the corresponding region on the N-terminal domain of beta-tubulin by interacting protein(s) in dendrites and axons.


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The objectives of the present study were to optimize the protocol of mouse immunization with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens (Rifkind's protocol) and to test the modulation effect of cyclophosphamide (Cy) on the delayed hypersensitivity response (DHR) of immunized animals. Experiments were carried out using one to four immunizing doses of either crude particulate P. brasiliensis antigen or yeast-cell antigen, followed by DHR test four or seven days after the last immunizing dose. The data demonstrated that an immunizing dose already elicited response; higher DHR indices were obtained with two or three immunizing doses; there were no differences between DHR indices of animals challenged four or seven days after the last dose. Overall the inoculation of two or three doses of the yeast-cell antigen, which is easier to prepare, and DHR test at day 4 simplify the original Rifkind's immunization protocol and shorten the duration of the experiments. The modulation effect of Cy on DHR was assayed with administration of 2.5, 20 and 100 mg/kg weight at seven day intervals starting from day 4 prior to the first immunizing dose. Only the treatment with 2.5 mg Cy increased the DHR indices. Treatment with 100 mg Cy inhibited the DHR, whereas 20 mg Cy did not affect the DHR indices. Results suggest an immunostimulating effect of low dose of Cy on the DHR of mice immunized with P. brasiliensis antigens.


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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major cause of peripheral neuropathy. More than 220 million people worldwide suffer from type 2 DM, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. While of significant medical importance, the pathophysiological changes present in DPN are still poorly understood. To get more insight into DPN associated with type 2 DM, we decided to use the rodent model of this form of diabetes, the db/db mice. During the in-vivo conduction velocity studies on these animals, we observed the presence of multiple spiking followed by a single stimulation. This prompted us to evaluate the excitability properties of db/db peripheral nerves. Ex-vivo electrophysiological evaluation revealed a significant increase in the excitability of db/db sciatic nerves. While the shape and kinetics of the compound action potential of db/db nerves were the same as for control nerves, we observed an increase in the after-hyperpolarization phase (AHP) under diabetic conditions. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that both the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) and the increased AHP were mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1-channels. Importantly, we corroborated these data at the molecular level. We observed a strong reduction of Kv1.2 channel presence in the juxtaparanodal regions of teased fibers in db/db mice as compared to control mice. Quantification of the amount of both Kv1.2 isoforms in DRG neurons and in the endoneurial compartment of peripheral nerve by Western blotting revealed that less mature Kv1.2 was integrated into the axonal membranes at the juxtaparanodes. Our observation that peripheral nerve hyperexcitability present in db/db mice is at least in part a consequence of changes in potassium channel distribution suggests that the same mechanism also mediates PNH in diabetic patients. ∗Current address: Department of Physiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, USA.


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Background: Aquaporin-4 (AQP4), a water channel, is induced early after stroke.The role of AQP4 in the development and resolution of oedema after stroke remainsdebated. The absence of AQP4 in KO-mice reduces the cytotoxic oedema formationbut in contrast aggravates the vasogenic edema. Thrombin at high dose is known toinduce an oedema and at a low dose (thrombin preconditioning, TPC), to inducetolerance to ischemia. We studied the expression of AQPs in ischemic mouse brainsafter TPC and correlation with oedema formation.Methods: For thrombin preconditioning (TPC), mice were injected intracerebroventricularlywith a low dose of thrombin (0.1U in 2?l), followed 24 hours laterby a 30 min transient middle cerebral occlusion (MCAo). AQP4 expression wasevaluated by immunohistochemistry 1h and 48h after ischemia and correlated withoedema formation in vehicle injected and TPC mice.Results: After TPC, oedema formation, assessed by hemispheric enlargement, wassignificantly attenuated at 1h (4.5 ± 2% vs 11.0 ± 5% in CTL, p<0.05, n=8),which was confirmed by wet weight/dry weight ratio (79.6 ± 0.3% vs 80.1 ± 0.1in ctl, p<0.05, n=0.05). At the same time-point, AQP4 expression was significantlyincreased in TPC mice, (148.9% of the control, P<0.05, n=6) in the ischemicstriatum. The oedema was still reduced at 48h after stroke onset in TPC mice. At48h, the level of expression for AQP4 was still higher for TPC animal although notreaching significance (NS). The lesion size was significantly reduced at 48h afterstroke in TPC mice (5.1 ± 1.6 vs 10.6 ± 1.8 mm2 in CTL, n=5).Discussion: The correlation between the early induction of AQP4 and the decreaseof oedema formation in TPC mice suggests that the induction of AQP4 preventsthe development of oedema.Funding: FNS #3100A0-108001, #3200 68306.02 & #3100A0-112484 and Swiss-Heart foundation.


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An in vitro model of adult dorsal root ganglion neurons infection by rabies virus is described. Viral marked neurotropism is observed, and the percentage and the degree of infection of the neurons is higher than in non neuronal cells, even if neurons are the minority of the cells in the culture. The neuritic tree is also heavily infected by the virus.