491 resultados para Moogoo Udder Cream
Animal welfare is a controversial topic in modern animal agriculture, partly because it generates interest from both the scientific community and the general public. The housing of gestating sows, particularly individual housing, is one of the most critical concerns in farm animal welfare. We hypothesize that the physical size of the standard gestation stall may limit movement and evoke demands and challenges on the sow to affect the physiological and psychological well-being of the individually housed sow. Thus, improvements in the design of the individual gestation stall system that allow more freedom to move, such as increasing stall width or designing a stall that could accommodate the changing size of the pregnant sow, may improve sow welfare. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the effects of a width adjustable stall (FLEX) on productivity and behavior of dry sows. The experiment consisted of 3 replications (block 1, n=4 sows; block 2, n=4 sows; block 3, n=8 sows), and multi-parious sows were allotted to either a FLEX stall or standard gestation stall for 1 gestation period. Sow mid-girth (top of the back to bottom of the udder) was measured 5-6 times throughout gestation to determine the best time points for FLEX stall width expansions. FLEX stall width was adjusted according to mid-girth measurements, and expanded to achieve an additional 2 cm of space between the bottom of the sow’s udder and floor of the stall so that sows could lie in full lateral recumbency without touching the sides of the stall. Productivity data recorded included: sow body weight (BW) and BW gain, number of piglets born and born alive, proportions of piglets stillborn, mummified, lost between birth and weaning, and weaned, and litter and mean piglet birth BW, weaning BW, and average BW gain from birth-to-weaning. Lesions were recorded on d 21 and d 111 of gestation. Sub-pilot behavior data were observed and registered for replicate 1 sows using continuous video-records for the l2 hour lights on period (period 1, 0600-1000; period 2, 1000-1400; period 3, 1400-1800) prior FLEX stall adjustment and 12 hour lights on period post adjustment on d 21, 22, 23, 43, 44, 45, 93, 94, 95. A randomized complete block design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement for treatments was used to analyze sow productivity and performance traits. Data were analyzed using the Mixed Models procedure of SAS. A preliminary analysis of data means and numerical trends was used to analyze sow behavior measurements. Sows housed in a FLEX stall had more (P < 0.05) total born and a tendency for more piglets born alive (P = 0.06) than sows housed in a standard stall. Sow body weight also tended to be higher (P = 0.06) for sows housed in a FLEX stall compared to sows housed in a standard stall. There were numerical trends for mean durations of sit, lay, lay (OUT), and eat behaviors to be greater for sows housed in a FLEX stall compared with sows housed in a standard stall. The mean duration of lay (IN) behavior tended to be numerically less for sows housed in a FLEX stall compared with sows housed in a standard stall. There were numerical trends for the mean durations of stand and drink behaviors to be greater for sows housed in a standard stall compared with sows housed in a FLEX stall. The mean frequencies of postural changes and mean durations of oral-nasal-facial and sham-chew behaviors were numerically similar between types of gestation stall. Mean durations and numerical trends indicate that time of day influenced all of the behaviors assessed in this study. The results of this pilot study indicate that the adjustable FLEX stall may affect sow productivity and behavior differently than the standard gestation stall, and thus potentially improve sow well-being. Future research should continue to compare the new FLEX stall design to current housing systems in use and examine physiological traits and immune status in addition to behavioral and productivity traits to assess the effects that this housing system has on the overall welfare of the gestating sow.
As proteases constituem 60-65% do mercado global das enzimas industriais e são utilizadas na indústria de alimentos no processo de amaciamento de carne, na síntese de peptídeos, preparo de fórmulas infantis, panificação, cervejarias, produtos farmacêuticos, diagnósticos médicos, como aditivos na indústria de detergentes e na indústria têxtil no processo de depilação e transformação do couro. Proteases específicas produzidas por micro-organismos queratinolíticos são chamadas de queratinases e distinguem-se de outras proteases pela maior capacidade de degradação de substratos compactos e insolúveis como a queratina. Atualmente, processos que apontem o uso total das matérias-primas e que não resultem em impactos negativos ao meio ambiente tem ganhado destaque. Dentro desta temática, destacam-se a reutilização da farinha de penas residual durante o cultivo do Bacillus sp. P45 para produção de proteases e a biomassa residual de levedura, ambas com elevados teores de proteínas, podendo ser utilizadas no cultivo do Bacillus sp. P45 para obtenção de proteases. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter a enzima queratinase purificada em grandes quantidades, sua caracterização, bem como a sua aplicação em processos de coagulação enzimática do leite para o desenvolvimento de um queijo cremoso enriquecido com farinha de chia e quinoa. Além disso, aplicar diferentes coprodutos para produção de enzimas proteolíticas e queratinolíticas. A presente tese foi dividida em quatro artigos: no primeiro foi realizado a obtenção da queratinase purificada em maiores quantidades e a determinação dos parâmetros de estabilidade térmica e a influência de componentes químicos na atividade enzimática. A obtenção da enzima em maiores quantidades alcançou fatores de purificação de 2,6, 6,7 e 4,0 vezes, paras 1º SAB, 2º SAB e diafiltração, respectivamente. A recuperação enzimática alcançou valores de 75,3% para o 1º SAB, 75,1% no 2º sistema e 84,3% na diafiltração. A temperatura de 55ºC e o pH 7,5 foram determinados como ótimos para atividade da enzima queratinase. O valor da energia de desativação (Ed) médio foi de 118,0 kJ/mol e os valores de z e D variaram de 13,6 a 18,8ºC, e 6,9 a 237,3 min, respectivamente. Além disso a adição de sais (CaCl2, CaO, C8H5KO4 e MgSO4) elevou a atividade da enzima na presença destes compostos. O segundo artigo apresenta a aplicação da queratinase como coagulante de leite bovino e sua aplicação na obtenção de queijo cremoso enriquecido com chia e quinoa. A enzima mostrou atividade de coagulação semelhante ao coagulante comercial, na concentração de 30mg/mL. A enzima purificada foi empregada de forma eficiente na fabricação do queijo cremoso, que apresentou valores de pH de 5,3 e acidez de 0,06 a 0,1 mol/L, com elevação durante os 25 dias de armazenamento. O terceiro artigo apresenta o perfil do queijo cremoso enriquecido com farinha de chia e quinoa, o qual apresentou alto índice de retenção de água (>99,0%) e baixos valores de sinérese (<0,72%). Elevados teores de fibras foi verificado (3,0 a 5,0%), sugerindo seu consumo como fonte de fibras. As análises microbiológicas foram de acordo com a legislação vigente. Na análise sensorial foi verificado altos valores de suavidade ao paladar e verificado maiores valores de consistência e untabilidade nas amostras com maiores concentrações de nata e quinoa. O quarto artigo traz a extração de β-galactosidase por ultrassom e o uso da biomassa residual da levedura, bem como o uso de farinha de penas residuais como substrato para obtenção de proteases. O ultrassom foi eficiente para ruptura celular e extração de β-galactosidase, apresentando alta atividade (35,0 U/mL) e rendimento (876,0 U/g de biomassa). A maior atividade proteolítica (1300 U/mL em 32 h) e queratinolítica (89,2 U/mL) verificadas ocorreram utilizando-se a biomassa e a farinha de penas residuais, respectivamente. Maior produtividade proteolítica (40,8 U/mL/h) foi verificado no meio utilizando biomassa residual como substrato. Já a maior produtividade queratinolítica (2,8 U/mL/h) foi alcançada utilizando farinha de penas reutilizada.
The Striped Catfish can be recognized by its striped coloration, barbels around the mouth, and its body shape which tapers to a point posteriorly. Small juveniles are black and large adults may be less distinctly striped. Plotosus lineatus can reach a maximum length of 32 cm (13 in) and about 40cm in Persian Gulf. The body is brown with cream-colored or white longitudinal bands. The most striking feature of this species is in the fins; in fact the second dorsal, caudal and anal are fused together as in eels. In the rest of the body is quite similar to a freshwater catfish: the mouth is surrounded by four pairs of barbells, four on the upper jaw and four on the lower jaw. The first dorsal and each of the pectoral fins have a highly venomous spine. They may even be fatal. Juveniles of P. lineatus form dense ball-shaped schools of about 100 fish, while adults are solitary or occur in smaller groups of around 20 and are known to hide under ledges during the day. Adult P. lineatus search and stir the sand incessantly for crustaceans, mollusks, worms, and sometimes fish. Striped eel catfish is an oviparous fish; this species has demersal eggs and planktonic larvae. This species has evolved long ampullary canals in its electrosensory organs.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of environmental variables on dairy buffaloes physiology in two different places after milking, shaded plus artificial ventilation and another one non-shaded, in Ribeira Valley, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data on the respiratory rate (RR) and the surface temperature (ST) at udder, neckmiddle, forehead, back middle and rump were collected in 12 dairy buffaloes at autumn. In the same way, it were recorded the black globe temperature in the sun (GTS) and in the shade (GTNS), air temperature and wind speed at padronized height of 1.60 meters. All data were collected at 10:30am and 1:30pm. The results showed statistical difference among black globe temperature, wind speed, RR and ST (P<0.01) in two treatments.The results showed the necessity of protection against the solar radiation in the buffaloes, even in periods of warm climates.
Background: Premature infants, who have to spend the first week of their lives in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), experience pain and stress in numerous cases, and they are exposed to many invasive interventions. The studies have shown that uncontrolled pain experienced during early life has negative and long-term side effects, such as distress, and such experiences negatively affect the development of the central nervous system Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of touching on infant pain perception and the effects of eutectic mixture of local anesthetic (EMLA) on the reduction of pain. Patients and Methods: Data for the study were collected between March and August 2012 from the neonatal clinic of a university hospital located in eastern Turkey. The population of the study consisted of premature infants who were undergoing treatment, completed the first month and who were approved for Hepatitis B vaccine. The study consisted of two experimental groups and one control group. Information forms, intervention follow-up forms, and Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP) were used to collect the data. EMLA cream was applied on the vastus lateralis muscles of the first experimental group before the vaccination. The second experimental group was vaccinated by imitation (placebo), without a needle tip or medicine. Vaccination was carried out using instrumental touch in this group. A routine vaccination was applied in the control group. Results: Mean pain scores of the group to which EMLA was applied were lower in a statistically significant way (P < 0.05) compared to the pain scores of the other groups. Moreover, it was determined that even though invasive intervention was not applied to the newborns, the touching caused them to feel pain just as in the placebo group (P < 0.005). Conclusions: The results demonstrated that EMLA was an effective method for reducing pain in premature newborns, and the use of instrumental touch for invasive intervention stimulated the pain perception in the newborns.
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar las características morfométricas e índices zoométricos de los grupos raciales bovinos existentes en las parroquias rurales del cantón Cuenca- Ecuador. Se evaluaron 1.118 vacas, con un promedio de 5,1años de edad, condición corporal de 3,4 y 2,9 número de partos. Se analizaron 23 medidas lineales, 23 características Fanerópticas, 4 caracteres de ubre, 13 índices zoométricos. El Análisis estadístico se basó en la determinación de frecuencias, estadígrafos principales, krusKal Wallis, Chi-cuadrado, Correlación de Spearman, Análisis de componentes principales (ACP), y Análisis de conglomerados (clúster). Se obtuvo respectivamente para Hosltein, Brown Swiss, Jersey y Criolla un perímetro torácico de: 178,9±0,46 vs. 179,9±2,48 vs. 168,9±2,08 vs y 170,9±1,50 cm. Un peso promedio de: 425,5±2,97 vs. 444,6±15,03 vs. 355,7±12,76 vs. 374,9±9,31 Kg. Una alzada a la cruz (ACr) de: 129,5±0,26 vs. 133,8±1,25 vs. 121,8±1,25 vs. 123,3±0,89 cm. Se estableció que la raza Holstein de la zona y Brown Swiss posee tres colores de capa, dos en la Jersey y cuatro en la Criolla. El Perímetro torácico (PT) fue la medida bovinométrica que presentó mayor correlación con el peso vivo (r=0,91). El análisis de componentes principales permitió establecer tres grupos (peso, soporte y estatura) los cuales explicaron un 74,52% de la varianza acumulada. Según el análisis de conglomerados se determinó 17 subgrupos de animales. Se comprobó la existencia de cuatro grupos raciales de interés zootécnico en el cantón Cuenca, siendo la raza Holstein la que predomina con un 89%. Se identificaron cuatro razas en el cantón Cuenca encontrándose dentro de los parámetros nacionales e internacionales establecidos por sus asociaciones, siendo los índices zoométricos pelviano, pelviano longitudinal y espesor relativo de la caña presentaron diferencia estadística entre los grupos raciales
Les produits cosmétiques sont des substances utilisées pour entretenir ou modifier l'aspect des parties superficielles du corps humain (telles que la peau, les ongles ou les cheveux). Dans de nombreux pays d’Afrique et d’Asie et dans certaines communautés africaines immigrantes, plusieurs femmes et parfois des hommes utilisent des produits contenant des agents actifs tels que le mercure, l’hydroquinone et le propionate de clobétasol pour éclaircir leur peau. Ces principaux agents sont toxiques et leur présence dans les cosmétiques est règlementée, voire interdite, dans plusieurs pays. Dans notre étude, nous avons déterminé les concentrations de ces ingrédients dans plusieurs produits utilisés en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Canada. Nous avons également exploré l’effet de ces produits sur le microbiome cutané. Nos résultats révèlent que 68 à 84% des crèmes et 7.5 à 65% des savons dépassent les normes lorsqu’on considère l’interdiction de mercure, d’hydroquinone et de propionate de clobétasol et les concentrations déclarées sur les étiquettes ne sont pas souvent fiables. Selon la diversité de Shannon, il semble y avoir plus d’équitabilité, et donc moins de dominance dans le groupe des femmes utilisant les crèmes éclaircissantes que dans le groupe des femmes qui ne les utilisent pas. Par ailleurs, nous n’avons pas trouvé de différences significatives au niveau du microbiome cutané du groupe avec crèmes et sans crèmes au niveau du phylum et du genre. Cependant, d’autres méthodes plus approfondies avec plus d’échantillonnage pourraient révéler à des échelles plus fines (espèces, souches, etc.) l’effet de ces produits sur le microbiome cutané.
Les produits cosmétiques sont des substances utilisées pour entretenir ou modifier l'aspect des parties superficielles du corps humain (telles que la peau, les ongles ou les cheveux). Dans de nombreux pays d’Afrique et d’Asie et dans certaines communautés africaines immigrantes, plusieurs femmes et parfois des hommes utilisent des produits contenant des agents actifs tels que le mercure, l’hydroquinone et le propionate de clobétasol pour éclaircir leur peau. Ces principaux agents sont toxiques et leur présence dans les cosmétiques est règlementée, voire interdite, dans plusieurs pays. Dans notre étude, nous avons déterminé les concentrations de ces ingrédients dans plusieurs produits utilisés en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Canada. Nous avons également exploré l’effet de ces produits sur le microbiome cutané. Nos résultats révèlent que 68 à 84% des crèmes et 7.5 à 65% des savons dépassent les normes lorsqu’on considère l’interdiction de mercure, d’hydroquinone et de propionate de clobétasol et les concentrations déclarées sur les étiquettes ne sont pas souvent fiables. Selon la diversité de Shannon, il semble y avoir plus d’équitabilité, et donc moins de dominance dans le groupe des femmes utilisant les crèmes éclaircissantes que dans le groupe des femmes qui ne les utilisent pas. Par ailleurs, nous n’avons pas trouvé de différences significatives au niveau du microbiome cutané du groupe avec crèmes et sans crèmes au niveau du phylum et du genre. Cependant, d’autres méthodes plus approfondies avec plus d’échantillonnage pourraient révéler à des échelles plus fines (espèces, souches, etc.) l’effet de ces produits sur le microbiome cutané.
Nosotros somos Nevada Canina una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de helados para perros. Estamos ubicados en Bogotá, en el barrio Cedritos. Nos enfocamos en el mercado de dueños de perros, donde la tendencia de las familias es humanizarlos, otorgándoles el mejor bienestar a sus mascotas a cambio de un afecto y fidelidad incondicional. Como dueños de perros hemos vivido y evidenciado esta tendencia en nosotros y en numerosos dueños de perros con los que hemos interactuado y creado amistades. Los cuales nos comparten sus dolores de cabeza como también sus alegrías. Nuestra misión es ofrecer una experiencia nutritiva, refrescante y divertida, para nuestros amigos incondicionales de cuatro patas.
Thirty six Etawah-grade does (BW ranged from 20.4 to 44.2 kg and age ranged from 2.5 to 7 years) were used to study the effects of superovulation prior to mating and zinc supplementation on milk yields. The experimental does were assigned into a randomized block design with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. The first factor was PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin) injection with 2 levels (0 IU/kg BW [nonsuperovulation–NSO] and 15 IU/kg BW [Superovulation–SO]). The second factor was zinc concentration in the diet with 3 levels (40 mg/kg DM [Z-40], 60 mg/kg DM [Z-60], and 80 mg/kg DM [Z-80]). Intravaginal sponge (60 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate) was applied for 14 days to synchronize estrus cycle. Twenty four hours prior to sponge removal, PMSG was injected to stimulate superovulation. After sponge removal, 5 experimental does were mixed with 1 buck for natural mating. During pregnancy the experimental does were fed and raised in  individual stables. Udder volume was measured every other week from weeks 12 to 21 of pregnancy. During lactation (one week to 5 months post partum) kids were separated from the does, and  milk was harvested by hand milking. Milk samples were taken every other week for determination of milk quality. The results indicated that superovulation increased udder differential growth by 80% (822.85 vs 1481.25 cm3/head), milk yield by 32% (567.14 vs 746.52 g/head/day). Zinc concentration increased udder differential growth and milk yield. Milk productions for does receiving 40, 60 and 80 mg/kg DM were 565.68, 737.88 and 666.92 g/day, respectively.It was concluded that superovulation and zinc supplementation increased milk yield in Etawah Grade does. (Animal Production 6(2): 86-94 (2004) Key Words:  Superovulation, Zinc, Milk Yield, Etawah-Grade