917 resultados para Mobbing, Bullying, Militaries, Soldiers,
Termite societies are structured by individuals that can be grouped into castes and instars. The development of these instars in most species occurs in irregular patterns and sometimes is distinguished subcastes in physical systems that originate polymorphic soldiers and workers. In this study, we characterized the morphological diversity of castes of apterous in Nasutitermes corniger. We collected four colonies of N. corniger, one every three months between May 2011 and February 2012. Individuals of the nest were separated into groups: larval stages, workers and presoldiers and soldiers. A morphometric analysis was performed on individuals from each group based on head width, metatibia, antenna, and thorax length. The data were submitted to discriminant analysis to confirm different morphological types inside these groups. The apterous line of N. corniger is composed of one first larval instar and two second larval instar. The workers caste has two lines of development with four instars in a larger line and three instars in a lower line. Two morphological types were identified in presoldiers and soldiers. The pattern of castes was similar to other species of the genus, in which bifurcation into two lines of workers, one smaller and one larger occurs after the first molt.
Concerning improvements to the State Capitol Grounds including placement of the Allison memorial and Soldiers and Sailor's momuments; removal of heating plant and relieving the state of coal, ashes, gas and smoke; provision of office space to the Adjutant General; an eventual executive mansion; provision of office buildings; and for a Supreme Court building where together with its library auxiliaries will have perpetual growth and constant accessbility; and propose restoration of natural scenic value of the capitol site.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
There were few guides for travelers crossing Iowa in 1838 when it was organzied as a teritory, and traveler often becaome lost or wandered for out of their way. The 1838 Territorial Government authorized the first state roads and the federal government appropriated money to expedite the movement of soldiers. The Territorial governement ued the federal money for layin gout a road from Dubuque to Keokuk vis Iowa City and this was the beginning of what was to becaome a 112,000 mile system of roads and streets in Iowa. The original roads followed the high ground of the state and were known as ride roads; but as the state was settled, roads befan to follow section line to accomodate landowners.
This essay focuses on how Spielberg's film engages with and contributes to the myth of Lincoln as a super-natural figure, a saint more than a hero or great statesman, while anchoring his moral authority in the sentimental rhetoric of the domestic sphere. It is this use of the melodramatic mode, linking the familial space with the national through the trope of the victim-hero, which is the essay's main concern. With Tony Kushner, author of Angels in America, as scriptwriter, it is perhaps not surprising that melodrama is the operative mode in the film. One of the issues that emerge from this analysis is how the film updates melodrama for a contemporary audience in order to minimize what could be perceived as manipulative sentimental devices, observing for most of the film an aesthetic of relative sobriety and realism. In the last hour, and especially the final minutes of the film, melodramatic conventions are deployed in full force and infused with hagiographic iconography to produce a series of emotionally charged moments that create a perfect union of American Civil Religion and classical melodrama. The cornerstone of both cultural paradigms, as deployed in this film, is death: Lincoln's at the hands of an assassin, and the Civil War soldiers', poignantly depicted at key moments of the film. Finally, the essay shows how film melodrama as a genre weaves together the private and the public, the domestic with the national, the familial with the military, and links pathos to politics in a carefully choreographed narrative of sentimentalized mythopoesis.
Another recently enacted law is the Iowa Safe Schools Law. Effective September 1, 2007, Iowa Code Chapter 280 requires both public and private schools to establish policies prohibiting harassment and bullying against students by employees, school volunteers, or other students. Sexual Orientation and Gender identity are covered under the Safe Schools Law. Students may now seek remedies under both Chapter 216 and Chapter 280.
Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo investigar a associação entre intimidação entre pares e violência intrafamiliar. Participaram do estudo 239 estudantes, com idades entre 11 e 15 anos, sendo que 34,7% eram meninos e 65,3%, meninas. Construiu-se um questionário baseado em outros instrumentos que continha: questões sobre variáveis sociodemográficas; itens que investigavam a exposição dos estudantes à violência interparental e questões que mediam a violência física e psicológica cometida por mães e pais contra os participantes. O envolvimento em bullying foi avaliado por meio de 26 itens, desenvolvidos especialmente para os propósitos do estudo, baseados em uma versão modificada do questionário de Olweus. Foram encontradas associações entre violência doméstica e bullying, com peculiaridades de acordo com o sexo dos participantes. Estar exposto à violência interparental esteve associado com ser alvo/autor de bullying na escola, especialmente para as meninas, mas não com ser vítima de intimidação. A violência parental direta, por sua vez, aumentou a probabilidade de os meninos relatarem envolvimento em bullying como vítima e também a chance de ser vítima-agressora. Entre as meninas, sofrer violência por parte dos pais mostrou-se um fator associado somente com atuar em intimidação como alvo/autor.
A medida que va transcurriendo nuestra vida, nos vamos encontrando con situaciones en la vida personal y laboral en las que, muchas veces no sabemos qué hacer y también se van dando situaciones difíciles unas detrás de otras que llega un momento que nos podemos sentir de muchas formas. Por ejemplo: podemos sentir ira o miedo por no saber afrontar determinadas situaciones, o podemos sentir confianza en que vamos a poder resolver todas ellas.En las empresas, como en la vida privada, las personas, tienen emociones, tanto positivas como negativas, que tarde o temprano se ponen de manifiesto. La proporción y la intensidad de estas emociones, influirán de manera determinante en la creación de personalidades únicas, dando lugar a diez emociones positivas y diez emociones negativas.El agitado ritmo de vida ha contribuido al desarrollo de problemas psíquicos relacionados con el trabajo y que suponen una combinación de las emociones negativas.
L'educació secundària obligatòria sembla que estigui permanentment en crisi: situacions conflictives entre els diferents agents, fracàs escolar, bullying o reiterades modificacions curriculars són alguns dels múltiples exemples que envaeixen els medis educatius i el debat social i accentuen les crítiques i les experiències negatives que es donen en aquesta etapa educativa. Certament, la secundària obligatòria té com a repte fonamental la comprensivitat, que comporta l'atenció a la diversitat de tots els adolescents en una etapa vital complicada; aquest repte educatiu i social, sens dubte, ha de tenir ombres, però també té llums en forma d'experiències reeixides que convergeixen en un millor i major aprenentatge de l¿alumnat. La recerca que es presenta en aquest article es proposa fer emergir i difondre les característiques que reuneixen les pràctiques exitoses que es donen a les aules de la secundària obligatòria. La metodologia usada per assolir aquesta finalitat essencial ha estat el recull i l'anàlisi de relats de persones de diferents trams d'edat sobre les seves millors experiències en la secundària obligatòria com a alumnes.Els diversos objectius que es pretenen amb el recull i l'estructuració d'aquestes veus es poden sintetitzar en dos: identificar les característiques essencials o components de les «bones pràctiques» i contribuir a la reflexió i el debat en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat. A partir de les aportacions recollides es pot concloure que: - A l'ESO, en el nostre context, es registren nombroses experiències reeixides per a l'aprenent. Les experiències tenen incomptables formes de concretar-se en la pràctica (en forma de projectes, plans estratègics, programes concrets de determinades matèries, etc.). - Malgrat la diversitat de pràctiques concretes, hi ha un nombre reduït de components que determinen i caracteritzen aquestes pràctiques reeixides. El nostre treball identifica aquests components i els agrupa en cinc categories que es refereixen a aspectes de metodologia, continguts, relació educativa, relació entre iguals i projecte de centre.
In this order the governor declares that The University of Northern Iowa's Center for Violence Prevention shall establish the Governor's Office for Bullying Prevention. The Office's mission shall be to empower schools to provide and every student with a safe and respectful learning environment.
This year we present three papers on recent advances in paediatrics from the fields of neonatology, adolescent medicine and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 1. Recent studies question the application of pure oxygen for neonatal reanimation and suggest that lower concentrations or even air may be more adequate for the reanimation of most newborns. 2. Bullying is an aggressive, repetitive and intentionally blessing behaviour. It is observed mainly at school and the victims are usually children with a weak personality or children suffering from chronic diseases. The doctor's role is to detect this behaviour and to help protect the victims. 3. The respiratory surveillance of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the corner-stone of their management. An algorithm allows to time correctly the initiation of non-invasive ventilation and to insure as long as possible a good life quality.
The bacterial microbiota from the whole gut of soldier and worker castes of the termite Reticulitermes grassei was isolated and studied. In addition, the 16S rDNA bacterial genes from gut DNA were PCR-amplified using Bacteria-selective primers, and the 16S rDNA amplicons subsequently cloned into Escherichia coli. Sequences of the cloned inserts were then used to determine closest relatives by comparison with published sequences and with sequences from our previous work. The clones were found to be affiliated with the phyla Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Synergistetes, Verrucomicrobia, and candidate phyla Termite Group 1 (TG1) and Termite Group 2 (TG2). No significant differences were observed with respect to the relative bacterial abundances between soldier and worker phylotypes. The phylotypes obtained in this study were compared with reported sequences from other termites, especially those of phylotypes related to Spirochaetes, Wolbachia (an Alphaproteobacteria), Actinobacteria, and TG1. Many of the clone phylotypes detected in soldiers grouped with those of workers. Moreover, clones CRgS91 (soldiers) and CRgW68 (workers), both affiliated with"Endomicrobia", were the same phylotype. Soldiers and workers also seemed to have similar relative protist abundances. Heterotrophic, poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate-accumulating bacteria were isolated from the gut of soldiers and shown to be affiliated with Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. We noted that Wolbachia was detected in soldiers but not in workers. Overall, the maintenance by soldiers and workers of comparable axial and radial redox gradients in the gut is consistent with the similarities in the prokaryotes and protists comprising their microbiota.
The evolution of animal societies in which some individuals forego direct reproduction to help others to reproduce poses an evolutionary paradox. Societies where all individuals reproduce equally and societies where a single individual completely monopolizes reproduction represent the end points of a continuum of variance in the reproductive output among group members. This led Sherman et al. (1995) to propose that cooperative breeding and eusociality (a term originally applied only to insects) are not discrete phenomena. Rather they form a continuum whose main difference is the extent to which individuals forego their own reproductive opportunity to help other members of the group. Here we present a new index: the eusociality index. It quantifies the decrease in direct reproduction of group members as a resut of altruistic acts directed to other members of the group (i.e. a measure of the level of eusociality). The rationale for this index lies in the fundamental duality of the reproductive process, in which organisms supply two distinct elements: (i) genetic material (genes); and (ii) power (energy). In non-eusocial animals, all individuals transmit genes and power in the same ratio (notwithstanding individual variance in offspring size and parental investment). By contrast, amongst eusocial animals some individuals contribute proportionally more to gene transfer, and others more to energy, resulting in high interindividual variation in the ratio of gene to power transfer.