571 resultados para Miniconto de terror
Imprint of II ser., v. 3-7: Madrid, Impr. de J.M. Perez; II. ser., v. 8-10: Madrid, Imprenta y litografía de la Guirnalda.
"El episodio que sigue lleva por título 'La mazorca.' Es la segunda parte del drama sangriente que compendia la vida de J.M. de Rosas."--p. 281.
Illustrated t.-p.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Essays written in youth [v. 2] first published under the title of The student in 1832."
The night of Holyrood; the murder of David Rizzio.--The night of Kirk o'Field; the murder of Darnley.--The night of betrayal; Antonio Perez and Philip II of Spain.--The night of charity; the case of the Lady Alice Lisle.--The night of massacre; the story of the Saint Bartholomew.--The night of witchcraft; Louis XIV and Madame de Montespan.--The night of gems; the affaire of the Queen's necklace.--The night of terror; the drownings at Nantes under Carrier.--The night of nuptials; Charles the Bold and Sapphira Danvelt.--The night of stranglers; Giovanna of Naples and Andreas of Hungary.--The night of hate; the murder of the Duke of Gandia.--The night of escape; Casanova's escape from the Piombi.--The night of masquerade; the assassination of Gustavus III of Sweden.
Arbitrarily numbered.
From the monarchical terror of the Middle Ages to the mangled Europe of the Twenty-first Century, A People's History of Modern Europe tracks the history of the continent through the deeds of those whom mainstream history tries to forget. Europe provided the perfect conditions for a great number of political revolutions from below. The German peasant wars of Thomas Müntzer, the bourgeoisie revolutions of the eighteenth century through to the rise of the industrial worker in England and the turbulent journey of the Russian Soviets, the role of the European working class throughout the Cold War, students in 1968 and through to the present day, where we continue to fight to forge an alternative to the barbaric economic system. With sections focusing on the role of women, this history sweeps away the tired platitudes of the privileged which our current understanding is based upon, and provides an opportunity to see our history differently.
Vol. 3 has title: Francia's reign of terror, being the continuation of Letters on Paraguay ... In three volumes ...
Title within ornamental borders.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on World War I.
Tales and sketches republished in part from the "Saturday review" and from "Justice."
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
I. The reign of terror. Oliver Goldsmith. Charles Lamb and some of his companions. Gray's works. Sir Thomas Browne. Pitt and Fox. Pym versus Falkland. The life of Schiller.--II. Essays written in youth, first published as The student. The influence of love upon literature and real life.--III. Essays written in maturity, first published as Caxtoniana.
"Ed. grand format. Limited to five hundred numbered sets of which this is no. 133."