994 resultados para Monuments commémoratifs -- Russie
Akzessionsnummer: 37 G/76
u.a. Ludwig Noiré; Wille; Charles Darwin; Reise nach Danzig; Jules Lunteschütz; Julius Hamel; Bildnis;
u.a. Bildnis Schopenhauer; Büste; Kritik an Schopenhauer von Heinrich Viehoff und Bartholomaeus Carneri; Farbenlehre; Immanuel Kant; Philosophie; Charles Darwin; Davis Strauss; Materialismus; Wille;
par H. Bourgeois
par Nicolas de Gradowsky
Monument conservation is related to the interaction between the original petrological parameters of the rock and external factors in the area where the building is sited, such as weather conditions, pollution, and so on. Depending on the environmental conditions and the characteristics of the materials used, different types of weathering predominate. In all, the appearance of surface crusts constitutes a first stage, whose origin can often be traced to the properties of the material itself. In the present study, different colours of “patinas” were distinguished by defining the threshold levels of greys associated with “pathology” in the histogram. These data were compared to background information and other parameters, such as mineralogical composition, porosity, and so on, as well as other visual signs of deterioration. The result is a map of the pathologies associated with “cover films” on monuments, which generate images by relating colour characteristics to desired properties or zones of interest.